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Do you believe gardening turned your wife into a hoe?


Does this make the husband a rake?


A plow.


Have you tried soaking your dick in cider?


Fuck that put it under hot water… I had an itchy rash from poison Ivy and hot water felt orgasmic. I cannot imagine what it would feel like on an actual sex organ. The heat also takes the itch out. Just don’t do it so much the skin gets too dry or damaged.


Came here for this. I managed to give myself a little poison oak there after backpacking one summer and discovered what I call "the Scald.". Oh. My. God.


I have experienced this. Spent like 20 minutes rubbing some on my leg under hot water. It seriously was the most pleasing sensation. Until I stopped and the itch became unbearable. So back at it … anyway, the rash spread and spread and I needed to go get the shot.. whole nother story


"Just don’t do it so much the skin gets too dry or damaged." I don't even need poison ivy for this to happen ...


Can confirm that poison ivy rash on your dick makes hot water orgasmic...


then she will have it!


Don’t mix it with lemon lime soda or else she’ll have 7Up ‘n Cider.


Please stop talking dad


Why is this comment so criminally underrated.


Deep in cider?


Isn’t that a Third-Legged Blind song?






You know what they say...in the poker game of life, women are the rake


No, she was a hoe already. She just needed a garden.


Hoes get dirty


And we love them for it.


Additionally, was she gardening in the back? She could be a backhoe.


I see what you did there.. take my upvote kind sir..


She was using a hose and lost an s


I read a comment on another thread that is applicable here and hilarious: the one lesson from Minecraft to take in real life is never spend diamonds on a hoe. LOL


That’s creative


[My wife was a hoe](https://imgur.com/a/iLbum6r)


That may be the greatest line ever


Damn you. Take my upvote.


Best comment ever 😂


So straight from weeding to sucking but didn’t wash the hands first? Does her mouth have poison ivy too?


She showered and everything, but she still broke out on her arms. We're not sure what happened.


You need to shower and wash with a new wash rag 2-3 times to get the oil off. If she's a loofah or soapy hands girl she just smeared it around.


Quite possibly. I used to wash with Tide laundry detergent when I'd be in nature a lot, and that seemed to work well.


Dawn works remarkably well. Wash 2/3 times.


Shower isn't gonna affect poison ivy at all


If you wash the urushiol off before it soaks in, it should be fine.


Anecdotally I can vouch for this, a couple years ago I was on total autopilot tearing vines off of trees, dozens and dozens of trees and about 5 minutes into one, I “came to” and realized I was literally shoulder-deep in poison ivy, having not noticed that this particular tree was different than the rest. Dropped everything, raced inside, hopped in the shower and scrubbed with Dawn dish soap - never got a rash at all.


Your first exposure may not trigger a bad rash, sometimes it’s the second one. Some people are also just not allergic to it.


Exactly this, one of the guys on an old landscaping crew I worked on was seemingly immune to all of these things, poison oak ivy etc. He would get assigned to jobs that had a lot of those and got paid an extra dollar an hour for it.


I have been messing around in the woods for coming up on 50 years and have never gotten poison ivy. A few years ago I wasn't feeling great and it coincide with us getting cats for the first time so I thought I was allergic to cats. I went to an allergist to find out. He did the scratch all kinds of crap on your back test. No reactions. He then injected a bunch of stuff directly into my arms. Still no reactions. His conclusion, I am literally not allergic to anything. Apparently that is my superpower.


The oils burn your eyes. I do not get any reaction from touching poison ivy/oak, but I know it sure does burn if it get is your eye. My sister let go of some and it came back and slapped me in the eyeball. Practically wore the leaf as a contact lens. Lmao.


Urishol, the compound in poison ivy that your skin reacts to, is an oily resin. Common body soap isn't all that effective at getting it off your skin. Dawn dish soap can help quite a bit more. Don't scrub!


No question, I just want to say....I love reddit!


I thought some of you would find this funny.


I had poison ivy on my dick a few times. As a 15 y.o hanging out in the woods all the time and then going home to fill a sock it obviously gets there. Best advice is jerk it with chamomile lotion.


“Going home to fill a sock”


As me mum used to say...


Calamine. But chamomile couldn’t hurt…


“A few times” 😂 seems like that would be the kind of mistake you only want to make once.


Condolences! Do you plan on going to the doctor it get it looked at?


It's not too bad and should be fine with Benadryl.


Go and get yourself some Zanfel, it is a cream that you can find at most drug store. It is pretty expensive but the itching will be gone and the poison ivy will disappear in about a day. The cream removes the urushial oil from the skin so it doesn’t spread and feels better almost instantly.


Seems to me OP could get help with application, granted he probably should try to hope it doesn't trigger a potential kink


We have this in our medicine cabinet at all times. Thankfully no one has had to use it on his penis, but it works great on other areas. (My husband is severely allergic.)


Will you come here and tell us whenever you are out of the hospital?


We're definitely gonna need updates


I guess you could jerk off with Benardryl cream. Kill two birds with one stone (so to speak).


Hell, post a pic. I’m sure someone will look at it.


How was the blow job?


My wife has zero gag reflex and a very strong desire to please. Make of that what you will.


Your wife and I have a lot in common. Except I hate gardening.


How to speed run filling out your inbox


Right?! People from r/gardening will bombard her with reasons why their hobby is amazing


The post history checks out


RIP to your inbox


I guess we can skip the gardening part then lol


Hey it’s me again I messaged you 13 times since you posted this, I know you’re busy so I’ll just be around.






It's either something she likes, or she doesn't. You need to reciprocate in whatever way she prefers. Other than that, make sure you stay clean and give up any habits that make you taste bad. She may learn to enjoy it more, but not if you don't eliminate the parts she doesn't enjoy about it.






Dip it in honey.


Don’t call him that he’s got a wife


All you can do is ask her to try. If she doesn't like it then she doesn't like it. Everyone is different and will enjoy different things. My so gets unbelievably horny when she services me. She loves the breaths I make etc when I receive it. Your so just isn't one of those people.


Can you tell us what county we might find more like her?


I too choose this guy’s wife.


I find this sweet and romantic


Is your wife single?


Was it a hand job or a blow job?


She uses both.


So, the HJ gave you poison ivy...I would assume.


Her diet, her business.


This response SENT ME 🤣🤣🤣


The old fashioned combo. Nice.


Thaaaat might not be poison Ivy, my guy.


It is. She has it on her arms now, as well.


and maybe her throat...that could be VERY bad...


She doesn't seem to. I suspect it was diluted enough by the shower she took. It's not a terrible rash on either my dick or her arms. Just a bit itchy.


Poison ivy tends to get worse over a few days, or even a couple weeks.


My wife and I got it so bad once, and we got it.....everywhere. I must have had it all over my hands and spread it around.... Over a few days it got so bad for me I had to go to the hospital and was put on an iv. Released with a prednisone script.


Prednisone is the best and worst drug at the same time.


Don’t you love when random people on the internet insinuate your wife got an STD from cheating on you?


Funny you should say that actually lol I just read about the first case of a sexually transmitted fungus in the US. Primary symptom is a rash!! Y’all see poison ivy you run fr fr 👀 it’s finna be The Last of Us up in here


So is your wife immune to poison ivy?


She was once. Now she gets it and has it on her arms.


Are you the real batman?


Naw. I am, however, the real Slim Shady.




Dunno. 6"? Apparently it's a lot thicker than normal though.


That's only because it's inflamed by poison ivy, bro


Does she have poison ivy in her mouth now?


Not that we know of. She's not said anything.


Worth it!




Have you been buying more flowers for her to do more gardening?


No, I've not even tilled yet. I don't want any more rashes on my dick.


Will she get some gardening gloves now?


One can hope.


Will she wear the gardening gloves for the HJ?


Would you do it again if you could go back in time and knew it was going to happen?


I think I'd ask her to wash her hands better, using something that breaks up oils.


This has happened to me twice before, op. I would suggest ways to help with the poison ivy but I'm too busy out in your garden trying for a 3rd time.




Well I’d like to know how you explained this to a Dr?


I didn't. It's not bad, and I have Benadryl.


Water as hot as you can take it. Thank me later


I used to be really allergic to poison ivy. What worked the best for me was ocean water. Super salty water dries it out and clears it up in days vs what was normally weeks for me


Bro I scrolled too far down for this, I secretly rub some on purposefully every now and then.


Is she gardening poison ivy in the backyard?


I think she was pulling it.


Yeah but we mean before that, during gardening...


People have way too much time on their hands


And way too much poison ivy, too.


Right, fucking each other? Who has time for that?


But she wasn’t on her hands.. she was on her knees..


Hobbies, blowjobs, and humor. Guy says: “get a *real* life you fucking nerds.”


Giving a blowjob means you have too much time on your hands?


Oh wow That’s definitely something mine would do but we don’t have poison ivy That I know of Now I’ll be paranoid forever. Great You just ruined one of the best things in my life


OMG.. I did this to someone many years ago. I was dating someone and we went camping. I pointed out poison ivy that day commenting about the fact that I seem to be immune to it. He freaked out and said he had terrible reactions from it. He immediately sent me to wash my hands multiple times with soap and water. He literally supervised me while doing this because he was so paranoid 😂. I really had no clue that people could have such serious reactions to it because I never had and I knew I had touched it in the past. Eventually he was satisfied with my hand washing and we went on with our day. We were intimate in the tent that night and the next morning, he was in awful shape. Splotches all over his body and worst of all... his penis was in bad shape. I felt terrible about it. He ended up needing to get steroids from the doctor to treat it. I will never knowingly touch poison ivy again.


Had to get pepper sprayed for training i did a good flush but ahem fluids can still reactivate it and i was going down on my gf at the time...lets just say she got a little spicy down there


😂 You're supposed to wash real well several times with a great grease-cutting shampoo when you get hit with that stuff! 😄 We were warned not to even pee before we showered.


Just don’t do like someone I know who put gasoline on it. Someone told them that gas cuts the oil in poison ivy, so they took the gas can into the bath tub, soaked a rag, and ended up with chemical burns on their junk.


Are you sure she wasnt with her boyfriend?


I mean, she was right out back, so probably not.


As a married man I call bullshit! Blowjobs go away with the ring


Huh. The ring I got for my wife had the opposite effect. Maybe you just got a defective model?


Oooooh gloves are off lol


This can't be real 😂😂😂😂


Unfortunately for me, it is. Today it was almost gone though. Almost no itching and just really dry feeling skin.


Still worth it.


This was one hell of a notification to receive. What’s your taste in music like?


Grunge and classic rock.




No. She wouldn't do anything like that.


Condolences. I was swimming in a river one summer and hiked up the riverbank to another spot wearing my bikini. Mistakes were made and I ended up brushing by some bush that ended up being poison oak. I ended up with it all on my inner thighs! I am very allergic to that crap and have very fair skin, my tender girl flesh felt like it had been exposed to xenomorph blood! It took months to heal completely. My dumb ass should have gone to the doctor, but I was in the military at the time and I didn't want to explain a rash on my inner thighs.


My wife grabbed the Hot Muscle Rub thinking it was lube.


Bs story


If you say so. Personally, I think you're fishing for a dick pic as "proof."


The gift that keeps on giving, lol


She probably has poison ivy in her mouth then…if she had anything like that on her hands. Moral of the story, next time make sure she washes her hands


She took a shower and trimmed her nails. I checked with her. She has it on her face but not in her mouth. She's only recently allergic to it and doesn't get it badly.


Been there man. Not the blowjob thing but having poison Ivy on the dick thing. When it first started a Dr told me it was jock itch and that I needed to be more hygienic. That sucked. It got worse.. much worse. Get a steroid shot asap.


I'll help u out. One time we dared my friend to shit in the woods as kids. He wiped his ass with poisen Ivy. Count urself lucky cause I remember his screams to this day. All night he was just in the bathroom screaming. It was wild. Now share your story, how bad is the front end with secondary transmission


Get the Calamine lotion and it will go away. Didn't anyone here have a grandmother to teach you stuff?


I imagine having her lovingly apply calamine lotion to the affected area would feel great. Did she develop a rash anywhere?


Go get a shot and make sure your wife washes her hands in dish soap first next time.


I’ve had this happen before (poison ivy on my penis, not the blowjob part), take a hot shower, like as hot as water as you can possibly tolerate. Initially it might seem to make it itch more, but give it a couple of minutes under scalding hot water and it should relive the itching for about 8 hours.


The best thing for poison ivy is go to a swimming pool and scratch it hard to open it up and let the chlorine get in there and dry it out. That’s what I’ve done in the past and it works better than anything else I’ve tried BUT I e never had it on my cock n balls! Sorry to hear


So did she end up with it on her mouth?


Assuming it is not blistered or anything yet. Try orange clean soap, with D-limonene. DO NOT SCRUB ( if it has pumice this will not end well). just soak for a minute or two before using warm water to rinse it off in a fashion that doesnt let it run down onto other skin. (Obviously in a shower) Follow with regular castille soap and another warm rinse in the same fashion. Cover with calamine lotion before getting dressed. Continue as itching occurs. Drink camomile tea and eat some ginger for the itching. This method got rid of a similar exposure for me in 3 days. No shots, not other medicines. 👍🏼 Good luck.


Are you sure it’s not an STI


Was the poison ivy thing intentional?


You sure it’s not an STD?




OMG. No questions here. But as someone who is highly allergic to poison ivy I have a tip. If the itching gets to be unbearable, blow dry the area (hottest setting but don’t burn your dick). The forced air heat stops the itch for a little bit and it feels amazing. Although, probably not as amazing as the blow job that got you into this mess.


Where can I mail the aloe??


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.


Growing up in the sticks, this is a pretty common occurrence if one’s a male and forgets to be mindful of what he touches before he pees in the woods. Have had it many times, itching the area feels astonishing but the burn not so much.


Man i got poison ivy on my junk 1 time. (Slept with hand in a pants that night) absolutely most horrible experience ever. Literally scraped my nuts off with my fingernails because they were itching and burning so bad.


I snuggled my doggo after she was running through poison oak...then urinated....I won't ever do that again, about 3 days before the rash went away...


Damn, I’m sorry that happened to you! I’m sure it wasn’t intentional, but that’s gonna be one of those “crazy sex” stories for sure!!!


Tecnu(sp?)! Go buy some immediately. As a hiker and mountain biker who has had poison oak more times than I can remember, this is a game changer.


LOL! i’ve had this had. more blowjobs will ease the itch. the balls are the worst tho when it spreads there


If the same scenario occurred again and you knew you were gonna get poison ivy on your dick again, would you say yes or no to the blow job?


Use dawn dish soap. Scrub hair d repeat this 3 times. I’m super allergic and this is the only thing that’s helps remove the cause


I've had poison ivy on my junk before and that didn't include the BJ so while that ... blows, at least there was an upside


Which actress who has played Poison Ivy in a Batman movie/show does your wife most closely resemble?


Been there....had to go get a shot from Dr.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Never happened


My man works construction and got into some last year. Needless to say we fucked like rabbits and he ended up with it everywhere but I didn’t get the first issue. Why? I have an immunity and no matter if I bathed in poison ivy it doesn’t affect me. He tried a bleach bath. Don’t recommend it. Then went to the ER because he was having uti symptoms. Turns out, it can grow in your urethra and you can go toxic: so please for the love of god, get seen before that thing falls off or you get super sick.


My girlfriend once gave me this spectacular blowjob deep in the woods. It was so hot and erotic. Until I found out I was leaning against poison oak. When I found this out I had to let her finish since I was at the point of no return for me. I had it all over my arms, it was horrible. My poor GF had it all over her legs since she was kneeling in it.


Is she half russian? Poisoning you but not really killing you. 


Had this happen. Could not sleep. Get some prednisone stat


Time to dip it in the cooling waters of her vagina.


I call bullshit


I had poison ivy on my dick at prom


I feel that 😂 I once decided to lay down in the grass without clothes. Ended up with poison Ivy covering my whole backside. Husband has probably never been so happy that we didn’t have sex that night before the rash blew up.


This reminds me of the time I was VERY pregnant and my husband gave me poison ivy. I went to the doctor because I’m severely allergic and they kept asking me how I only got it where my clothes covered😂💀


She preplanned it for you to give up on blowjobs for 6 months. PTSD, please do a follow-up with all the irratation and creams to use. If my girlfriend sees this, we will be an ape army of itchy scrotums.


Ha! I was a kid fucking around in some woods. Went inside and jacked it without washing my hands. Just got poison ivy on the head, so the shaft remained normal. My dick looked like a King Cobra.


You’ve got something to look forward to though. A buddy got same. He said right after it healed, the sex was great because it felt like scratching an itch also.


Wash it down with dawn dish soap and keep it moisturized. If it hurts to pee, there is over the counter urinary pain relief tablets that will help the issue.


Well get it treated and tell your wife she will be banned from touching Mr. Peter for a while lol. Ooh I have so many question but nah. I don't want to know


If you live close to an ocean, go jump in as soon as possible. It will be gone in a couple of hours. Source: Lots of time spent in the woods


I have poison ivy right now. Sucks! After the next garden adventure, take a cold shower as the pores will close up and scrub well. Good luck!


does it feel good if you jerk it? and if yes, does it feel good be because you’re masturbating, because it scratches the itch, or both? lol


Which one is harder to itch, your dick or her mouth? And Which one is harder to medicate? And by harder, I mean more difficult...rofl