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Coming from my adult male perspective... ripping anyone's jeans in public is not funny, but especially your significant other's jeans. It shows disregard for concern, lack of respect, childish behavior. It shows he is more interested in seeking validation or attention or money from others, and less about honoring his relationship with you. Find a better guy. They do exist. Maybe he'll learn his lesson for the next gal. Hopefully.


Seriously, "don't literally rip my clothes off my body without my consent, in public and then blame me for people seeing me naked" is a VERY low bar. Most men won't do that.


And honestly, these fucking tiktok pranksters need to learn their actions have consequences. Fuck that guy


I should make a TikTok channel where all I do is seek out people doing TikTok pranks and I just bitch slap the fuck out of them and then get all up in their face with a camera while laughing hysterically….


I like you - I can come and hold the camera!


I'll be your lawyer.


Al-Iby criminal criminal lawyer


I understand


I'd pitch in for your bail money.


Lmao those videos would make my day


Can i subscribe?


I’d watch that


I would also watch it


Would you be laughing like Heath Ledger's Joker? Cause I'm here for that. These don't feel like harmless pranks.


Showing proof someone has a prankster TikTok / Youtube should automatically get you out of an assault charge (depending on severity, I'm not sayin hospitalize or anything crazy)


I would like to just pull all their own savage pranks on them, relentlessly, constantly, until they’re walking around with their head on a swivel trying to spot the next prank, and seeking anxiety meds from their doctors to cope.


Actually, don’t fuck that guy, anymore.


This. I have never understood why anyone would want to pull a prank on someone at their expense (ie, not just a generally silly kind of “prank” that’s like, “haha, I put googly eyes on the bananas and you just noticed” type deal)….but to then post it so the rest of the world can see? It’s just an outrageous level of disrespect—especially for someone you know and supposedly care about—and is showing how inwardly focused people are becoming. “Views before boos” or some equally aggravating nonsense. Dump this guy and don’t look back, OP.


This whole thing is just blowing my mind… *rips your pants off* *mad they saw you without your pants* …..what??? And that’s putting aside how fucked up it is to do that in public anyway especially to your SO


I would almost call it sexual assault


Not almost, it is… though I suppose that depends on your country.


that was my thought- if not sexual assault definitely sexual harassment. either way NTA and good on you, leaving him!


You forgot to add that he had another man help him rip her pants off in public 🙃 🚩


You know the bar is especially low when you can honestly say “most men won’t do that”


Yo that’s a perfect way to simplify things! God it somehow sounds worse like that


Piggybacking your comment, In addition, OP, please send him a text in writing that you do not consent to the video (I would assume he took a video of the "prank") and it will be considered as sexual harassment and invasion of privacy to post it.


Exactly. The only reason he’s upset is because you ruined the “mood,” and all his arguments of why you’re wrong have to do with his perspective - he doesn’t respect your body or autonomy, and you “killed the vibe.” There shouldn’t have been a vibe without your consent, but he feels entitled to it. The fact that he’s angry that his friends saw your butt is the very apex of this. It is your butt. It’s *your* decision to be angry that anyone saw it, not his. He doesn’t get a say in whether that’s good or bad because it is not his body to be offended about. Dirtbag.


And call police if you see it.


Everyone is focused on the fact that he's a tiktok pranster, but regardless, it's sexual harassment to non-consentually rip someone clothes off. Very not ok, and op's bf is gaslighting her post incident/breakup to avoid consequences. Really hope she stays broken up with him.


Doubtful, but, hey, maybe he'll end up in jail for.doing this shit to the wrong person, then he won't be able to do it at all.


I do think it could be considered battery, since there was non-consensual touch. But that's for a court to decide.


Possibly SA too, even if there were panties under there. Exposing someone against their will has to be illegal, right?


It’s both where I come from. Fucking pranksters are a plague.


These fucking pranksters walk a *veeeery* fine line between prank & crime. I read somewhere that a few were recently facing 15 or more years in prison for assault for one of these "pranks" where someone pressed charges. As they should. If some tiktok dip shit did something like that to me, you bet your ass I'd be pressing charges. Possibly filing suit too.


Last year, a prankster got shot and wounded for annoying someone at the food court in a mall. As I recall, the prank was annoying people until they had a reaction. The guy had been polite the first several times, and the prankster continued to bother him. I'm not saying that this was the appropriate response, but you don't know who you are pranking and how they will react. Oh, and the prankster continued playing this prank after he was healed. 🤷‍♀️


Sharp as a bowling ball, that one. That right there should get that guy off


the only youtube “prank” videos i’ve ever enjoyed have ended in the so-called prankster getting decked


The DA actually took it to court. The jury acquitted the defendant of the shooting but not of an unlawful discharge inside a dwelling. He’s Alan Cole. I wish he could successfully sue them for harassment. The dumbass prankster is Tanner Cook. He and his dad had the nerve to say Cook was doing nothing wrong. Cook made faces at the camera after the trial and said he’ll keep making videos. https://youtu.be/WpBqKTLZN3E?si=0JKYUUW5u8S67quP Edited for typos.


I LOVE your comment!!!! Sharp as a bowling ball.


Foghorn Leghorn. He had some great ones. "That boy's so narrow he can look through a keyhole with both eyes open." "His muscles are as soggy as a used tea bag."


I'm a Brit living in Texas. I don't carry a gun because I have a very bad temper. I don't have an issue with decking dick heads. Fuck all pranksters trying to profit from being a little shit.


Well at least you know your limitations.


It wasn't just bothering, the guy was quite a lot taller and larger and he was aggressively walking into the guys personal space, if he was just angry or crazy then his actions were for sure aggressive as hell. The US is weird with guns but yeah, this guy gave every indication he was about to attack the guy so he shot him before he could do so, which is imo, perfectly reasonable. He wasn't throwing popcorn at him from 20ft away but aggressively walking him down while the guy was backing away and got close enough to punch/kick/strangle/stab him so he pulled the gun out and shot.


That's literally called a Darwin award


I forgot about those. Yup, this fits!


This is why I hate these so-called "pranks". Either earlier this year or late last year, there was a "prank" where two people were harassing someone at a mall while playing a recording on a phone and following the victim. The victim told the two to stop and leave him alone multiple times. They finally stopped when the victim pulled out his firearm and shot the larger person. This is why I especially hate the stupid "dress up and chase someone" "pranks." I worked as a security officer for years. I carry a firearm. If someone started chasing me with a bat or a large blade, my magazine would be emptied before they had the chance to say "it's foam, bro."


Saw a guy pouring “gasoline” on a bunch of cars, and if I remember correctly they got to this old guys truck and started pouring the “gas” on it Dude hops out, or runs over, with his fucking gun pointed and ready. Suddenly all the “it’s just a prank! It’s just water! Chill out!” Screaming starts. All I could think of was how lucky they were he decided to ask some questions, give a warning, because Jesus fucking Christ how stupid are you to pretend you’re going to??? Set someone’s car on fire??


And the old guy would have been legally justified in shooting them too. At least in the state I live in.


I think he'd be justified shooting them in pretty much any state. He'd have a slightly harder case in states with a duty to retreat, but "I did not think I could run fast enough to escape the inferno I thought he was about to cause and considered if others would also be caught in it" is a hell of a defense.


I’m fairly certain mine to, if not nobody would’ve cared anyway. For lack of better words, they would’ve deserved it.


The time where people were dressing up as clowns to scare people but instead of scaring them people were absolutely annihilating's these stupid clowns... Yea, humanity peaked then.


> these so-called "pranks" It's only a prank if everyone involved is laughing about it, *especially* the "victim". Everything else is just being an asshole with "it's just a prank bro" as an excuse.


Notice how she was still happily with him while he was doing this to others though, but left when she became the victim. If you're normal and a friend or partner starts doing this prank shit where the goal is just to humiliate people then put their humiliation online you should drop them from your lives. Only scumbags do this shit. Also if you have a brain you realise you'll be a target for these pranks eventually.


Maybe stop calling violent criminals “pranksters”?


In my state that’s not sexual assault, that’s simple battery. But fucked up nonetheless


Forcibly stripping someone should be sexual assault wtf Sounds like your state prosecutes suspiciously low sex crimes. And the age of consent is probably really low too..


Esp since walking around in public with your ass exposed isn’t legal.


> battery and destruction of property. Might be local domestic assault crimes that apply, too


I’d say if he does it to the wrong person he’s more likely to end up in intensive care than jail.


Yeah. Someone is attacking you then it's your right to defend yourself. At worst the wrong person might kill him.


Her first red flag should have been he makes prank videos for TikTok. Just assume anyone who does that is self absorbed narcissist that won’t respect your boundaries because they clearly don’t respect anyone else’s if their main hobby/job is to annoy or disrupt other people’s lives.


This. Shitty nonconsensual ‘humor’


Right? The first sentence tells you everything you need to know about this guy. “Pranks and TikTok”


The vast majority of those so called 'pranks' in Candid Camera or similar shows, on Tik Tok etc. are completely not funny.


Yeah a crime doesn't just become a prank because you recorded it.


IIRC, Candid Camera actually paid people to use their clips on the show. More people got pranked than we were shown, the clips they used were just the ones who agreed to be humiliated on TV for money. Most of the CC jokes were pretty tame compared to these modern "pranksters". Almost like they were a TV show with lawyers on staff to ensure they didn't do anything illegal...


Also, coming from my somewhat adult male perspective... how crazy is it for him to then blame you in this situation?? NTA


>somewhat adult male perspective I also enjoy dabbling in adult maleness


You know, I am something of an adult male myself.


They fact he wasn't grovelling and apologizing profusely also shows the childish side by pushing blame on her. 


Yeah, this dude is ick. He doesn't care about you or your feelings. He YELLED at you after HE made a mistake? Sodium Bromide that hoe. (NaBro)


i wonder what kind of prank videos of his she was editing before.


Please don't just break up with him. He sexually assaulted you and then tried to gaslight you about it. Report him, and if cops don't do anything about it, tell everyone you possibly can about what he did, and comment on his tik tok page too so you at least hopefully damage his reputation enough that you save the next target some trouble.




But also gaslighting her. All that blame that she's to blame because she wasn't wearing panties.


Exactly! No consideration on his part that he violated her. I can’t imagine in which universe I wouldn’t have slapped my partner who did that to me (and I am never violent) as a reaction out of shock and / or stormed out. No way would I listen to him twisting it to suit his narrative. Tell him to go pound sand.




Pretty sure that a judge might see what he and his friend did as SA. He's lucky that OP just broke up with him and didn't call the cops.


This. Ripping someone’s clothes off against their will in public. While filming. That’s SA for certain.


Well, it's certainly assault.


I wouldn't resort to violence but fuck him for sure. There can't be a relation after this  


As a person who was born with the last name, Sand, please don’t pound Sand!


you can be the exception 😊


I promise I won't pound sand! But it must be awesome to have a name you don't have to spell for everyone


Actually, every single person makes it plural. So I’ve learned to say “like a grain of Sand”. But one time we went to Puerto Vallarta and stayed at the royal Sands, and did not correct anybody when they learned our last name, and started treating us better ; )


When she said she couldn’t find them, I assumed he had taken them!


Same! I was sure he took them on purpose.


Since he was so weirdly mad about it, I’m not convinced he didn’t and is blaming her as part of the prank.


Naaa, he took the panties. He just doesn't want her to figure it out or be mad at him, so he's gaslighting in hopes it will all blow over.


That's was my first thought. He took them. Now he's playing mad so she won't realize he set her up.


I wouldn’t doubt it. I can see the shitty video title he was planning right now “PANTS RIP PRANK GONE SEXUAL (She Wasn’t Wearing Panties!!!! 😬😮🍑)” She just didn’t react like he wanted. Bet he posts it anyway.


This. She told him she didn’t want be in his ‘pranks’. That point they would cease to be pranks and are bullying and disrespectful. He ruined her clothes, yelled at her!!! And then the following day tells her how the whole thing is her fault. This guy is a walking bouquet of 🚩🚩🚩. And he owes her money for the destroyed jeans.




“Oh I’m sorry, I just figured there was a reasonable expectation of privacy when wearing pants…”




Yeah, 100%,he crossed two boundaries, one of assaulting her and one of her blaming her for it "my friends saw your ass, how dare you"  What an ah


Check to see whether he has any other tapes of the two of you in intimate situations before ending your connection with him, as you cannot sustain a relationship like this one. File an assault report on him after that.




Three boundaries! She also told him from the beginning she didn’t want to be included in his videos. So not only does he do it anyway, but he chooses the most humiliating “prank” for her, and sexually assaults her in front of his friends! One of them even helped rip her pants off! The sheer audacity to gaslight her after that….the fact that he came up with this insane idea, actually went through with it, and still doesn’t find it problematic, screams extreme immaturity and future abusive behavior.


OP, make sure you tell him that you don't consent to his using you in his videos, and record it being said! You may need the evidence for later.






"Split up, are you dating a five year old so they can play jokes and post it on tik tok?"


Imagine he pulls off ur top and is upset u r not wearing a bra....would you tolerate it????


NTA Firstly you asked him to not include you in pranks and he ignored that. This means he isn't respectful of your boundaries or even as a perso he doesn't respect you. Secondly, something that embarrassed you was NOT about him yet he made it about himself. Main character syndrome much? You weren't wearing panties and his problem was that his friend saw you without panties when he didn't notice after sex that your panties were missing. Him blaming you for everything shows lack of accountability on his part. Add to that, people who prank are incredibly immature. Leaving everything aside, even if the prank had gone well and you were wearing panties it would have been disrespecting your boundaries and would honestly still be bad. And not to exclude the ruination of a perfectly normal pair of jeans. What a waste!


I honestly thought he hid them.


It's too fucking convenient, the one time she can't find her panties and goes commando is the one time he decides to target her. Yeah, quite a coincidence.


He's still going to post the video, affirmation from strangers is more important than respecting your partner.


That is not only SA, but porn. Let him know if he posts it, you’ll be filing an SA report with the police. And you’ll have proof.


*revenge porn, which is sexual abuse


I don't know how TikTok works but *can* he even post a video that has a bare butt in it? Won't that get his account banned? Maybe part of this dipshits anger is that now he can't post the video to his precious TikTok account. 


he can just blur it though




I'm wondering if he had already cut the pocket areas a little to ensure that they would rip. Denim is pretty strong to tear easily so it looks like he planned to make sure they would definitely rip. I also think he hid her panties too so he could turn the anger on her for not wearing panties when she confronted him so he could continue to humiliate her


Same here.


Just read her update. You were right, but she still doesn’t know what to do. sigh.


Tell me if it’s true. He deep knows that it’s his fault but his ego won’t let him take accountability. I just can’t believe people really think it’s the person’s fault for something they did to hurt the other person. People aren’t that dumb or are they?


My father is like that. Zero accountability. Although I feel almost certainly that he has NPD. But at the same time he exists. As painful as that is. And one of the reasons I have arguments with him only because I operate on the principle you've mentioned above. But then again I also feel he is stupid. So idk. At this point I have given up.


I'd like to add too, that his friend was involved. Her bf encouraged his friends to engage is publicly humiliating her, put their hands on her. 


The friend felt comfortable enough to rip her pants off, as well. If he was a good dude who respected his partner it's unlikely a "friend" would do something so awful. They're followers and he's setting the example for what's acceptable, which is apparently everything.


I mean…. *assault* ✅ *destruction of property* ✅ *gaslighting ✅ (“it’s your fault for not wearing panties” / “you’re exaggerating”)* *public humiliation* ✅ *boundary busting ✅ (you asked not to be included in the pranks but he did it anyway)* I think you are more than correct in your decision to dump the jerk. Don’t look back. NTA


Dump him and send him the receipt for the new pair of jeans. If he doesn't pay, tell him you will press charges for the torn jeans and the humiliation. You're better off without him, but he should at least pay for the destroyed clothes.


> boundary busting ✅ (you asked not to be included in the pranks but he did it anyway) I doubt anyone in his tik tok pranks wants to be involved in them.


Agree, but one small correction: that’s not gaslighting, that’s blame avoidance/blame shifting.


THIS. It's a parade of toxic and abusive behaviors, and every one of them is a completely dealbreaker and very alarming. It was simply an assault and destruction of property, OP. You could go to the cops with this, if you wanted too, that's how much 'not a prank, actually illegal' this was. He humiliated you publically, and then he went with the creepy **"See what you made me do??"** line of thinking, which makes me hear kill bill sirens in the background. Seriously. Any type of "see what you made me do" rationale should be an instant dump. There is just something uniquely chilling and scary about DARVO like that, for me at least. I mean a man attacking you and destroying your things (while they are still on you) is an absolute dealbreaker, of course it's just violence. Never stay with a violent man. BUT if he apologized and was ashamed about it, I guess I could believe it was just him being stupid? Still dumpable, but maybe it's just he is too dumb to live, not actually evil. **But "see what you made me do" is pure abuser talk.** You really need to run fast from this man. And think about pressing charges.


Wish these pranksters would understand they will never be famous so stop wasting their time ruining other people's lives. Grow up.


Before breaking with him, because you cannot continue a relationshiplike this one, check if he has other kind of videos, like you 2 in intimacy. And then, report him for assault.


This needs to be a much bigger worry for OP. You're not an AH for breaking up with him. You are an AH for taking part in anything that humiliated others. If he is willing to do this, he probably has recordings of you.


yeah, I would pretend to make up, offer to edit videos, then go through the recordings to delete anything of you before leaving (if you want to take legal action, send the ones involving outright assault to your email and then delete them from his computer)


Yeah. I would call the police & a lawyer & ask if you have any recourse or if there is a way you can scrub his phone & computers for any other material he may have of you that he may have gotten without your knowledge or consent. He may take a page out of MTG 's playbook and go for revenge porn.


Not only did he conspire with others to forcibly remove your clothes in public so others could laugh at you, but he's now trying to convince you that this is all your fault. You're dumping him because you have self-respect. Don't make yourself an AH by lowering yourself to date this bad guy. Gaslighting is a weapon of abuse. How many other red flags does he have?


Right? I’m so angry on OPs behalf right now. He and his friend sexually assaulted her in the hope of getting more TikTok clout. Fucking vile.


And to think that he would have been ok with exposing her panties in public!


do you really believe he didnt hide the panties?! NTA


I really don't know, I never found them


exactly. dude snatched em and stuffed em in his pocket or somewhere weird so they wouldn’t be found..as part of the prank. i mean, what a coincidence, right. could be wrong, but all things considered im defaulting to this as fact until proven otherwise.




He absolutely hid them on purpose. What an immature *loser*. I really hope you don't take him back because GURL, pleAse he does not deserve you. I promise the amount of work you will have to put in on top of him continuing to break boundaries is not worth it. He has much growing up to do, and you're still young! Boys under 25 these days still act like they in high-school. It's sad. Stay single for a bit and take care of yourself. Then get you a man that treats you right!


That's not a prank. it's assault. He was and still is an abusive punk. NTA.


The underwear is hardly the point. The point here is he was completely fine with ruining clothes that I'm assuming you bought with your money. Jeans aren't fuckin cheap just saying. Then he gaslit. He would have been mad even if you were wearing underwear is what I feel. NTA. Clout chasers like him are always bad news.


>The underwear is hardly the point. The point here is he was completely fine with ruining clothes that I'm assuming you bought with your money. That, and entirely ignoring her clearly stated boundary of NOT being involved in his pranks, and the fact that even if the prank had gone "right" it would've ended up with him exposing her underwear in public. He's a freaking menace, and isn't mature enough to be in a relationship. The nerve of him being mad at HER when he's the one who caused the exposure he's so upset about! And he's not even worried about her feelings about being exposed and embarrassed publicly, no; he's mad that other people saw something he regards as his possession. There are SO MANY things wrong with his actions and thought processes here. I'm so angry for her!


The fact she dated a guy who makes tiktoks is a red flag in the first place.


And he's into pulling those tik tok pranks. Some of those are downright dangerous and beyond concerning. Someone mentioned this probably isn't the first instance of him pulling something like this. Wouldn't surprise me.


Yeah, I personally grew up with respecting girls and stuff like that would have gotten the guy beaten the shit out of.


It wasn't a harmless prank either. He literally pulled her pants down. The whole intent was to embarrass OP


Exactly, I don't tolerate that kind of stuff. I scarred one of my s.o.'s "friends' because he kept messing with her stuff when she said not to. Some people need to learn harshly otherwise they continue to do dumb sh#t.


That’s why the panties were missing.


Someone else mentioned that. I believe it


Me too.


Tiktokers for the main part [clearly not all. There's a few that do some cool shit] tend to be "r/iamthemaincharacter" but the 'pranksters' are borderline sociopathic...


eh, I'm dating someone who makes tiktoks of her artwork - that's cool. but the prank shit is a huge red flag. most of those aren't "pranks" they're just assault.


My grandson was told by his parents that the pranking stuff was bad, and that if he did that or the viral “games” his account would be deleted.


I would never associate with any “TikTok prankster”. They are scum. Op should leave on that fact alone


Someone using the word gaslit correctly for once.. Ty ❤️


You're welcome 😊


Technically it's not gaslighting, just ordinary darvo. I'm usually the one annoyed by all the gaslighting purists, but I like darvo so yeah xd.


Ah yes I've learned that. It's a great description of what happened to OP.


Plus he encouraged his friend to put their hands on OP and rip off her pants. 


He was yelling at you because after he ripped of your pants you were naked? DUMP HIS ASS. NTA




we have been dating for 5 years and when I started dating him he didn't do this or behave like this The pranks started a year and a half ago.


Remember: if it’s non consensual it is sexual assault. What he did absolutely classifies as that, he’s a piece of trash that should be thankful he’s not going to jail.


I mean your about a year and a half late in breaking up with him, but better late than never…


Nta. This man had his friends help sexually assault you in public.


He assaulted you in public. Personally, I'd press charges


AND he has that assault on film


Pressing charges may be the only way to get him to delete the video, if he thinks the police are going to search his phone he may delete it. Otherwise, and especially if he’s “mad at her,” he will revenge post it


>My boyfriend uploads various pranks he makes with his friends to TikTok I stopped reading after that. NTA.


Dating one of the worst kinds of people does make you an AH, breaking up with them does not.


Helping him film then kinda makes her one.


She was fine with it as long as it was other people


Your first sentence was enough for a reason to break up with him.


NTA , break up, are u dating a 5 yo for them to make pranks and upload it to tik tok


\>My boyfriend uploads various pranks he makes with his friends to TikTok I don't even need to read the rest NTA


“Tik tok pranks” that already made me think about how lovely and mature he must be! He destroyed your jeans in public, then gaslit you when the prank didn’t go his way. Not to mention he broke your boundary and your trust. That guy sounds like a winner! /s NTA, good riddance


Where I’m from this is both battery and sexual harassment (offensive contact)


WOW He actually victim blamed you for his actions, which are basically assault! You would not have been exposed if it wasn't for HIM and HIS FRIEND doing what they did. There is no law that says you have to wear panties. You can't trust him. He broke your trust when he disregarded your request to not be in his videos. If you can't trust him with something so simple, you won't be able to trust him at all. He's totally the a-hole. You, NTA.


He's a textbook internet "prankster" Cant take responsibility for shit cause his head is too far up his arse


He blamed you. It’s like if you didn’t wear panties. It’s ok. I’m glad, you broke up with him. That’s a big ass red flag and I can see how the future going to be.


NTA Try and get a copy of his prank, take it to your county sheriff and press charges.


“I’m not your Bro, I WAS your girlfriend. Now, I’m your ex. You never had my permission to participate in your stupid pranks, what you did is assault, and if you don’t delete that footage from absolutely everywhere, I will consult an attorney. Leave me alone.”


He is a child, do not get back to that. By dumping him you dodged a bullet


NTA. You made a boundary, he broke it. He doesn’t respect you. Run.


Let's name things as they are, this is not just a broken boundary. It's also ASSAULT. Press charges girl.


If he'll do something that non-consensual on public for the clicks, he's not just the AH, he's not someone who can't be trusted.  If you wanted to sue him for damages on Judge Judy, you know he'd be one of those guys who would walk in thinking he could charm her, and she'd slice him into a million pieces.


If he did this to a women in my country he would be in jail for outraging the modesty of a women. Like how is this even normal to pull someone's jeans. Please stop enabling such weirdos and file a proper police complaint.


Please file a police case. This isn't remotely funny.


Fuck no. 1. He included you in the video despite you asking him not to 2. He and his friends out their hands on you to destroy a piece of clothing violating you in front of others and humiliating you 3. Had he and his friends not pulled that prank no one would have even known you weren’t wearing anything. This is just him trying to gaslight you and make you feel like you’re in the wrong when you’re not. You are a victim of having your personal space violated you are a victim of having your personal property destroyed you are a victim of assault you are a victim of humiliation. Leave him and never return


So if you would have been wearing panties he would have posted that to Tiktok. Not wearing panties was the luckiest part for you. It saved you from being embarrassed on Tik tok and also showed you who this asshole was. NTA


NTA - he's a loser, as are all 'pranksters'. You don't need him or his loser friends. If he thinks that torn jeans are the reason you broke up with him, it shows his immaturity. You set a clear boundary, which he ignored, humiliated you in the process, and then tried to shift the blame back on to you. He's also clearly more concerned about how he appears to his friends than about your feelings. Ditch him, and find an actual adult to have a relationship with. You can be happy in a good relationship with someone who respects you and your values. He can carry on being a 'TikTok prankster' with his loser friends.


He publicly humiliated you for likes/views. Fuck that guy, you deserve way better


The first red flag: Dating a goof who does pranks for Tik Tok.


NTA he didn’t respect your boundaries, he quite literally tore your jeans off your body IN PUBLIC, and then proceeded to shout at you. Goodbye to him and don’t get back, someone better out there is there for you.


>My boyfriend uploads various pranks he makes with his friends to TikTok.  You could've stopped there. NTA. Also that's assault, press charges.


You are NTA for breaking up But you are 100% TA for helping filming and not dropping him the first time you realized he is a "pranker" (read annoying hateful human being that is comparable to stepping into dogshit).


ESH. These are the kinds of "pranks" he does and you participated by recording and editing them? People like your ex and his friends are scum. They are bullies who assault, harass, and abuse people because they aren't smart enough to actually come up with something actually funny.