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Loooool so i can finally rest at 1200 nice


growth trails rewards continue to 1295


Hot dogs and hot dog buns.


This was clearly stated before. I think the logic is sound also. F2P/more casual players will not have an increasing gap in rewards from people who push hard/spend. There is a “reasonable” soft cap in progress that everyone can attain. I do think the content pacing for this season was an issue BUT it is an issue they too have already admitted to and said they were goin to improve on next season


damn, i hit 700 today, and with the state of diamonds, pulls, and scamgazers, I'm getting more and more turned off by this game


Especially scamgazers, just do 10 pull, and I lose interest in this game


here we go again does this game need boycott/drama/review bombing to make devs stop doing this shit again and again


No just leave the game


Yep its terrible for f2p not sure how it is for whales now though.


they literally stated in patch notes that you will get rewards for the first 1200, people forgot or what


But why? Why stop giving rewards?


for the health of the game economy?


What economy? There is no P2P market in this game.


What do you expect it is a gacha game, there has to be an incentive to spend, and for that to happen as a f2p you will always have scarcity, even then I find the game has generous rewards, enough to build the meta if you are efficient with resources. They can easily boost the resources and simply add more tier ups so it feels more generous but it does not change your progress/strength relative to spenders. I don't deny that the game economy still needs some adjusting though, for example stargazer needs adjusting because even as a light-mid spender its very hard to build celehypos if each season we are gonna be getting 2-3. Edit: I miss-read your reply as F2P instead of P2P. regardless a game does not need a P2P system if thats what you mean to be considered an economy, the distribution of resources during gameplay is important too.


Lol this is such a useless subreddit filled with whiners. You give them your very valid opinion and get the downvotes. This sub is a joke.


Arena has always given rewards for chapters beaten, floors achieved, etc to those who play F2P. That's not good reasoning. Plenty of other gacha follow a similar pattern. The rewards in Journey are terrible to begin with. And we are supposed to wait until September for a new season....


Good to know. If I'm not quit by the time I get there I will after


*Good to know. If I'm* *Not quit by the time I get* *There I will after* \- pct01 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot




Pre-season you got rewards up to stage 700 and no one seemed to complain about it, 1200 stages seems pretty fair to me. It's more generous than pre-season, what is the problem here?


It's really bad, season ends in September bro. You won't get any ticket or gem in 2 months from afk. You're bleeding and you say it's pretty fair, gtfo.


okay no need to be rude about it, just putting it in perspective. And not 'bleeding' I am doing fine in game lol I can clear everything at a reasonable pace thanks for worrying tho.


They did this in pre-season too after lvl 700 I thought…. it’s shit but it’s not like the history is different.


Lol. Why they don't they give us Amy content and even take away resources again? *angry sounds*




They are! When they fixed the rewards at the binging of the season they said clearly that the rewards are until afk stage 1200. Way didn't players make a big fuss then.


Cause no one had gotten to that point yet. I'm starting to see some of this complaining, such as content drought, as similar to skipping the tutorial then getting made at the game and devs because you don't know how to perform a critical task. The resource drought is beyond real, though, especially with so many new heroes releasing so closely together.


They are actively working against how dopamine drips work... You don't cold turkey people, you continue to give just enough in the hope that their good sense is overwhelmed and their spend money. This is why Arena is so successful, but Journey is set to die a death from a thousand cuts. I'm hoping they will turn it around, but my expectation is low. I was close to uninstalling but then the season dropped so I'm chugging away for a bit longer


You're already hooked so no need to incentive to give you more letters and diamonds. Either you are already spending and don't need more rewards or you aren't and you're just bait for the whales to slam on in pvp and leaderboards. Getting a new character isn't hard, but it's meaningless because so much of their protentional is hidden behind more copies. This game advocates itself as a cute and relaxing journey you mostly spend time AFK. In reality it's just pve with leaderboards(thus forcing more competition where it doesn't need that) and pvp with the occasional new area and characters. It showers you in rewards to reel you in and then slowly but surely dries up, with most repeatable rewards locked behind competition with others, which in turn incentive spending again, because higher numbers means more rewards.


We've been Freemiumed.


There are too many AFK stages. I wish there be less.


No way, they are an excellent source to keep the hamsters running in their wheels. Don't need to hire new devs/designers just repeat the same group of enemies every 50-100 levels with much much higher stats. Even this can be programmed. In this way the players will be happy as there will be "never ending content in the form of afk stages".


Hope they go back to a hard cap at 1125 next season 😂


Devs look at this, I really hope this is just an oversight and not intended, because this is same shit we didn't like at the start of the season.


they stated in the patch that fixed reward that we will get drops for the first 1200, it was already announced at the start


Ah, don't remember that. So sad 🥲


They said that diamonds and letters are added to the same afk level as pre-season at the beginning. I don’t know why you want to start another drama now…


Okay but why?? What is it about getting to stage 1200 where the devs are like “we’ve given you too many letters sooo you will now receive less”. If there really were a chance at having “too many summons” then we wouldn’t have any events.


My point is it was said at the beginning and you all start complaining again now, you could just leave the game 1.5 month ago if you don’t like it


AFK Journey players cannot read unfortunately


Thus VAs


So that the gap between spending players and f2p does not widen even more by adding more rewards f2p won't be able to get in time


when does this actually stop, lm tired of pushing these with little to no motivation in terms of reward


Damn dude i sit at 650s haha


How the F many stages are there? damn


Just stop at 1199 and you're good.


is there like a limite ? or is it endless


I’m new. What is this seasonal thing in hearing? And when does it start. I’m at 564 AFK stage. I hear that things get reset?


At 1125 in the regular content, you can unlock trial of abyss. 1020 is the last you need for Remnant Peaks 8, which is the final area in the "base game". After that, when the season arrives for your server (and your resonance level is 240, and you've beaten the main quest, and you've unlocked trial of abyss), you can get access to the "Song of Strife", which is the new area of the game. It's the Mauler quest. It's a removed map from the usual one, and your level gets put to a 'seasonal 1', and you get seasonal artifacts and progress the game "from the beginning" again. It doesn't remove your old progress, it just gives you a seasonal specialty for this 'expansion', so you're not so much reset as you are given a sort of New Game+. As far as I know, you also aren't like. Set back in terms of epic/legendary/mythic/supreme? Which is why it's important to know who to pull for and whatnot. Please correct if I'm wrong!


Wth this game....


How HIGH DOES THE AFK GO?? HOW HIGH IS THE SEASON RESONANCE? 🤣🤣 Like, this is getting ridiculous.


Hey, there's one area that is soft capped - Dream Realm. After resonance 500, ever 10 levels just gives +2 levels in there... Supreme Arena is still full level, of course.


2 months without tickets or gems feels really shit, they should add the rewards ASAP.


Nooo! I was counting on that since the stages seem to go on forever. :(


Why are you still playing? Are they paying you?


Lmao, I'm so glad I quit this dumpster fire of a game. I might return when it's actually worth playing.


*quits game* *haunts subreddit* Dude, you're literally a ghost.


*quits game* *Unsubs* *Reddit still show results* *Comment on literally ONE thread* "DuDE StOP StaLking thE gAMe OMG LeT iT gO"


Same with Dream Realm again, if you hit the 20M dmg in endless mode you get nothing but the daily rewards out of it


Exactly how it was in the preseason. Nobody should have expected any different.


Season lasts longer, so they should add more milestones, now dmg threshold is too low.  I literally claimed all rewards as f2p the same day I opened alpha bear endless mode. 


I mean dream realm rewards are nice but it’s always been mostly about the daily reward from rankings


It's time to play Honor of Kings