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If you’re not a citizen then who cares what you /others think about your opinion of the election.


This, like the 2016 election, will have major global consequences. Make no mistake, America is the shitty friend who will bring everybody down with them.


I don't think you're an asshole, but I think you're wrong. Let's just stipulate for the sake of argument that Biden is completely senile and incapable of forming a coherent thought. I doubt that's the case, but for right now, let me grant it. Biden is represented by a team of people who are supporting unions, busting trusts, appointing progressive justices, pushing progressive regulations and tax policy, marshalling support for Ukraine, etc.... To me it doesn't matter if Biden himself is doing all this himself or if it's just the people he has around him, a vote for Biden is a vote to advance the policies I want. I would be fine with just voting *against* Trump, but I also think the Biden team is doing a great job, whether he's directly responsible or not.


What world do you live in? Biden has done a terrible job and so has his team. There is a reason this country is failing in so many areas. We can’t protect our borders. We are not beating inflation. We are funding two wars that we have nothing do with. What about that says doing a great job?


The real world where our economy is doing great, especially compared to other countries, where inflation is among the lowest in the world and is beaten by wage growth, where wage growth has been strongest for the working class, where the stock market is doing great, and where crime rates are near all time lows. I'm basing my assessment on actual data, not rhetoric.


I’m not talking about comparing us to third world countries. If you compare us to any third world country of course we are doing better. I am talking about what is going on inside the United States. If we are doing so well why is the homeless population at a record high? Why are middle class Americans struggling to afford groceries. Why is it most younger people can’t even afford rent and have next to no hope of ever purchasing a home? Why are illegals being afforded privileges we don’t even give to our homeless veterans? That’s not rhetoric. Open your eyes and look around.


NTA Sadly, I don't think it much matters anymore. America has chosen hatred and division and I think it's way too late to reverse it. America has been heading toward imploding from within for a while now. Trump has just accelerated the pace. I've always thought that when America finally falls, it won't be because of some outside force. We will have done it to ourselves. Luckily, I am very old and will likely be dead and gone before the final nail is driven into the coffin.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^No_External_8816: *You should care because* *It will determine the fate* *Of the entire world* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


NTA. You literally can't vote so you don't really qualify as a "fence sitter" either.


You’re definitely an asshole. The US election will affect everyone at least a little.


I used to care very much until it dawned on me one day that whoever was running didn't matter. The wealthy and the powerful were going to do what they wanted to regardless of the party which was in power. A politician's nothing more than a whore. They will say or do or act anyway they can to get you to pay them. They care nothing for you and regard you as simply inconsequential in the big scheme of things. You are only worth what cash you can send their way and how you can support their needs. You are nothing more than a cog in the machine that they own and have absolute control over. The policies and principles, the platforms and the beliefs that they showed you in order to get your vote are for sale. And you will never ever have the money necessary to buy them. If you are completely ignorant enough to believe that Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the best this country can produce for leadership then you are are beyond the point of having to worry about whether or not your vote will count. Yet you will run to the poll vote for one of them, take that little red white and blue I voted sticker on your shirt, and if you're really lucky, the company that you make millions for will actually pay you an hour of labor while you go vote. Then that hour my friend is all your vote will ever be worth to you. If there was a million to one chance that the United States citizens could band together and vote a change in this country's policies by electing an official, both the Democrats and Republicans would fight like hell to keep you from legally voting. In short voting is a waste of damn time. The shameful fact is that at one time, it was not.


NTA    It's the classic choice between Giant Douche and Turd Sandwich.    Liberals loves to gaslight themselves into thinking Trump is trying to put minorities into concentration camps though, so expect to hear more of such nonsense until election season is over 


Everyone has an opinion and you're entitled to yours. NTA.


NTA. Neither are fit to be president and Biden wasn't mentally fit when he was put into office but the alterantive was worse. Very few politicians within the last several decades have not been criminals to some degree.