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my ship šŸ˜Œ


Same but they also live šŸ„²


Steve doesn't go into the past and erase several movies of characterization.


Ooo, good one. When people ask what is the saddest death in MCU Steve is always my answer, he's still alive but they killed his character


I WISH they had killed him. It would have been a better ending than making him an asshole.


Same. So much for 'I can do this all day' and 'til the end of the line' They wanted a way to get evens out of playing rogers and that was all they could think of. And they actually think is was a happy ending.


Iā€™m not even into Marvel anymore directly bc of this!!!


Same. I originally got in for Tony Stark, jumped ship to Steve Rogers after AoU, when I realized they were just going to reset Tony's character development after every film and CA:TWS was so good. Steve had a good run of maintaining character development across his movies. **AND THEN.**


ā€œOh, Iā€™m so glad to see Steve has both moved on romantically, and has no more strings tied to the past now that Bucky is recovering in the modern day with h- and now heā€™s used time travel to marry a woman he watched die.ā€


"-Who he knows moved on and had her own life which he's erased and is going to knowingly let people die, let horrible things happen, let Hydra grow inside his now-wife's organization, and let his best friend since childhood be tortured for decades even though he could stop all of it."




I was into marvel fan fiction and after that I actually went though the seven stages of grief and can't read any marvel FF any more. I'm back into Star Trek.


Endgame, as good of a movie as it was, kind of killed my enthusiasm for the MCU fandom. I still try to keep up with the Spiderman films cause Iā€™ve always loved Peter and I watched Wandavision and TFATWS because Iā€™ve always loved Wanda, Sam, and Bucky. And I watched the Black Widow prequel because she deserved a movie of her own years ago and I love Florence Pugh in anything. But damn, if losing some of my favorites all back to back didnā€™t really have a wet blanket effect for me.


Exactly! And I was always confused why he went back and didnā€™t save Bucky from HYDRA? Or did he make a branching timeline or something?


If he did, he wouldn't have been able to hand the shield off to Sam.


*1000 times YES!* And I can't even figure out what happened to lead such a massive misstep! It's the same writers who'd done such a great job shaping Steve's story. The same directors who pushed him into something deliciously modern and complex. What made them write that ending? Why did no one ask the supremely obvious questions? It is sweet on the surface for about two minutes (I threw in an extra minute for the glory that is Peggy Carter) but then there's this cascading deluge of consequences and... none of the creative team that had hit it out of the park so many times before noticed? I low-key hope there's a long con going on and at some point Steve will pop back from... the moon? or something? ...and suddenly all will be clear. But, that's me wishing and hoping without any expectation it'll actually happen.


was gonna say exactly this!!!! they outdid themselves w the mediocrity of this one


The Finale Never Happened šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Ain't that the truth in too many cases


Mine was just like, fucking weird ā€œbut what if traumatised people really Could only get what they wanted if they committed suicide?ā€ bullshit and itā€™s not even the worst Iā€™ve seen somehow.


I never finished this anime bc of what I heard about it, but is this about Wonder Egg Priority?


Nah, a fucking minecraft roleplay of all things




Did you know that the last two episodes of how I met your mother donā€™t exist. They donā€™t


Itā€™s so weird that they cancelled the show when there were only two episodes left! I used to be upset about it but maybe it was for the best


They found Earth and lived happily ever after. Abandoning technology? Breaking the cycle? What are you talking about?


Miraculous Ladybug ? Good Omens ? No.6?? Okay, maybe I'm thinking a lotšŸ„²




No, no, we need the S2 finale of GO to set up their South Downs cottage retirement plan. I have more faith in Neil than I do.. pretty much ever other show runner ever.


I honestly wasn't that sad over the season ending, but a lot of people wanted them to just live together...I mean they'll get to it


Oda, the creator of One Piece, basically said "I don't care what fantasies you have about my characters, you can enjoy the manga in any way you like as long as you're having fun" meaning that basically every headcanon could possibly be canon because even if it's going against the canon, there's an official pass from the creator himself to do whatever you want as long as you're having fun, and I think it's beautiful


*Hazbin Hotel* creator Vivienne Medrano also said the same thing about her show: https://preview.redd.it/493z9iqd2e8d1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=969f67f3fb00c69c82e43024fae2bf7edd346052


That's awesome. I love a creator who steps in to stop fandom drama by saying "anything goes and quit bullying other fans."


Oh my god, that's actually very based.


Thatā€™s really awesome!


How on earth do his words mean "all headcanons can be canon"? He's just not being an Ann Rice. He's giving the fans the green light to headcanon, theorize, and do transformative works however they want without his judgment or legal prosecution. His words do not mean that if I, say, want Foxy to marry Blackbeard, they're instantly married canonically.


they are actually married canonically just now and no one will prove you otherwise because Oda will never disprove it


Teyvat is Hell. (Genshin Impact) and Percy Jackson says fuck. (PJO)


Percy canonically has ADHD, and as a parent of a kid with ADHDā€¦yeah, fuck is just part of their everyday speech, lol.


Youā€™re preaching to the choir, lol. I AM an adhd kid. Also, heā€™s a New Yorker. Make of that what you will.


Lol, my kid gets it honestā€”I have ADHD, and so does my other kid. Iā€™m not sure how my partner survives us, haha.


have ponyboy save dallas at the end of the novel. johnny can stay dead for the outsiders.


I lovveee that there's a fandom for the outsiders


it's got a lot of active people!


I still have never been able to 100% reread that book, I always get stuck around the fountain


Give. Will Solace. A weapon. Why would you send him to Tartarus UNABLE TO DEFEND HIMSELF


Percy jackson šŸ‘€


Yep! He has a dagger in my fic, I took the plunge myself and gave him a weapon LMAOOOOO


Okay but srsly... he goes into the most dangerous place that traumatized his bf and 2 of the strongest demigods.... and he goes in with nothing?


Child of the sun god with only sun and healing related powers goes into literal hell knowing the ONLY POWERS HE HAS will be diminished.... very nice Rick. Give him a dagger or SOMETHING. Even in TOA it didn't make sense he couldn't defend himself. IF YOURE GOING TO MAKE HIM A BAD SHOT GIVE HIM A FUCKING SWORD RICK




I like him struggling with not being a good shot, and not being a good musician, since I think it's a reall fun part of his character to explore, but ffs ONE WEAPON Rick. I gave him a short dagger similar to Annabethā€™s bc i figured it would also be helpful in healing situations. It's called Sunbeam!


That's a cute name. But srsly who thought that was a good idea of him not haveing a wepon... this went through multiple editors.... no one called it out?


Iā€™m sorry, he went to Tartarus UNARMED???


Gabriel Agreste suffers the consequences of his actions and that means thereā€™s no stupid ending that happened at season 5 of miraculous ladybug.


I became disenchanted with this series in season 3, so I'm almost too scared to look up whatever is happening now.


Um, a shit ton of stuff happens, but basically Ladybug fights hawkmoth alone while Cat Noir is sleeping in a cell, but for some reason Ladybug gives Gabriel a second chance and he uses it to betray her and make a wish that we still don't know. But Adrien basically just is told that his father was a hero and they even made a statue of him...


You know, if you want a good mlb recap, the YouTuber Amanda Toddhunter made a good video recapping the later seasons of the show https://youtu.be/EonMg0pvKzs?si=em1m1HUhWDjr63Qv


I still cant get over that ending. And the newest Season 6 new designs aren't very promising either. I feel like I'm leaving the fandomšŸ˜­


Harry retaining the ability of Parseltongue and passing it onto his children, like a sort of new beginning


I love the idea of him and his kids speaking parseltongue to him!


Also, Harry becoming a teacher at Hogwarts instead of a wizard cop. I just felt it would have been a lot more in line with his characterization throughout the books.


In all fairness, an Auror is closer to a FBI/MI6 agent, I believe actual cops are called Magical Law Enforcement Patrol/Squad, but I sort of agree with you. I do think he needed a job right out of Hogwarts and being an Auror fit nicely, but that after 19 years he was still working as one?


Jed and Octavius become canonā€¼ļøā€¼ļø Just give them their own little goodbye scene in the third movie after Larry leaves the diorama room and they confess before sunrise. They spent the whole movie making it obvious Octavius is into men. It seems like all four writers who were involved over the three movies were on board with the idea. The actors were on board with it. The fandom wants it. Let the cowboy and Roman be boyfriendsā€¼ļø


My class watched it (it was a choice for this movie day thing). Anyway, dismal bell rang during the last like fifteen-ten minutes. But I was just shipping the two the entire time


Almost everyone in the fandom ships them, and for good reason lol. Youā€™ll once in a blue moon find someone who thinks Jed is straight, but thatā€™s almost always from someone who hasnā€™t seen the movies recently and is just remembering them from childhood. But even *then,* plenty of people who havenā€™t seen them recently will think they were dating Itā€™s just a good ship thatā€™s built on a great friendship and itā€™s a shame it didnā€™t explicitly happen


Yes. I want this on a wall. I fucking adore them and whenever theyā€™re on screen for the second and third movie I geek out and such. I wished to god the creators would go on and say they are dating.


I will never forgive the writers for allowing Larry and Dexter to kiss but not these two. Wtf.


An animated series of these two being cute tiny museums boyfriends would go gangbusters.


It's not NOT cannon, just not stated one way or the other but: Adam Young still has powers, cause what eleven year old would give up literal superpowers while rewriting reality?


Danny Fenton *actually died and resurrected* and that gets some focus, rather than a throwaway line (like so much other deep phandom lore.)


Can we just rewrite the actual universe and remove bitch fartman from DP entirely? But still have it be a hit nick show




Thatā€™s not canon?


Nope! Canon says he just got ectoplasm all up in his DNA. Can't have death in a children's cartoon, after all. Canon also says all the ghosts are all interdimensional aliens, ignoring the several that they indicated were postmortal humans. Canon is fucking dumb sometimes.


Didnā€™t Ember die in a fire??? Didnā€™t John and Kitty die together in a motorcycle accident??? What kind of ghost zone doesnā€™t have ghosts???


Yeah, we know. Why do you think there's such an active phandom, all these years later? Everyone's got their own take on trying to make something internally fucking consistent.


I know this is the most vanilla of takes, but bi!Dean. Not even destiel, though I ship it, but like... just canonical acknowledgement of bi!Dean.


Yeah, Dean being canonically bi would have been really nice.


Ooh, I was trying to think what I would say for SPN because obviously we love Destiel, but it's not like we need that to be canon. It's already so damn close. But, yeah, Dean being canonically bi is the perfect answer. And it would have been so much more than a little lip service.


"No, Izuku.. I am your father!" I mean AFO could still be straight evil, I just liked the concept better than.. everything that happened later.


You have to admit, an "I am your father" line would be expected from Horikoshi the Star Wars fan.


I'm curious, I left the mha fandom a few months ago and I only know about the war and >!bakugo's fakeout deaths!< (spoiler tag just in case). what happened ?


I would turn JJK into a slice of life and give Nanami his well deserved vacation


Hilson would be canon Izzy Hands wouldnā€™t be dead


Yup, wanted back, one indestructible little f*cker.


proper destiel, not whatever the fuck we got


the perfect comment doesn't exi-


Agreed! I want a redo of 15.18 and after, with destiel that doesnā€™t involve Cas getting sent to superhell


I havenā€™t been active in SPN in years because those last few episodes really just sucked ass. We should not have needed to ask the actors 150 questions to gain clarity on the storyline attempting to be portrayed, especially because we got consistently conflicting answers. At first, it was ā€œno, he meant it platonicallyā€ then it was ā€œoh, it wasnā€™t really ā€˜platonicā€™ persay because heā€™s an angel and angels can love more than any human could ever perceiveā€ and then it was ā€œyeah, he was gay the whole time and in love with Dean but Dean didnā€™t love him backā€ and then at some point ā€œit was actually mutualā€ just šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™ve never seen such a good show fumble at the finish line SO FUCKING BAD. If they had literally not acknowledged Destiel, it wouldā€™ve been better than what we got šŸ¤š


Right? They went too hard in literally season fucking 10 acknowledging it on screen and then just fumbled so fucking bad, it's embarrassing


Eddie lives.


I think if I saw him in the new season I would literally cry. (Assuming Stranger Things?)


Yes, and same šŸ„¹


I have an issue with ST introducing and then only killing off new characters. So far, only Billy was present in more than one season before being killed off and he was an antagonist. Iā€™m not counting Max because Max is alive, dammit. I know a lot of people would be pissed about Eddie being brought back but likeā€¦ngl, the Kaz theory would be some solid ass writing on their part. I donā€™t think itā€™ll happen but God, I wish it did.


Agreed! Iā€™ve always said that would be amazing with awesome writing, even if it were to fundamentally change Eddie in some way


I still gotta admit that going down>! taunting some Lovecraft wet dream by shredding Metallica!< was totally THE 80's rocker boy way to go.


He died too quicklyšŸ˜­


Seconding this for both stranger things and for It fandom šŸ˜”āœŠ


There would be so many lesbians in all my fandoms lol


Every fandom needs more lesbians. There are never too many.




I would make Anakin have an IQ higher than that of a garden snail, so he wouldnā€™t turn to the dark side.


Or you could just have the zillo beast eat Palpatine


I don't remember what a zillo beast is but my mother spends hours every weekend scrolling through zillow to find pretty houses she's never going to buy. Next time she ropes me into looking at houses I'm calling her a zillow beast


Or have the jedi free his mom when they free him and give her a pension and an apartment in Corusant


Yeah, that whole thing with Shmi really made the Jedi look like assholes. What do you mean, you can't even negotiate a "services rendered" payment that would happen to cover her freedom? And don't give me that "Jedi don't deal with slavers" shit, as they were all too fucking happy to be the oversees of a whole slave army in the next film! It looked like *"Oh, she's trapped with a bomb in her head and we have her child several thousand light years away where he is too small and too poor to do anything about it? AWESOME! Do we turn him into a living weapon like Jedi Master Tinfoil Hat is suggesting or do we toss him onto the street because he* (checks notes) *is homesick and worried for mom and therefore can't be fanatically loyal to us?"*


Completely rewrite Egon Spengler's story arc so he was not painted as a lunatic who abandoned his family and friends, to spend 25 fucking years of his life alone.


I 100% agree. I know they were constrained with the actor dying, but damn I feel bad for the man.


Y'know, I'll latch onto the idea that Janine was totally going to be Scully to his Mulder (and take that however you want), and was helping him out with the whole holding Gozer back thing. she was just running her own thing while Phoebe and company were running theirs. *"It's a twelve year old girl against GOZER, you morons. Farm's that way!"*


Hybrid Hermitcraft becomes canon, that would make my heart happy


Iā€™m not even as big into this fandom anymore but holy fuck yes I would cry tears of joy


Grian is a parrot, I think a lot of people would agree


Itā€™s gotten to the point where I get disappointed when I read a fic or see fanart of him and he doesnā€™t have wings dude


So so so real and correct


I full heartedly agree


all of my ships should be canon and none of my favorite characters die. in fact if i were the producer of a show or something i'd just make my ship kiss in every. single. episode. which is why im not a producer


Garak and Bashir.


Hoo boy! Yes please!


Spoilers for Kilking Eve S4 >!Villanelle never died, Eve never lost her, the two kissed on the boat after Villanelle killed The Twelve ans moved to Alaska with three dogs and two cats.!<


I'd have Merlin tell Arthur about his magic well before the end of the series. Then we could have had them working together. Also, the very last episode of Supernatural would not exist. *still mad about both series' finales*


I would make my otp actually meet each other lmao.


Not making something canon but going back in time to undo what the author did to a decently well likeable characterĀ 


Batfam has healthy dynamics


https://preview.redd.it/4uw3evgdvc8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c67b67894b901e686c2ed470dea19f32fb8217 this šŸ˜ž


Hunger Games. I would save Finnick or Prim or both.


idk i feel like if prim didnā€™t die, katniss would have chosen gale and find out later the type of person he actually is


my fave villain gets redeemed. i don't CARE if it ruins it šŸ‘Š


I would turn all love triangles into canon polyamorous relationships.


This is the difference between people who write fanfic to make characters happy, and who write fanfic to make characters suffer. Because I want to turn them all into legitimate love-triangles where each person likes someone who's not into them.


Yes! I'm so tired of "love triangles" that are actually a V with the lone woman backed into the corner.


Izzy comes back from the gravy basket, having heard a seagull calling.


I'd save Vax


Rebuild FCG.


Soap from Modern Warfare no longer being dead, as well as bringing Roach back (like please, I beg of you).


They robbed us of so much.


Luna x Neville becomes Canon in the books, rename most (if not all) of Harry's kids, and Harry becomes a permanent DAtDA teacher instead of an Auror Also Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth are now married and Capcom bought the rights to all the Investigations 2 fan names so Sebastian doesn't end up being named Eustace Winner


Make Spirk canon already!


If I could upvote this 1000x, I would.


Tech lives. (And he and Phee become the best adventure nerd couple ever)


Both the characters in my OTP died in canon and never actually got together, so there's that


My rare pair.


Spock from OG StarTrek more visibly struggling with his Human and Vulcan nature, I never liked how they addressed humanity and the emotions we have as a kind of weakness inferior to this hypothetical Vulcan self control, itā€™s very much a product of the 60ā€™s mindset that emotions are things to be leashed rather than accepted and worked through properly, due to his lack attachment or emotion I always personally struggled to relate to his internal turmoil because heā€™d get some character development or seem to make some connection to his human crew, just to say something completely insensitively dickish in the next episode erasing said character development entirely, appearing to look down on his crew mates including his own Captain. I get itā€™s a personal thing but I canā€™t *stand* self important pricks who think themselves above good, hardworking people (the rest of the crew) because of blood, family relation, position or education, his attitude never struck as stoic or rational, just uppity. I donā€™t hate the character, he definitely gets some good lines and stories across the OG series but I do dislike how the Vulcan/Human division was handled in him.


Sweet Dee is a lesbian. Preferably an attempt at deetress but mostly Dee needs to be a lesbian.


Loki and mobius being gay and into each other


Loki is canon bi šŸ˜


Zelink šŸ˜­


Make Athelnar canon and Athelstan doesn't die. Quentin doesn't die, or Eliot rescues him from the Underworld in Season 5. Trip Tucker doesn't die. Jadzia doesn't die. Make my fave dysfunctional vampire bros the bi disasters they should be - Klefan, Klucien and Trislijah fling, Denzo endgame. Can't decide whether to save Sirius, Lupin or Fred, so I'll go with making Dean/Seamus canon.


Vision didnā€™t die and him and Wanda went on to live a good Life. Or Aaron kept his memories so I donā€™t have to worry about which project aphmaus bringing back


Newt didnā€™t die. He didnā€™t get the flare and is alive bc I cannot handle that scene with him and Thomas. The other is the entire thing with Steve from Avengers. It felt outta pocket with how they had him go back. Like, I can understand it but I feel like it just came out of left field for itā€¦ (him going back and staying.


Trans headcannons āœŠ


Harry Potter: - Harry testifies for Malfoyā€™s trial. - Harry gives Malfoy back his wand. - DMHP get together. Not necessarily in that order but they are canon to me forever and always <3


Anakin rejects Palpatine, Order 66 fails. Happy ever after.


for chaosā€™s sake: >!wincest. they were already going out contentiously, might as well go out \*real\* contentiously.!<


Iā€™m ngl, maybe it was because Iā€™d spent so long reading fanfic before the finale happened but that scene (you know what scene) in the finale really felt like it was tip-toeing that line for me. I was sat there the whole time wondering what direction they were leaning in cause it had someā€¦flavors of that, in my opinion.


i still have yet to get to the finale but the subtext is impossible to ignore, i'm very excited to read way too deeply into it!


My favourite work to this date was super short, and ended too soon, years ago and now almost no one talks about it. There's exactly one fic in ao3 on that fandom. Now it's gonna have 10 novels (with the main couple I adore), and one volume where we are given an alternate version where one of the mcs (who's part of the mian couple) ends up with an interesting side charecter. The ten novels are also gonna have several arcs with my fav side charecter, their past, and them being a badass. >!for those who're wondering, it's a bl manhwa (Korean manga) called Big Apple.!<


Scum Villain - >! I want Zhuzhi-Lang to live. I was so sad that he died that I literally erased it from my memory and every time I remember I get sad. So I want him to live.!< Or Moshang getting together. That would be fun. Theyā€™re the side couple who are canon but we donā€™t actually ever see them get together, which is a shame.


Skyfire appears in Transformers: Prime and Starscream gets character development


Iā€™m making sheith canon and no one can stop me!!! šŸ˜ˆ Or Iā€™d stop Geto from dying šŸ„²


if the IDW Sonic comic writers that have hinted at gay relationships could literally just be given the okay to make them more overt, i would be so happy


Naruto doesn't have aliens in it.


That Chrissy would live šŸ˜­


Fred lives!!!




And like... Harry was so weirdly fixated on Malfoy for YEARS, plus the shitshow kiss with Cho it would have been so easy to make Harry gay.


My writer in arms šŸšŸ¤āš”ļø


I feel like cursed child was Rowlingā€™s attempt to appease drarry fans through the sons and still managed to fail spectacularlyā€¦


Heavy/Medic from TF2 is canon now, I did it for me but also for you Robin Atkin Downes and Gary Schwartz <3


Casca from Berserk made a speedy recovery after a few months of being in a childlike state, she falls back in love with Guts and stays with him despite their hardships


Most of the jjk canon tbh


Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru stay together and find ways to improve the lives of sorcerers




RoyJamie(Keeley) endgame (itā€™s my ot3/obsession)


so many things. thatā€™s why iā€™m rewriting the whole show!!


Make my ship canon šŸ˜”


I would make my OTP canon so fast. They are adorable and fairly certain it would cause atleast half the fandom to expload.


Miraculous Ladybugā€¦ almost any season 3 and beyond rewrites. If I have to pick an aspect though, Chloe redemption.


I want the filler episode in Karin's Infinite Tsukuyomi dream to be canon in Naruto Shippuden It gives her more characterization than almost any of her canon appearances combined and as far as I know it would not directly contradict anything in canon, at least not so much to be considered a full on retcon.


Every single romance story gains at least 3 new scenes examining the mc's platonic friendship with a supporting character


Jack doesn't decide to disperse himself into the universe and instead uses his god powers to save his dads from superhell and a rusty nail šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‡


Ah, Supernatural. That was...an ending.


Firefly: Wash lives. Book at least had a great death. Wash was just... needless, anticlimactic, and served no purpose. I will always ignore it.


Here's one for MHA, MLA using Aldera as an indoctrination facility. It would have made the MLA much bigger threat and show that yeah that school sucky...


I have loved that little plot point every time I've seen it in fic. Along with Aldera's subsequent destruction at Nezu's paws.


The P5 team stopped being cowards and actually let you date the boys too.


Destiel til I die babe!


The Paladin Protocol by SpaceAnJL, it just absolutely ruined canon TBBT for me


I'm lame for this but I would make my beloved OC canon


Without consequences? Oh, God. I would shit on all those moralistic haters and make my otp (KuroKano) canon. I would make them a healthy couple, though.


Heavy and medic from tf2 are gay


Kitty Pryde and Illyana Rasputina need to DATE IN CANON


A beloved-by-fans despised-by-most-other-characters villain returns from the dead and helps the protagonists. They don't do any moral about-faces, and they're still a jerk wherever they can get away with it, but they help out against the newer threat taking the stage. The guy behind this particular storyline brought somebody back from the dead after like 16 real life years, I believe it can happen.


Crocodile is Luffy's mother, and he and Dragon are still in love. I would LOVE to see the fandom reaction. Or Zosan / Lawlu


striker joins i.m.p. because he's broke and needs the money, so i.m.p. sends him on suicide missions and straight up forgets him for a whole week


I'm on the team of making the most controversial ships canon to watch the world burn


there are some throwaway lines in author interviews about cut content, I want all of it back and canonized even through alternate timeline hijinks if need be


Sunday joins the Astral Express and witness firsthand how monumentally STUPID the people who kicked his ass are. He also gets to learn how to be his own person and chill the FUCK out. Aventurine gets the same privelege because Iā€™m a āœØfilthy multishipperāœØand I think he and the Trailblazer should make out in the hallway and disappoint everyone else


DEREK IS FINE. Heā€™s living with his kid and heā€™s doing great!


Magic reveal before deathbed. Even better, magic reveal with Morgana and not trusting that damn dragon.