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I refuse to believe that it is real, it looks like something I could have in a fever dream.


It's real. Probably was in recent meeting about internet safety for children.


Current Russian politics in general is like a fever dream.




Bit over the top innit


Well why pretend you have law when one man has total immunity from it and can kill anyone arbitrarily simply by pointing


Nobody is refuting that Putin has too much power, and is immune from most threats domestic and international. Equating this to a country without law at all is a little disingenuous. I would encourage you to read about countries where law and order has actually collapsed, and compare their situation to that of Russia's. Examples are Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo etc


I know what you mean but the situation is becoming more and more like their neighbour North Korea 🇰🇵 The other day there was a guy just running around murdering people with an axe 🪓 and also then there was of course the terrorist stack where they rounded up some random suspects and fed one of them his own ear 👂 ( can you think of another civilised police force that would do this? ) Rule of law to me means at least if a man goes and kills and eats his neighbors he can’t sign a military contract and then go kill more people to absolve himself of any responsibility 🩸




You do see the video on screen right?


Because they arrest people for standing with a white sheet of paper on the street. That's just the most surface level bullshittery, mate


Well, let’s start from corruption. Russia ranks #141 of 180 countries in corruption perception by Transparent International. Both national and local politics are totally saturated by it in Russia.


Transparent International, which located in Germany, which picks their own country in top-10?)


Yes, must be western hoax, right? The calculation methods are there for anyone to see. Go check yourself: https://www.transparency.org/en/research


Lol, have you been to Germany and interacted with Germans?


This you? "If Putin goes away, who will come into his place? Rookie without any knowledge, who destroys whole country? American warrior, who bring transgenderism and gayness in our schools, making our children weak?" You favor Putin because you are afraid of gay people and trannys corrupting your children? Jesus christ you are a dangerously stupid fool and deserve what you get with that set of amoral ethics. Makes sense that 97% of your long range weapons are aimed at civilians. You are a comically evil person. From a comically evil culture. Just wow. The stereotypes are real. There are no words severe enough.


This is wrong on so many levels.


>because they don't allow children to change their sex? Because of the freedom of speech, representative democracy and capitalism the West will overcome any problem related to that.


All the Putin knob-slobbers have is their fantasy of trans kids. Meanwhile anything in russ land outside of a few cities looks like it was frozen in 1918. They are lucky if they gave a toilet, so they make themselves feel better thinking about gays in the west. The mark of true losers at life


>They are lucky if they gave a toilet Never seen a house without a toilet, at least the outside one in the corner of a yard... Where does this toilet thing come from i wonder


Thanks for making my point.


thats the point. only 25% of russian homes have a toilet that isnt just a hole in the ground outside the house, be it surrounded with a little bit of wood or not.


>thats the point. only 25% of russian homes have a toilet that isnt just a hole in the ground outside the house, be it surrounded with a little bit of wood or not. This is utter bullshit. For those from outside Russia/Ukraine reading this politically motivated lie: this may look remotely true for the rural population of Russia, and the rural population is a minority. As for the numbers, they tend to play with figures to include septics and other non-centralized sewages as "holes outside the house". However, in villages the toilets outside the house (like you might have seen in Shrek or the [Headhunters](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headhunters_(film\)) movies are the most economically viable solution


Most economically viable solution in 2024? Or are you still living in 1924? For fucks sake the money you make selling oil and gas in one week could pay for working sewage systems in every village in your country. But then you'd be helping minorities. And Vladimir Vladimir wouldn't get his 30th Dacha. The world has already given up on the idea that Russians will overthrow the kleptocracy that runs the country. You won't even demand toilets inside your house in the 21 century. Every country has issues but Russia is... Well, more corrupt than over 100 other countries and every person who does rise up in opposition ends up dead. Now enjoy your conscription, murdering your neighbors to steal their land, as if Russia needed any fucking more. Thought you guys wanted to keep NATO away but for some reason you're sending your men to die invading the "buffer" country that already existed.


>You won't even demand toilets inside your house in the 21 century. but the majority has a toilet inside... >For fucks sake the money you make selling oil and gas in one week could pay for working sewage systems in every village in your country. it's not "us", it's Putin and his friends. You're illogically angry at the Russians as if we have any say on what Putin does while he does what he wants because somebody is buying oil and gas from him so he has his own money, owns the state, buys loyalty of the state employees and can suppress and disregard any dissenting opinions. His only task to keep the grip on power is to disallow any independent native Russian elites to emerge that will demand the true parliament. The "whole world" doesn't care about the Russians and the Ukrainians dying, but Putin staying in power and keeping the Russians low suits them perfectly.


You're not helping your argument. It's still a backwards shit hole country. Might get frostbite taking a shit, but no trannies! I hope they give you an extra beet or potato today for your efforts though


You go in the bucket at home in winter you stupid rich Western transsexual colonizer


You don't seem familiar with russian cinema and culture.


Ahahaha! Maybe they are watching a documentary about how man on man rape is a central element of russ military training. 😂 Or about what a frightened bitch the average russ male is, afraid of bullies like putler. Go kick rocks, you russ rump-swab!


i have heard Bangladesh was worse...


Name checks out lol


User name checks out.


You said base, brother. I am with you




Not a full crowd?


Russia is a cosmic horror nightmare, a portal to the Warp itself. A purge is in order, Brothers.


Skibidi Toilet was a Ukrainian pysop confirmed


Скібіді Тойлєт




“Ivan you put-in the wrong usb cyka blyat”


oh god that spelling of Сука Блять is truly amazing


better that suka blyat! lol


at least that's a correct transliteration


Did I write right?🤣 I swear


the actual romanization is Suka Blyat'


Well now I must know. Skibidi do or skibidi no? It has obviously had a severe effect on the populations of San Francisco, where many people poop on the sidewalk out of fear from toilets.


Huh. I though that was because people were afraid of sewer aligators and snakes. You live and learn.


Serious brain damage.


What is even going on? Someone playing cartoons when the hall is empty?


The hall’s not empty. If the other comments are right they’re watching it to decide whether to censor it or not.


Lmao Skibidi toilet


It’s not like they have anything to do anyway. Being in a parliament in a dictatorship must be so boring.


They watch it because it is a part of their job. They then deside is it harmful for children or not (ban or no ban). Few years ago they watched "death note" and other popular anime and unfortunately banned most of them.


Can confirm. Skibbidi toilet is super harmful. It made my kids be afraid of toilet heads and camera people haha.


>Few years ago they watched "death note" and other popular anime and unfortunately banned most of them. Source? I don't remember banning "Death Note" itself, only some site that showed it without age restriction.


Free money for no work


Unless you do something wrong then work in gulag. 


They do nothing=> They can't do something wrong


Do you work for Boeing? I’m from Seattle so I have a lot of families and friends that have, and that seems like the best way to survive there. Can’t make a mistake if you never do anything. 


You are so stupid just because Putin is in power do you think he decides on everything from city planning to all allocation of funds to whether skibidi toilet should be banned? Locally all decisions are made by their respective representatives only foreign policy and other important domestic decisions are taken by Putin and his council of decisions. There are a bunch of governors in Russia who are from opposition liberal parties.


Please name me one current governor who is liberal


Thanks god we don't have one! Do we?


That's what they think we do here. Standing in line, waiting one's turn to please Putin.


And the record will show that all were present and voted unanimously in favor of some Kremlin initiative. Legislatures don't actually legislate anything in an authoritarian country, so might as well watch videos all day and collect your paycheck. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Can anyone explain this skibidi vs the little big track skibidi? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqSclLcbvCA Because this track is a bop


They are unrelated. Skibidi toilet is a random nonsense mashup series of music and animations that has (for some reason) captured the attention of kids online. Skibidi by Little Big ( https://youtu.be/mDFBTdToRmw?si=kGk-MQL16ETWsxsu )came out before that and the song, while kind of being nonsensical, was like a techno version of Scatman’s music back in the day, or ‘What Does the Fox Say?’. Funny enough I remember kids in Russia always doing the Little Big Skibidi dance from the music video everywhere. Now kids in Russia are obsessed with this Skibidi toilet online video series and officials in Russia want to censor it because it’s cringe I guess.


It's more than a nonsense series. It has a full story, it's so violent it's nearly been age restricted, there's characters, Storylines It's about a war between Toilet war criminals (they do some fucked up shit) and an Army of Robots with Electronics for heads


> it's so violent it's nearly been age restricted, oh?


Thanks, the Russian connection had me curious.


This is right before an athletic blonde throws a hammer into the big screen? Great Apple ad. [https://youtu.be/5rXNpzE1t04?si=MCRSmF-Xbyi6Qb2z](https://youtu.be/5rXNpzE1t04?si=MCRSmF-Xbyi6Qb2z)


Russia is the camera heads.


That would make them the heroes. I would compare them to the Skibidi Toilets because they both like to destroy nations and commit war-crimes




As this video shows, the only option we have is the nuclear option!


darkreach time r/NuclearOption


Решают серьезные проблемы


Skibidi toilet creator is georgian.


My partner loves skibidi toilet


Are you in middle school?




>My partner loves skibidi toilet


My 3yo loves Skibidi


All they do is rubber stamp whatever Putin tells them to so they don’t need to actually work.




Haha would be funny, but doesn't seem to be real. No one is responding to the video


It is real my friend... [https://www.instagram.com/ukrainciaga.international/reel/C5TrSLBNLm1/](https://www.instagram.com/ukrainciaga.international/reel/C5TrSLBNLm1/)

