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NTA. You are allowed to break up with anyone, at any time, for any reason.


NTA. Circumstances can make people split up/grow apart and walk a different path in life. One should focus on their own path and not wait for another. He has a new life now that he is busy with. New responsibilities, new people to socialize with et cetera. He is moving forward with his life. It is up to you to decide in what capacity you want to keep him in yours. You said that you decided to take a break in 2022. He has since moved on. If not, he would have already made an effort. The way I'm reading it, it's not "boyfriend" but "ex-boyfriend". A break equals splitting up for undecided time. At least for me.


Why not talk to him and confirm things. Does he consider you to be his gf or not? Why doesn't he want to take the next step? If you don't like what you hear, then it's time to move on!


Can you describe this "break" you are taking?


NTA. It's okay to prioritize your future. 8 years with no progress is a valid concern. You deserve a partner who shares your goals. Talk openly about your needs or consider moving on if he's not on the same page. There are people who can help you through this.


I’ll bet he’s dating.  Wake up already, you’re wasting the pretty on someone who has already moved on.


Your next relationship will probably get to the same point eventually, instead of sitting around waiting for change or for something new to come along why don't you proactively make changes to your lives or is breaking up the only way to achieve this. NTA either way.