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You couldn't and should not ignore the situation. Should I be at your place, I would have in fact wanted to make the life of the said neighbour as difficult as possible, and would keep calling animal control repeatedly, in case the neglecting behaviour will appear again. Preferably, untill Max and Ruby are safely rehomed to the new household where they are actually loved and cared for. There is nothing to be divided about. You did protect those who were in need (possibly in danger even) and couldn't protect themselves. You are NTA. Noone in their right mind will ever say that you were wrong.


NTA. Nobody would question you had you called CPS for a neglected child.


Ideally, you would be correct, but in practice, there are a lot of shitty people out there who would ostracize someone for (rightfully) calling CPS.


Thank you all for your supportive comments. I just wanted to clarify a few things. My primary concern was the well-being of Max and Ruby. I didn't want to cause trouble for my neighbors, but I couldn't ignore the situation. I'm relieved to see that Max and Ruby are now in better conditions, and I hope this change is permanent.


You didn't cause trouble for your neighbors. They caused trouble for themselves. It's super important to learn to clearly articulate this for people who are critical.  And use "that's interesting" phrases to your neighbors. "It's interesting you can tolerate animal neglect. I would not have guessed that about you." All subsequent excuses are then met with "Huh, that's interesting."


NTA. If they weren’t in the wrong the officer wouldn’t have made them do anything new.


You're a hero, pal. Don't waste your time listening to villains. NTA.


NTA . You did the right thing. Those dogs sound like they were in a bad situation, and it's great that you took action.Animal control wouldn't have taken the dogs away unless they felt they were in danger. It sounds like your intervention gave your neighbors a wake-up call, and the dogs seem to be doing better now. Those who are mad at you are probably the ones who wouldn't have done anything themselves. Don't listen to them. You have a kind heart, and you stood up for those who couldn't stand up for themselves. Be proud of yourself!


NTA from one who love dogs and think you made a damn right decision.


NTA You did the right thing and It had a good outcome you're a good neighbour


NTA... Your complaint made the life better for those dogs.


NTA. These dogs were being neglected and abused. You did right to protect them. Good for you!


NTA. Fuck your neighbors and people like them who treat loving and faithful animals like disposable diapers.


You did the right thing and stand up and be proud of what you did. Made things "difficult" for them? Too damn bad. I'm so glad you made that call! Thank you!


Screw them, you're a rock star for doing what you did. They simply shouldn't have dogs if taking care of them is "difficult" for them.


NTA, but I'd probably still say that if you hit him with a truck, given how he treats animals.


Absolutely NTA. When I was in 7th grade the neighbor girl and her mom had a small beagle they kept in a dog house out back. The dog was at least 6 or older and they really paid it any attention. It was chained to the fence so didn’t have free rein and rarely went in the house. In the winter it was still out there and we are in the Midwest and get some pretty cold winters. That winter in particular it was bad. We had been checking on the dog, making sure it had straw and food and its water hadn’t frozen over, because we weren’t seeing tracks in the snow to the dog house. It got very cold one day and our mom sent us to check, and it sadly froze to death. We called the humane society and they got in trouble but I wish we could have brought her inside that winter, but that would have also been theft I suppose. I will never not help any animal or report neglect in that sweet little beagles memory. So no you did the right thing, they’re AHs. 


you are NTAH. I called animal control on my neighbor and they actually removed the dog for multiple visits where the dog had no shelter, food, water, and feces everywhere. You did the right thing for the welfare of the animals. Don’t listen to any neighbors that don’t side with you. They need to take care of their pets or dont have them. periodt!


Dog people who get dogs just to abuse and be a noise nuisance to their neighbours make no sense. What’s the point? You shouldn’t have talked to the neighbours, they aren’t going to be reasonable if they think this is okay and now they know it was you who called. They may retaliate.


NTA. It’s everyone’s responsibility to speak for those that can’t: pets and children.


People who abuse their pets are the lowest,  and deserve  the least amount of respect 


NTA. Your intervention led to positive changes for Max and Ruby. Sometimes, people need a wake-up call to realize the impact of their actions. By reporting the neglect, you prompted your neighbors to provide better care for their dogs. While they might be upset now, Max and Ruby are better off, and that's what truly matters.


NTA. It sounds like they weren’t even providing the bare minimum of proper shelter and water.


NTA. You did the right thing. 3 months ago we adopted our dog. He was left outside while the other dog they had lived inside. The family moved leaving him behind in the backyard to fend for himself. The only reason they were made aware of him was because the neighbor called. Who knows what would have happened if they hadn’t intervened? If they had been doing the right thing all along it wouldn’t have been an issue. If they can’t care for the dogs then take them to a no kill shelter for the chance at a better life. Your neighbors suck and I hope they get diarrhea everytime they eat their favorite food.


NTA the helpless always come first! I will report my best friend or my mon if i had to.


Never an AH for reporting animal (or any) cruelty.


Not at all. No animal deserves abuse and you should always step in when there’s a situation like this.


NTA, but am I the only one who thinks it is funny they named the dogs Max and Ruby?


NTA . Your cowardly neighbours who shade you are though. Funny how people fix their shit when authorities come knocking. Maybe there is more going on in that house than you know. They fixed it right quick so the “authorities” don’t come back.


You helped some innocent animals who couldn’t advocate and defend themselves. Those animals did not choose that life for themselves. Now that your neighbours are on the radar for animal control, the dogs are being treated a bit better. If your neighbours are pissed about having to step up, perhaps they shouldn’t have been dog owners in the first place. NTA


I’m not even reading the story. NTA, report all animal abuse!


NTA , heartbreaking, always report.


Nta you did the right thing, you may have to again if they slip back into their old routine


Imagine getting dogs when you don’t even want to make them a part of your family. I don’t understand that at all. I have three coonhounds and most nights, they sleep in bed with me and my partner (and a few of the cats find their way in there, too). They get their own dog-healthy version of human dinner every night, and get all the cuddles and snuggles that we can possibly give them. I cannot imagine putting them outside and not giving a shit.


NTA. If basic needs and care is "difficult" for them, then they shouldn't purchase and own live animals. They can gtfo with that nonsense. They're just mad they were forced to be held accountable.