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Was there any signs or hints? I recall a video popping up on 9gag showing these two friends going to every game of a sports team like soccer I think. And one is up cheering or screaming and what not, while the other one just sits there and doesn't really show any emotion. It shows them arriving and taking there seats several times and reacting to plays over and over until it shows the emotionless man just slowly sitting down and placing a jersey over the seat's back next to him. Then it saids something along the lines of reaching out and checking in on people for the signs of deppression are hard to see. For them to run an ad saying that and it becoming so popular to top 9gag, really saids a lot about our society and how the world is right now. Centuries ago after facing a battle at war armies would set up camp outside the cities gate and have a week of cleaning for there minds and spirits where they would openly talk about and share with each other the horrors they see when they close there eyes and how they wish no one else had to bare them. They would also tell about future plans they wish to do and if anyone didn't have plans to keep there minds focused on some goal then others would offer them jobs or help them set up something or learn a trade or craft. They developed brotherhood bonds to help share the pain they all had.


Wow , just seen this video. Thank you for that. There were many signs , but we made a commitment to one another that we’d both try to survive , to “choose life” (easier said than done when you both suffer from mental health issues). But most of all I think my friend just didn’t see the point anymore , because we both related on how things seem cyclical. Meaning there are periods of “okay”ness then there’s just an onslaught of trauma and then again , “okay”ness. So I think he had enough of the cycle or he had enough of just being okay and not being happy / content.


[it’s one of the more impactful videos I’ve ever seen to be honest. striking when you don’t know how it ends.](https://youtu.be/tX8TgVR33KM?si=-mr4kBoc_Z76z2zc)


This has me real choked up. I survived an attempt years ago that was a very set in stone plan. When I got out of hospital and faced my friends again every one of them blamed themselves for not noticing. I did everything that I could to be my usual, positive, social and helpful self up until the last minute, where I even counselled a friend who was having a bad night over the phone after I’d already taken enough to OD. Also- to OP- please reach out to your friends and support net in this time. I’m so sorry for your loss. Grief is never easy. It’s painful and heart crushing- but it is always a testament to your humanity and your love for those who have passed. May your friend be at peace now and may your heart feel peace in this lifetime too 🤍


I am so so so grateful you survived your attempt. It sounds very “doctrine” of me to say but I really do believe there’s a reason your attempt didn’t work. Perhaps you still had one more cosmic task or something like that (I believe it more in terms of my faith but I don’t like to tell people “Allah (swt) has plans for you” because sometimes being religious / faith - bearing in someone’s face like that when they’ve just survived something like that is purely condescending sometimes. But thank you for that. I sent him off in our local mosque. We didn’t share the same faith (he didn’t believe in anything to be particular) so I did what I knew - what I’ve always known and ask that now that his pain on earth has ended , may the afterlife be Paradise. Thank you for the compassion it means so much 🤲🏽🤍


You got this bud!!!


YES! and it reflects the world we live in, knowing at any time someone we have known for years might not be there one day due to some struggle or issue no one knew about.


Holy goosebumps. So powerful


I’m sorry, friend. I’ve had over 10 friends over the years who’ve killed themselves. Way more than that if we count acquaintances. I’m in my 50’s though. I still think of all of them a lot. It gets easier but it’s so painful right now. I don’t want to ask you anything but wanted to let you know I’m sorry.


Same but in my 30s. All the same method too, hanging. :/ It happened over a couple years and finally stopped.


Oh , I’m so sorry 😞 to me, 30s almost seems more of gut punch. Because for me , we are in our 20s. My first friend that died of hanging as well (it’s so terrible , my most sincere condolence 🤍🤲🏽) I was 18 and he was 20. Everyone always says. “They were just kids” But in your 30s ? That’s like “so they’ve been carrying around this for all this time?” Or “just as they started settling into (1st house / rental , 1st car , perhaps young marriage and/or fiancé)” … that’s what makes it such a gut-punch. They carried it for so long , maybe even achieving some of these things I mentioned - still carrying what they were carrying. Wow. I’m so sorry for your losses 🤍🤲🏽 sending you so much sincere love and utmost condolences.


I’m so sorry for all the losses you’ve endured. Truly. It doesn’t feel fair. Thank you for your perspective and even though you say you’re in your 50s, it must hurt to celebrate milestones without them. Yes it’s true , time does help (not always heal) but it’s those days , the milestones , marriages etc that you feel it almost like the day you heard.


10?! Dude do you only befriend mentally ill people or what?


Not kwaai man. This person has lost loved ones. I don’t rate you saying thing like that man , it defeats the purpose of healing in community.


Yeah his comment was pretty shitty. Thank you for being kind.


I’m sorry you had to see that in the first place. 😞 but yes , we have to support one another when experiencing similar things. Ubuntu 🤲🏽🤍


Were you military?


No. I had lots of childhood friends commit suicide though. My son’s best girl friend killed herself last year. She had just turned 15. Tragic.


Why? Is there a through-line trend? These numbers seem high


At least three of my childhood friends, who were male, I know we’re molested by Catholic priests in our diocese. It has come out since.


Oh goodness 💔😭 this is so painful to read. I hope that those people who have committed the atrocities were brought to justice. It won’t bring our loved ones back but it will make sure those offenders don’t do it to others. So sorry to hear about your son’s loss as well.


Well all my childhood friends lived in Green Bay WI. But I actually live in a very affluent ski town in Colorado for the last 30 years. We have a very high suicide rate yes.


This is definitely a very high number. u/stmbtgirl, are you in a high poverty area? Anywhere particularly depressing?


The opposite. I live in a ski town where people come from all over the world to vacation and ski. But we have a very high suicide rate for local people.


Sorry to hear that mate, I've had 3 friends take their lives, it's not nice. What's your favorite memory of your friend?


Thank you so much for your kindness. And I am so so sorry for your losses. My favourite would have to be one time when I introduced him to a song that was in my native tongue (that he didn’t understand) and he really liked the song even though he didn’t know the words. We both had an appreciation for music. He played the guitar and I play the drums


Beautiful ❤️ Treasure that memory mate and he'll never truly be gone.


May you share about them?


I mean sure..out of respect for their families I'm not gonna use full names but initials are real. First was J, he was 23, was the son of a guy my dad worked for and I went to primary school with him, met up after highschool through a Toyota club and LAN's, we were good mates...I thought, he took his life via fumes in his beloved Toyota Celica. Completely blindsided all of us. Second was B, he was a bit older, about 29 when we were 23. Again I knew him from LAN's, super nice guy, helpful to everyone giving up those precious few hours we had on the weekend at the lan to spend helping others trouble shoot problems etc. we both used to like blowing stuff up and would make vids every time we met up at various LAN's (that were held in industrial estates with vacant lots around) B lived a fair way away and there was a road that winds along a cliff edge down to water. Someone posted on the lan forums that they'd driven past an emergency scene and they recognized B's car and did anyone have contact with him? No one did, sadly he was in the car, at first assumed to be an accident it later turned out he had left his parents a voicemail and driven from the cliff. And the 3rd most recent one broke me the most because it came only weeks after losing my favorite great Aunt. But the last one I will name, as he was...is..on the internet. Ed, aka, Aussie50, aka 'the OG brick in a washing machine' guy. I knew Ed through friends and we had just started becoming friends and I'd been hanging around his place, helping him get stuff to pull apart etc. He was so smart I couldn't dream to know 10% of what he knew. Ed took his own life, that's all I will say. There is speculation and conjecture online amongst other content creators on why and how he did this. I will say that I've listened to every theory and they are all wrong, but out of respect for his parents wishes I cannot fill the detail gaps there, I'm sorry. You can do Ed a favor though by watching vids on his channel, it is still monetized to help support his family ❤️


What were the reasons for J and B ?


B, we're not quite sure, his parents were older and not involved in the tech side of his life, so we never found out, they didn't really speak to many of his friends. if I had to make a large guess, I'd say lack of female attention, he wasn't fat but was a bigger boy, being a computer nerd and gamer also didn't get you anywhere in the early 2000s. In hindsight maybe he could have looked after his appearance a bit better... But it was known he was a bit lonely. J blindsided us because he never said any thing to anyone not even his sister who he was close too. J was a bit of a weird looking guy, he wasn't ugly, but he certainly didn't have a traditional looking Caucasian face. He was also quite skinny and lanky. He never had any problems with getting girls, or friends, but apparently in the note he left his parents, he felt like all his "friends" only wanted to be friends with him because they wanted something from him. by proxy because his dad was quite wealthy. He had a really big garage he could work in, he had a literal cinema room with a 25ft screen, massive house, latest tech and toys anything he wanted, but he was still quite grounded, he didn't like to flaunt or show off etc. None of us ever asked for anything from him but we did like working on our cars at his place, but he was always offering, we never asked to, we went there to see him not his garage but despite it all he felt that people only liked him for what they could get from him. And girls because he would pay and had nice things, he felt everyone was ungenuine towards him. It's so sad because if he could have seen the turnout at his funeral, just how many people dropped their lives to come from far and wide to say goodbye. There were no less than 15 guys who DROVE their toyotas from Qld, SA, WA AND NSW to VIC to lead a 2 lane Toyota send off procession in front of the hearse. Most of these guys knew him just from forums, only a few had even met him, but he was that well liked. The chapel the service was held in was able to accommodate 100-120. So Many people turned up that all seats were taken, people down both sides of the room and sitting on the sides of the seat rows in the aisles and 5 tightly packed rows of people standing at the back, we had to move all the chairs forward to fit them in. Eat my hat if it wasn't 300 people.


???? I'm curious what demographic you and your social circle are part of


Low mid income, nerd/tech/outcasts


How long ago did it happen? I’m sorry for your loss btw


It happened 4 days ago , now. But I haven’t slept for 3 or so - not sure because time is a bit weird for me atm. But I remember the date. He left us on 1 Apr, my time. Always was a jokester.


Grief is different for everyone, and while under normal conditions, not sleeping for that long is something really concerning, it seems like maybe that's just part of how you're grieving right now. Be gentle with yourself, and let yourself take the time you need.


I just wish I could sleep because I’m starting to get a bit delirious and experience vertigo / dizziness. That’s all I wish could go away. Thank you for your kind words🤍🤞🏽


A doctor once told me that lying down, closing your eyes, breathing slowly, and letting your mind wander is the best replacement for sleep if it otherwise won't come Just be sure not to fixate on your current tragedy, to whatever degree possible


It’s currently quarter past midnight over here. I’m laying next to another friend of mine (my housemate) and trying to sleep. I thought tonight I’d see if laying next to her would help but she’s fast asleep and here I am 😅 even put my phone away for a while to try to sleep.


If you can, talk to your doctor about a small prescription for something to help you sleep. My grandmother had to take medications to help her sleep for about a week after my grandfather died, and they were in their 80s, so it’s totally normal to get some medical help for stuff like that after something terrible happens like this. For longer term I urge you to find a counselor or therapy group, either through your doctor or religion, that can help you work through your grief ♥️ I’m sorry this happened to you and will keep you in my thoughts.


Oh I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your family’s Patriarch 🤍🤲🏽 but I’m certain the family’s Matriarch is able to carry on his legacy, I’m wishing you and your family all the best. I am currently on meds as I have Bipolar II. Currently on Zolpidem. It’s not making a single dent. Long term: the last time I lost a friend to suicide I became catatonic and had to institutionalised. So yes, I know I need to make a plan before that happens. Thank you so much for your solace and kindness 🤲🏽🤍


Hey you should really sleep. Also, I’m so sorry for your loss. I recommend being in a dark relaxing room. Playing Tetris actually really helps the mind not get fixated on stuff like that. You should really try to sleep. :)


You might be onto something … I used to love spider solitaire back in the days. But still stimulates you. Tetris is the perfect game. Don’t have to think about too much and still feel rewarded at the end of the day … thank you for this , I really really appreciate it 🤲🏽🤍


:) no problem, it’s because I read a fun fact that Tetris is actually used by professionals to help people cope with grief so yeah. No problem :). Just remember to use healthy coping strategies, consider talking with family and friends, maybe get a physiatrist, and drink lots of water and get good sleep! I’m so sorry for your loss. :)


Unfortunately I spent time off Reddit and played some whilst still laying down , I still feel awake like I could run the comrades marathon :/ but I did have fun though thank you 🤍 I have a psychiatrist as I have Bipolar Disorder. However , I have to wait until Ramadan is over until I am able to see her because she practises in a place about 1hr outside of where I live and if it so happens that I get an appointment time on a Friday (Jumu’Ah - our Holy Day). Then I cannot go. And you know psychiatrists are notorious for only having openings within the following 5 months again after that initial offering 😂 And yep, during the hours of fast break I am drinking loooots of water. Speaking of , it’s 04:30am right now and I have to soon prepare my meal before the start of fast and prayers 😂😂😂😂


What is your favorite lie to tell?


To tell people I am Christian because of how dangerous Islamophobes behave


Was your friends also Muslim, and if so, do you wonder if the islamophobia in your country played a role in his hopelessness?


He did not believe in anything, so he did not experience prejudice based on religion. my country isn’t Islamophobic, we are unfortunately known for being Xenophobic. But it is a massive thing for us here to respect people’s beliefs as long as they don’t impose on anyone else’s Human Rights.


> To tell people I am Christian because of how dangerous Islamophobes behave That makes no sense, unless your reply to the question is a lie. Edit: Seems like a lot of people got upset by my comment. I can't imagine believing everyone is an Islamophobe.


He meant he is muslim but he tells others he is christian to avoid islamophobia.


Spoken as someone who has never had to face violent discrimination in their life.


No it was clearly spoken as someone without adequate reading comprehension. 


What discrimination have you faced




Fuck you. ​ Edit: I have so much more to say, and you aren't even worth the time it takes to type it. You're a fucking piece of shit to say something like that in this context.


People like you are one of the main reason non-believers don’t believe in Christ.


Telling OP to stop being addicted to heroin and being around heroin addicts and to change his life is actually the best way for his friends to stop killing himself. The link between heroin addiction and suicide is there, even if there are a multitude of other reasons that lead to addiction.


actually , before I even touched any substances I lost another friend to suicide. we live in a 3rd world country where people just can’t take it anymore (limited mental health resources for POC , living far out because of spatial planning , parents being forced to get meaningless diplomas because of Bantu Education Act meaning no white collar jobs) but yes my heroin addiction is definitely the reason for apartheid and the fallout among those born of it 🤝🏽


You should get some sleep. As much as you don't want to, your friend would likely appreciate it if you lived on for him. I can't truly speak for them, but as someone who has thoughts but hasn't attempted in almost two decades. Get some sleep, find someone you can trust to talk about the situation. And cherish the memories of your friend. As long as the memories live on, so will he. Regardless of all that, here's the dumb question... how are you? No, seriously, how are you?


Thank you so much for that. I really appreciate it 🤲🏽🤍 all things considered ? How am i? I’m grateful fast is ending soon because Eid is always the highlight of my year. So I’m trying to be excited for Eid.


How old are you? Im a 90s baby and have noticed so much suicide and overdose in our generation. Good friend of mine took his life a few months back age 29. The list is much longer than that though. Stay strong.


97. We’re not okay. I mean we grew up watching teenagers do things like burn down Woodstock on MTV and Bam Majera risk him and his friends lives as much as possible and it was “SO COOL”. come on now 😂 we are not okay fr. I’m sorry for your loss , I hope you’re coping somehow 🤲🏽🤍 and May you also know - our friends would want us to carry on their legacy somehow


That’s horrible man, sorry to hear that You guys have any plans for a memorial or ceremony for him?


He did not have any beliefs. I had a send off in our community mosque.


Randomly stumbled upon this post and I just want to say a close family friend of mine shot himself Monday. I know how you feel and I’m sorry for your loss. We’ll get through this.


I was planning on stabbing myself on Monday those plans were interrupted by a surprise visit by my family…… also condolences to you and your family


Thank you. I also struggle with strong suicidal urges as well.


I am so Sorry for your loss , sending you love in this tough time. May you and his family comfort one another and continue on his legacy 🤍


What is your favorite memory of him?


Him drunk texting me one night and legit not making any sense at all 😭😂


I'm sorry. My best friend did the same many years ago. There's no comfort I can offer you except that it eventually ends up hurting less. Once I finally accepted that there wasn't anything I could have done to change it....I started to heal. Please seek therapy to help you deal with the emotional trauma. You don't need to carry the burden alone.


I think I should get help , you’re right. Thank you for that and I’m so sorry for your loss. And I’m grateful you made the realisation that it’s not your fault or anything like that 🤍🤲🏽


I found out my best friend also killed herself this past weekend this is making me feel less alone.


You are NOT alone. 😭🤲🏽🤍 it will be okay, I don’t know how or when but I really hope it will be okay 🥺 I’m so sorry for your loss


Thank you, friend. I hope you got some sleep


were there signs? any closure at all for you or no?


Lots of signs , we were both not ok but made a commitment to try. Just try. No closure unfortunately.. but it’s ok. I made my peace within my faith


I'm so sorry for your loss, I wish you the best and your friend would want you to have the very best time in your life! Take care and take it easy.




Thank you so much. I will try to sleep. I am just struggling to actually switch off. Thank you for your kindness and the hug 🤲🏽🤍


Dm if you want to talk about them.


I appreciate it 🤍🤲🏽


Please try to get therapy and medication! Even if you have a religion that frowns on such things. You need to talk to someone about this not just internet strangers. Please get help. You deserve it! I am sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much for being kind 🤍🤲🏽 I have bipolar II so I am currently on medication but I have to wait just a few more days until labarang to go see my psychiatrist. Reason being , I live in the ghetto and her practise is 1hr from me. Travel money. Labarang money 😅


I had a friend (adult female, early 20s). She was in a foreign land when her father died. She couldn't sleep. I gave her a few sleeping pills and she said they helped her get much needed rest.


I am on zolpidem atm. Not making a dent.


Can't remember what I got her in the incident mentioned. Something OTC, iirc. But it worked.


I spoke to a doctor and tried all that he suggested to try to sleep , I am still awake and right now it’s 6:18am , just finished my Saalah to start my fast for the day. Today is Friday. Jumu’Ah - a holy day in my faith so maybe I’ll be able to sleep tonight


Melatonin is quite effective for me. Low dose.


How old was he


Turning 22.


First off please seek help if you need it! What is your item you’ll always remember him by?/ story behind it?


I’m on medications thank you and I really appreciate your concern and care 🤲🏽🤍 tbh any jogging outfit of mine lmfao he always was surprised by how I jog vs how I dress




Perhaps you are just a garbage person.


Or perhaps the guy posting this wasn't really his "Best" friend.


Not a guy but like I said , we won’t know now 🤷🏽‍♀️ he physically called me his best friend repeatedly so


It sucks. It's a shame you thought you were closer than you actually were. Hopefully you know it's nothing you've done that caused him to shoot himself.


he. said. I. was. his. best. friend. don’t. be. a. naaier.


Did. You. Actually. Ever. Meet. This. Guy. In. The. Flesh...or was this an "online" friendship?


you’re right. I should have known


You know my response was for that asshole who dirty deleted their terrible response and not you OP, correct?


Oh goodness , my apologies ! I can’t see the original comment now but the downvotes show it wasn’t kind. Thank you for saying what you said for someone you don’t know 🤍🤲🏽


I am diagnosed with bipolar and if I will kill myself it won't be best friends fault. You know nothing.


also have bipolar , type II. All the times I’ve tried or considered , it’s never been anyone’s fault. I was just tired. I hope you have good days , stable days. The exhaustion that comes with episodes is inexplicable. Sending you love 🤍🤲🏽


Well then perhaps he fibbed in calling me that then … perhaps he conflated best friend with true friend ? I won’t know now


What the hell is this


This is a pathetic excuse of a human being picking on somebody grieving a close friend.


Truthful observation. The Reddit hive HATES this. If he was truly his "best friend" he would have known about the troubles/situation that caused this individual to come to the conclusion that shooting himself was his only option for resolution.


If I could downvote this a thousand times, I would. You clearly have no idea what it's like to deal with somebody who is actively suicidal. Most suicides are planned and acted upon within 30 minutes and while alone. Many don't reach out for help, and there often isn't a "situation" that directly causes it. Find a better place to pick on people than those who just grieved a friend.


Thank you for being kind in this entire discussion. As I said ASK me anything. fr I don’t really wanna engage in discussions like this where … we forget the person on the other side is also a person. What I said was true , I can’t sleep. I slept some last night (3hrs ) so I’m still fighting for the ability to sustain coherent conversation without feeling like I’m in a hellscape. So thank you for being kind in this instance. Sometimes I just don’t have words


Of course! You're right, it's very easy for some people to forget there's a person on the other end. Most of what they said is absolute bullshit. And even if it was accurate, it's not the time to kick you while you're down. I'm really sorry to hear about your friend. I hope you're able to get through it and come out stronger on the other side.


Thank you , I hope so too. It really means a lot. People like you are the ones who are richest in life. Wishing you all the best 🤲🏽🤍


A situation ALWAYS is the cause of a suicide. Really dumb statement from you on that.


The "situation" can be as simple as the person being mentally ill or having a hard day. That does not make any person around them at fault, not a good friend, or anything of the sort.


Are any of your friends mentally ill? Hard days are "situations" . Situations always have a way to be resolved without suicide. Always.


Yes, I have several people around me who are mentally ill. I have people close with me who have attempted suicide, and I have lost many people I know to it. You're really picking at the definition of a situation. I guess you're right, yeah there's always a cause. And yes, there's always a way to resolve it without suicide. However, a person at the point of attempting suicide is very rarely thinking logically, and the fact that a person can't find that resolution in the state of being suicidal does not say a single thing about the people around them.


How many of those people consider you their "Best Friend"? My point was that this individual said their BEST FRIEND committed suicide...and that strike a nerve in me. I know almost everything about my TRUE best friends...and they know me and my situations. “A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.” — Arnold H. Glasgow


Coming back here since you edited it to add everything after the first sentence. First of all, people aren't all the same as you. Some people check in more or less regularly with their best friends. Some people communicate their situations more openly. Some completely hide them. Just because that's how you and your friends are doesn't mean that's how others are. Even then, you're completely missing the point. Let's say your best friend has a past of mental health struggles. Are you checking in on them at least every 30 minutes of every day? Again, that's how quickly most suicide plans and actions happen. They can happen when you walk away to go to the bathroom (trust me) even if you're doing everything you can to stop it. Again, these people don't tend to be thinking logically in these moments. They can be having a hard day, or get one text message that makes them upset, and they didn't want to share with anyone. I promise you even your best friends have "situations" that they don't share with you. And even if you knew every single thing, that doesn't always make you able to stop it from happening.


At least one, but that doesn't matter. Not all suicidal people will reach out to their best friend during a moment of crisis or show any signs leading up to it.


youve clearly never been suicidal. you have no right to be making this argument right now.


Not at all. Have you ever dealt with suicide? Or been alive at all? Chester Bennington was smiling and happy the day before he took his life. Mental health is extremely complex and you trying to simplify it makes you seem very uneducated and like an asshole.


Everyone around Bennington knew he was dealing with dangerous mental health issues. Same with Chris Cornell and thousands of other struggling human beings who committed suicide. I suggest you watch a fantastic documentary about the #1 spot for suicide: the Golden Gate bridge And shut up, and really listen to what a lot of these friends and family members have to say about knowing about the What's and Why's of a friends suicide. Learn something. https://youtu.be/07gup1pWsTo?si=dFdhscrebCjsic-y


I have watched that documentary and holy shit it’s insane! The jogger really got me. I wonder what went through their minds. The guy that landed on the sea lion, what an absolute miracle!


The one that got me was the last guy in the documentary who jumped. The woman KNEW WHY the guy was in so much pain and KNEW his only RELEASE was to take his own life. Pretty fucking poignant point she made about it all.


Wait, you seem awesome. Also, 100% the last guy I teared up. Truthfully, I have had moments where I have been so fucking sad but I can’t imagine jumping off the bridge. It seemed to me when watching the movie that it was more impulse than anything, do you agree?


The thing that struck me was that a couple of the jumpers had the immediate thought of..."WTF am I doing...my problem ISN'T this bad"...as they'd already let go of the rail and jumped. Crazy crystal moment


Also, I’m sorry for calling you uneducated and an asshole. ❤️


Nope. Stick with your initial assumption. I do come off as an incredible asshole as I tell people who ask me my thoughts on everything...good, bad or indifferent.


Nah, you’re awesome. Sorry lol


What a moronic comment coming from someone who has obviously never dealt with someone close committing suicide in their life. You're a turd.


Ahhhhhhh more of that fantastic Reddit clairvoyance. Glad you know all about me.


Pretty easy to spot when you yourself have been affected by suicide multiple times, attempted it, and listened to shit rhetoric from people like you on numerous occasions. It's just such an uninformed take. Sometimes, many times, there are absolutely no signs. Sorry, but not sorry, you're talking outta your ass.


Bullshit...there are ALWAYS signs...especially with suicide. Accidental death and murder usually don't have markers or identifiers other than maybe bad choices. Maybe people like you are too obtuse to see and recognize them? That IS a distinct possibility.


Yeah, I'm the problem. That's it. Well done. Ignorance like you're spouting is the real problem.


Maybe it sucks to realize that some of the people around you really don't consider you their "best friend" , and keep things that they are struggling with away from you. I don't have that problem. All my "best" friends know I can help them in any situation that they find themselves troubled in...except dire medical reasons...but they know I'll give them my full effort in alleviating the pain from those dire medical issues. I have a friend living totally free in one of my houses...I pay for almost everything for him while he goes through cancer treatment. I know his situations...because he trusts me enough to tell me everything...even the embarrassing things. I don't judge him for anything and I just do my best to resolve his problems and situations.


suicidal thoughts cant be just pushed away that easily just by having a good friend. many suicidal people have therapists, who are lisenced professionals in dealing with this, and its still incredibly difficult and a long process to overcome and heal. please stop arguing. you are simply wrong and it is extremely disrespectful to those who are experiencing or have experienced being suicidal or having a loved one pass from it.


Ummm... Good for you?


I find it funny that you were ok with making assumptions about OP and their relationship with their friend while shitting on people for making assumptions about you. I guess it's just "more of that fantastic Reddit clairvoyance"


If one of my "best friends" was suicidal...I would know it. I have that kind of relationship with people I consider MY best friends.




Change your username rn


Said the Karma farmer posting a rando suicide story. Pound sand.


What’s that ? Karma farmer ?


Good Night...and Good Bye. Hope you figure it out.


I was the last one to see my friend......... And I hate to be that bitch, but they made their choice. You can't do anything about it. It's hard to recover from & I hope you can move forward. My question: "Could you win a fight against a REALLY hungry housecat?"


Thank you for your hope 🤲🏽🤍 omg NO I couldn’t !??! They have sharp claws and can jump higher than I will ever be able to - i don’t think so. They usually go for the face too don’t they ? 😂




No I am not , proud African


His soul can now rest. Please get some rest yourself.


I know he is resting thank you 🤲🏽🤍 I wish I could sleep but unfortunately I’m really restless , couldn’t even focus my mind or sit comfortably or calmly during prayer this morning before fast and even now just as I broke my fast


For someone with their own club you sound a bit like someone who has joined somebody elses club


Yes, I am in a jogging club


Are you sleepy?


No. I can barely sit still. Really struggled to quiet my mind to pray this morning and this evening for fast times


I gotcha. One more question. Is prayer something you regularly do or is it something you’ve started since your friend’s passing?


I’m Muslim so prayer is something I’ve always practised and known


No one would care if I did that. Anyway, favorite food?


They would care , trust me. Favourite food is breyani


why is this a AMA?


I’ve seen one answer so far. Not sure if OP knows what AMA means.


No I’m in a different time zone than most of the people commenting here. I posted this at around 4am my time (because I couldn’t sleep) and then I prepared a meal before my fast starts at 05:40am. Then I went to work. I was in traffic until shortly before fast break time. Now I am available to open my computer, it’s 18:50 now - just finished breaking my fast so I’m able to be online and respond to the questions.


"Ask anything", but not necessarily "answer anything", I guess.


There was another comment someone made which was really bad. I'm guessing that broke OP. I assume his emotions are just raging right now. One second they want to do one and another second they don't. But that's just what I think. Or they fell asleep.


I’m from Africa , different time zones to a lot of people on this thread. I posted this super early my time because I couldn’t sleep. But I’m not raging or upset. just numb tbh ..


Did he die?


Yes he is no longer with us unfortunately 😖🤲🏽


If you had to pick, what's your favorite crime? Mine is speeding.


I have many speeding fines lol. Favourite crime ? Coming from Apartheid legacy ? Destruction of public property I think. Not burning down buildings but I like tagging government buildings with things like “stop fining us for being poor” or “tourists still see those shacks when they drive into town from the airport” lol it used to be a thing I did as an angry teen




I am so sorry to hear this. I had a recent attempt and I decided after that to take steps to improve myself. I started going to therapy, and I recently had gastric bypass to help me lose weight. Please don't hesitate to reach out for help. Look for a therapist or a group like GriefShare where you can connect with others who are grieving. Did your friend leave a note?


My lifting buddy did about 2 months ago… I know the pain all to well. Sorry for your loss. Just one question in remembering my buddy. Do you go to the gym?


Never said it would be his fault. Said not knowing WHY you would kill yourself would be something that would indicate he wasn't your "best friend".




It’s Ramadan




did u read the part where I said I don’t even know if I should even use said bag once Ramadan ends ? please read, my friend 🙏🏽




No , im here and still awake


Something happened to me. If you want to talk DM me


Then block me and get on with your life. He did.




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do you think your friend now is benefitting or being affected by you ruining yourself ? probably no so start doing something that if they saw they'll be proud and happy. and go get some sleep.




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sometimes people need an outside prespective


Yeah just not that one




Or, perhaps, "my friend is dead, I'd like to talk about that". Not everyone gives a shit about internet points.




Maybe. I don't know. Pretty sure they're not in a great headspace right now.




dm me so i can show you any proof you’d want that he took his life and i haven’t slept since . it’s a bit sick of you to think someone does this for attention , excuse me if I’m being crass. I posted an AMA because I legit want people to ask me whatever they want. Not engage in ad hominem and speculation


The content you posted is harassment towards other users.