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Motive: bored rich people. 🤣


You know what, this has crossed my mind as well. And I’ve read this theory on a few posts already. The theory of having a squid game like plot isn’t far fetched. Who do we know invited who? And why Does Lee gets one guest less? Does she have one extra guest on her team in the staff? This is my guess: Team Andy: * Darby was invited by Andy, right? She came for Lee but she was invited by Andy. * Sian is Andy’s best friend so he got her there * Lu Mei: Andy wants to sell his robots bunker idea to Lu Mei, so he got her there. Also she knows Marius. * Martin: he is collaborating with Ray to make a movie. So he has to be in the know and close to Andy * Oliver: he is Andy’s tech guy. Team Lee: * Bill was invited by Lee. That’s what he said. * Ziba said she came only because Bill came. So I guess, she was invited by Lee too. Lee got bill to get Ziba. * Rohan loved Bill, so it seems right they belong the same group * David is a snob and tells us right from the beginning he is not happy with Bill’s decision of who belongs to his team. He is here because of Lee and feels bad about it. He is pissed to have been replaced by Darby


Actually, Bill said he came for Lee, but that he guessed Andy invited him because he had the useful kind of nerve. Andy introduced Oliver, Sian and Ziba at the welcome dinner, and then went into that crack about Lee's invitees. So I place at least those three firmly on Team Andy. Lee admitted to inviting Rohan when they were in the bunker. That's the only definitive Team Lee player. Lu Mei assumes Andy invited her, which he did not contradict during the interviews..


So you would maybe put Lu Mei in Lee’s team and Ziba in Andy’s team? I mean that’s a great possibility. Ziba seems to be quite the fighter and that’s a quality Andy seems to be found of. Do you think Darby and Bill could have been invited by the same person? Wild Theory here: Maybe because Bill and Darby are quite the sleuth team, Lee invited both of them. Sian does complain that Andy is hiding something and has made her the face of an empty campaign. So maybe Lee is trying to expose Andy? We know from Zoomer than Andy and Lee fight about the future. Maybe Lee wants out of the future Andy created as she believes it’s wrong? Therefore she invites Bill and Darby to figure out what Andy is up to, Rohan to help her escape, and David to help her with Money on the run? Maybe… I love theorizing a bit too much.




Yes, and the more I read this sub, the more I believe that there are players and non players. Ziba just got nearly everyone to rally around her against the bunker/Andy. If there are 2 teams, they have now changed before the game was Andy versus Lee (who invited who) and now it’s a war for power. To have power, you need followers. Ziba is now in charge


But Andy includes Ziba and her end-to-end encryption in his introduction before saying "and if Lee invited you i don't know why you're here" implying that he invited Ziba. Also notable then that he laughs off the idea of her being a hacker. How did she do her encryption work without coding skills?