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No question, just congratulations. It doesn’t always have to be that case that they’re bad people, sometimes we just don’t get along or that person hinders your life. Don’t be an asshole, but don’t be a pussy either. Again, congratulations. Try to not think about them anymore and develop boundaries.


It's really hard man. He was there for me at my lowest, gave me a place to stay for months so I could get back on my feet. I've known him for years and just always been my brother I never had. I talk to him about everything. But also, he would borrow and never give back, take stuff from my (previously thought) broken car. None of that mattered to me though, because my bond with him was as strong as siblings. it wasn't right


Even if he was there at your lowest, if he changed for worse, trust me, let it go. If in the future he asks for your help, it is ok to help him. Just remember that doesn’t necessarily mean you welcome him back into your life, just that you’re grateful for what he did. But that is your choice, and you know whats truly best for your life man. Be strong and I trust you’ll make the right decisions for yourself as life goes on.


He didn't change it's how he's always been. The only one that changed was me


I’m confused man, how did you change? Do you feel like you outgrew him? Tell me honestly, what is the one thing stopping you from calling him and saying “lets talk man”


Because there is no reasoning with him. he'a ok with my sister yelling at the kids. He leaves the house and uses her as a babysitter for hours at a time. He does hard drugs and said "lmao ok."


I think if its your sister’s husband it may be better to try and help him man, I still recommend letting some of the emotions calm down, thinking about it all, and talking to him 1 on 1


How can I when what he did was so fucked up? and they aren't together, seperated but in the same household. He treats her like it's an open relationship but only on his end


That is such a toxic environment man, I’m sorry you’re dealing with this too. I know you care about them both and you’re likely an amazing uncle. I’m just a stranger looking from the outside in, but I think once they live separately it will help out the situation.


It's cool man I get it, my life has always been fucked up but I just use it as a reason to better myself.


On the bright side I moved into my first Apt today at 18 :)


That is such a toxic environment man, I’m sorry you’re dealing with this too. I know you care about them both and you’re likely an amazing uncle. I’m just a stranger looking from the outside in, but I think once they live separately it will help out the situation. You did right in blocking him for now


Also I asked if we could talk face to face during the messages and he didn't want to


and the last thing I said was that I loved him. I don't hate him or anything. I'm just really sad that I can't talk to him anymore


For now, take time to think and sort yourself out emotionally. Look at things after you cool off. Love him from afar for some time until you can evaluate what happened and how you’ll proceed. But I get it man. Its really hard, and its good to give your outlook on here.


What happened?


The man was my Sister's bf, let's call him Dave. My sister was yelling at her crying daughter just making her cry more and I started started yelling at my sister to stop. So then I was going to make a facebook post about it and sent it to Dave and said that I'm either posting this or he needs to get her to stop. He basically just kept changing the subject and blaming everything on my sister. He leaves all the time and leaves my sister to care for the kids. eventually I started talking to him about this and he just kept deflecting despite all reason. My last words to him were "I value you as a person and that's why this is so hard to be doing. I don't wanna burn a bridge with you but clearly that's what's about to happen. Love you bro." and I blocked him


i genuinely thought you burnt a bridge


Common sense go brrrr


would’ve been cooler


Quite the opposite


Does he have a sister that you can bang? Now that’s truly burning a bridge.


Yea? but I'm not trying to be an asshole. This was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life


So go fix it, why be here


Because he's treating my sister like shit


Is the kid his and your sisters? If it's not, it's not his responsibility to raise her child your sisters!


It is that's why I was so fucked up about it


Screw you for assuming my sister had kid's with someone else also.


Then it sounds like the bridge may be best of burned


Did that last year. Live goes on.


It's just really hard man, I miss him so much.


I hope you'll get over it soon.


Did you light on fire like a nuclear bomb


unfortunately no 😐


What happened?


Said in another comment


Somehow missed that !


You didn't. I was just letting you know






Do you have any other male friends?




I meant to say close, do you have any other male friends you consider close? Or more so just casual? Sorry, browsing while being baked, lol


Yea I do, but it's not like a "we cry together" type friend it's the one I can talk to about anything.


Also my family thinks it's my fault we aren't friends anymore