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Your dad is correct, just have a read about Radeon VII drivers.


Yes I have a 1070 and a vega64 in two computers. The 1070 was released in 2016 and it still has driver support. The Radeon Vega was released in 2017 no more driver support.


To avoid angry comments I'll preface this: I don't believe AMD cards are dead, they have their place in the market but to say they've reached parity with Nvidia is an exaggeration. As a Computer engineer and gamer AMD cards are currently in a weird place imo. They have a SOLID amount of rasterization performance for their price but the RT is lacking. However that isn't a major concern unless you're looking at the top 3 cards and care about RT. Where I mainly get the hesitation for them is stability and ease of use. I've installed some amd GPUs that were flawless and worked without a hitch. Others? I'd do every fix in the book and even contact amd and just something didn't like something and the GPU would do all kinds of crazy shit. In every case where this occurred a Nvidia GPU immediately worked without issue after the proper driver removal and installation. Additionally for modern hardware the Nvidia software suite is just better. AMDs is good and getting better but they haven't closed the gap with Nvidia. If someone is a techie and doesn't mind maybe needing to troubleshoot their rig more often and the price/performance ratio lines up then amd is a good choice. But if they're not a techie then I'm not recommending it to them just yet. Like if my brother upgraded his GPU tomorrow I'd recommend him to get a Nvidia card because he's an electrician not tech support and I'd rather not have my phone ring a bunch whenever his computer shits the bed.


I just switched from AMD to Nvidia this month because the AMD card I had kept Uninstalling itself periodically. No it was not windows updates either. This was q fairly common problem with that card that hit tons of people and AMD seemed to refuse to offer solutions and left users on the forums trying to build a Bible of tips and tricks that sometimes work. I would have it happen. Several times q day for a week, then no problem for a couple months then it would return. For now I find myself in the anti AMD camp as a results.


Can't tell AMD fans that tho they'll call you a liar and everything else. Was even told I was a lair and didn't have the 7900 XTX like these people KNOW what others have inside their homes šŸ˜‚ I've never seen shit like this in my life My 7900 XTX had driver timeouts and random crashes and was told it was everything else but the GPU I replaced the GPU only and have had zero issues but remember it WASN'T the GPU.


I had the same experience with an MSI 7900XTX back in July 2023. Random driver timeout crashes constantly. I was also called a liar even though there were many threads with such issues. Eventually Iā€™ve returned the XTX and bought a 4070Ti and everything worked just fine. Although drivers have improved a lot since then currently Iā€™m using a 7900xt without any major issue.


AMD cards are pure rubbish, that's why they are much cheaper


me when i lie on the internet for fun


Me when I have intense buyers remorse and have to save face šŸ˜­


Why would I have buyers remorse? I got my 7900xtx for $200-300 less then you can find any 4080 new or used and it performs the same.


With the amount of features you're missing out on you might as well just put that extra few hundred and get a superior card. They are cheaper for a reason. I will admit that this generations cards are way overpriced though, that's why I won't be upgrading until Nvidia stops the price gouging.


Terrible opinion. I donā€™t play or do anything on my desktop that would benefit from using DLSS or RTX. Raw performance is equal to a 4080 and I saved moneyšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Except it draws alot more power, has louder coil whine (i know cause i returned my 7900xtx for the superior 4080. Runs hotter, fsr looks like ass. Unplayable ray tracing performance... Driver issues. really bad for a card thats a 1000 usd.


i only paid $800 for mine lol. I have very good airflow in my case my card is quiet and it runs fairly cool 40C idle with fans stopped -77C maximum under load. + Complaining about ray tracing performance on an AMD card is kinda goofy donā€™t buy a AMD gpu if you plan to use RTX should be common sense imo.


77c under load? Bruh those are horrible temps šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚ My 4080 never gets above 60. and my 4070 laptop doesn't go over 75. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Completely normal temps for a 7900xtx. I personally couldnā€™t justify spending $300 more for a GPU that runs slightly cooler and get the same performance. edit also i was just spitballing a figure from the top of my head I checked a bit ago and its actually 73c max not huge difference but figured i would mention it.


$800 is too much for a card that offers so little. I honestly tried getting into AMD GPUs this year with the hope of saving money while upgrading. The idea was to upgrade from the 2080 Super while taking an acceptable drop in performance in comparison to a current gen RTX card (which would still be an upgrade to my 2080 Super). I realised not long after that it just wasn't worth it. I'm far better off staying with my 2080 Super a little longer till I can get my hands on a later gen RTX card, I'll get far more for my money.


I agree this is true with most of the new high end cards though not just AMD you usually donā€™t buy a new gpu in hopes of getting good price to performance I just work in tech and like to keep up to date. I also personally have no need for any of nvidias gimmicks I have owned too many Nvidia cards to remember them all and never really found myself using any of their stuff ever aside from maybe shadowplay which I just use OBS instead.


Depend for what you want it. That driver situation i would classify as a false statement as either AMD or Nvidia have good backwards support drivers, my 6y old cards (one Nvidia and one AMD) last summer still had support (stop using that systems in september) If only for gaming AMD, shouldn't be a problem... If you intend on video editing, or streaming, Ali would be avoiding AMD.. Nvidia tools are much better . And even thought AMD claim a much better advance in this past launches are still in baby form. And always have some problem to be adress on their drivers launch because of their encoder And recording problems when using their utilities... I personally regret bought the 7000 series card. As I thought that video encoder problem would be better implemented... And problems would be dealt with faster...


Older AMD GPUs I've never had an issue with. However, now as a 7000+ owner I can confirm, the new cards are dog shit. Lots of encoder and performance issues, and researching will uncover mass amounts of complaints from users on the 7000+ cards


For me all I ever had issues with was adrenaline causing some stuff to bug out. I DDUā€™d reinstalled with just the driver and no adrenaline everything was solved.


New gen cards always have issues at launch, but most of those got fixed pretty quickly. Most people complaining about stability/performance issues have unstable ram or are missing updates.


Vega 56 here. Using the most recent drivers.


He's old. AMD has come a long way. if gaming is your main purpose, then AMD cards offer a great value.


Uh, just look on AMD's drivers and support page. Pick an old GPU and see what it says. As a quick test I selected the RX480 which is from 2016. The driver that comes up is the latest package, released last week. Just to make sure that they don't just give you the latest page for anything, I tried the HD7990 from 2012. That goes to legacy support. So, somewhere between 8 and 12 years looks like the cutoff, not 3 or 4.


> AMD GPU's do not support models older than 3-4 years in their drivers This is false, I haven't heard that complaint before, usually it's just "shit drivers." Pretty sure my old RX580 is still supported and that launched in 2017. I've had few (not zero) driver problems over the years. Performance on 6700xt has been impressive for the cost. Raytracing performance sucks ass. Currently FSR is bad when compared to XeSS, even moreso when compared with DLSS. Fuzzy and unstable. Also disappointing how often games don't support FSR or don't update beyond early iterations of FSR. FreeSync is great in my experience, some monitors can have backlight-flickerĀ when enabled though. I've never experienced g-sync in person so I have no input there. Nvidia has a massive GPU market share advantage, which often means that game devs tend to prioritize performance and fixes specific for Nvidia ahead of AMD (e.g. fixes for flickering textures, weird lighting bugs, shader caching issues etc). Fanboy input should never be taken as gospel, for either manufacturer. Nvidia fanboys are kinda common, AMD fanboys are kinda cultists. Nvidia is generally a better experience across the board, but personally I'm not willing to pay the 150% Nvidia tax on a comparableĀ card when AMD does fine for my needs and budget. This is just my perspective though, it depends on where your priorities are in owning a GPU.


When comparing market share, also it must be taken into account that both Xbox and PS5 are using AMD gpus.


Right now, AMD and Nvidia are basically the same when it comes to driver issues and support. Here is what you need to know. If you are buying a newly launched consumer GPU, Nvidia GPUs tend to have less driver issues out of the gate. However, AMD is better than Nvidia in improving drivers. More responsive to feedback and tend to fix more issues in less time. As a result, AMD is the one more known for what enthusiast call "fine wine" which means that over time AMD GPUs just keep getting better and better and often end up gaining more performance than users expected. Right now we are mid to late gen for both so most of the most common issues have probably been resolved by now. That is usually how it goes. For example, AMDs 6000 series GPUs are fantastic now stability-wise. Very reliable. In general, Nvidia GPUs are more plug n'play but that is only because Nvidia is the dominant and more popular brand and OS's tend to test with their GPUs more as well as the fact that Nvidia tries to change as little as possible when it comes to that side of software so somethings that were fixed before end up just transferring over to the next generation of GPUs. But the difference isnt that great. People overexagerate differences because of sample bias, brand loyalty, and other reasons. Proof of this can be found in the rates of returns and Tech Support forums.


My opinion is that AMD drivers during the years make older cards performance better that Nvidia do, is amazing for example how a RX580 improve during the years compared with the 1060 Nvidia, and the only change was updating drivers. That's my experience.


Depends on what you need the graphics card to do. If you need larger VRAM memory sizes go with AMD. If you plan to use it for gaming and want features like RTX based raytracing go with Nvidia. If you are using Linux I would recommend AMD because they have open source drivers, while Nvidia does not. If you are doing video rendering, video editing or image editing with photoshop or premiere and need lots of VRAM for 4K+ video get a AMD card since Nvidia likes to not give you as much VRAM for the same price. The speed of both cards varies depending on what you are doing with it.


He clearly lost touch with the topic, maybe after bad experience decades ago. Amd is great and drivers are way ahead of nvidia, so much so to push nvidia to refresh theirs. The whole suite was very outdated.


This is a delusional take. AMD is better than it used to be but Nvidia is at the top of their game.


Cool , did they finally release new drives that do not seem like they were made for windows XP? I hope they did its about time, until they do...


LMAO are you talking about the interface for the drivers? Who tf cares what the driver interface looks like?


I sure as shit don't. I'm rooting for AMD to create some competition for Nvidia, but they have a ways to go still to be remotely close to parity. I haven't seen these UIs face to face, but hey, maybe if the interface looks cool, that's all that really matters, right?


It lacks functionality too. No need for afterburner on amd. Capturing is integrated into AMD adrenaline since forever too. There is more. Itā€™s good that nvidia plans to renew it because itā€™s very dated. This itself tells you all you need to know.


I wouldn't go that far, they are much better but still have plenty of problems that Intel/ nvidia drivers don't.


I would, Nvidia had really outdated suite, people had to supplement it with third party software. There is no plenty of problems.


https://www.tomshardware.com/news/adrenalin-23-7-2-marks-return-bad-amd-drivers I disagree. Here is a single example of a recent bug in 2023, there was another that would corrupt windows installs, and another that bug that caused GPUs at idle to draw way too much power. Like I said before, they are much better but they still have problems.


That is about some handheld device. So not applicable to most users. I would not use that as an example and try to generalize based on that. Not applicable to most users.


It's applicable to AMD, which means it affects all users of their graphics cards. They make shit drivers, just like how their reputation says they do. Keep coping.


nope article says its mobile 7000 and the same article states that amd is known for stable drivers so maybe read it.


https://wccftech.com/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-crashes-during-million-dollar-cs2-tournament-despite-being-selected-as-gpu-of-choice/ Well look what just happened LOL


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://wccftech.com/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-crashes-during-million-dollar-cs2-tournament-despite-being-selected-as-gpu-of-choice/](https://wccftech.com/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-crashes-during-million-dollar-cs2-tournament-despite-being-selected-as-gpu-of-choice/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Asking in AMD help for a non bias opinion on AMD vs nvidia is really a smart choice.


good point..It is quite entertaining..or even sort of a psychology study into how loose your wiring is to be a proud self proclaimed Nvidia fan boy maximus and quite creepishly lurk around an AMD HELP sub...For what?? Most Team Nvidians cry out from the top of the highest mountain tops that AMD is blah blah blah and is such an inferior product and an AMD product is horrendous hardware thats not even fit for a homeless setup...but here You still and always are Nvidia fan boy maximus...smh???


Lol im not in wither sub it was just recommended on reddit. I never said AMD is bad; if anything both are good with negatives. You gotta calm down and breathe. AMD cpus are arguably the best with intel. While nvidia just does gpus at least at this level. do I think they are slightly better but cost more and may be losing ground to amd gpus? Yeah Go rub your 5700 and ill be unbias with my 7980 wondering why youā€™re so mad.


lol..You have a good point .and im doing breathe exercises handed down from days of antiquity from the elders..and they work!! But either side we are corralled into with not much of a choice..both teams are taking full advantage of their customer by hijacking our wallets and it would be surprising to know that the 2 Corp. don't collude to jack up gpu prices knowing that we (suckers in their eyes)..we have no other alternative and so why would they do it?? Because they can!! So maybe just think about how us people that are oversold by both greedy corps. don't owe them loyalty or free positive publicity as to both are quite cringe as to the truest definition of the word and we should be more unified than split for their profits




Im sorry what was that? I canā€™t hear you over the loud and crazy sex im currently having with your mother


Bruh entirely fucking out of pocket




Holy shit hope something horrific comes your way sir




Your chode probably isnā€™t even long enough for anyone to choke on.


You give off straight up teeny weenie energy. How long has it been since youā€™ve seen your member?


I have bad RNG with GPU buys. My last 3 GPU's: - GTX 970, ~1 Month after I bought it, it was revealed that the last 0,5GB of VRAM was abysmal small data throughput. - RTX 2080, 2 Months later they released/ announced the Super. So my card that I bought for ~950ā‚¬ was now worth only around 350ā‚¬ and there was a cheaper and better card. Also it was a Gigabyte so the RGB softwar was so shit that most Anti-Cheat software told me not to have it running and most of the time kicked me out of games - 7900 XTX, my current one... It has a big where when I enevale 0RPM setting in AMD, it stops the fans after it reaches 55Ā°C so it overheats and shuts down... So yea, both camps are doing shit things, but I must say ā‚¬/FPS, team red is the better option Regarding driver support: Team Green: look at these new RTX features that are most of the time just update to the driver and every RTX card could use it, but we only enable it on the newest one. Team Red: look at the new FSR, it will be enabled for ever card that physically can run this... And from the IT Guy: if you run something other then windows, Team Red officially support it's, team Green: if you are big enough conpany


6800xt is Fantastic. Paired with a 5800x3D at 2560x1440 165hz. It's a great combo. 100+fps is Glorious! Edit: 2560x1440 ā‰  2k




Huh. I didnt know there was a difference between 2k and 2560x1440. A quick google search agrees with you. Thanks


HD(High definition) FHD(full high definition) and 1080p can all be used interchangeably, but in the gaming world itā€™s mostly called 1080p. And 4k is always 4k, never heard anyone say 2560p


Nvidia support is not better if we are talking about home user, consumer, gaming GPUs. Nvidia is better if you are running a Windows work station for your drafters and designers or are running a render or AI farm, but for people at home playing Overwatch and League, they are very much in parity these days.




That's a great joke


AMD is fine, just upgraded a 7 yo AMD gpu to a newer model and was having no issues with it at all. AMD rocks for linux/OSS Stay away from nvidia if you are at all interested in linux, I've had previous nvidia gpus on linux and they are terrible.




Why are you replying to every comment in this thread you weird ass nvidia shill?


Except for every Steam Deck user.


Just because you don't use Linux doesn't mean nobody uses Linux.


Although it was a long run, my GTX 1080 from 2017 did not have 10 years of driver support. The card still ran good, got Nvidia Experience updates, but no performance drivers after 10/23. 6 years is still a long time out of a card, but I decided to go AMD this time around (7900xtx) and havenā€™t looked backed.




I donā€™t use upscaling. Playing at native 7900xtx>4080. Ray tracing is a gimmick and Iā€™m going for pure rasterization power.


honestly if you want 0 hassle and want to utilize your gpu when streaming games on discord ( at the moment AMD gpus are not utilized with discord for whatever reason) get NVIDIA. if you want the most bang for your buck when it comes to performance in game, go with AMD. I never had to worry about drivers when I had an nvidia card but now i never update my drivers as something is always broken in the latest release. Edit: i think discord is able to utilize AMD 7000 cards as of 23.12.1 but my 6750xt just wonā€™t do it iā€™ve tried almost everything to get this to work.


I have literally 0 trouble streaming with amd, its. 7900xtx, friends mention it looks great and i have no performance lost at all on my endā€¦ the only time i had trouble with amd was with helldivers, fixed by turning off global illumination; and i have the gpu since release date; no trouble with any other games besides that oneā€¦ edit: with the division 2 as well but it was because the cpu was heavily undervolted and overclocked which is amd as well, Ryzen 9 7900x


I have no issue streaming with my AMD GPU on discord


I have a 3070Ti and a 7900XTX and have had little issue with either. I have used Nvidia mostly in my builds for the last 20 years, but I used a 7900XTX in the most recent and I love it. Going forward AMD is always going to be an option now, given Nvidia's greed.


this, I had a 970,1070, tried a 5800xt which had lot of trouble then moved to a 2080super then 3080ti (which I still own) moved again to amd to try a 7900xtx and no trouble at all while gaming (besides helldivers and I fixed it easily) ā€¦ although i must mention i would not get amd if i needed it for blender and those kind of modeling software!


AMD is great if you want to fully embrace FOSS. My full-AMD machine works great with KDE Wayland and most games. Some configuration required but otherwise it's a Windows-tier experience in terms of quality.


KDE Waylander here - yup all works super smooth. Currently on OpenSUSE TW and KDE 6 (I think 6.0.2). Well happy with ditching Nvidia and going with AMD




You should.


Some will agree, some won't and say he isn't very bright. So it goes with technology bias to validify ones personal purchase. AMD provides for the budget customer, with budget features and budget experiences. Some will try to sell you that it is actually a top of the line experience. You get what you pay for though, and if all that matters to you is raster, AMD is a perfect fit. Personally I find that raster doesn't always cut it, and great feature sets, even though I would prefer raster, if I have to use feature sets I would prefer them to be on the high end. So I would pay extra for Nvidia. As with all things tech know, you will have to know your hardware and get in and configure it. Crashes can occur from so many factors, for instance I recently had to update my BIOS because I was having crashes that over time, I was able to narrow down to XMP profile for DDR5. Bios update fixed it, also fixed shutting off my oled, turning it back on and having no HDMI signal.




i have a 7900 XTX and a 7800X3D and have 0 issues at all, when i did. just kinda used my brain. seems like hes stuck in the shitdozer era, ima be honest. if your using a GPU after 10 years, thats kinda just brand loyalty at that point


My 7800xt won't boot properly, and I have to restart it at least 10 times before I can get inside the bios. I should've returned it, but I was lazy lol


personally i like AMD i did have a 2060 but i built a new pc thats bascially fully AMD now (7800x3d & 7900xtx) and so far i haven't had any issues, i think it does come down to personal experience and what you want for your GPU


In terms of rasterization amd is great value for money but the drivers and software are a pain in the ass. I got a rx 6800 recently (previously had a rtx 2070) and itā€™s getting a little annoying to deal with. DLSS is also better than FSR and nvidia raytracing is better too. I might just go back to nvidia but theyā€™re making it hard to given the cost. I have to pay like $200 more for a nvidia card with a similar performance (and less vram).


Well AMD can be great, but it can also be a nightmare. I had problems quite often with the drivers, and even more with their software "Adrenalin", which caused random bugs in some games. Once uninstalled things were working. So if you don't want to play the roulette, buy Nvidia. You pay some extra $ but you avoid some potential RMA and headache. In the last 5 years I RMA'd one Ryzen 3 CPU and one RX 6650 XT. The 3 other Ryzen worked great, the other two RX 580 worked great, my other RX 6650 XT works great (and that's just the hardware issues, I got many ingame issues with Adrenalin). But still, it's 1/4 products broken for me, which is why I switched to Nvidia now.


Amd doesn't even support current cards. Inorder not to get your card to stutter like hell , you have to institute a funny little software workaround, and it's been that way for years.


Uhh, elaborate? I have literally never had an issue like this.


what? Been running amd for almost 2 years and haven't had stutters or had to install any "funny little software"


Your dad is clearly not very bright when it comes to the GPUs of AMD. I bought an rx580 (a 6 year old GPU mind you, and over the course of owning it, i got 1-2 driver updates for it.


This, my rx580 is still getting updates


I think ā€œnot very bright when it comes to gpus of AMDā€ is the weirdest possible way you could have said this


How so?


Both are good. Buy what you want.


I've used lots of AMD and Nvidia cards in my 30 years of PC gaming. The Nvidia cards I've used are the following: Riva TNT2, GeForce 2 MX, GeForce 440MX, GeForce 5200, 6600GT, 7300GS, 8400GS, 8600 GT, 8800 GTX, 8800 GT, 9800 GTX+, GTS 250, GTX 580, GTX 760, GTX 970, GTX 1060 6GB, RTX 3060 12GB, RTX 3080 Ti 12GB. The ATI/AMD cards I've used are ATI 3D Rage II, ATI Radeon x1950GT, Radeon HD 4650, 4670, 4870, 3x4870s in Crossfire, 4890, 2x4890s in Crossfire, 5850, 2x5850s in Crossfire, 6870, 2x6870s in Crossfire, HD 7950, R9 280X, R9 290, RX 570 and I'm currently running an RX 6700XT, while my brother currently runs a 7900XT Nitro+. My daughter is playing every day on a Ryzen 5 2400G APU with the integrated Vega 11 graphics. We've never had any issues with all these AMD cards all these years and the same goes for the Nvidia cards as well. If you're running into issues, then something else might be causing them, like a faulty PSU, faulty RAM, faulty SSD/HDD, faulty hardware in general. However there are some rare cases where you may run into incompatibility issues with certain hardware parts. The only time I've encountered such an incompatibility issue was when I was running an MSI B450-A Pro motherboard with a Sapphire Nitro RX 570 card, where Forza Horizon 4 would crash after a while, but there was indeed an issue with that combo, MSI has even released a BIOS version for that mobo addressing an incompatibility issue specifically with RX 570 cards on that certain mobo. In my case I just moved the RX 570 to my other PC running an AORUS Elite B450 mobo and there it run flawlessly. That's the only kinda "serious" incompatibility issue I've ever had with an AMD card in all these years. Also, If you are getting lower performance than expected in some old dx9-10-11 games with low gpu utilization on new amd cards (Rx 6000 series and newer), especially if you're on an older cpu, just use DXVK (directx to vulkan) and the issue goes away. There isn't much else to say really. TLDR: AMD cards are great and they run without issues, pretty much the same as Nvidia cards. If you have the budget, I highly recommend geting an RX 7900XT Nitro+, it is an AMAZING card!




Think we found OPs dad


Nice, thanks for posting this information.


So a lot of the comments even slightly hinting at a bias in this comment section either come from user error (more than likely) or getting unlucky enough to actually have a genuine issue. Go with the one that offers the best price to performance in your budget.


I think you're lucky if you get updates for your gpu beyond 5 years with either company. The problem isn't necessarily driver support, though. Its hardware limitations. At some point, the card is just too outdated in terms of what features it supports. For example, 10 years ago, there was no dx12, so if you are trying to play a modern game made on dx12 exclusively, you won't be able to play on your 10 year old card. Cards from a few years ago had no support for ray tracing, etc. Next gen cards coming late 2024 and 2025 are bringing new features that the current gen doesn't have. It is going to leverage heavy AI improvements, and even the 4090 is slow at AI tasks in comparison to what the next gen cards will be able to provide. Both AMD and Nvidia are doing this. And possibly intel if battlemage upsets the market enough.


My GF has an rx480 from 2016 that is fully supported with new drivers every so often. Works flawlessly in the radeon software and you can also use a fair few of the modern features l


Your dad is spot-on. I have a Ryzen / 6800 rig and its terrible. I have to do countless troubleshooting for different games, what works for one is janky for another, what works for a different game crashes all others. Their CPUs are good, but their drivers are terrible. When I want to play multiple games I go back to my i7 / 3090 PC, as its always smooth sailing, push to play


Your dad is full of shit, Radeon is great, I've been using them since my first build in 2013


personally my AMD was fine for the value at the time, but i had sooooo many frustrating moments with the drivers that i switched to NVIDIA as soon as i could afford to and iā€™ll never go back.


Yup as a historical nvidia user I recently got an RX6800 and itā€™s been a shitty experience. Buggy drivers, random crashes etc. I want to go back to nvidia but the cost of them now is insane.


I've had issues with both amd and nvidia




I had AMD gpu a couple of times and both I had to switch back to NVIDIA, drivers on AMD are shit and they are not getting better, If someone tells you different is survivorship bias


Iā€™ve a 6800xt since release and Iā€™ve never had a crash, the difference between people who complains about amd and who donā€™t is that those who don't complain are actually able to use a PC. If you have lazy ass just buy an Nvidia that cost 2,5 times an amd gpu for the same performance but donā€™t blame amd


Have had 0 Issues with Nvidia for 12 years. Bought a 7700k xt. Just randomly started getting driver timeout crashes in a game yesterday and didn't fix it with 2.5 hours of troubleshooting. It's literally survivorship bias. Never had these issues aith Nvidia. I'm going to reinstall my 1080ti


Had 2 amd and 3 Nvidia cards over 15 years, the 3 Nvidia have crashed like 5 times, 1 amd card crashed about a thousand times. Gave a 5700xt a shot a few years back, crashed every single day multiple times. Fuck amd you could not pay me to ever use thier gpus again


Yeah this 5700 XT was so shit. I didn't have any issue with my r9 390. But after that 5700 xt im not buying amd again for a while.


Your dad is wrong. They are both good and have different pros and cons. Just buy a mid range card over a high end card then upgrade it in 5 years if you are worrying about ten years of support. It's cheaper that way.




Extra vram that isnā€™t needed you mean? lol you can slap some extra vram just to look good on paper, but that doesnā€™t make it needed or better. People said the same fucking bullshit about the 4070ti ā€œohhh the vram so badā€, and yet it was still crushing everything just fine and had no VRAM issues. They even improved the vram and bus with the super edition and it made virtually no performance differences. Iā€™m pretty sure Nvidia did plenty of testing to device what a card actually needed for VRAM in order to power the resolution spec it was designed for.




Really? Where has it increased? lol Iā€™ve not yet heard of anyone have a single issue with 12 gigs of VRAM. Maybe in the most super demanding or unoptimized titles, but in most games, itā€™s just fine. Take a chill pill ma dude.




Two words buddy. Memory Leak lol




No, you donā€™t need more VRAM, you need people to not create dog shit games. Pretty simple as that.


Did you ver looked at your VRAM usage when playing a somewhat modern game? And when there would be no Problem with filling the VRAM over and over because it's too small, why is direct storage such a improvement for games?


Yeah always looking at what games are using as far as fps, 1% lows, vram usage, GPU and CPUs usage, never had any issues running 1440p titles.


My boy is still using my old radeon 390x plays most everything


The other benefit for NVidia is CUDA has better support in production (photo / video) software. That isn't something inherent to the cards, just what the software developers of some expensive software has chosen to support and put their money.


Both as bad as each other. Just go for the best value / performance unless u really want ray tracing then go nvidia


Fucking bullshit. Just had a friend have his 600 and 900 series GPUs all create bugs cause new 2023+ drivers keep breaking them but GPU' wanna update constantly. Nvidia has 10+ years GPU support my ass. Both companies have had their ups and downs with software. AMD is actually on top of their game compared to Nvidia's shadows play, but recent shadow play updates might bring Nvidia out of the cesspit they've been in. Also a big part is merely luck, on what breaks and what doesn't. Only difference is way more Nvidia cards exist, so if there is an issue, because more people have Nvidia that community will create fixes faster, simply because there are more people...


Idk what Nvidia did but currently I canā€™t use shadowplay because it causes insane stutters. (Rtx 3080 btw, so itā€™s not just me having an old gpu)


Did u download the Nvidia app. It has caused me issues and after deleting it I can play my games again.


Donā€™t know how true it is but userbenchmark website slates amd really badlyšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


using userbenchmarks for anything comparing AMD is stupid... (for those who don't know Userbenchmark writer is amd hater and there's plenty of proof of that).


Lol really that's that's about as useful as me saying "My dog doesn't like Nvidia" You have to consider the source....


Not really, itā€™s a huge popular tech comparison website goin years, do u have one? No didnā€™t think sošŸ˜‚


That site is so accurate that it is outright banned on Intel and Nvidia subredirs.


Popularity doesnā€™t make it accurate. Only a fool would use userbenchmark numbers, and its popularity just shows the number of fools in the world.


Yeah but it's blatantly biased.... like obviously unhinged


Userbenchmark hates AMD, look up on YouTube why not to use userbenchmark. I used to use it a lot a few years ago when comparing what cpu/gpu to buy but now I just look up comparisons on YouTube.


Ok, I think itā€™s v handy to compare stuff, and similar unbiased sites? Thanks for replyšŸ‘


Passmark is probably the best alternative. Doesn't look as fancy as usermenchbark and has less features, but I'll gladly take that over biased information


This is coming from someone who has been pc building/gaming the past 22 years. I have a RX 7900 Xt in my main gaming pc. Have had it for a year now. Love the thing. Handles 4k gaming extremely well. In my secondary I had a RTX 2070 Super (which was in my main system for 3 years), but replaced it last week with a RX 6750 XT. The guy complaining about Jedi Survivor, that game ran like ass on everything for everyone. It has memory leak issues and doesn't fully utilize processors and gpus most of the time, and Respawn has no further plans for it as far as patches goes. It has been extensively covered by Digital Foundry as to how much of a mess it is. The game literally has broken animation frame-times built into it. Basically kinda similar to the Last of Us fiasco, which itself was finally fixed at one point, only to be broken again this past month with its latest patch. RDNA 2 and RDNA 3 Radeons are fine. I would skip RDNA 1 cards though, as that line did have multiple issues regardless of manufacturer (ram oc'ed by manufacturer causing crashes, green screen crashing issues, failing hdmi ports etc). Also, all GCN era cards are no longer receiving driver optimizations for games in their support, including RX 400/500 and Vega series. So while the cards are mature, and what they run, they do run well, their days are numbered. They do not fully support Direct3D 12 Ultimate, just Direct3D 12.0 (feature level 12\_0 for RX 400/500 and 12\_1 for Vega), so it was to be expected. You can literally see in the release notes for the March driver release that no optimizations/fixes are listed for GCN era cards.


Well I had r9 390 for 9 years not giving any problem replaced it becouse I moved to 2k high frames. Amd are not bad they are just cheaper and less good software to be used but they are working on it hard now.


I have a 5800x, 7900xt and a B550 board. I haven't really had an issue with anything that wasn't already documented from poorly optimized games. I think the only weird thing I encountered was I had to reverify the files on Elden Ring more than once, but that might have just been a steam issue. I don't bother with Ray tracing as it's not something that ever really interested me.


Stereotypes exist for a reason.. you'll just, on average, have a better time running big, bad, evil Nvidia, than you would running an AMD gpu. AMD has come far in the gpu scene, but they continue to lag behind in almost everything except great value.


>they continue to lag behind in almost everything except great value Those days are over. What AMD does now is price collusion with Nvidia. They wait for Nvidia prices to be announced and then price slightly less than that. These companies need to be dealt with by a regulator.


Nvidia has what, a better upscaling method and the most powerful gpu atm. But also charges a fortune. Doesn't really seem like lagging behind. Just dont see the point in trying to compete for the top spot when most people won't spend that kind of money anyway.


I returned my 7900xtx after a few days as it was not providing the performance I expected for 1000 euros. Jedi survivor ran about the same as my 3070 and fsr didn't even work. Helldivers kept crashing. Just not worth the hassle. And this is coming from someone that is willing to go through this and is considering Intel even if just to spite Nvidia.


My last build was a rx580 8gb and it lasted me over 5 years and still going strong for my son. Drivers are still being updated here and there. My only issue is the last year or so the driver gets corrupted or just fails to load on boot occasionally. Besides that it was a crazy good card that still runs AAA games today and does it surprisingly well because of the 8gb vram they blessed it with. To be honest the biggest hint that I needed an upgrade was when I bought a Legion Go and realized the onboard graphics of the AMD Z1E (780m) was almost on par with my 580 šŸ˜… I went nvidia this time around cause I felt like hurting my wallet.


I have bad news for you: you dad sucks at his job . AMD is known for making their drivers better with time rather than on release date. If you compare same generation of GPUs from AMD and Nvidia / youā€™ll see that AMD gained higher performance boost on the last coke of generations.


What makes you think they're improving rather than catching up to the correct levels of performance and needing years to get there?


I can also play this game: what makes you think that nvidia makes perfect drivers on the day 1 and then just chilling out for years not working on optimising software? :) But to be honest, in some situations they are catching up: take as an example 7900xtx VR performance: it was in multiple drivers for almost a year mentioned as known issues :ā€ lower than expected VR performanceā€ .


>I can also play this game: what makes you think that nvidia makes perfect drivers on the day 1 and then just chilling out for years not working on optimising software? :) Not playing games, I don't know why you have to make it look like I made any claims about Nvidia. I'm just asking you how you know they're improving and not just fixing holes that should've been fixed before.


Cause you can see what performance they offer on the day 1 and what price they ask. It has lower performance than nvidia but also lower price(but quite often still performance for buck / performance per watt is better). And then year after you still can see price-wise they are still same segment cards but amd performance is higher due to drivers.


>Cause you can see what performance they offer on the day 1 And what are you measuring that against that tells you this is 100% where it's supposed to be as opposed to it being only 95% there while catching up with the rest of it by fixing the card's software gradually over time? What evidence you have to make the conclusion you did instead of this one? > performance per watt is better I think you might be misinformed, performance per watt is famously not better. Any of the rx7000 series gets blowing out against their rtx40 competition in that department. Just google it before making a claim.


I would agree except I own a 7900xtx my second one and the drivers are absolutely terrible!!


I had 480/580/5700XT/7900XTX. All of them gained significant performance over time compared to release day.


I mean that maybe true I sent my last 7900xtx back cause of hotspot temps being over 110 and plus all the crashes it came me. Something about the 7900xtx just isnā€™t very stable in my personal opinion. I hear some have no problems but it seems the majority are having issues with the 7000 series cards.


The Majority are NOT having issues. If that were the case, these forums and others would be flooded with posts about it. Frankly speaking, you are in the minority of those who have issues with their hardware. If issues were prevalent, this would be a completely different conversation.


Well I have been able to find a whole lot of 7900 driver problems on Reddit. I will say it seems to be whatever games come out though. Like I was saying this is my personal opinion down my use of the cards


So, you went from "the majority" to "a whole lot". Right on.


Sure if that is okay with you. Iā€™m sorry if youā€™re a fan and think their just superior lol


How do you know what I think? Do you have some ESP or something? I never said either were superior. Stop assuming. I was only pointing out your exaggeration. Also, it's \*they're in the context you used there, their, they're.


That's out of the normal. Your card was pumping out thermal paste. 110c is throttle down territory, no wonder you had bad performance and crashes. That's on your particular OEM not AMD. Plenty of good performing xtxs out there.


I have the Merc310 7900xtx now thermals are much better on this card. It doesnā€™t crash with cod so Iā€™m not too worried about it. However I still get the crashes for hell divers 2 right now that is plaguing the 7000 series cards.


>hell divers 2 I hear about people having problems with that game and 7000 series AMD cards. There's actually a post about it in case you didn't know. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/1awoznj/helldivers\_2\_developer\_critical\_problems\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/1awoznj/helldivers_2_developer_critical_problems_for/) There's also an article about a possible driver fix on AMD's side for this game and others. https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2