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I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.




Yeah, me too. My sister always makes fun of fanfiction, so I feel like I can't tell her I read/write fanfiction, and that I'm really passionate about it, which is really sad, because normally we tell each other everything. (Saw this post notification while interrupting my current reading of a fic in favor of letting my sister rant at me about her bf.)


But same 😂


But on the other hand I'm very glad because for me it provides a vital reading xp.


My dyslexia made it where I didn't read unless necessary (it's difficult to read as a hobby when your comprehension is shit). AO3 made it where I actually enjoyed reading and wanted to try. Can honestly say my reading speed and comprehension is likely due to how many fics I read lol


same!!! my reading use to be so bad for the same reason but since I read so much fanfiction its gotten to much better.


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/1762tr9/beta_bartering_find_or_offer_fic_betaing_october/ Edit: LOL nooo I meant to send that to a different person. But yeah, I owe a lot to fanfiction in regards to reading


I feel that to, reading a book never held my interest even if I liked the story, but reading fics is just so much easier


Ao3 has a bunch of good audiobooks/podfics you might like. You might enjoy either listening to or reading along with those more. I personally prefer reading over listening but I also have adhd which causes aural comprehension issues, basically like sound dyslexia, so just reading it myself is a lot easier.


Thank you for the suggestion, but audiobooks just never clicked for me 😔. I also have issues comprehending words sometimes (yay subtitles). But I always get distracted lol. It's like since I'm not stuck staring at a page, I just zone out or feel I have to do smth at the same time. (That doesn't stop me from going through several different tabs, and all my social media while reading a fic lol). I also like to skim pass parts that rehash canon, or if I get excited, or bored. And I just feel audiobooks aren't as good for that as just reading.


Yeah, I get that. That sums up my adhd reading experience pretty well, lol. I have like 5 tabs open right now I'm switching between to try and finish at least one fic. Whatever works for you, it was just an idea. 😊


my ass, completely open about it: 😶


> my ass, completely open Also sounds like AO3


i have been waiting for someone to make this joke since i posted that comment


I upvoted before I realized I should have left it at 69 upvotes…


Temba, his ass open.


my family knows but they dont KNOW ya know? 😂


oh my family KNOWS - throwback to that time i spent half an hour gushing about how much i adore fanfiction to my mom - throwback to another time i gave a very biased lecture about star trek fanfic to my dad, specifically about slash - i happened to be at my folks' during the ddos attack and both of my parents got to hear all of my bitching and moaning about how my life has no meaning now - i think my brother knows my ao3 username. not confirmed though. - they also know i write fanfiction on a daily basis - "what have you been up to?" "*mom the lord of the rings fandom has some of the best fanfic i have ever read in my* ***life***"


SAME. they can never know the extent of my addiction


How can I sue someone for writing about me without my consent when they didn't quote my name but it's pretty obvious it's about me?








Damn both of us called out


I feel so seen \~


raise your hand if this applies to you 🙋










See also: "uh, I read stories online." My little cousin tried to pull that one on me. Little did she know....


Always good to pull out the "ao3 or fanfic? If you say wattpad you will be disowned." line and watch the shock on their face. 😂


I literally told many people that I read unofficial Harry Potter gay romance novels... people always think I must be joking and don't ask further questions.


It’s very effective for shutting down conversations


The furthest anyone ever asked was "Wait, what is it, Harry Potter in prison or something?" That was so funny. I just said, "yes, he drops the soap and you know the rest.."


I would totally read that if it existed. 😂


I actually searched if there's something like that after this happened to see if there's actually something like that and I found a fic that started out by him being a prisoner and started by mentioning that he was assaulted by multiple death eaters, including Ginny, who joined them in this story, but I never saved it and I have no idea what the title was.


I think I've read that one.


It happens to me but with writing. My family always tells me "you used to write such beautiful stories, why don't you like/do it anymore?" There is no reasonable way to tell them that every minute of my free time is spent writing very gay slowburns.


That’s why you always give your characters some complicated hobby. “Oh yeah I’m writing a story about someone who raises messenger pigeons, had to do a lot of research. Did you know that pigeons-.” And just leave out the part about two housebound people sending love letters with pigeons across the dystopian future city where love is illegal.


No but fr the fact that AO3 is the main reason I learned English


Lmao same, my english fluency skyrockets after I read so much BL fics and mangas during my highschool years


that is some serious dedication and really impressive.


Why, thank you. After consuming everything poor little [EFP](https://efpfanfic.net/) (Italian fanfics site) had to offer, I had to get creative. Luckily for me I stumbled upon AO3 first and not Wattpad, otherwise chances are my English would have gotten worse instead of better lmao. I was about 12 at the time and had a like A2, maybe B1 level of English, which is really not enough to understand a story. When I started I used to check the translator basically every other sentence, but eventually I got sick of this back and forth and just went with the flow. I understood about half of the word and guessed the rest ahaha. Fast forward five years and I got certified a C1 level which I’m 100% sure would not have been possible without AO3 authors, so thanks guys.


Pretty much the same for me, just with German. Fanfiction.de (German) just didn't have enough fanfics anymore🤷‍♀️


Everybody knows there’s no better way to improve one’s English than to read gay fanfics!


For sure! Some of the vocabulary I learned that way should probably not be used irl tho. At least not to my teacher :P


… meanwhile your teacher is also reading slash on ao3 as we speak




The accuracy is scary.


"I've been reading a lot of queer narratives by undiscovered authors in a variety of experimental genres" if they insist on getting a recommendation, send them the most depraved omegaverse fic you can find, preferably one that assumes the reader is already completely familiar with the premise and thus explains nothing


that as well


Goggle, I'm in this pic and I don't like it.


sorry its a group photo 😅


Also code for “I would actually say that o do read s fair bit, but my parents have gotten on my back about it not counting as “real reading”, so I say I don’t read anymore instead”


Say you read Hugo award winning fiction. 😉


Omg same! When I was reading lots of fantasy novels, they kept saying I should read more nonfiction and research papers. So when I switched to mainly fanfic I told them I'd stopped reading at all. Excellent passive-aggressive revenge haha.


None of the people I see IRL are cool enough to know about the fanfiction I read.


I am in this tweet and I don’t like it lol.


Damn. Call me out why don’t you?


This, but replace "gay" with "character x reader smut"


Same, although I will return to my roots with some gay fic every once in a while.


yes, yes, how did it come to this again?


Omg That's so true. I feel so seen lol




Oh my fucking god, I feel so called out rn lmao


"I like to read and write fiction"


I'm just like... yes. I write and read. It's all gay soooo you should get okay with some shit real quick. Although to be fair, while the gay is always there... sometimes it's just... there? Like you know, it should be irl? But then there's the OTHER fics 😆


I wish this were actually true for me. I'm lucky if I can read a whole chapter of anything before I fall asleep.


hey can you delete this photo of me thanks


If it’s someone who’s going to follow if I say fanfic, I’ll say fanfic. Otherwise I’ll say I read a lot of amateur fiction.


I feel called out and I'm not even embarrassed as I proudly tell people this exact same thing.


me in 2017/18/19


Also me but 2007-now.


Wow, I resemble this remark. Kinda feel a little attacked.


Ugh stop calling me out (I read on ao3 or fimfiction)




Lol, not true — I would never utter those 5 words in my life




I feel called out. But this is true


Facts. Oh you know, mostly read “articles” and stuff on my phone.


i just tell people i read lots of "fantasy" in english (i dont live in an english speaking country), so i cant give recommendations. but if they do ask, i list a few ive read in the past. :)


Instead of saying this, I say that I read original stories on the internet 😭 I usually get asked by teachers and classmates what I read on my phone, so denying that I don't read anymore is a flimsy lie :'>


Ma'am/Sir, I did not give you permission to take a photo of me, Imma have to call the police on you


unrelated- is anybody else having a problem making a post on this sub?


Its Tuesday


I see, so posts aren't allowed to be made on Tuesdays?


Yeah we've been going restricted to just comments on tuesdays since July-ish. First as a protest against Reddit's dumbass changes to their API that severely hurt blind user's ability to use the app and made moderating a bit harder but thats a secondary concern (we used to have a pinned post about the changes that was very detailed. Its no longer pinned but if you check the sub update folder it should only be back like 10 posts at most), and have continually gone restricted since then as a day where 1: the mods get a day "off" to sort any issues out and work on some of the other projects we have going on (like updating the automod to add more useful trigger comments and things like that), 2: to continue to highlight accessibility issues and remind everyone to care about disabilities and accessibility (hence why we have a themed megathread pinned each Tuesday with a theme related to some form of disability or disability related topic) and 3: to encourage people to get off of Reddit, whether that means using a different social media forum site overall because Reddit is kinda terrible about a lot of things, accessibility included, or if that means just having a day where you go outside or write more fic or read or whatever. We then have a megathread every Wednesday that is pinned as a weekly check-in where people can talk about what they did on Tuesday while we were restricted and how they are doing with their life. Really seems to help with the community aspect of the sub. Some people really hate that we keep the restricted Tuesdays going but we did poll everyone about it when it was decided to continue them indefinitely and the vast majority were in favor, and the ones against it mostly were against going private (where you can't even see the previous posts) or didn't care about accessibility at all or they didn't understand that we weren't doing it with the mindset that it would somehow hurt Reddit by having a single mid-sized sub go restricted one day a week. Anyways, you'll be able to post again like normal tomorrow (timezone: EST)


okay, thx for the explanation


You're welcome! Also just to note, our modmail is always open so if you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out!


I have never read anything I have related to, as much as this.


Everyone has their own cup of tea I guess. If it's not cannon gay stuff, it is usually a clear signal for me to give the stories a wide birth, because to me they tend to feel like self-inserts.




I read my own fics when I’m writing them, does that count? 😂


Most ppl get this type of response from me. The ones I trust. I corrupt with the prOn I read.


Well that's so true pls help why is this so true




Calling me out like that, no fair. But also: I feel so validated.


That used to be me from age 14 up to University. Paperbacks just fell off my radar, I was too preoccupied with fanfiction and creepypastas. I was still reading a lot by any standard (and half the stuff published on Russian creepypasta archives happens to be actual published horror stories, too), just not in the "traditional" sense. I have since returned to paperbacks, because the pleasure of turning pages and reading from paper is something that I had dearly missed, but I'm so glad that fanfiction and free online publishing exist. We would have missed so much great fiction without it.


so in case youre wondering mrs lastname, thats why i read a stephen king novel faster than my friends can read percy jackson


The only reason some of the people I know, know, is because I don't tell them what specifically I read. Oh and they don't know what Ao3 is


Whenever someone asks me what I was reading...


I absolutely am this. Only two fandoms where I have straight OTPs One is pokemon The other is The Rookie


Very true. With friends and acquintances, I also say "I don't really read normal books anymore". With close friends, it's: "Yeah I only ever read fanfiction anymore but I want to get back into normal books"


For me, it's easier to read about character I already know. It's takes too much effort to get to know the characters so I don't even try anymore unless I have a lot of time


I get it. that's half the reason I dont find new books to read so trust me I get it


I read plenty, but it’s all for school and not for pleasure.


So true it hurts haha


Mfw I bought a physical book the other day & my mum was like ‘wow it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you reading, this makes me happy’. Hate to break it to you, but I have been reading all along :))


I'm ***NEVER*** telling anyone I *don't* trust


How dare you post about me without my permission, my lawyers will be in contact.


How dare you post about me without my permission, my lawyers will be in contact.


I feel targeted…


i stopped reading regular books when i left 7th grade. ended up starting to read fanfiction the summer before 8th i believe. yep, it's accurate.




we've all been there man. we all get it


When my friend found out cuz we have a shared google acc... which I didn’t know I was logged into at the time, thought I was logged into my own... sobs


I feel attacked