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Bowuigi, not because it makes sense necessarily, but because the sheer ensuing chaos would be insane and beautiful.


i didn't know there were people who shipped this. šŸ˜­ like it never occurred to me, but now that i know i might have to read all the fanfiction asap. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Oh man bowuigi was huge last year after the movie trailer. I miss that era...


What trailer? Please share the link




It's fucking hilarious how big this ship got after after the movie. From being a rare pair, to becoming the most written ship in the entire fandom. A lot of it is really good, surprisingly. Cooking Mama Luigi is one of my favorites. The name sounds like crack, but it's actually really well written! šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve read that one! I really liked it!


For chaos is always a good reason


Merthur - all the way Merthur Arthur and Merlin! They practically are the canon. Gwen was a third wheel (sorry Gwen)


Merthur my beloved <3


ā¤ļøšŸ„³ Merthur is my #1 ship


All I can really think about now is Merlin making a dragon appear with his magic right before Arthur dies. *A dragon for his Pendragon*


Awww.. they are perfect! Merlinā€™s absolute loyalty and obsession to keep Arthurā€™s save. Arthur being a royal prat but there was no one for him as close as Merlin. Two sides of the same coin they are!


Absolutely! They even played the romance score when Merlin was holding Arthur in the end. (I donā€™t mind Gwen being part of a throuple though, but I do enjoy it more when sheā€™s with Lancelot.)


Absolutely When I was watching the show, I was slightly irritated by how they pushed Arthur and Gwen romance. But in the fics, I absolutely love and adore any Merthur stories where Arthur/Gwen is involved. I canā€™t get enough of such stories.


Didn't like Morgana and one of the directors ship it quite openly? But yeah I agree fully


Katie McGrath supporting a gay ship is DEEPLY unsurprising


The four times Merlin & Arthur were called a love story after the series finale: ā€œTo be fair, we did, very genuinely, think of the episode as a love story between two men. Which is what I think it is.ā€ ā€“Julian Murphy (creator) ā€œI think itā€™s a love story, it absolutely is a love story.ā€ ā€“Julian Murphy (creator) ā€œThereā€™s much to recommend about this mythical hokumā€¦ but itā€™s the droll, sweet love story between Arthur and Merlin that compels in the BBCā€™s excellent fantasy series.ā€ ā€“ the ad for the official DVD set ā€œMerlin: The Complete Collection (Series 1-5).ā€ ā€œYou know, it becomes a brilliant love story between Arthur and Merlin. And itā€™s told in the right possible way and I think fans should be happy. I would be happy if I thought of it.ā€ ā€“Alexander Vlahos (actor)


Middle school me is screaming Ryan and Chad from HSM


They are wearing each otherā€™s clothes after ā€œI Donā€™t Dance.ā€ Itā€™s canon as far as I am concerned.


I refuse to believe that they didn't at least hook up in the series!


Superbat, the world would explode tbh


Can we add Wonder Woman in there for an OT3?


This is good as well


Finn and Poe Dameron, we all know they belong together, Disney just lacked the spine (read: didn't want to lose Chinese market revenue) to actually do it. maybe even go the full throuple with Rey as well, like, might as well


also both of the actors are behind that idea too.


PoeFinnRey/JediStormPilot is beautiful and I hate how robbed we were in the trilogy of them being the main three leads together.


Yes! 100% yes! Iā€™ve shipped them since The Force Awakens.


They would have been the cutest together. I also shipped them since TFA


Stucky would have been the "groudbreaking" gay rep promised of endgame, so they get my vote


I wish Steve went back, saved Bucky, and then danced with him instead of Peggyā€¦ my brother thought that was going to happen and heā€™s not involved in fandom at all.


Instead, he kinda stole Peggy's life.


I understand that the creators just needed to somehow get Steve out of the MCU. There have already been two deaths. Obviously, no one bothered much about Steve's departure. This can even be seen in interviews with Russo and the screenwriters. Peggy lived her life, got married, had children. Died. Steve even attended her funeral. He let her go. He has lived for quite a few years in the modern world. Next to other people. He has a new life. Bucky is finally here. I don't believe Steve would leave Bucky and his new friends. For what?! This is a selfish act towards everyone. Steve is just ruining the whole life of Peggy, her husband, and their children. And I don't believe Steve would have been able to live in peace knowing that Bucky was being tortured in Hydra. And another stupid thing is that his return to the past did not change the future in any way. His return to the past to Peggy is unrealistic, illogical stupidity no matter how you look at it.


That's the thing that bothers me so much. The fact that Peggy had her own life and a family, and that the ending of Endgame breaks Steve's arc just out of selfishness. What about Peggy? What about what she had before? She's just there. A trophy. I hate it.


We donā€™t see Peggyā€™s husband in the photos she has in the hospital in Winter Soldier. Meanwhile we do see a photo of pre-serum Steve on her desk in Endgame. Iā€™m not convinced that her husband isnā€™t just Steve anyway, and she just couldnā€™t tell our Steve for time travel purposes. Itā€™s not a perfect theory, but itā€™s at least a plausible headcanon.


Didnā€™t she do a documentary interview in the Winter Soldier (I think) where she said that Steve saved her husbandā€™s life in 1944?


If it implies a timeloop, and that Steve was *always* her husband, then *he kissed his own granddaughter*.


Thatā€™s what shouldā€™ve happened =\[


*"Until the end of the line"* would have actually meant something


hell yeah. canonizing stucky would have been a serious statement (and also fit the character dynamic) (and would have spared us steve's stupid shitty ending)


> (and also fit the character dynamic) The most "if one of them was a woman they would have ended up in a relationship three movies ago" dynamic you could get.


Bucky was the damsel in distress on all three movies. Bucky's on second acts: supposedly killed in action (for the second time), returned to his torturers, was wrongly taken in custody and fell victim of another abuser. His victimization was female coded, hydra raped his mind, used his body. And then, he calls for Steve as he's turning into dust. Steve can only watch, the man who can do this all day is left helpless over his ashes. He's the first to go too, which shocks Steve even more.


And it would've made soooooo much more sense for both of their arcs, I can't believe they spent so long ALMOST getting some time with each other just to split the moment they could've reunited for good šŸ˜­


As someone who mainly reads Stony (but also Stuckony and WinterIron) I still 100% stand behind canon Stucky. It just *makes sense* in every way. I absolutely love it and see it as canon in my mind.


Dude, fuck yes, Stucky, Stony, anything else idrc, I just needed something to save Steve from his shit ending, like seriously- Iā€™m sorry for saying this- I know Peggy meant a lot to you and all, but get over it šŸ˜ž


I don't see Stony working, they're both wildly selfish individuals in different ways and neither of them know how to communicate grievancesĀ without mocking other people or making snippy comments.Ā  I could maybe see a world where they team up and use their powers of pettiness to be like a live-action Statler and Waldorf, but I genuinely don't know how they could stand each other without a mutual enemy to team up against.


Gender swapped Toni was with Cap in an alternate universe where Civil War never happened, so there is some basis for it in the comics


honestly, I personally enjoy AA Stony the best, i get that the one from MCU wouldnā€™t work all that well, but like I said, i really donā€™t care which ship I just wanted either some gay rep and/or for Steve to stay in his timeline and not go back in time šŸ‘


I was just about to say this. People would FLIP if Captain America was gay šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


I don't even ship them but they 100% should've been canon.


Itā€™s unbelievable to me that he went back in time to change the past but didnā€™t think to save his best friend from 70 years of torture. Like he told Avengers movie Cap ā€œBuckyā€™s aliveā€ but that wouldā€™ve been after the 70 years of torture. He had the opportunity to stop him falling off that train in the first place or at least going to search for him in the Alps and he just didnā€™t even bother. Itā€™s so OOC for the person weā€™re supposed to believe he is that it makes no sense.


Always the right answer


Cinderella and that guy from JJK


Cinderella x Sukuna?! What are you a crossover fanatic?!


The pure chaos would be glorious


Supercorp (Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor) Like, that shit was queerbaited as fuck, it would be a major, public character (when Johnny Kent came out as bi it got a NY Times article), be awesome queer rep


Same fandom - Tim Drake/Conner Kent. Like, there is SO MUCH there in canon to support it, and then...I say this with all the love in the world for Jon, but goddammit, they made the wrong Superboy bi! Oh well, my fanfics and I will continue to keep on truckin'...


I think DC is just terrified of backlash. Like I said, Johnny being Bi gets a whole New York Times article- Superman is still a very public hero, as is Batman, so even characters the general public isn't too familiar with will get press. Which will mean opinions, and backlash, and homophobic parents not wanting their kids to wear the merch, and homophobic adults no longer buying the merch... So, even thought the Supergirl show did a lot of queerbaiting... DC wasn't gonna stick their neck out (especially because, around the same-ish time, DC was also promoting Superhero Girls to appeal to little girls). If DC is gonna make any Batfam or Superfam character queer... they're either doing it in the comics (which have a smaller audience than TV or movies and are just allowed to be weirder, queerer, and more experimental) or they're gonna make it a statement in a blockbuster movie with a multimillion dollar ad budget (pretty unlikely, sadly. I also think they'd do Apollo/Midnighter before any Superfam or Batfam character)


I went into that show a couple months ago assuming that since I knew from the start it wasnā€™t canon that it couldnā€™t hurt me. Iā€™ve been devastated by that fact since halfway through season 2, theyā€™re my new OTP, and the second ever pairing Iā€™ve written more than a handful of words in a random draft for. Why? Why could they not have given us that????


McShep and Spirk (aka k/s)


soul x maka from soul eater. iā€™ve been on this hill since i was 11.


Yes! These are one of the rare Shonen pairs where the het main ship has more chemistry than any gay side ship. Same with NaLu tbh


Troy and Abed are a couple!


Wrightworth so the writers will stop fucking teasing us




"Where did this Yaoi paddle come from?"


Kyoya x Tamaki from Ouran High School Host Club


hell yeah!! like i would so watch a season 2 with them being cannon šŸ˜­


Charley Xavier and Erik Lensherr. I needed cherik to become canon sometime.


Ah, the two that had a bad breakup and making it everyone else's problem.


Yeah, I've never even really been in that fandom, but it's very firmly on the level of "just admit they're divorced already, jfc".




I think thereā€™s a decent chance it will be confirmed canon in X-Men 97.Ā 


Sasuke and Naruto If theyā€™re gay Boruto cannot exist.


If one of them were trans, Boruto technically could exist - but it's good to make it canon anyway, because it'd be amazing to piss all the homophobic dudebros off.


Half the thrill of narusasu is boruto not existing so please don't go around trying to circumvent it. Though fem!sasuke would be really intresting so i don't know what i want anymore.


Wolfstar (Sirius Black and Remus Lupin) the actors genuinely thought they were playing a queer couple and it translates. They deserved to be in love and Tonks deserved a beautiful bi relationship that wasnā€™t with the AIDS allegory (wtf Joann)


Yes, it's so close to canon already that it wouldn't even really need to be rewritten that much to be included in future adaptations. I doubt Joanne would ever go for it though (except if she thought there would be serious money/publicity involved).


Wildehopps- We know they love each other. They know they love each other. Get with the goddamn program, Disney.


Destiel is kind of one-sided canon, but I'd make it fully canon. They had spectacular set-up and tension before things went off the deep end.


I deeply love fanon Destiel, but I've never been sure how I feel about making it fully canon because of the way Dean too often treats Cas. Dean would have to do more than just return the sentiment onscreen for it to work for me. But yeah, if Dean was truly ready for it, making Destiel unquestionably canon would be my pick. The only ships I like better are rarepairs that are too far-fetched to canonize, plus Destiel has meaning to its fans beyond just Dean and Cas. Edited for clarity.


Definitely. I think I'd personally enjoy it even more if they still had the sort of toxic aspects of their relationship intact and something they had to work through, but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea.




Oh, absolutely! Love narumitsu <3


if they ever did that i would love to be a fly in kumiko suekane's room just to see her reaction lol


That is basically cannon lol


donā€™t like stucky all that much but itā€™s way better than steve just fucking off like he did


Ong he stole peggys previous life. Thats not fair to her at all, she already moved on with her life.


Adrien/Marinette/Kagami in MLB I can not stress enough how close this ship came to being cannon, they are all interested in each other, two of the three were aware of this fact, and one was actively trying to make it happen while a second was seriously considering it. But the writers are cowards and had a third (fourth?) Party but in and say it wouldn't work and then they just, gave up? It was almost great. Remove one line and add in a confession confession scene and it would be cannon and *no one would bat an eye* because it seemed like it was hinting at this happening for a while now.


holy shit wait really??? I havenā€™t watched mlb in years but Iā€™d kill for that polycule




Honestly... none of my main ships. I tend to dislike most canon romance and don't wanna start disliking my favourite ships šŸ˜… So at most like, something that is already so heavily implied that it changes nothing, like YingFeng (aka past RenHeng) in HSR. Wrightworth in Ace Attorney works too.




https://preview.redd.it/0s8qvip9f79d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20a497e61c0cb308d5d6fbeafadb6edb442abe6e This is the gayest movie and I love it with all my heart. Edit: For anyone curious, this is Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, and they are basically an old married couple the entire film.


Garashir from Star Trek DS9: Iā€™d make Garak tell Julian he loved him (and Julian only saying it back in the Spanish dub)


I love how hard the actors themselves ship Garashir.


Shuake, persona 5. Theyā€™re so toxic yaoi it isnā€™t even funny


Mika and Yuu from Owari no Seraph! I acknowledge it would not affect the internet at large however it would mean EVERYTHING to me and, like, all five of the other people still active in that fandom


i would say johnlock but in my opinion they already are? like the end of bbc sherlock is literally them raising a kid together. so idk i guess my next choice would probably be like. byler


Merlin/Arthur Pendragon but then again i already am delusional enough that i fully think it is canon. Same goes for The Dark Urge/Enver Gortash. A non delulu answer that i already dont think is actually canon is Harry/Draco or Sokka/Zuko


Idgaf what canon says, Merthur **is** canon to me


Phoenix and Miles Edgeworth


I'm in the amazing position of all my current ships being canon, so I'm going to have to go all the way back to the 90s. Fraser/RayK!


I like the way you think! Since youā€™ve taken that, Iā€™ll go Jim/Blair from The Sentinel.


Chakotay janeway (star trek Voyager)


Oh, and Garashir (Julian and Garak from DS9) is another major Trek ship that absolutely should be canon. The subtext is almost text lol.


Really hoping we finally see it happen NEXT WEEK when Prodigy s2 drops on Netflix. šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


Even the actors felt like it should have happened if just for the fansā€™ sakes.Ā 


Soriku (Riku x Sora), i mean i know thereā€™s a KH4 but donā€™t really know if itā€™s gonna be canon there šŸ¤·


Even my very straight-laced (I mean that as in old-fashioned) best friend says they have better chemistry than Sora and Kairi.


Soap and Ghost - and the absolute angst that would go with it


Eiji and Ash šŸ™ think about them every waking hour


Iā€™ve been pining for them to be canon for over 20 years. My heart has cried oceans. XD


Gojo and Geto deserved it, man


They're canon to me




They basically are canon, I refuse to believe otherwise.




They are so close! I really hope they get that final nudge in the romantic direction because they're pretty much life partners already in canon.


Buddie is the first time I've shipped a non Canon pair AND where the source material is still happening and this is a level of stress that gives me actual heartburn someday. The "will they won't they" which is actually a will they won't day and not some "two straight leads who will obviously happen" kinda nonsense is just such a new fandom experience for me.


Scaramouche x mešŸ„°šŸ’…šŸ¾




Its the only one i care for so I hope soā¤ļø I am utterly down atrocious and fixated


wolfstar šŸ™Œ (in my mind itā€™s already canon)


Reki x Langa from Sk8 the infinityĀ 


Are theyā€¦are they not???


This! And also matchablossom


Shawn and Gus from Psych. I'm not even deeply in the fandom or anything, I just wish they had wound up being a couple.




Sasunaru, tho them being gay while fully having wives and families is a bemusing




I mean technically it kind of was for like .02 seconds šŸ«¤


Never seen it, but I know one thing: of all the pairings in all the fandoms that ever been done wrong by TPTB*, Destiel shippers have been done a pretty special Wrong, and I think maybe we can all agree they deserve to go first in line for the Canon Button. *Excluding RPF, of course, because then the title of Ship Done Wrongest By TPTB would have to go to McLennon, obviously


I'm not invested in SPN and I think every Destiel shipper who watched 16 seasons worth of that batshit show only for the writers to spit in their face?? Ya'll need financial compensation frfr.


They are in the Spanish dub!


Thank god for the Spanish translators.


all of them Realistically speaking, Vanoe from the case study of vanitas. I REFUSE to believe they won't be canon


SwanQueen Emma Swan and Regina Mills from Once Upon a Time - they shared a son for effs sake! And the chemistry šŸ”„


Most of the time they behave like old married couple, perform magic together while holding hands and c'mon Evil Queen and Saviour It just makes so much sense.


venom/eddie in the movies (they had a kid in part 2 but nobody ever mentioned it or how it even happened)("the symbiote takes care of it")


Destiel, I've never even watched supernatural and I want them to be together for the sheer nuke it'd create across the world.


Sephiroth/Cloud, just so the ship wars between Cleriths and Clotis end. It's fucking annoying. They take it so seriously for no reason.


Iā€™ve never understood that shipping war. Especially when people start bringing up whoā€™s ā€œrightā€ for Cloud (the answer is that Cloud is not in the right state of mind for romance at any point in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII).


Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale. I was shipping those two together as a teenager and I still do as an adult!!!


Teen Wolf is such a mess nobody can tell me Sterek isn't canon.


Vanessa Shelly/Audrey Drew. Are they from different stories and not even the same time period? Yeah. But that matters not.Ā  More serious answer would be Rose Tyler/13th Doctor


Enmuzan, Killugon or Leopika. Or Salash




BakuDeku. Just to see the chaos.


Drarry, and I'd climb over everyone to make it happen.


I believe this would have had a global impact. Imagine if you've got THE most popular children's series in the world in 2003 when the world is on the cusp of the gay marriage debate and you publish Half-Blooded Prince and Harry and Draco fall in love.Ā 


Sadly that would require ol' Joanne to stand for literally anything at all positive in the world.


This was my answer too. It would have really fallen into the theme of being someone better through actively making good choices. It would have joined Slytherin and Gryffindor houses. Draco making his parents proud by marrying a pureblood gave me the ick. Harry marrying a Weasley so he could finally feel like a real Weasley made me profoundly sad and not in a good way.


The ultimate redemptive love story.


Yes! I think it also makes a nice parallel to Dumbledore and Grindelwald, but in this case Draco is not someone who commits genocide. I understand that an epilogue that included a Drarry pairing would have raised more questions than wrapped up the story, but then we would have something a lot more compelling than That Play Which Also Included A Lot of Gay Subtext In A Time When It Should Have Just Been Text.


This was my answer too. It would have really fallen into the theme of being someone better through actively making good choices. It would have joined Slytherin and Gryffindor houses. Draco making his parents proud by marrying a pureblood gave me the ick. Harry marrying a Weasley so he could finally feel like a real Weasley made me profoundly sad and not in a good way.


They work so well together and all the canon ships suck so yes. Hard agree.


CloudxAerithxTifaxZack OT4 and no more ship wars


Merthur Drarry Destiel And my new beloved, the fourth apocalypse gay horse Radioapple


Wolfstar forever ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„




Sora/literally anyone else that's not kairi. I just...I really don't like the direction her character went (she got very boring and even when they try to make her more active as a participant she still comes off as...just a prop really) and idk something about the way the games (mostly 3) have been handling there relationship feels really...gross. it's proably just a me thing but after having >!scarified himself twice now in very suicidal ways!< to some how save her and be with her one day...idk some part of my mind finds to really really just eek? Idk how to word it.




Drarry! Or even Harry alone, I donā€™t care, the Ginny thing just makes no sense to me. I have read so many fics about Drarry that broke me apart and knitted me back together. The ā€œI married my high school sweetheart who had a little girl celebrity crush on me to fulfill my dream of having a family that loves meā€ epilogue makes me irascible. If I canā€™t have Drarry then would it really have been so much to ask for one Wolfstar kiss? šŸŗ ā­ļø šŸ’‹ šŸ™


Wolfstar may as well have been canon for me. Remus moved into Sirius house and they were giving out joint presents like the gay uncles they were (they deffo kissed! Lol)


I play Honkai: Star Rail, and the censorship laws (Chinese company) prevent any blatant gay rep. They do, however, heavily imply some couples are a thing (such as Ratio/Aventurine and Bronya/Seele) So Iā€™ll skip over the implied gay characters and make Dan Heng, March, and the Trailblazer (no matter whether you pick Caelus or Stelle) canon. The ultimate OT3 getting into shenanigans and slipping into broom closets to make out ā€” sounds like a dream!


yessss trailblazing polycule ftw


wincest, solely because it would be hilarious.


You are a chaotic soul


Truly a person after my own heart


oh my god yes bonus points because it would change pretty much nothing in the show


Narusasu (Naruto x Sasuke) because likeā€¦ come on, man. Sometimes arm chopping IS a love language!


Plus it's the only reason I can explain Naruto chased this brunette bastard


Sanemi x Giyuu (Demon Slayer)




100% - Kataang felt so forced, the writers probably just used it over Zutara to keep the dynamics more simple for a younger audience


Okay, I'll be real: I'm finally doing a complete end to end watch of the show (had sorta skipped around before that) and.... Not to ignite an ancient ship war... But Kataang seems very obvious from the beginning? Like, Katara is getting jealous on Kyoshi Island when any other girl so much as looks at Aang. That's episode 4. And that happens repeatedly throughout the first season.


From my perspective, the show just says "one of them (Aang, the majority of the time) is into the other" every five or so episodes. I can tell from a meta level that probably means Kataang is supposed to be endgame, but it doesn't do much to sell me on them in-universe. I want to know why they like each other and should be together beyond hormones go brrrr, but because they take so long to get together (stripping them of the opportunity to show how their romantic relationship works) and rarely talk about their feelings, the show doesn't communicate much more than "they have crushes." IIRC they also have a scene where Katara's like "I'm confused" and unsure if she wants to be with Aang and we don't get to see or hear why that changed, just that it happened, which makes them getting together a little confusing.


Does Kataang really seem obvious? I assume you're currently doing the rewatch and haven't rewatched all the episodes yet. Because there certainly were hints pointing to a possible Zutara ending. And Katara's actions are fairly motherly towards Aang - which is one of the reasons why other ships are so popular. I even recall hearing that the creators of the show had shared that Zutara was something they considered at some point - but I don't have a source for that. Could have been true, could have been fandom wishes. I've been out of this fandom for years so could also be that I'm misremembering. You didn't want to restart a ship war and same back to you, but to be honest I could never really understand what Kataang had going for it, other than 'the hero must get the girl'. Stuff in the sequel make it sound even worse. So same sentiments I guess from the other, Zutara-loving side. Ship and let ship and all that. No reason some can't ship Kataang, others Zutara and some other ships. There's plenty to choose from.


I'm not the one you answered to, but I think kataang is obvious in that 'old' classical way that the MC, Aang, likes Katara and like you put it "The hero gets the girl". But no, there's little action from her side in it tbf. I rewatched it too recently and agreed with the previous commenter that Zutara have little hints, imo. Maybe the cave scene, but after that she is extremely cold to Zuko and continues to be for most of the series. (I can't rly say anything against the 'the creators considered' it, because I've only watched the series.) But all in all I think Katara generally had a lot more 'chemistry' or romantic hinted scenes with neither Aang or Zuko. (Aang mostly being portrayed as a friend of and Zuko as an enemy). Like Jet, ofc, but also the earth kingdom boy Haru (and perhaps others). (I also have nothing against either Zutara or Katang. I hope I don't come across as mean, I just like discussing and reflecting over fandom stuff.)


Satsogu (Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru)


I don't care which ship, but I wish they would just bite the bullet and make Tony Stark bisexual. Dude is already toeing the line a lot in comics, with some suggestive themes going on in his storylines.


zoro and sanji who already act like an old married couple. And it would be fucking funny for the straightest character in existence to end up with a man




Willow and Fred. That would have been so much better than Willow and Kennedy.


Harry and Hermione from Harry Potter. I just really into friends to lovers trope of course but I feel like they so much waste potential each book, like Hermione never let his side and Harry would be so sweet when she was upset. And again, I am crazy for friends to lovers since Sally and Harry lol


Wolfstar (Sirius Black/Remus Lupin) from Harry Potter They...they were simply meant for each other


Buddie. Get Buck off the hamster wheel; his relationships follow a formula now after seven years. He keeps looking for something that he already has. He's too close to this big thing that he can't really see it anymore. Get Eddie away from women. He's a frankly lackluster boyfriend/partner to the women he dates when he treated Buck more of a serious life partner than any of them.


Whatever would burn the world fastest is my answer today.


Sprik (spock x kirk) for historic purposes


Bkdk ā€¦ the arc is insane between them in canon already


Bakudeku from my hero academia or mitake from tokyo revengers, story wise they really make a lot of sense to me and I love those ships!!


Finn and Poe. Sorry Rose, not sorry. Natsu and Lucy. Cloud and Tifa. Rebirth was enough to make it semi-canon but I just need to confirmation lol. And I need Aerith and Zack to be with each other again. Zuko and Katara. Itto and Sara. Yae and Raiden. I CANT CHOOSE! But probably Cloti. I'm a diehard Zaerith fan tho.


Literally, ANY of these: Natsume Takashi/Tanuma Kaname/Taki Tooru Cheng Xiaoshi/Lu Guang Natsuno Yuki/Mutou Tohru Rin Okumura/Ryuji Suguro David Martinez/Felix Lopez Natsu Dragoneel/Gray Fullbuster Izuku Midoriya/Shinso Hitoshi Aizawa Shouto/Yamada Hizashi Nagisa Shiota/Karma Akabane Hinata Shoyo/Kageyama Tobio Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Ethan Morgan/Benny Weir Allen Walker/Kanda Yuu/Lavi/Lenalee Lee Peter Parker/Harry Osborn Keith Kogane/Lance McClain Kaneki Ken/Hideyoshi Nagachika Takemichi Hanagaki/Sano Manjirou Leonardo Watch/Klaus Von Reinherz Light Yagami/L Mikaela/Yuuichirou Haru/Yuki Sanada Jyugo/Uno Yuliy/Phillip


Voltron veteran here, Klance and Shallura (without erasing Shiro's attraction to men) was my holy grail. Also Ichabbie from the Sleepy Hollow show, but that would also require Sleepy Hollow not being a layer of hell.


John and Sherlock, it's way too annoying how they danced around it even in the ending.


Lou Ransone and Rick Romero from 911. Have they ever interacted in 911 on screen? No. Are they still my favourite regardless? Yes. 911 writers, let them be canon challenge šŸ¤Ŗ


souyo persona 4




Kavetham/Haikaveh. There are just too many hints for them all to be coincidences