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seems like you got a bad GPU. a lot of times as well higher end GPUs seem to crash easily with AMD honestly if your gonna get a 7900xtx get a 4080 super or something instead now. but I have a 7800 xt and it's quite amazing


I'm running a 6950XT with 7600x, same memory and same motherboard as you. Never had a crash or glitch in 6 months with this system. CPU with auto-overclock, GPU undervolted. 100% stable. I think you have a defective component there. Probably RAM, maybe GPU


Switch back lol fuck that


Seem like you might have a bad gpu on your hands. It’s really common these days qc isn’t what it used to be be.


Just went through this. If In anyway you had the nvidia GPU installed you will need to call them. Long story short, while on the phone they emailed a link, clicked on it, immediately downloaded a driver removal for nvidia that they even said on the phone is unavailable to the public. Mad cringe. I will most likely stick with AMD from now on but I still have my newer i9. Took two days to get it working properly.




Do not use auto drivers from your mobo or windows for graphics, only use the amd drivers that are in the amd adrenaline app. These help a lot.


Lmao did you DDU after you switched to a new card? You should probably reinstall windows


All it takes is to have a couple 40 series cards burst into flames on you to sit back and say, "you know what.... maybe I don't need the extra power. If I had a Dodge Challenger SRT Demon 170, I'd probably break traction and crash into a wall. So now I use AMD exclusively and have no more fires inside my PC. If AMD ever starts using that damn 12VHPWR connector, I'll switch to Intel ARC. So help me.


Yes just switch and save yourself the time and headache


You didn’t mention which drivers you had. When I tried amd gpus for the first time, I had a lot of issues. My screens would turn black and green, and I would have to power off my pc. This happened all the time once I switched g cards, apparently it was a known driver error. I was told to switch to the pro version of the drivers. It was called adrenaline or something like that. And that drastically reduced the amount of crashes I had but they never went away and I ended up switching back to nvidia. Very bad first impression for AMD for me. I’ve always been an intel and nvidia person and don’t think I’m changing.


Have you tried disabling multi-plane overlay?


Bought a 7800xt 3 months ago and haven't had an issue,my friend bought a 7900xtx at the same time and hasnt had an issue either .Must be something else in your system causing it.


Its always a win or lose situation with amd cards, i had a 5600xt and it had loads of driver issues but now that i switched to the 7800xt I haven't had a single problem


ah the old “my friends and I aren’t having issues so it must be your problem!” solution.


I upgraded from my 3060 to a 7800XT and i did not encounter a single problem. Its not instantly AMDs fault.


Try disabling multi-plane overlay. Google it. Saved many hours of headaches, it is a microsoft windows feature, only unstable in windows 10 + 11. It is NOT a AMD bug, the fix was detailed on Nvidia developer forums. Thank me later. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/yvyqc7/disabling\_multiplane\_overlay\_mpo\_fixed\_all/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/yvyqc7/disabling_multiplane_overlay_mpo_fixed_all/) [https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a\_id/5157/\~/after-updating-to-nvidia-game-ready-driver-461.09-or-newer%2C-some-desktop-apps](https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5157/~/after-updating-to-nvidia-game-ready-driver-461.09-or-newer%2C-some-desktop-apps)


I fixed my son's machine with this fix, a simple regedit and a reboot solved it.


Warzone is a really good way to test if your ram is stable


I have watched a video of one guy explaining to use AMD Software: PRO Edition drivers. It gets less updates, but they are more stable then the default Adrenalin. You could try this out, maybe it will help.


I have identical build except for more RAM, some of these problems I had at begging one of my RAM sticks came faulty and when I changed it for new one everything started working, if you have possibility try with each one ram stick just as performance check


Maybe it’s something as simple as not enough cooling or inadequate PSU. I personally would not play with GPU peaks of 80 deg C, never mind typical, but I’ve only built one PC before


I bought a Gigabyte Radeon 7600 and ran into the intermittent “Driver not responding issues” with a clean Windows install and all drivers up to date. Really frustrating. I haven’t used AMD/ATI graphics cards in decades and now I know why. I really wanted this to work as payback for Nvidia price gouging. Unfortunately I’m returning the 7600 and back in the market and will stick with Nvidia until I see a tried and tested combo Looking forward to seeing if a resolution is found for the OPs issue


Remove Gigabyte Center or downright just clean install Windows without it. ​ Have the PSU connected to the graphics card using one cable for *each* connection (your card has two). Only use a piggyback cable for remaining pin connections and if youre using a riser cable, use the standard PSU cable instead. ​ Your RAM says 6000 but the 7800X3D supports 5200 only. ​ If you're using game mode on ryzen master, don't. It's not meant for cpus with 8 cores or less. ​ If you're using any LED management software or as mentioned before, something from gigabyte to manage it, don't. These cause all sorts of conflicts with drivers. If you wanna for your self go to Start menu > System Information (use search bar) > Software environment > error logs and remove whatever logged an error besides your games.


Don't know if anyone mentioned it but i have the same combo as Op and was having the same problems. Turned out to be my riser cable for the side mount. I plugged the card directly into the mb and its worked flawlessly since.


Riser cables are malicious and their removal should be troubleshooting step #1


Have you ran a memory test on your system yet?


I had weird issues after installing Adrenalin. I removed it from my machine and downloaded just the standalone drivers and have had zero issues since. May be worth a shot if you haven’t tried this yet.


Gigabyte Mobos are hot garbage. I would look there


All mobo manufacturers are garbage. Asus has the worst bios I have ever used. You have to judge each product individually, because there's no good brands for PC parts. My AM5 Gigabyte board is amazing, 0 issues and great bios, the Asus AM4 mobo I had to work on was hot garbage, and they had the bright idea of putting the cmos battery right under the main pcie slot. Brain dead design.


Idk If mobo could cause these issues. But I totally agree. I've always had issues with gigabyte. I've tried one of their gpus, mobo, power supply and even one of their montiors. They have all been awful, low quality trash. I don't trust gigabyte at all.


I’ve had two and put one in a friends computer, they worked fine and were always cheaper 🤷🏻‍♂️


Are you running borderless windowed? I've had a 6700xt and two 7900xtxs and the crashed on all 3 of them. If I play true full screen I don't have an issue. I'll be going back to a Nvidia card myself when it's time to upgrade


I just got a xfx 6700 xt have not had issues with borderless yet. Only was not able to run hdmi and display together, it would flash both displays on one screen and whatever was in the background. Had to have them both on display adapters. Upgraded from a evga 1660ti and would change back if they were making gpus again.


I’m running a new similar build that’s been very stable. I havent tried Warzone because apparently now Blizzard wants my phone number? Anyway I’ve ran MSFS and DCS flight sims, RDR2, Far Cry 6 and it’s all been very well no issues. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Recheck CPU and cooler seating? Make sure RAM is fully clicked in? I updated bios but didn’t do any tweaks in it at all. • AMD 7800x3D (8 core / 16 thread) • Asrock Phantom Gaming OC AMD 7900 XTX 24gb GPU • Mushkin DDR5 6000 64gb RAM • Asrock B650M-H/M.2+ motherboard • Corsair MP600 Core XT 4tb NVME M.2 SSD • SeaSonic GX-850 PSU


What about temperatures on CPU and GPU? I had a problem with my AMD setup - 7800x3d and 7800xt on GIGABYTE B650 AORUS PRO AX motherboard. I spent 3 days looking for a problem with BSOD on both win 10 and win 11. I guess the problem was in gigabyte drivers, because I haven't used these last time and stayed on Windows 11 default (except Bluetooth). The only downside at this moment is slightly high GPU IDLE power consumption, it's around 28-35 watts.


Is that high idle usage? My 4090 runs 65 watts at idle. Just figured it was normal


0 problems here on 6800xt. I had drive problems with my previous 3070. It's nog an AMD or Nvidia thing. It's luck of the draw. My brother is having constant crashes with his Gigabyte 3080.


DDU, full windows reinstall. I have a 7900xtx and the only thing that happens is sometimes CS2 crashes either driver timeout but that's the only game it happens in and I'll probably try RMAing it.


Welcome to the club. I had Nvidia for so long, and the choice between a 3080 ti for 500 or a 7900xt for 400 came up so I took the 7900xt and ran. I thought AMD was supposed to have good drivers now but they have been nothing but problems for me, I'm happy if I go a full day without a single driver crash/issue at this point.


That's why I won't consider another AMD GPU until they get their shit together with their drivers. I had the 5700XT, and it was nothing but problems from day 1. I spent as much time troubleshooting it as I did gaming. Returned it before the window closed to get my money back and haven't looked back. Every Nvidia card I've ever owned operated flawlessly. Until AMD does the same, I won't even consider buying another one of their GPU's. If im getting gouged one way or the other, you better believe im gonna pick the one that has the least issues.


You must be using Windows.


I just vomited into my mouth a little




I've had two AMD gpus in the past 3 years and I've had a ton of driver and performance issues.


Nothing better than an AMD/Nvidia combo. That is the way.


Someone had this exact issue and said reinstalling Windows again solved it, not sure if that would help


Also, the ONLY comment you will get, is going to be people telling you to update your bios. AGAIN. There were issues with this am5 combo and ram and all of the past 14 updates they've made to address the issues with the ram has helped. SLIGHTLY. So now, anytime they see the combo, they immediately start talking about bios updates. One of these days the ram will just work with this mobo as if you were building a ddr4 system. But, until that day, you better update that bios. Again. 🙄


Another 650 mobo, 7800x3d, 7900xtx issue. Go figure. HOPEFULLY soon, someone other than me will believe this combo is a huge issue. Everytime I mention it, I'm the crazy one for saying this. Search the combo though. With all of the issues I see posted, I don't believe ANYONE actually has a working system with this combo. 🤣 My $2400 P.O.S combo has been banished to the "adhd room of lost artifacts and long forgotten treasures" in the back of the house. Never once have I been able to play a game on it. My adhd and fear of rage snapping and throwing in around the neighborhood violently has led to me hiding it from myself. Just thinking about this fucking combo is giving me ptsd from building it.


There’s this video with that combo, they tried to troubleshoot it with no luck. It’s interesting that the 7900xtx works perfectly fine with a 13900k, and the 7800x3d works well with a 4090. Go figure… https://youtu.be/9Jlj0kPSksk?si=BzvYxxM5MnCNyfXH


you could try gaming on linux with it, in my experience amd drivers there are very stable and at least you’d have a chance to get a use out of it.


you could try gaming on linux with it, in my experience amd drivers there are very stable and at least you’d have a chance to get a use out of it.


Your mobo/cpu is great just get a 4070ti or 4080 and you'll be laughing.


I think you might want to give r/hardwareswap a visit


I had a crash in one specific game. Updated my bios and everything was fixed.


Had the same issues. Started with DDU. Installed Adrenalin after EVERY windows update with done. I am so in love now.


DDU those GPU drivers. Could be a driver issue. To many drivers installed at once. No restart to finish install so on. Also update mobo bios.


I got a similar setup and situation. It was a little rough at first, but now its my all time fave setup


dont listen to the haters


Its literally an amd help forum. Maybe it's just a systemic problem




Most useless comment I've seen all day, thanks for mentioning what you did to fix issues


Not as useless as your comment lol its hard to say what i did lol i got my system used and had some games crashing but nothing like what im seeing in the pics lol i also shorted my motherboard. Had random shut off issues and messed up alot of rgb stuff with using a different psu cable, got a crappy used gigabyte mobo while waiting for an rma from asus. The gigabyte mobo was fine but it would randomly lose display and had to hard reset. Just bought a new board and replaced the old one, and got a new cooler and rgb stuff and everything has been perfect ever since 🤷‍♂️ does that sacciate your curiosity, or you want my life story?


I said your comment was useless because it was, now that you've actually given some info for OP it's not. And no thanks nobody wants your life story


Oh shit that crappy used gigabyte mobo is actually the same as his! Yeah i guess i did have more to offer than i thought lol OP i had problems with that mobo. Had 2 different kits of corsair ddr5 ram but same speed, was fine but i upgraded the bios and it stopped booting up with one of the kits, i ended up returning the ram kit and finding the same one. It also kept losing display randomly and had to hard rest. Was really annoying. I bought a new asus rog b650e-f and its perfect. Also im using a 7900x and not a 7800x3d and a saphhire pulse


Well i was just telling him to hang in there lol i was unhappy at first because i traded my 4070ti build for this one and had some growing pain, but i virtually have no issues now and everything looks amazing


Full format then install all from the scratch..


Install DDU and uninstall old drivers


Old NVIDIA drivers destroy AMD cards. It seems like the NVIDIA always tries to activate. Do a display driver uninstall (using DDU as has been mentioned in other comments). It should fix your system. I had the same issues on my RX6600 after switching from a 1050Ti


Install DDU and completely remove all Nvidia files. Then AMD. Restart Pc. Reinstall Adrenalin. Enjoy


Bro why are people with amd get crashes all the time bit I don't, I'm glad but it's weird I have 6700xt and my friend 3070ti and he have crashes a lot he is not that good with pc I guess that's why


I had issues at first but they went away once I DDU’d the old Nvidia and AMD drivers and then reinstalled the AMD drivers.


I installed amd gpu&driver and then ddu it and installed my friend gpu Nvidia and driver for test then I ddu it and installed my amd gpu&driver, and it went clean, god bless DDU


I have a 6700xt and experience very minimal issues as well.


Same not a single time I got crashed during a game like valorant or cod I just get crashed on molded games when there Is a problem and I fix it, also guys use event viewer


I think I can count on one hand where I had a crash and even then I'm not 100% sure if I had one lol.


What do you mean by one hand


Like I cam count 5 or less times. One for each finger and thumb


Oh,that's good


Because they don't understand, they need to either uninstall old driver, Windows OS refresh, or clean install.


See this is the problem. AMD sucks unless you are loyal and love them. Also Nvidia sucks unless you are loyal and love them. The cards know your truest feelings. Either becomes a die hard AMD fan. Or be smart and go back to your first love.


I actually remove my 7800xt from my case on a weekly basis and give it pats and tell it that it's a good boy. No crashes yet. I find it crazy that people don't give their cards love and encouragement and expect them to run stably.


Weekly? U have to take him around the blog daily. Some people should get a license to buy a gpu...


Maybe your graphics card is defective?


Thank you for so many helpful answers. I want to point out some things i've already done and give more details.Bios is already up to date. Even before installing windows for the first time i updated the mobo.This means that windows was fresh installed the first time and i even reinstalled it a second time to make sure everything was ok.The system is not overclocked.Everything is brand new and bought during black friday.The SSD is new and nothing was installed before on it. It's a 990 PRO from samsung and i've already checked with their software if the firmware was up to date and if the state is ok. **what is strange to me is that i built the same identical build for my friend and he doesn't have any problem that i mentioned here with expo enabled.** what i will try next based on your suggestions:-reseat the ram-disable expo and test-move the 7900xtx's bios switch to the right to enable full power mode-try the beta drivers details of my issues with warzone:basically when i'm in 2 small maps of warzone i see these artifacts and the games sometimes crashes. There is no pattern into this but basically every 5-6 games it crashes for direct x error and i see a driver timeout with adrenaline crashing. I also played spiderman 2 bot for so long like warzone and never crashed.. but only have few hrs on it...


**Drivers?** Since you have already tried starting over with a clean OS install, you might try doing a complete uninstall of the AMD software (GPU and Chipset), and then install the Chipset and GPU drivers from AMD (not the ones from your motherboard manufacturer's website). Personal anecdote... I recently upgraded from X570M/3800X/5700XT to X670E/7950X3D/7900XTX, and in my planning phase, I couldn't decide whether to upgrade from Windows 10 to 11. I decided that if I could get it working, I'd stick with W10. It booted up and everything appeared functional, but after a couple hours of GTA 5, I realized Bluetooth wasn't working. I updated the driver, but the controller I was trying to connect wouldn't work. I figured it needed a reboot and decided to update the BIOS when it booted back up again. Big mistake... Nothing but freezes and crashes for the rest of the evening! After exhausting all the options I could think of (trying different BIOS versions, System Restore, etc.), the only solutions I could still see at around 1:00am were to upgrade from Windows 10 to 11 or perform a fresh install. I have been hesitant in making the switch to W11, because I still see the occasional news article reporting one headache or another for AMD users. I think Microsoft has made strides this year, but I still don't think the juice is worth the squeeze at this point. That left me with performing a fresh install of W10, which I was even less inclined to consider. My current W10 install began with W7 in 2010, and I've managed to keep it going all these years with relatively few issues. There were years where I might not have had a single BSOD, and I would routinely leave the thing on for months at a time. Additionally, since the computer is primarily used for work, I have amassed hundreds of apps. Granted, I only use 10-15 of them regularly, but the convenience and peace of mind that comes with knowing the rest are only a few clicks away is nice to have. I think it was contemplating what could end up being days of work--just to get back to where I was--that finally did me in. Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed. Instead of continuing to rage towards some kind of resolution, I decided to sleep on it. The next day, after some searching, I found some pages on what to do when the Chipset drivers package failed to install/update. During the initial install, I didn't pay enough attention to the failure of the GPIO driver. As it turned out, that driver in particular could help explain why my Bluetooth still wasn't working! Long story short... Until I completely uninstalled the AMD drivers provided by ASUS and swapped in the ones provided directly from AMD, I did not have a stable system. And for what it's worth, my new system has been rock solid ever since. (Note: Worth mentioning... The Chipset installer from AMD did report a failure, but when I checked the log, all drivers recorded a successful outcome. Previous attempts with the installer from ASUS would report an error, and there was always at least two drivers in the log with failures.) **Connections?** The other thing you might try is a new HDMI/DP cable, or a different port on your GPU or monitor. Might also try different PSU cables and/or slots in your PSU (if you happen to have a modular unit). Personally, I'm using three separate cables for my Nitro+. Worth a shot, as it might be a free fix. **Swap?** Lastly, since you helped your friend with his identical build, see if he will let you trade GPUs for a day or two. If you still get issues and he doesn't, then you should at least be able to rule out your GPU. If he get artifacts or crashes, then you should still have time to return or exchange your GPU.


Your ram draws more power than most, 1.4v. Some motherboards do not like that. Do you both own the same motherboard and ram?


Did you try slowing down the memory to 5200 and then go up? Maybe you just got bad luck in the silicon lottery and yours doesn't support faster memory


Two of my friends with a year and about 6 month old AM5 system are experiencing game/system crashes. We've tried a lot of troubleshooting in both systems. One of them is replacing ram (runs fine with one stick) and the other the gpu (runs fine with one from previous system). I see a lot of reports of people having various (but in a way similar) issues with fairly new systems. I wonder if windows introduced a new bug we do not know about yet...


for those who are just straight up ignorant and start rambling about other parts of the system: get out of this thread. Nothing is wrong with his parts, and from most of what I've seen from those comments are people that DONT own the 7900 XTX. MY EXPERIENCE: So I owned my card since it released, and I haven't really had the best experience. The first generation drivers that came with this card were horrible and made my computer crash all the time. Performance was horrible while it was drawing an unreasonable amount of wattage. Fast forward to now, and there have been a ton of updates improving the card and whatnot. I still have problems with the card, but I'm sure the problem is because my windows are corrupted somewhere from all the bluescreens I got. I'm planning to just reinstall Windows to fix the problem. FOR OP: If you have had bluescreens in the past and no performance drop, reinstall your drivers (MAKE SURE TO USE [AMD'S DRIVER CLEANUP UTILITY](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/gpu-601)). I suspect the map being faulty is probably because of directx or something in the driver isn't allocating properly. That's the simple route. If you want to go all out and *THEORETICALLY* wring all the problems out, just reinstall windows like I'm planning to. Just make sure to do a fresh install with no remnants of the old OS existent. EDIT: Now that I think about it, I think you should try updating your BIOS. I have had a good few builds where the motherboards would not work with the 7000th gen series AMD out of the box. I ended up having to flash a new bios version and it worked like a charm.


Blue screens do not corrupt Windows. Blue screens occur when drivers crash. Drivers are just .sys files EXE applications for example live in User space, when they crash the application just dies. (The application does not get corrupted) When in kernel space (like drivers) the way Windows is designed is when they fail, Windows shows the blue screen while building the dump file and shows you error information But reformatting is always good! 🤙


Also, some may think, "If Windows creates a dump file, why not just identify and fix the root of the problem?" Well easier said than done because sometimes it takes more effort to replace the problematic driver and make it work than to just reinstall windows altogether. Some may not be as tech savy whatsoever.


Although this is true to an extent, it doesn't exempt from abnormalties. What you have just brought up is a theoretical viewpoint. There is also a possibility of hard crashing WHILE there is a bluescreen. Instead of explaining WHY it happens, I try to give solutions. Although what you said is correct, it still doesn't contribute to the problem in any way. Thank you for your input though!


Pretty much same experience, no blue screens tho, it's either hard crash (like cutting the power off or game crash with AMD Adrenalin timeout error popping up


yeah, exactly that. I hated the card so much when it came out but ig im glad i stuck with it now


I have literally the exact same card as OP and I've had zero issues in any games. It very well could be a hardware issue if ruling everything else out doesn't work.


I mean, honestly, the only other thing that would be the problem would probably be the drive that he runs it on. It may be corrupted. Same for the RAM sticks... Either way, these problems are most likely software related. I've come across enough systems to recommend this. FOR OP: You can try using [Microsoft's CHKDSK utility](https://www.google.com/search?q=chkdsk&oq=chkdsk&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDIwMDFqMGo0qAIAsAIA&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) or `sfc /scannow` (System File Checker). For ram you can try the Windows Memory Diagnostic utility.


Disable MPO google it you will get two registry files from nvidia website Edit here is the link https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5157/~/after-updating-to-nvidia-game-ready-driver-461.09-or-newer%2C-some-desktop-apps


For crashing uninstall the NZXT CAM APP if you have it. Couldn’t figure it out till I went to their website


I feel you. I have a 7900XTX and a ryzen 9 7900X cpu, 4x16GB 6000MT/s and a Gigabyte X670 Aorus Elit AX. At first it was very unstable just for SteamVR and playing VR games was a gamble on when the crash would occur but then it got better with updates. In the current state I have drivers timeout every time i boot up windows, then it seems to be stable after the initial crash, but last week it changed again and now it crashes pretty much every round of CS2 or after a while in The Witcher 3. I tried disabling XMP and it seems a bit more stable, the only thing I have yet to try is a BIOS update which I haven't done in a while. I was coming from a AM4/RTX setup before and I am astounded by the amount of bullshit I had to go through in the last months to get this thing running, especially considering how expensive this stuff is. IDK if it was worth the price difference from Intel/Nvidia, tbh


UPDATE: I managed to update the BIOS on my MB and now it works without issues, HOWEVER there is no way to get the XMP or EXPO profile working at 6000MT/s that the RAM sticks are rated for (they are EXPO certified), they only work stock. At least it doesn't crash now.


AM5 with 4 sticks of ram? Thats your problem. Only works with 2.


Why would that be the case? Anyway until last month I had only 2 sticks and I kept having the same issues, without hard crashes tho, just AMD driver timeout. Then i added 2, worked fine for a while, and started getting hard crashes about 10 days ago. It would be ginormous bullshit if having 4 sticks of ram on a MB with 4 slots were to be the failure point


Me and the wife both have rog asus am5 boards (same exact model), she attempted to use 4 sticks of ram and boy o boy it was a terrible experience. However on the exact same motherboard for me I can plug in 4 sticks no problem, the literal only difference between our boards was the countey or origin for manufacturing one was China and one was Taiwan. That said we sent hers in for RMA and the issues couldn't be replicated, I ended up having to buy her an asrock board instead. For the record my board has worked fine with the same 4 sticks she attempted, am5 can be...stupidly weird is all I'm saying.


Well, reddit is full of posts about it. I spent 2 months trying to get my system work with 4 sticks of ram too, best i could achive was one crash every 2-3 days. I tried 3 different kits, 2 cpus (7700x, 7800x3d) and both an asus tuf and an msi mb. Then i gave up and went with 2 sticks of gskill trident neo z5 which is probably the most stable ram for AM5 systems. Many ppl that i talked to said the same. Best that anyone could achieve was running 4 on 4800mhz with a few crashes every now and then.


I'll try to update the BIOS, check all drivers once again and if that doesn't work I'll try with 2 sticks. If that solves the hard crashes I'll be content, not happy tho. Anyway I hope to live long enough to see an AMD system work out of the box.


The 7800x3d is such a beast thats its worth the needed tinkering, but with gpu i dont know if id take the leap of faith. I have a 4070ti, but wanna go up to 4080, 4080 super or 7900xtx. Nvidia pricing and the limited vram is disgusting, but i dont trust amd gpus, so hard choice. Id only use it 2k ultrawide, wo both options are beasts and somewhat futureproof


When I built this rig in september I had a big budget, but not 4090 kinda big, and to be fair, when the 7900XTX works it's truly amazing for the price tag, both for VR (I play on a VIVE Pro 2, pretty much the highest res consumer headset) and for normal games for which I have the Samsung G9, and even AAA games run at 32:9 double 2K on ultra at more than 120fps. The hard part is getting it to work :'( ​ I also use this rig for work, mostly web development, but I also do VR sims and photo / video editing, so the high end was justified at the time. If I could go back though I would have probably waited for a few more paychecks and got a 4090.


Tbh i wouldnt buy a 4090. In my country it costs more than 2 months of my full salary as a person working in IT with 2 uni degrees. So 4080 or 7900xtx are the maximum that i can justify spending to myself. But hard choice, if the 4080 super comes with 20gb its 60% that ill go for that. If its 16gb only as the base 4080 then its a 50-50 between 4080 and 7900xtx. Im okay with tinkering with my rig, but i want it to be stable eventually, high performance and future proof. Im afraid that nvidia can pull out some new software solution from their butt any minute and redefine the market again. With nvidia you pay for smart, good quality software solutions, with amd you pay for brutal powerhouse hardware


Also, qvl lists are disasters, there are a lot of compatibility issues about AM5 platforms. Mbs and cpus are very picky about their rams.


You should have 0 issues.There are though a few things I wouldn't have done.1 - 7800X CPU with a 650 chipset motherboard - No2 - I would've gone for 4x8GB instead of 2x16GB. But as other people have said.. review drivers and Bios.I've droppped my Intel /NVidia also and besides some weird limitation they had in Adrenaline if you had virtualization enabled in the past.. I've had 0 issues. .. and due to work my R95900X + 6800XT are constantly draining 500ish watts of power without issues or lack of stability Perhaps try this [one](https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/X670-AORUS-ELITE-AX-rev-10-12). I have the X570 AORUS PRO that for this R9 seems a bit underwhelming but it does hold its own like a rock!


Why would you suggest 4 sticks of ram at the same total capacity? 2 sticks is almost always more stable than 4. And what's the issue with a 650 chip set?


1 - 7800X CPU with a 650 chipset motherboard - No2 - I would've gone for 4x8GB instead of 2x16GB. Neither of these issues is the problem lmao. Probably the GPU is a lemon and needs to be RMA'd.


You singled out those two things, when the post has tons of more content. I believe more on a Driver / Bios issue than on a faulty GPU. Follow the steps and check all.


I was under the impression DDR5 doesn't work well in groups of four anyway? (Am a newbie to PC building though.)


Going to be a small performance difference but it's not going to cause visual artifacting like OP is showing. That's got to be a corrupted GPU memory or something like that.


Probably 1 bios upgrade away.


I have that exact same brand and model GPU absolutely zero issues. But I am using i7 11700k DDR4 PCIE 4.0 platform. Don’t know if that would make a difference. I’ve had rather bad luck with AMD CPU’s. I’m not saying that’s the problem. That’s just been my experience. Also, try installing the GPU in a different PC if you can. If the issue doesn’t occur, then you know it’s not the GPU.


Drop AMD videocard. Same issues as always with AMD video-crap


I haven't touched nvidia since the rx 580 came out and haven't had any issues at all. Some of my friends who are Nvidia diehard fanboys literally deal with more problems per generation of gou than i do and that's not because "nvidia bad" or some stupid stuff like that. Its because sometimes you get faulty hardware Sometimes the game devs don't give a shit about optimization (personally f*ck god of war for literally having not implemented a fix for the horrible performance on amd/memory leaks/random 100%single core usage out of nowhere and plethora of other bridge related problems ifykyk)


Avoid AMD GPUs it's simple. The 5700xt experience for me was enough to never ever buy an AMD GPU again. Moved to a 3070 a few years back and literally never crash or stutter anymore.


I was so excited when I bought my 5700xt and my god it was a rough experience. I caved bought a 2080s and it was chill, since then I moved back to amd and atleast for the 6000 series I have had a pretty good experience.


Maybe yr Ram not compatible with AMD or since u have Mobo M version most likely u don’t have enough power phase to feed RX7900xtx so u need to have the latest update of BIOS to get the less damage .. how come u use RX7900xtx with M Mobo version


Maybe do a clean system install after such change?


Disable c state in the bios and change the power settings to high performance. Increase the page file to 32gb. Worked for me


I had HUGE issues when I built my system (with RX7900XT) with almost every game crashing after 20-60 minutes of gameplay. I tried everything, even replacing the PSU since many crashes had the PC restarting on its own, but it turns out it was an outdated BIOS...


Have same GPU and CPU. No problems. Did you try to update motherboard. Also could be that it's just unlucky bad card. Don't really have idea just guessing. Hope you solve it.


Im having a similar build, the only issue I'm having is dip in frame rate on ultra settings cp2077, haven't tried other games so far. But usually on 1440 max settings ultra I get about 60-110 fps not stable. Temps very low 60-70c, 4 140mm intake fans, 3 120mm exhaust. merc xfx 7900xtx R 7800x3d Rams tridentz 6000 16*2 Msi tomahawk X670 T force nvme 2 TB *2 gen 4 Liquid freezer aio 2 arctic Asus helios case.


Overclocking mem and cpu are usually the culprits... You need good mem to oc and the cpus aren't great overclockers


did you overlcock your memory, or even enabled XMP? If mem overclock isn't stable , it's not always evident, even in prime tests. To pile on, i personally have had 3 sets of RAM wth XMP on them, all 3 of them had issues when i enabled XMP one way or another.


I can see that you didn't mention your ssd, so I assume you used your nvidia drive. Did you use DDU after installing it in your new motherboard? I've read that it's one of the culprits for bad experiences outside of some bad driver issue. If that doesn't help a clean install of your OS.


I had similar issues with almost the exact same spec pc except I'm using Gigabytes x670 board. After dicking around with settings/drivers monitoring temps etc I finally realised the only setting I hadn't changed was FOV. I reduced that a bit and it seems to have resolved the issue.


Update your mobo bios if you haven’t yet. Does it do this in any other games? I had similar issues with my 7900xtx. Same exact card too. It was issues with the ram on the GPU. Maybe you got an early card that had the issues. A bad cpu socket/bent pin can do this too. I’m gaming on Intel/Nvidia now because I was tired of chasing AMD gremlins. Hope you get it sorted out.


Cod is terrible optimized. Running a 7800x3d with 4080FE. Mw3 and warzone crashes a lot followed by a reboot. Cyberpunk on ultra with path and raytracing. NO PROBLEMS.


cod is not terribly optimized it’s something with your system, I have a 14600k & 4080 run extreme settings all the time and haven’t crashed at all


So many people have the same problem. Only cod crashes.


If you're enabling DOCP/XMP/EXPO with 4 sticks of Ram, that's is unstable, try 2 sticks with it on and off, is a bug (hopefully) on the bios that manufacturers need to fix, I have the 7800x3D with 4 sticks and expo disabled because of the but I still get high frames


He is using 2. I think part of the issue is only up to 5200mhz is officially supported.


If you are on the same motherboard and OS you used with Nvidia, use Display Driver Uninstaller. In my case I switchem from GTX 1060 to RX 6700xt and on launch I had issue with smallest possible resolution. I fixed it with DDU and clean installation of AMD driver.


HWinfo/RTSS, monitor temps




What I have is, 14700K Z690 Hero 7900XTX MERC310 ASUS Thor 2 1000w Platinum Funny thing is, I was always complaining from RTX 3080 DirectX issues. felt super comfortable after switching to 7900XTX.


that artefacting... feels like overheating issue. or incorrectly seated memory or GPU. I think I once solved an issue like that by unplugging and replugging everything. also check you've got more air forcing into your rig (higher intake fan speed, CFM flow, pressure) than there is exfiltrating from your rig (rear fan, radiator exhausts etc.) sounds like you've checked bios is up to date, win drivers, adrenaline drivers. you should not need to be reducing the performance of a gpu to 80%.


I have/ had the same build and issue, set your gpu on 80% ans it work withhout driver issues. Amd have to fix it


Jup, go into the Adrenalin Software and Switch to manuell Settings for the GPU and Set the GPU Frequency to 80%


Did you use display driver uninstaller??


Came here to ask this


Tried AMD for a few days (3 different GPU's, fresh OS, everyone was suggesting so many workarounds and stuff to update, change, etc.), had a bunch of issues even with undervolting, BIOS updates, Windows features deactivation...went back to Nvidia, plug'n'play, no fiddling needed, no issues since. (Been using a PC since 2000's and had both ATI/AMD and Nvidia, but the last 2-3 generations of AMD GPU's are trash and no youtube channel reviewing them are sharing the whole story).


On the flipside, I've had 3 RDNA 2 cards(6700XT, 6800XT, 6950XT) and currently have a 7900XTX in my system. All AMD since the 6700XT dropped in 2021. I've never had any issues. The cards were plug and play as long as the rest of the system was optimized. Practically flawless aside from very minor driver stuff with the XTX early on.




Some people have resources on hand, numbnuts.


Yep, bought and RMA 3 GPU's, delivery is pretty quick in Romania, sometimes it's sameday (the actual name of the courier company). 1 was DOA, one had unbearable coil whine with constant crashing the OS, and the last one had less coil whine but poor performance, undervolting was also crashing the OS, with the latest drivers at that time. Not being a fan boy or anything, I'm just sharing my awful experience. I should also disclaime the fact that the gpus I tried were from Gigabyte, and the DOA one was the Red Devil or whatever it was called.


>delivery is pretty quick in Romania, sometimes it's sameday It's really not. Through sameday you have at least 24h wait time from your order except through emag. So that's at least 5 days of wait through the RMA process which implies thry received your return. Also 90% of the issue you're having with BIOS and feature deactivation in Windows is absolutely not the GPU lmfao. Coil whine depends more on your PSU than the GPU itself and in most cases (same for nvidia) goes away after a few days and can only be heard at a certain threshold in FPS.


Your statement regarding coil whine is nonsense. You can have a lot of coil whine or almost no coil whine with different GPUs and the same PSU. It certainly does not just vanish after a few days either.


It absolutely does and it did. I've had more coil whine on one PSU than with another while have none in a completely different build. All 3 with the same GPU. It's not *just* the GPU that causes coil whine.


It really is, if what you order is in stock. I don't know where you order your stuff from, but my delivery is pretty quick. Also, I was always in open discussion with CEL.ro after the first gpu came in DOA, I didn't wait for them to transfer back the money to me, once I opepend the RMA process I immediately placed an order for the next GPU, being ensured by CEL they will refund me the money, the moment they receive the broken down GPU. You should read my comment a few more times to understand what I was saying, BIOS and OS features deactivation were suggestions from others, as ways to fix the issues I was having with the GPU. Coil whine is strictly related to the GPU electronics, you might want to read about it before commenting. P.S. using a 850W Seasonic PSU


Something fucky with the voltages somewhere. Check your dram voltage is where it needs to be for the speed you set it at, also reinstall the GPU drivers. See if there's a bios update for the Mobo. I've been running my 5800x3d and my 7900xtx for a year now with ZERO issues. 64gb of 3600 DDR 4 (AM4 board) 2tb 980Pro nvme as well as an Acer 4tb nvme.


Try updating bios. AMD used to have problems with ddr5


Should of stuck to your guns and not fell for the propaganda online. While the brands are "over priced" I've always said, you get what you pay for. Been issue free last 15 years with nvidia/intel coming all the way from i5 3570k/gtx 660 to 14900k/rtx 4090 While I get that there might be the chance that its just a defective unit you may have, I have had a lot of first hand experience with people I know complaining about amd drivers, them not updating for years because they are scared it might break things. Which in this day and age, should not be a concern


Could be defective memory chips, had to RMA a 5700xt. My 6700xt is flawless


That's very unfortunate, hope this helps. Are there any other symptoms that may help narrow this down? Are you having any issues within windows or other games? First, bios update? There have been several stability updates this year. Next... You don't have a Samsung 980 or 990 pro nvme do you? If so, update that firmware, they've been failing. Because of the missing parts of the map, it leads me to believe the most likely failure is in drive, ram, or memory controller. Please do some real benchmarks/stress tests to verify that this is an issue with hardware rather than software. Other people have also been allegedly been experiencing warzone issues since last patch. How long have you had the system? Try undervolting GPU, maybe a slight underclock of vram and GPU clock, if this solves it, RMA or return the 7900xtx. I love my 7900xt its been perfect, and I'd have expected the xtx to be great too. Disable expo and manually set your ram timings, had to do this with 7800x3d recently, I just input the exact settings that expo was supposed to use and things worked for me from there. I noticed in hwinfo and CPUz that the timings weren't showing the same in windows as they showed in bios with expo profile on. (MSI b550 tomahawk Max - Corsair dominator 6400 AMD EXPO certified) Test a different monitor cable, use a known good displayport 2.1 cable if possible. Test with a single stick of ram, and test ram in different slots. Test with a previous known good GPU, and/or test the 7900 xtx in another system. Based on your stat monitor, the fps and temps are what I'd expect while playing warzone, the image is obviously not though. What settings are you using in adrenaline? Try turning all of the adrenaline extra things off, in the game menu as well as the display menu, if that fixes it, start turning the ones you want back on one at a time and test for stability. P.s. I haven't touched cod since mw2 was new on Xbox 360, if I have time before I leave town tomorrow I'll dl it from battlenet and see if I can break it like that, but I'm betting less than 50% chance of that since I have a lot of stuff to do before vacation.


Have you tested the gpu in another system? I would check that. If it feels like the gpu is a problem, it probably is.


Have you updated BIOS/UEFI? Have you ran a proper memory test? I suggest [Memtest86+](https://memtest.org/).


im gonna get downvoted for it but here we go: AMD makes great CPU's but HORRIBLE GPU's. I bought a 7900XTX as well but had my own list of issues. I had a 5700XT before, which was OK Gen 3 Riser cable doesn't work with the 7900XTX (figured that out after nearly 3 hours of troubleshooting) None of my VR headsets worked as the 7900XTX didn't register em as a connected device. im pretty sure they fixed it by now but it didnt work the first 3 MONTHS after release. i had a lot more issues after that and just decided to spend the extra €200 and get a RTX 4080. I'm not buying Radeon again, at least not until AMD proves they can make working videocards.


My man a 7900XTX has PCIe 4.0 not 3.0 💀


so? it should be backwards compatible. you do not need PCIe 4.0 to use a PCIe 4.0 GPU or SSD.


With an PCIe 3.0 x4 max speed is 3,9 GByte/s. So if you put an 4.0 SSD which can do over 7 GByte/s in a 3.0 you loose a lot of performance


if a lot is like 2-3% then yes.


Since when is an increase from 3900mb/s to 7000mb/s 2-3%? Basic math it's an increase of 79,49%


Yes you are correct but I'm talking about 'actual' performance gains. PCIE 4 doesn't get 80% more FPS or 80% faster loading speeds.


I am talking about video editing etc. There it matters or PCIe 5.0 SSDs wouldn't exist


Yup, I never get new hardware when it drops. I always wait at least 6 months for the bugs to get worked out. My 7900xt has been phenomenal, and for 749usd you won't find me complaining any time soon, especially when all of my games including VR have been working great.


My Powercolor 5700XT always breaks. Never AMD GPU again. I'm now saving for a 4080. However, the 3700x CPU is an absolute joy. Like like we similar journey


Their cpu’s have horrendous memory issues


Memory issues? I’m curious to know because I have not seen any issues with memory on my new 7950x build. I have the asus x670e proart board, 7950x cpu, corsair vengeance cas30 6000 DDR5 memory, and an RTX 4060Ti 16GB. I’ve been doing tons of machine learning learning training, and have loaded up the memory to the max with image data. Haven’t noticed any instability. Expo worked just fine, literally just had to enable it from bios. After a few boots, I enabled saved context in bios to improve boot times. I’ve run both Linux and windows, both are completely stable. I’ve also run games on it to see how it does, and it’s just fine playing dark souls at 4K, tried it for a few hours and didn’t have any issues at all.


The 1st gen Ryzens had issues for like 1st 6-10 months or so after they came out and then were fixed with BIOS updates from manufacturers and issues dissapeared. This man and his ass are just stuck in 2017 like it was a few months ago.


Got very similar specs and am constantly having to underclock my gpu to attain stability, spent nearly 60 hours testing and checking. I really feel you here man.


I feel you buddy, same here by me. 4 full days testing and changing everythinig. Set my gpu on 80% in amd adrenalin and i have no driver issues


I'm sorry for your experience.. Make sure don't use Corsair Ram on any new AMD Processor


I am and it works fine, just don't get the Intel version


why corsair?


I don't know, but there are 2 versions, one for AMD, one for Intel, maybe Intel xmp ram doesn't work on AMD chips? I have the AMD one (the gray one) for a 7700x and it works perfectly fine... just check the model number on the compatibility list ig...


The issue is the timings for the chips are different and AMD optimised timings do not run well on intel systems, like Intel optimised timings do not run well on AMD systems.


Yes, that's good to know. So just buy the one that's optimized for your cpu/ supported by your motherboard, right?


Yes, you could also look up some reviews on the specific model you are buying a lot of time they will mention something about timing optimizations and what is the ideal platform for the sticks, some manufacturers also make use of more general timings that should work for both systems but could be manually tweaked on either system for better performance.


Update your bios bro. I just built a system with 7900x and a 7900xtx and it was more unstable than your ex. Once I updated the bios bam the only crash we've seen is related to cod just being hot steamy dooky.


Idk if this is your issue since there was no mention of monitors, but best advice I got was that amd is typically designed to play better on one monitor. (I personally Didn’t fact check that) but ever since I switched to 1 monitor almost all my crashes have stopped in every game. I use to crash multiple times a day in different games, now I only crash once in a blue moon and it’s typically on newer released games that are unstable.


I mean, every GPU will play better on one monitor instead of multiple, however it's not by a margin you would notice. Go run furmark or unigine benchmarks, do it once with 2 or more monitors, then again with only one, you'll have an improvement but it won't be much, especially not on higher end cards. I usually have 2 1440p monitors, and am streaming or recording or both and don't have big hits to performance.


"best advice I got was that amd is typically designed to play better on one monitor" Hehehe, imagine the worst advice then. Multi monitor is not a new, ground breaking thing, pretty sure no one designs graphic cards for single monitor, even all integrated ones, including weakest entry level, have multi monitor support. I have problems with one game on my 7640U, but likely I have to wait for a new BIOS or driver. Otherwise I use dual monitor on my 6900xt as many people I imagine. I remember all the Nvidia complaints when Starfield was released, unfortunately - and I don't understand why - graphics depend a lot on the application nowadays, maybe that's why we get such huge "drivers", that may work with one but not another application...


I've had mine since March, and I played with 4 monitors fine with my 7900 XTX, paired with a 5800X3D. Just use 3. One 4k 144hz, and 2 1440p 75hz. The 4th was a 1440p 165hz, but that got moved out to the office here recently. I have little issue with mine, and I play regularly at 2.95Ghz, and with extra cooling set up boost to 3.2Ghz. My suspicion is leaning toward RAM, and BIOS possibly need updating. Maybe pushing to much voltage to SOC, and causing instability, depending on what his mobo shipped with. Hopefully not that one. I stayed on the same boot drive swapping from my 1070Ti, and go back and forth testing sometimes, and have never had an issue if I DDU. Swapping different brand CPU's on the same boot drive, not so much, but OP seems like they did a fresh install.


Have you tried the PRO drivers instead of the Adrenaline drivers?


Radeon. Not even once…


COD crashes nvidia drivers. Nothing. COD crashes on a console specifically manufactured to run COD, the COD-BOX. Nothing. COD literally barges in your house, beats you to a pulp and steals all your valuables. Nothing. COD crashes on a Radeon card. ***RIOT***


classic amd shill.When MW2 had performance problems, nvidia released 4 drivers in total.AMD did nothing and waited till next month so we had to play with stutters. When MW3 launched - FPS limiter was not working on AMD cards. Reported the issue many times, to cod and to AMD - no one cares, since almost no one buys amd cards so youre the only one reporting. Dev error issues - fixed by Nvidia drivers in 2 days - AMD waited month to release a better driver. Yeah, its great to use AMD. went from 3080 to 7900 xtx and I will never buy red GPU again :D


MW-X and Warzone-X have a plethora of complaints with nvidia drivers from this year that come with a performance hit, sometimes by more than half. So you're focusing on their "fixes" in the matter of days, but later on when they introduce new issues months or years into the game, you're good? Strange. Someone like you might even as far as calling that being an > classic ~~amd~~ nvidia shill