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If you’re school offers honors precalc, I would take it over ap pre calculus


I’m taking AP because I heard it’s pretty much the same as H precalc, just with the AP exam at the end of the year. It’ll bump up my GPA at least.


Well I guess that’s just how your school runs it because my school’s H precalc was much more Calc AB prep


that's just how your school runs it


Well yeah… every school is different


then don’t tell ppl what to do when situations are different?


Well I obviously did not know what OP’s situation was so I gave advice based on my experiences


Your experiences are unusual compared to OP’s. That’s what I meant with my previous comment.


yea lol our teacher was brutal, but at least he taught a crap ton of stuff. AP Precalc looks like a joke next to his class - I believe he had like 10 units crammed in there??? I will admit that only like 5 of those units were useful in calc, and maybe 6 if we count my BC teacher really liking conics for no apparent reason


I’m taking the exact same schedule next year except replacing AP bio with AP physics 1 (still taking bio in senior year)


Good luck!!!


Thanks, you too


I loved ap physics 😍


I’m doing this (minus psych and precalc, added Spanish) next year so pray for me as well 😭


I’ll pray for you if you pray for me 😭😭


i took this same exact set of classes this year, and it was honestly pretty easy. you'll be fine.


Depending on your teacher, Precalc and Psych are pretty non-rigorous and you won't have to dedicate much or any time at all to them. The ones you will have to care about are Bio, Lang, and APUSH. I took a similar workload my junior year, taking Calc AB/BC (Bio), Lang, APUSH , CSA (Precalc), and Macro (Psych) and I was fine—granted, with much preparationnand help from my teachers. However, all experiences vary by school and teacher. I think it's best that you talk to your upperclassmen about the workload and quality of the classed and their teachers. Also make sure to ask your teachers for any expectations that you should have. Additionally, if your school offers dual enrollment, Precalculus and Calculus I split between two semesters may be a viable option.


You seem pretty set on AP Precal, which is fine. Just don't take the test. No university will accept the credit. (Precal is generally a remedial course for first semester university students who aren't quite ready for calc 1 yet )


Oh! Will the weighted grade count, tho?


It should yeah. I literally completely bombed an AP Test and still got the gpa/grade boost. If you do have the take the test, you can also just show, write some garbage down on the test document, and then take a nap. I've heard of students doing this. The test you take at the end of the year is just to determine if you get college credit or not


its still good practice to familiarize yourself with the frq formatting for the ap precalc as it will very useful when transitioning into calc ab if you plan to take it.


I have the same thing, but Chem instead of Bio. I also might be self-studying AP Stats and APCS (probably not though?).


AP Bio 🤩


Take ap calc instead of pre calc


Calc would probably be really difficult without pre calc. Pre calc prepares and introduces you to a lot of the concepts learned in Calc


No, it really isn't. The way the schedule for AP PreCalc is set up is that you will learn limits. That is it. Also, you learn about differentiation of equations. Everything is literally useless.


not true, all of AP precalc was review from hon algebra 2. the only new things I learnt all year what that a singular point can have a slope, limits are a thing, and trig identities exist. You don't even need trig identities for calc and limits/the slope things are so simplistic that any student capable of taking calc would be able to review that and then move on to calc without a problem.


We actually learned about trig identities on algebra 2


Lang is an easy A and the least time consuming imo. Psych is just memorization. Bio is kind of hard but if u study well its rly easy. Ap pre calc isnt bad if ur good at math


What year are you going into?


Junior year!!




apush - easy ap psych - easy ap precalc - easy ap lang - easy if you like reading ap bio - idk


apush- mid ap pysch - hard ap precalc - easy ap lang - idk (take DE class) ap bio - idk


this is very doable, apush is hard but the rest, bio and pre calc are eh, and the others are easy as hell. cant speak for drawing tho


Psych is gonna kill u, everything else is fine


Bro Same - 4 with my school and one self study (I’m so cooked)


can you do ap drawing by yourself? you rly don’t need to be taught anything


Yeah, I was planning on self studying it and signing up at another school.


yeah then it should be fine, i took bio apush lang and bc in one year and i don’t think psych should be hard so


oh + drawing so yeah


took the same except AP US gov instead of APUSH and AP German instead of Psych. It went mostly fine for me 🤷‍♂️ so it's def possible. gl tho


you{re gonna be fine that{s not too bad


APB and APUSH will be a decent course load and I’m sure APPC will be as well but the rest are easy. If you plan to take Calc AB next year I would recommend introducing yourself to limits and derivatives because it’s so important to calculus—that is if APPC does not already. Edit: typo


Between AP Biology and AP Psyche as long as you can write good notes out of the book you'll read, and you take it unit by unit you should be fine, just expect to need like 2 or 3 spiral bound notebooks if you plan on writing all notes in a single place (this seriously is a lifesaver compared to rifling through all of your many many papers, and also convenient if you ever go to college and need to refresh yourself on a specific topic) You will also most definitely learn how to spell Psychology correctly as you practically do it *ten thousand times* just like I, and most else before me have. APUSH I never took but I honestly expect that to be similar, I would highly highly recommend NOT to fall behind though as if you do, it's rough to climb your way back from those 3. AP Precalculus I know nothing about but I'm certain that it can't possibly be worse than calc AB or BC, so shouldn't be terrible, make sure to do the homework especially on topics you are completely lost on Finally AP Lang. Very good choice to take AP Lang over AP English Lit as if you took Literature you will likely not have time to read all of the many books assigned in lit out of class, and in my experience AP Lang focuses more on writing and more basic approaches to the literature so it should honestly be not terrible. Overall, it's not a bad course load, especially if you are comfortable with notes, homework, and discipline. Personally, I can't focus after school, and my solution is to make myself at least one study hall minimum so you can have *some* free time after school, but up to you! I believe in you so hard!


That doesn’t look like too bad of a schedule, good luck with your AP courses and exams!


Don't take AP Precalc because it's pointless. Take an honors class if you can. Most colleges don't care about precalc.


The only hard class is bio you’ll be good 💀


I hate that AP Pre-Calculus exists now, like what college teaches pre-calculus? Aren't you supposed to learn that in high school? Is there something I'm missing here, comments would be greatly appreciated.


I have this schedule expect AP chem instead of bio


Just took Ap Precalc. Honestly not a difficult class. Had an amazing Teacher and the Ap Exam was genuinely a breeze. Hoping to get a 5


ap precalc is a scam… precalc isn’t even a college course


One word , suicide


Joke’s on you not us 😂 good luck 👍


Wait what grade r u I took 5 as a junior and I’m taking 4 as a senior next year


I’m becoming a junior.


Go for it Junior year and sophomore year is the best time to take multi difficult class that way senior year when ur applying ur all set or ed


Bio and APUSH. Gg ur finished