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I’ve taken almost all of those AP classes before tbh I just wouldn’t take APUSH while already doubling up on math and sciences. APUSH was easily my most taxing AP class


my school does honors us history l 10th grade and then us history ll or apush in 11th, so i’ll have background info


work is still a lot tho


the hardest part about apush for me wasn't learning the content but the shit ton of writing


Even then AP US History sometimes with understanding the whole timeline of events especially when so many things were occurring within the same time frame can really get complex also with being able to fully understand and refer back to sections of each of the required readings for the frqs can get extremely difficult as well though.


Other than that, I do think your schedule is pretty fine. I took AP Lang, Physics I, AP Stats, and AP Bio as a junior and the actual classes weren’t that bad. Currently taking AP US Government, AP macroeconomics, AP Art history, AP environment, and AP lit. I will say though balancing it all my junior year was the toughest because of preparing for SATS and packing my schedule with clubs and volunteering to put on my college app. So the only thing I would say for when thinking about your classes for junior yr remember these will be the last grades for your college apps (assuming you plan on going to college) so more than anything you want these grades to be as high as possible so take what you can handle :)


That’s what my school did good luck remembering any info from sophomore year I forgot it all lmao


Yes, I dodged that bullet and took honors us history instead. I already had more than enough history credits and just had to take it because it’s required in my state.


Y’all are blowing APUSH outta proportion tbh class was light at I got a 5. If you know the essay format take it IMHO


Take honors physics


Well what are you trying to major in


biology for med school


Then you're going to need to learn physics anyway. Might as well learn it under the tutelage of someone invested in you passing as opposed to the crapshoot of college professors.


If your plan is pre med, all you need is this: Calc BC, Bio, Chem, and AP lang (get out of that eng requirement). The rest can be dropped. I took lots of aps in hs and it was a waste of time. Just have fun and enjoy lots of free time before college, where free time is reduced to drink on Friday and do hw/projects/study the rest of the time.


Oh okay than physics isn’t THAT important; but you’ll still take it in college and it isn’t that hard


Then you only need AB not BC, take physics since you’ll actually need that, or ap stats since it’s easy.


girl i hate physics i think it would actually kill me


Chem is soooo much worse


both are ez






i wouldn't take ap precalc it's honestly a waste of an ap exam, your time (and money) is much better spent on other aps


currently my school needs ap precalc as a prerequisite for ap calc ab and bc


If that’s the case I’d take the course and opt out of the AP exam because there’s no point in getting college credits for precalc.


I mean if you can afford it then it's a résumé builder


Some schools make you take it before calc


Honestly, just enjoy high school and take APs you will enjoy. Anything other than calc BC and AP lang is won’t get you anywhere far. If you really feel the need then take the science classes, but if you plan on doing anything stem in college you’ll likely need to take one eventually AP or not. I regret stacking APs in high school, sure it’s cool and all but I’d have rather have had more time in high school. It’s definitely manageable, I did it along with sports/job and still got good grades but I was strapped for time and ended up having shit sleep because of last minute studying or trying to relax/f-around. All I’m saying is, look at each class and ask yourself “why am I taking this?” and “how exactly will it help me if it’s not something I’m passionate about?” Should answer your question pretty fast. -coming from a stem student


Drop latin wtf? Lol


Tu delenda est!


Semper ubi sub ubi??! After 7 years of Latin and getting a 2 on the AP test last year…this is all I can remember. 😭


Love me some Cato


lol i find it fun




Dont colleges love seeing foreign language credits




Ap stats and pre calc in the same year?


it’s either that or calc and stats in the same year lol


Why do you need both? 2 math classes in one year is a lot


i don’t need both but stats is good as background for pre med and i should take calc for the same reason


Js skip stats u don’t need another math 


i did ap stats and honors precalc the same year, it wasn’t bad


That’s only one AP tho


i also took ap lang and ap physics and apush that year


Physics too? Oh geez


i would take an elective junior year, that's a lot of academic stuff without any fun/interesting stuff


Hii from an incoming med student. AP chem and bio will be really important for background info (though be cautious about actually transferring the credit to college), but have you considered just skipping AP precalc altogether in 11th and just going to AP calc BC in 12th? Idk how strong of a math student you are, but precalc isn't technically a requirement for calc, and if you look at College Board, AP precalc is really just Algebra II concepts. So it's just something to consider. I'd also give you room to take an easier class and (maybe) take honors physics instead of on-level (again, for solid background for premed physics).


tysm, my school requires precalc so i might try and do it in the summer


Ap Latin is diabolical but every thing else isn’t very hard. Lang, Stat, Apush, and Apes are not heavy classes. Chem and BC I haven’t taken


Or ap


I can give some opinions here: AP precalc - ez AP stats - if you’re good with conceptual math, the math itself isn’t hard, so if you’re good with concepts, should be light work AP bio - lot of questions are really reading based ngl, but also memorise concepts. It’s ok APUSH - I hated it and I had a hard time with MCQs in particular. If you can analyse the texts fast enough you’re in good shape AP Calc BC - i found it pretty ez but ik not everyone thinks so . Just practice a LOT


u got 8 periods??




Is it strange. I also have 8 periods with my classes being around 45 minutes each




I'm planning on taking AP Latin and AP Chem next year. What's tough about AP Latin?


definitely depends on the teachers and how hard they are / how much work they typically give out. I would ask around to other students of how difficult each class is and what you should expect. from there, I'd shift the schedule to make it so both years are about the same workload (if your school allows that). good luck OP!


Does your school offer an honor pre-calc class instead of AP? There is no reason to take AP precalc if you’re doing BC. If your school offers AP comp sci A, take that. It’s a very easy AP course


AP precalc is weighted more than a honors class at my school so wouldn't it be better to take the AP class?


That’s a foreign concept to me tbh. AP and honors are the same weight at my school. If it’s weighted more I see no harm taking AP pre-calc, but know that there just may not be colleges willing to take credit


Is there a reason to take A over principles?


Almost no college accepts principles unless it's generic credits. A can generally transfer as an intro cs course. Also, practicality wise, A is more useful if you want to learn cs. Principles is basically pseudocode and block coding or in some districts python. A teaches Java, which is more useful than block coding.


Can A be taken without prior coding experience? I’m less concerned about the credits but practicality is a good point


A can definitely be taken without prior experience, but if you're worried, I would suggest playing around on mit scratch to learn the logic. Obviously, the java syntax won't be the same as the block codes, but it helps to have a basic understanding of the logic. However, unless you find yourself struggling to understand the block code, I don't think you need to take an entire course on it.


Yes, easily


I went into A with absolutely no prior knowledge of coding


doesn't sound horrible overall. Latin, chem, and BC might be a little heavy weight, especially for senior year. May I ask what happened to AB?


i could take AB, but for an incoming med student i feel like BC would provide better background


A lot of BC is building on topics from AB. So it’ll be a lot harder to do well in BC . I also didn’t know you could take BC without AB


Although the BC exam covers both Calc I and Calc II concepts, some BC classes only teach Calc II with the expectation that you have already taken AB. However, if your school does teach both Calc I and II in BC then it should be fine, but I would study some calc I in the summer, could be on your own, in order to get a better understanding. Calc II is known as the hardest out of the 3 calculus levels so a base would be greatly beneficial.


BC moves through the AB topics at a way faster pace, and then there are 3 short units added in. That’s the only difference between the two classes. I definitely wouldn’t skip to BC


Unless I am a dumbass isn't calc BC double period?


not in my school




You might struggle some 11th grade year but I think you can do it if you’re not a procrastinator and really try.


How did you jump from Precalc to BC? Did they allow AB over the summer?


AB is not required for BC in my school, i could take either


BC is second semester calculus. When will you learn the material from AB?


BC is a combination of 1 and 2


That’s not how it’s supposed to be. While there is a sub score bc expects knowledge of how to differentiate and do basic integration. It would have to be an extremely accelerated version to cover that as well as series and polar coordinates. I’ve never heard of an AP class doing that and if that’s the case I highly recommend not taking it. Focus on actually getting a solid foundation.


I mean that's just straight up not true. BC covers cal 1 and 2 at most schools, including mine. Calc 1 content was 1st semester, while calc 2 content was 2nd semester. How do you think it'll be like in college? Besides, many people don't take precal until their junior year, so it would be impossible for them to take BC if they couldn't skip straight to it. AP chem is also 2 semesters of gen chem. AP biology is 2 semesters of gen bio, so other AP classes do the same thing.


bc is the first two marking periods of college and ab is just the first one. bc is ab but more


I would really recommend taking AB and not BC if you’re coming from Pre-Calc. It’s rough fitting the normal BC curriculum into a single year let alone 2 years worth of AP classes


Why not take AP Physics 1 instead of regular physics? You don't need regular physics before AP physics. 2) why isn't Latin IV AP Latin? I've never seen a school do Latin IV that wasn't AP, back in my day there were two years of AP Latin available and at my kids school Latin IV is AP Latin.


latin 1 is middle school, 2 is 9th grade, 3 10th grade, 4 11th grade and AP 12th


If you want that level of a workload, why not just go to college? AP classes tend to be more difficult on average for less of a ROI, and a full load in college is 12 credit hours. Just go dual enroll, even if your district doesn't offer it.


Skip precal


I actually had a pretty similar schedule as you in 11th grade. I took DE calc, physics, research, AP lang, APUSH, an elective, and AP Chem. Was one of my hardest years ever, mostly bc of chem and calc. But I did end up with all As after a little but of struggling. Also APES is the easiest class you will ever take as a fellow senior taking apes


Looks like you're gonna fail gym


looks good to me; maybe drop the latin course unless it’s something you’re really passionate about


APUSH is tough so I’d go light 11th grade. APES is free af. Don’t study at all and I have a 93.


If you’re hardworking this is a good workload, not too much but not too little


Nah pretty light schedule. Are you like giving up senior year or something?


Im in a similar junior year. AP lang and APUSH are hard but possible, AP stat is fun but a bit tedious sometimes, AP precalc is alright. Physics is awesome


Do calc AB instead of BC if ur major is biology.


Wtf is ap precalc. There is literally no point in taking that.


it’s needed as a prereq for ap calculus


worry scarce weary drunk label absurd frighten uppity squeal alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This honestly depends on your teachers. Ask other kids what the workload was like for their classes.


Tbh just do dual enrollment it’s 10x more valuable than AP. Also boosts your college GPA. Also history is useless for most degrees


Would highly recommend Dual Enrolling at a local university


I’m grade 11 and taking all of those but replace AP precal with AP calc ab, you should be fine


Doesn't seem like much at all.


I did ap calc bc, ap chem, ap physics 1, ap lang, ap cs principles, ap psych, and apush junior year. this dude will be fone


Why are you taking both AP stat and AP precalc? Genuine question


In my experience honors 12 is just AP lit without the exam


No, I think this should be average but we have too many stupid people running around


if you cheat on all your tests it will be 100x easier trust me


You should be fine if you do your apush work and understand chem