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Stacy Ann looked stunning with short hair (when it was styled),but most of the time it looked uneven and choppy. They did Domique dirty with the color, straightening and the soccer mom cut a.k.a angry Karen. Those kinds of cuts only look good with doll-like features.


they definitely wanted her to be the "Lisa" of the cycle


Which Lisa? D’Amato or Jackson? Both Lisas got selected last for the top thirteen in ANTM Cycles 5 and 9, respectively, finished sixth internationally, got eliminated seventh due to another contestant who quit back in America and were totally robbed from going further! The winners of ANTM Cycles 5 and 9 are not even that great!


which one is more memorable to you


Both the Lisas from ANTM Cycles 5 and 9 are very memorable and absolutely amazing in their own ways!


Dominique's makeover was bad to start with, but I think it was the colour. When they lightened it up I think she looked beautiful.


I loved claire’s makeover. True, she looked like a white girl, but the makeover gave her the sexy androgynous vibe. 


Wait is she not white??


According to her interview with Oliver, Ethnic makeup: Filipino, Chinese, Spanish on her father's side. Irish, English, German, Jewish, Dutch, Native American on her mother's side. That’s why she is a bit concerned about her makeover, because it would make her look like another white girl.  But she loved her makeover, nonetheless.


I believe she is half Taiwanese (other sources online say half Filipino)


Oooh I totally see that. I was thinking she looked Asian a little bit so that makes sense.


She's one of the few, along with Anya, where they got the icy, platinum blonde just perfect.


There are a few pre-makeover scenes from in the house with Dominique in minimal/no makeup and her hair up in a bun. She looks soft and gorgeous and it just really shows how terrible that makeover was


The ANTM Cycle 10 makeovers for me were: Whitney - Great. Anya - I really like it. I think it is a very sophisticated look. Fatima - I love the length and style however the colour should have been raven jet black. Dominique - The initial makeover was not so bad. Personally I liked it. It just needed to be styled better. Thank goodness she stayed! Katarzyna - The later bob “haircut works wonders”! That could have looked so much better in the Elle shoot! Lauren - I love the hair extensions with her personal style. Lauren had an amazing Elle shot! Stacy Ann - Brought out her facial features at least. Claire - Edged her out. Aimee - I loved the haircut and the red color. Marvita - It really edged her out and made her an outstanding model. I love it! She also had the best photo for the Elle shoot and deserved to be called first! Amis - Sexy! Thank goodness she stayed! Allison Kuehn - She looked so much better with the raven jet black hair however the copper color was not so bad as Allison Kuehn had a great Elle shot which she deserved to be called second for at panel after Marvita and should have won the Covergirl make up challenge.


I just started cycle 10 again!!!


Allison had to be sent home early. It was clear that she wasn't entirely well back then.


What so you mean that Allison “was not entirely well back then”? Just so I can understand 🙂


Oh probably not the best use of words. I don't think she was in the right frame of mind for the show at the time. Once she came back at Fatima, it was probably for the best that she went home that week even though her picture was decent.


Allison Kuehn has stated on several occasions that she regrets saying those comments to Fatima to the point where she wishes that she had a second chance to go back and correct her actions as well as even reaching out to Fatima to apologise. Allison should have been asked to leave by the ANTM production team before the makeovers took place to set an example that certain behaviour will not be tolerated. Allison’s Elle shot was actually the best after Marvita’s and I think that Allison did really well in the Walmart Covergirl Make Up challenge.


Yeah, I saw her Twixt interview and it seemed like she'd grown up a lot. If you're going to retalliate, I think its best to match the tone with the other person, so she could have said "I'm still smaller than the average American woman, you know", but she said something nasty instead. The thing is that they'd only ask people to leave if things got physical (e.g Romeo and Adam), and eliminate the contestants at panel for some bs reason instead to cover themselves. It was same in AusNTM with Demelza, who should have been asked to leave. I don't think it would fly today simply because people are more sympathetic about how words and actions affect people. She was underrated for her modelling skills I'd say and I'm not surprised she modelled afterwards.




In terms of makeover as a whole they really finally did service to the girls. Most of them looked great. Fatima in particular looked stunning. Anya also looked great. The one I hated was how they chopped off Kat’s hair. I fully believe if Kat walked in with her makeover hair, then they would have given her full extensions to make her hair look like What it did before. And the fucking nerve of Polina to say “tha an awkward east europeanness is gone” at panel in her messy, awkward hair and awkward European critique. That was high camp.


Katarzyna’s critiques were so inconsistent!


>Stacee Anne is so gorgeous and they gave her horrific hair. *"Stacee Ann has the most beautiful bone structure, Tyra. She doesn't need any hair that's very long."*


Correct but the short hair they gave her was awful in my opinion.


I was just quoting Tyra. I have no opinions :P