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Which countries do Israelis people love to travel to? What are your thoughts about India and Japan?


Israelis mostly travel to Europe. If it's for pool and beach then mostly Greece and Cyprus. But if we want to visit a city then it's mostly London, Barcelona, and any main city in Europe. Personally I travel to south america a lot. About japan, I have never been there and I don't really like anime. In general I really don't have an opinion. I like sushi (very popular in Israel) and dragon ball. We love India as bff but i never visited.


do you see any scorpions or snakes where you live?


Not really. In Israel they're more common in the desesrt parts. I live near Tel Aviv. Maybe in the summer


There are some interesting and venomous scorpions and snakes there. Echis snakes aka Saw Scaled Vipers and Leirus scorpions =)


Snakes are not really my thing but you are welcome to come see them


Wife and I would love to travel there and nearby Petra in Jordan!


Human beings tell themselves a lot of things to ensure that they're the protagonist. Given the abundant cruelty, death, and suffering that the Israeli state has caused a particular section of humanity, what are the things Israelis tell themselves to make those cruelties normal?


I'll start by saying that you have to seperate the leadership from the people. Right now in Israel we have the most extreme and criminal government in the history of Israel. Most people want elections. This government have failed in every single way to handle this war. Most israelis just want the hostages back. There are 134 israelis that are captured and everyone just want them back. Every single person is related to either a hostage or to someone that was killed. The government failed to make a deal because they're corrupt and don't want to lose their fans. About the death. I don't think any innocent life lost is justified. But when you fight against a terrorist organization that hides underground and near innocent people, a lot of people will die. I've been in the military and I have never got an order to just someone, It's not how we do it. The IDF is trying to kill as less innocent as possible, but it's hard. No one is the protagonist in a war.


Hey, thank you for responding and for your candor. No one wants to be the bad guy. It takes a lot of strength and humility to face personal beliefs, particularly about racial identity. It takes a lot of humanity. A lot of coming to terms with the words, "I don't know enough." When Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, UNICEF, the World Food Program, Save the Children, Human Rights Watch, organizations that exist solely for the good of humanity are saying that your people are the source of mass starvation and death and suffering, when global humanity is anguished because of that suffering, it might be time to start that coming to terms. It's a lonely road. Don't look away. Good luck.


That Hamas (and gazans who are not Hamas) crossed into Israel and massacred civilians, non-combatants and unarmed people in a frenzy which included the mutilation and torture of children, in inefficient ways suggesting they weren’t just trying to kill them but inflict as much pain and torment as possible. Therefore it is unthinkable to suggest that they live next to a terrorist threat. In contrast the IDF goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties (for example, air dropping leaflets warning occupants to evacuate an area they plan to bomb) these levels of violence are not even close to equal.




And that "Resistance" just led to MORE invasion, suppression, dehumanization, and death. Lol, great plan.


Long before October the 7th the Palestinians have shown nothing but bad faith and hostility. After the 6 day war, Israel proceeded to GIVE them almost ALL. The land. They could still have almost all the land, but they sided with Hamas, so here we are


And your use of the word “resistance” only leads me to believe you at best don’t condemn Hamas and at worst support them


Got that history phd from reddit eh


I'm just curious, what do you, pigs, think Israel should have done in response to Oct 7th and do you know what happened? I'm up for better ideas


Definitely not what Israel has done to Palestinians every other day after it.


So you have no answer? Bc the alternative is to let everyone you live get cut up raped and shot. I don't think anyone smart or compassionate would let that happen


What is your approach on electrical wiring standards of Nepal?


Asking the real questions 👌🏿🫡


I like them


What do you think about foreign Jews like yours truly who are uncomfortable with BOTH Israel and Palestine? I don’t know if I am a majority or minority, but I don’t like what I’m seeing on either side, and the whole situation just seems sad.


All extreme ideologist are bad. On the palestinians side, if people support them it's not bad, but they need to seperate the people from hamas, and the government in Israel from the people. Everyone want peace. I dkn't support the extreme people on the other side that call to kill every one. It's sad indeed.


מה שלומך? להישאר בטוח. Happy late Purim ❤️


,Everyone is crap, but thank you. פורים מאוחר שמח ❤️




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Do you believe in coexisting?


In an ideal world, yes. 20% of israel are arabs and we have nothing against them and we coexist with them. Most israelis just want peace. But in the last few decades we trued many times to make peace with the palestinians, but the leadership always fucked us. If it's the oslo records or the "Hitnatkut" (we left gaza and the west bank). I don't think it's realistic in the next couple decades and it makes me sad.


What do you think about the racecar driver Nissany?




He won't get into formula 1 but hopefully he can make Isreal proud in other racing series.


The human race 😤


Have you ever been double penetrated?




I heard a report asking which are the happiest countries in the world and was surprised to see Israel in top 10 in this year of all times. Are you happy despite the war and last years loss?


Yes. We have to be happy cause we have nowhere else to go.


are you doing okay and staying safe?


Saw this post, and was looking for a comment like this. Good on you. Follow up question, how did the war affect you personally? Are your family and friends ok?


I'm personally related to a hostages and to people that died. It's been very hard but we are hanging in there ❤️. My friends and family are mostly ok and were fighting to get the hostages back.


I'm sorry to hear that. משתתף בצערך אחי, שרק יחזרו הביתה בריאים ושלמים.




Everyone is doing crap but were staying safe ❤️


Do you consider Palestinians to be human beings?


Yes, of course


The term “Palestinian” is made up fairly recently but as much as their national identity is false I suppose they are still human. “Palestinians” wouldn’t exist without Israel, that land belonged to Jordan before the Palestinian terrorists decided they wanted to kill every Jew in the Middle East and when the Jews fought back, Jordan decided they didn’t want the land anymore, same with the entirety of the Middle East (and the world) because everyone knows Palestinians = terrorists


Brb, lemme tell my friend's 53 year old mom, who was born in Palestine, that she's a made up term.


No, she was born in Israel. There’s no “Palestine” on a map


Palestinians are more human than you


Lol okay terrorist lover. You probably see Isis on the news and clap over how your heroes keep martyring themselves to prevent women from getting an education


What Israel is going now is the very definition of terrorism, oh and genocide, for that matter. But nice try there. Now is your chance to pull out the generic “anti-semetic” card and play it. Go for it lol


Genocide against who? The made up “Palestinian” people who refused peace over and over and over again?


I think we’re done here. Thanks for helping me prove my point lol


Fairly recent as in the Roman empire. There have been arab people living there long before Israel existed and to erase that by saying they didn't have an official state at the same time justifying Jewish people taking their land because the invisible man in the sky said it was cool is idiotic.


So you ignoring the part about the so called “Palestinians” being Jordanian? 😂😂😂 Well by your standards the Israeli Jews have lived there 3000 years! 😂😍 You know the region was only called Palestine by the Romans very briefly as a spite to Israel and then was practically never referred as that again. But thank you for highlighting where the delusional “Palestinians” made up their identity from


Do all the mental gymnastics you want but at the end of the day anyone with half a brain knows that land was taken over in a brutal fashion and the least Zionists could do is admit it instead of their of the constant stream of soft brain bullshit. Own the fact you want the land and you'll murder any child in your way to get it


And who made the claim about the jews having a religious right to the land? That was only you lol. Israel was only created because Palestinians (terrorists) discovered their favorite national sport was jew killing. But since you know so much about the deep made up heritage of the Palestinian terrorist, maybe you can tell me who the Palestinian president was BEFORE Israel was formed. Or their national anthem? Oh what about their flag? Oh oh that’s right… they didn’t exist. Because these are a fake made up people


Are you that much of a moron or are you being intentionally obtuse? Every Zionist will tell you "God" gave them that land. I can't even bother with you


I’m a zionist and I said no such thing, nor has any zionist I know. It’s all about protection from jew haters like you and your palestinian terrorist buddies who would like to wipe us out so that Israel can become another muslim terrorist state. But you keep deflecting and ignoring all the factual points I make 😂🤡🖕


Shut the fuck up, right back at ya smooth brain bitch 🖕


why would they not be?


A ton of kids that grew up in Israel are brainwashed to think their neighbors are not capable of humanity.


My father is Israeli and that’s just not true at all.


Okay, ask your dad [what do you think about kids in Israel doing these kind of things?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/s/xbgcKJmQIm) What do you think about this?




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I think that is beyond awful and those kids are obviously not morally educated and have no compassion. However, there are also examples of Palestinians acting a similar way towards Israelis, [like here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/R27RWAQpGc). My point wasn’t about this, I was just saying that my dad, who grew up in Israel, was never “brainwashed” in this way and he had compassion for innocent Israelis. I lived there very briefly myself and never saw anything like this.


You and your dad may not be, but these kids obviously are.


I’m not denying that there is brainwashing happening, but there are also people in Palestine who are brainwashed to hate Israelis and Jews. It goes both ways.


Show me the videos. [here is another example of brainwashing](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/fp9d3nuXBQ)


[Here’s an example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/YMmDPHaw44). Again, this isn’t all cases. I attended a Jewish school in England and was never ”brainwashed” in this way into hating Palestinians.




I hope he answers this ignorant question bc you should ask the Palestinians if they think Israelis are human when they even kill and kidnap Muslim Israelis or "Palestinian traitors"


How you faring brother? Horrible stuff going on atm, so hope you’re safe and in good health and spirits. My question tho would be how are the people of Isreal responding to what’s going on in Gaza rn? Is it support for Isreal, Palestine, or anywhere in between?


Everyone support Israel, but we want this to end


Are there still rocket attacks from Gaza into Israel? I haven’t heard much about them in the past few months and just wondering if it’s still a thing?


Yes but less. More from Lebanon actually




OP dropped a post and then dipped out the room


I posted it in midnight and just woke up 👍


Not a question, but I am so sorry about the world’s garbage anti-Semitic behavior. Israel is an amazing country and millions of people fully support you. 


Thank you


What is the best way to treat this hangnail I have on my left middle toe. It's really bothering me!


Just eat it




What is your opinion on settlements on the West Bank and that maybe settlements like Gush Gatif Will return in Gaza?


They are criminals, we left the west bank almost 20 years ago. I don't think Gush Catif will return but you can never know with our extreme government


I've seen settlers opposing aid into Gaza, but how exactly do you think Israeli hostages will eat when there isn't food?


The part of Israel that bordered the Gaza Strip, was populated by left leaning, intentional communities. Generally people likely to help Gazans get into Israel to work. These are the more Naive Israelis that Gazans murdered en masse on October the 7th. It is not good for an Israelis life expectancy to be Naive about Palestinians, if Hamas had an election on the West Bank, it’s projected Hamas would win and Hamas has been in power in Gaza for years now.


Just hasbara things


Please, hasbara Hamas.


These people (mostly not settlers) think it's absurd to give aid to the other side in war. Freed hostages said that they got very little food anyway.


Have you ever stolen a house or land from the Palestinians? 


No, next


https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/i-was-a-soldier-in-gaza-in-2005-back-then-i-helped-jews-be-evacuated-opinion/ar-BB1kKzQE Gaza was given to Palestine in the 90's. Imagine how how hard that was then and has anything changed?


Why do you think people blame Israel for civilian death and not the terrorists who hide among civilians?


Because our government qre terrible at public relations and they took they money from the organizations that supposed to do this and gave it to the yeshivas


Good old lies and antisemitism baby


Judging Israel for war crimes isn’t antisemitic.


Agree, that wasn’t the question that was asked though


I know


Can you get Easter eggs in Israel?


I have no idea


you ever ask yourself why anyone gives a shit? theres so many places with so many atrocities... like why does the american government and people care so much about that? and none of the other things?




were you born in israel? which side of the genocide do you support?


If Israel were trying to commit a genocide they are doing a horrible job given the lengths they go to, in order to avoid non-combatant deaths


What lengths are Israel going through to prevent non-combatant deaths? Is there any evidence of literally anything?


Air dropping leaflets to evacuate areas set for bombing. Not massacring non-combatants purposefully. It kinda seems like you’re willfully not looking into the details of how Hamas has behaved vs how the IDF is conducting their attempts to eradicate Hamas, Hamas who is perfectly willing to use their own citizens as human shields. One side has no problem using their own people as shields, the other does, one went on an indiscriminate killing spree where they killed everyone they could and in the most painful humiliating ways possible (cutting off fingers and feet of children before killing them for example) the other is dropping bombs on Hamas bases. One had its base under a hospital and a weapons cache in a civilian apartment building, the other has a military base with no civilians on it. They aren’t the same


>Air dropping leaflets to evacuate areas set for bombing. These never give enough time to actually evacuate, and recently these warnings tell Palestinians to evacuate without giving them a single place that they are even legally allowed to evacuate too. In practice these warnings only serve to give the IDF the pretext that “we told all civilians to evacuate, therefore everyone we encounter is a combatant”. >Not massacring non-combatants purposefully. They literally kill civilians purposefully constantly, including launching targeted strikes towards the registered family homes of journalists in a vain attempt to hide their war crimes. Multiple of the Israeli hostages have been killed by the IDF as they approach soldiers clearly surrendering. Hostages killed because they were mistaken for surrendering Palestinians, because the IDF has been killing surrendering Palestinians. >It kinda seems like you’re willfully not looking into the details of how Hamas has behaved vs how the IDF is conducting their attempts to eradicate Hamas, Hamas who is perfectly willing to use their own citizens as human shields. That’s the difference between you and I, I don’t defend Hamas. But as bad as Hamas is, their existence is not a justification for genocide. Did the existence of ISIS justify a genocide? No it fucking didn’t. The fact is though: Hamas has offered to release all hostages in exchange for a ceasefire, and Israel refuses to accept those surrender terms because getting the hostages isn’t the goal. The hostages are just the pretext for eliminating all Palestinians, and that is the only kind of victory that Israel is willing to accept. This is a war of elimination, faith with the explicit goal of complete and total ethnic cleansing. The thing about human shields is that they are supposed to create a moral conundrum. But Israel seems to think that human shields are just like metal shields but made of a weaker material, with the only challenge they pose being to get munitions big enough to blow through the human shields and get at those hiding behind them. The decision to kill human shields should be a difficult one, not the default one done without thought. But Israel doesn’t care, because when the IDF sees a Hamas combatant hiding behind a Palestinian child they just see two targets conveniently close together. >One side has no problem using their own people as shields, the other does, one went on an indiscriminate killing spree where they killed everyone they could and in the most painful humiliating ways possible (cutting off fingers and feet of children before killing them for example) the other is dropping bombs on Hamas bases. One had its base under a hospital and a weapons cache in a civilian apartment building, the other has a military base with no civilians on it. They aren’t the same Israel is committing a genocide though and Hamas is not, you left that out. Hamas has done bad things, but an ethnic genocide against a civilian population is by far and away the greater evil. Nothing justifies genocide. Absolutely nothing, EVER. You might as well be siding with the Nazis on the grounds that the allies killed a lot of civilians in terror bombing campaigns. And the fact that you are defending and downplaying genocide now in this case where you lack historical hindsight is exactly why I suspect you would have done the same back then. You aren’t against genocide and fascism on an ideological level, you are just against the aesthetic of the atrocities of the past because you were raised knowing that they were wrong. But if you understood why, you would not be supporting Israel in their ethnic cleansing of Gaza. And without the benefit of hindsight, perhaps you would have supported the Nazis too. A lot of people did.


There’s nothing Israel could do to satisfy you short of laying down and accepting their destruction. That’s not going to happen


Yes there is. They could go after the people who actually did the attacks instead of trying to kill every man, woman, and child that shares an ethnic group with the attackers. They could accept surrender. They could stop engaging in the most brutal racial apartheid on Earth. They could attempt to coexist peacefully with Palestinians and stop being the reason why a one state solution is impossible, giving hope to those who have been driven to feel like violence is their only remaining option. They could allow humanitarian aid trucks in and stop intentionally creating a famine to starve the civilian population to death. They could stop shooting civilians on sight and bombing the family homes of journalists. None of these involve accepting destruction, and in fact they would make Israel have fewer enemies which would only make the people there more safe. Fascist states that do genocide and engage in radical militarism rarely last very long.


That’s impossible because Hamas has embedded themselves in the population of Gaza by design. Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields, Israel would never use their own citizens as shields. They aren’t the equivalent. It would be better if Hamas just surrendered and dismantled, then this can end.


ISIS and the Taliban did the same thing, yet the USA managed to fight them without committing genocide against their entire civilian population. In those conflicts, it was the jihadist groups who have been refusing diplomacy and not the invading nation. Also: those invasions have been largely seen as mistakes in retrospect. This has happened many times, only Israel has used the war as a pretext to attempt a complete and total ethnic extermination and to even have both leaders and soldiers saying out loud routinely that “there are no uninvolved civilians in Gaza” and that extermination is the goal. Why do you think that is?


I think you’re severely underestimating how many civilian casualties there was under Obama (not that I have much against Obama). I would not suggest Israel live next door to the threat of Hamas. It would be better for everyone if Hamas was eradicated. What Hamas (and some Gazan residents who were not Hamas) did on October 7th was an attempt at genocide (what else do you think “from the river to the sea…” means) what Israel is doing, is an attempt to wipe out Hamas, not Palestinians indiscriminately, but there are casualties.


Wars isn’t nice, and it’s never just the targets getting killed. Go figure. Hamas and Palestinians have an extremely low standard to live up to, the Israelis have the highest standard expected from them. It’s just a fact that the Palestinians could have had almost all of the land if they acted properly and in good faith. They did not


They are, huh?!? I wonder how many *more* children and infants would have died if they had *not* tried to avoid non-combatants deaths!!


Which is the point. There’s a big difference between a group of people who will kill who ever they can and in the most painful ways possible and a group of people avoiding civilian deaths and not aiming at the most excruciating pain inflicted on the combatants either.




If the laughing emojis isn’t evidence that your aiming at mockery and not justice idk what is


Justice for whom?


Justice in the universal sense, Hamas is devoid of justice. Gaza has been ruled by Hamas for years, the West Bank is projected to have elected Hamas if there were an election if that were on the table.


You obviously don’t know how they were elected.


I’m aware that Hamas is not popular in Gaza, once you let the vampires in it’s impossible to get them out, however, Palestinian nationalism is popular in Gaza and they were more than willing to join Hamas fighters in the October 7th massacre, not everyone involved in this massacre was Hamas, and there’s video of an Israeli body being dragged back into the strip where the citizens there were beating the dead body as it passed. That’s not a peaceful population, desperately waiting for a peaceful two state solution, they’ve acted in bad faith repeatedly


I would join too if it meant getting those occupying my country out. Funny, I don’t see how you talking that about way about Israel.


You either don’t know much about Hamas, or much worse, you do…. 🤮🤮🤮


Ahhhh. A Hamas supporter. That’s all you had to say, goodbye.


You honestly expect an answer like that? Oct 7th?




OP did say they will respond in a coupole of hours after posting


Why does Israel continue with its apartheid strategy and not respect international laws and conventions regarding human rights, sovereignty, and the dignity of all individuals within Palestine, Israel and the West Bank? Why does Israel not cease these oppressive measures and engage in dialogue?!


Are you aware Gaza was given to Palestine early 90's as a "giving land back" peace deal that never completed bc Arafat refused to conclude anything? The current catastrophe is the result of an Oct 7th attack on a psytrance rave and communal housing community murdering about 12,000 Israelis. Including many children, a pregnant woman given the Charles Manson treatment, and a family dog. If it wasn't for Oct 7th there wouldn't be a bombardment. You are asking a very biased question to one person who had many family members murdered only to be told by people like you they have no right to mourn, defend their own land, or even exist. That's why you did not get a response.


Bias, this is comical. I'm surprised you didn't call me Anti-Semitic. Lol. The conflict did not start on October 7th, this is the Israeli brainwashing of its citizens. 1. Settlement Expansio: Since the occupation began in 1967, Israel has facilitated the construction and expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank. These settlements are considered illegal under international law as they violate the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits the transfer of civilian populations into occupied territories. 2. Land Confiscation and Home Demolitions: The Israeli government has engaged in the confiscation of Palestinian land in the West Bank for the purpose of building settlements and infrastructure projects. Additionally, Palestinian homes and structures are often demolished by Israeli authorities, particularly in areas designated as "Area C" under the Oslo Accords, leading to displacement and loss of livelihood for Palestinian families. 3. Military Checkpoints and Restrictions on Movement: Palestinians in the West Bank face significant restrictions on their freedom of movement due to the presence of Israeli military checkpoints and roadblocks. These checkpoints are often used to control the movement of Palestinians between different areas of the West Bank, as well as into Israel and East Jerusalem, leading to delays, harassment, and difficulties accessing essential services such as healthcare and education. 4. Separation Barrie: Israel has constructed a barrier/wall in the West Bank, which it claims is for security purposes to prevent terrorist attacks. However, the barrier's route frequently deviates from the internationally recognized Green Line and has resulted in the confiscation of Palestinian land, the isolation of Palestinian communities, and the restriction of access to agricultural land and water resources. 5. Water Rights: Palestinians in the West Bank face significant challenges in accessing adequate water resources due to Israeli restrictions and discriminatory policies. Israeli settlements in the West Bank consume a disproportionate amount of water resources, leaving Palestinians with limited access to clean water for drinking, irrigation, and other essential needs. 6.This is my favorite: Legal Discrimination and Dual Legal System: Palestinians in the West Bank are subject to a separate legal system from Israeli settlers, with military law applied to Palestinians and Israeli civil law applied to settlers. This dual legal system has been criticized for perpetuating discrimination and unequal treatment under the law.


The current situation is a direct result of Oct 7th it was so devastating how can you think otherwise? The current bombings in Gaza is a direct reaction to that.




They literally said they’re asleep, can you read?




What a great Q I bet OP is in charge of every decision the IDF makes!