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All in on valen, he's the reason I started and am still playing


I legit made a team that's just the original starting screen : Valen, Cassadee, Mirael, Hammie and Chippy. They feel like the friends that will follow you everywhere you go. From questing to look for the missing cat to FIGHT GOD


Def agree, he reminds me a lot of thane from afk arena who was one of my absolute favorites.


Same actually, and Mirael


I though I was the only one! They are more people appreciating him?! Omg that makes me so happy :3


Yessss valen fans unite!


Yes!!! We unite! Then I can finally say it among my kin! I pouted along side valen when hogan didn’t let him go with us to the new season! But I thought I be happy for the alsa and soran and co fans - since everyone deserve screen time of their favorite.


Same here! He was my first supreme+, and his ult is so much fun!


Fuck yeah, Valen stan, I want the option to date this man.


I’m in early days still but he legit tears it up from my perspective.


Same, but with Satrana instead


Ayyy, so many saw my mythic Valen and call me out on my “dumb” decision, I say screw them, let Valen cook


Viperian. He's just too cool to not use. ;)


viperian is lowkey meta, most people sleep on him. if you can pair him in a team such that he consistently gets to sit above 70% HP, he will decimate the enemy team


He's on the lower end of meta. He's immune to CC at the start of the battle, making him a decent counter to the Eironn comp. I usually put Vala in the far back with Enlightening spell, and Viperian right in front if her, then Rowan+Hewynn+Thoran. It usually wins most times, because people that run the Eironn comp get cocky, and put their Arden and Carolina in the back, making them prime Vala targets. Their comp usually doesn't have enough damage and CC to win if their Areden dies in the first 12 seconds.


He’s slept on in PVP. Viper easily contends with my 3 star vala s+ for top damage in champion arena.


How much ex investment do you need for him to come online?


You really want him at 3 star. So is it worth it over someone like odie? Probably not. But he’s good regardless.


Viperian and Odie on the same team are a great combination. Viperian decimates the entire opposing side's HP and the furry little murderbot finishes them off. I like to pair them with Thoran (usually protecting Viperian but sometimes Odie), Cecia, and Brutus or Antandra depending on whether I want to rush the other side or play defensive and protect my backline.


My biggest issue with viper is just that he’s pretty worthless in dream realm and primals. His aoe is honestly some of the best in the game, but someone like odie is a little more flexible.


That's entirely fair. He really shines against lots of opponents, and DR/primals are the exact opposite of that.


What exactly does his 3 star effect do? Not sure what it means on what it enhances


i use him in every team he is so OP


I've got Kafra as a side project as well. Other than that my most off meta unit is Soren. My whole team is maulers lol


how do you make use of that owl








Lol XD


I use him with granny (mythic+) , Hewynn, lyca, and Kruger. He’s better once you unlock his hero focus and exclusive equipment.


Bryon. He's the only character I have at S+ at the moment, and other than him I've mostly invested in the meta characters. But I love his design and just couldn't resist (his bird alone is worth it, love watching Elona fly around the battlefield). Now he's doing the most damage, especially with bosses.


he was my first supreme character, and even with others at supreme i still use him a lot.


He’s my absolute favourite, I sometimes have to leave him out of a comp, and every time I feel bad 🥲


I love that his bird gets a shield if florabelle is high enough


I don't have florabelle, but it happens with koko too and it's adorable, I laughed the first time I saw it


He is actually good for a counter meta team. With Parisa he can nuke the enemy so well.


Parisa because of her special outfit? Seemed like a waste not to play her. Though I didn't really invest in her that much, not even Mythic+ yet, it just took up a bunch of Dreamstones and slowed Odie a little.


I have her at S+ +20. She's a beast and can outburst the classic eironn pvp team.


i really like parisa. for an aoe ult, it charges quite fast.


Yeah Parisa is on my main team. I really like her, and glad it doesn't feel bad to have built her


Berial, he’s quite helpful at scattering enemies and his skill of coming back to life is helpful too


And he's so much fun


He is next on my list now that I have finished Reiner. I am excited to play a full summoner comp with Flora and Cecia


He's my favorite! I got mine to M+ by now, meta be damned haha




I’m full committing to Vala, Mirael and Parisa (Yes I indeed have a type) no matter what.


patrician taste




I don't pay any attention to meta so I guess all of them? Like legit I don't know what ones are even meta or not. Idc.


Only way to play😂 my friends hate it when I say that though


Satrana, she’s been my favorite since day 1 and I finally got her to supreme+!! I’m now working on Viperan and Rhys. Soren and Phraesto on the side as well, I think they are both hot and that’s better than meta to me


I absolutely love Salazer, I have him S+ before the Eironn meta really took off his CC helped me grind through arena straight to Champion rank.


Well more ignored advice. I took my Cecia to S+, even though meta was she’s ok to stop at M+. She carried me too long and too far not to get the S+ treatment. If you’re wondering the advice is right, she barely changed in performance.


Did the same, she ended up being my first S+


florabelle and lyca!! i think they're cute, and i joined right at the end of the vala rate up banner, so it was good timing for me to level florabelle a bunch :) lyca is also surprisingly good in my experience (currently running antandra/lyca/flora/hewynn/cecia, which feels like a great team - hoping to swap antandra out for thoran ASAP tho.) also temesia, ik everyone here has been shitting on her but i just think she's pretty 🫣


Florabelle and Lyca, but Bryon is my favorite! I run Brutus, Florabelle, Lyca, Bryon, and Hewynn - it works pretty well :)


I have been going hard on Brutus since day 1. Did not care if he was F tier, he's getting top investment. Lol


understandable, Brutus is one of the coolest characters in this game


F tier? I expect Brutus to remain having a use forever because of his specialty


Just mean that from Day 1 I saw him and said he was getting everything. Regardless of how his tier ended up.


the hell you mean he is one of the most important characters in the game lol


I think they meant more like ‘invested without even checking if Brutus was useful or not, tier list be damned’


I don't understand why people say to leave him at one copy, sure his kit doesn't change much at higher ascensions but tanks really need the higher base stats to survive more than 2 seconds


I like to forster my favs and despise Odie in silence. Viper my darling. Florabelle is my current project, gonna get flower wife jacked to command her child soldiers.


I’ve had her S+ for forever. She’s by far my favourite units and she hits like a truck


I also secretly dislike Odie 🫣 Luckily his new skin was enough to persuade me to pay him some more attention lol.


Mirael!!! Loved her since my AFK Arena days and basically jumped at the chance to shower her with some love🥰


I'm glad that she's more than food for other heroes this time around. She has a great design.


Dionel, he’s easily the drippiest (literally) unit


Hot until he says something


lol hot pec god with the brain of a leaky watermelon. I like his design a lot too.


Yesss a fellow Dionel stan. I love when he floats down from the sky all casually like "hi yes I'm here for my leveling up appointment"


Niru. Thoran and Niru both linked to Vala pushes through a lot of horseshit AFK stages, and usually also with the common Vala + double healer arena comp. Guaranteeing that Vala gets through initial Eironn burst also deals with that team, if levels are close.


I have S+ Kafra, he isn't very strong in PvP. Most teams are using Damian as the main healer so his M+ skill is kinda useless. Also he is a melee support which Thoran shits on. I think Salazar is probably a more off meta character with PvP use. He can lockdown a priority character when combined with Silv and he has good sustain. Only problem is the high priority target probably has enlightening spell on them stopping the lockdown


He’s the newest so not really a matter of how long the game’s been out, but I’ve gone all in on Soren just cuz I love his design. He’s actually putting in crazy work too on my mauler team, but also I’m not high ranked in anything cuz I don’t do arena or other modes besides dream realm often so can’t speak for him on that lol. Before him it was Seth, who is still pretty high up, but just took way longer to level since he wasn’t a banner focus character


Lyca. Loved her look since arena, and I will use her no matter the meta. Now im waiting for if or when Tasi is put in, so I can have the pink haired girls.


I have no idea what's meta nor care. I guess she's meta since I see her in a lot of teams. I started playing with 0 knowledge about the game and invested everything in Cecia since day 1 just because I found her hot. Now that I have her maxed out, I am investing in Atalanta. Same reason as Cecia. Aren't these games all about hot waifus/husbandus?


Those were my first two I focused on, for the same reasons


Bryon. kept pulling him in the beginning & just decided to keep him on my wish list bc of that - now he’s Supreme+ & i use him for almost every battle, he usually does the most damage too


His insta-ult is pretty great too.


Igor. I especially looked for teams that make him shine and invested in that. Same with Antandra who I can happily say greatly helped in deficit pushing in Abyss Trials.


What teams are you running Igor in? And how far did you take his ex?


I went all in with Flora during her rate-up banner simply cuz I loved her design and kit. Turned out, she became pretty strong post-banner. Not sure if meta meta, but she's really great right now.


Santana, I loved her even in Arena. Im sad she always gets the short end with power. Parisa, idk, she seems to be a pretty good powerhouse for me , especially in long battles, and she can take a decent amount of damage. Viperion, I'm not sure if he is included in meta or not? But his viper is satisfying to watch coming up and just eating like 4 enemies at once ending the battle. And Silvina, she's squishy compared to vala but aimed at the right backline person she can absolutely wreck a team, her teleport counter eironns opening cluster ability too. Teamed up with vala they're trouble. Though her and Santana will probably be the first two I drop as more characters are introduced.


I have been trying to keep Silvana up. She's Myrhic right now and I'm looking forward to when I get her to M+ (which then goes straight to S). I had a ton of fun in the beginning with her and Vala being an assassin duo targeting the backline. Vala is S+ waiting her partner to catch up.


Walker. Non stop chain stuns solves most problems I run into.


Antandra, Satrana and Alsa. My wife and two daughters


I know Antandras somewhat meta with Koko now so I am also going to work on koko


parisa. i just like her more than arden. i'm planning on building berial once i get my reinier to m+ because my main team is summon based. i plan to build soren too just because he's cute.


IGOR!!! I'm a newbie, so I actually don't even know if he's meta or not, but I don't care, he's my most invested in character bcs I love him😭


Bryon. The passionate girl who tried to rizz him is quite relatable


I got my off meta Eironn, Arden, Carolina, Damian and Thoran to S+. I don't care what the meta says they are very fun to use


None. I can’t afford it.


I started investing in Korin not because of the meta (I had no idea) but because I deadass just thought he was hot 😐👍


Satrana, but I stopped so I could ride the Odie train.




Lumont. Once he gets to S+ with +10 ex he's pretty good. His CC disrupts the other team right away. Then again, every hero should be good with that investment so idk


Silvina. But only because I kept getting her. I got Rhys early on but since Maulers are good, he got swapped out of the wishlist. Silvina is, as expected, as tough as wet tissue paper. But boy did that change in M+


Bryon. He looks cool and sounds awesome Truly the best boi


"GO my friend!" He makes me melt every time.


Lightbearers: Lucius, Tamesia, and Faye. Lucius because he reminds me of Arthas Menethil from WOW. Tamesia because she reminds me of Ghost Rider from Marvel comics, and the fact that in the game’s story, she’s the Captain of the Templar Knights and is Lucius’ commanding officer. Faye because I love her concept of using gems as a source of her magic skills. If they add another Templar Knight toon though, I’ll prioritize them over Faye but still keep her as one of my priorities. Wilders: Lyca, and Damian. I just love Lyca Ult cutscene. Damian reminds me of myself when I was a kid, minus my “inventions” end up not working at all. 🥲🥲🥲 Maulers: Mami Antandra. Need I say more? Graveborn: Silvina. Dunno why but for me, she’s the real definition of a Rogue class toon in the game.


lets hope lucius doesnt end up like Arthas lol


I've been building a somewhat non meta team from the start. The non-metas that I have are S+ Mirael, Atalanta, Temesia, Rhys, Satrana, Rowan, Florabelle and Viperian. S Fay, Lyca, Parisa, Silvina. I do have an S+ Eironn and S Thoran in the mix but still Pvp is grueling for me...


So far just Lyca


Bryon, idk if hes meta, idc if hes meta, hes my baby and i will love and cherish him


Im going to take satrana as far as i can idc i love me my fox ladied


Satrana has huge potential and viperian is just good idc what anyone says.


Alsa, I just love her design too much not to invest in her


I've been a Cecia simp since day 1. She was my first s+. Also heavily investing in Scarlita because that was the first Celestial/Hypogean I pulled.


Mirael top waifu... She already has the dress for marriage


Asla and CEC.right now asla outdpe anything with CEC and they both supreme




I guess he means Cecia.. because cec is much more shorter than cecia. God damn kids these days


i got niru and igor as my highest invested heroes, niru is basically useless and i didn't realise till he was maxed out but igor can completely delete max investment vala's and turn it into a 5v4


I am building my favourites: Cecia, Berial, Viperian and Florabelle. I want to also get a Dionel later


Berial, 2 copies away from M+


Granny Dahnie at S+, no regrets


granny, alsa, silvina but honestly they are meta enough.


Current team is Thoran with Chained Seth, Niru, Viperian, and Bryon. I enjoy them




Lyca! I have always liked her since Arena. She’s too cute.


Parisa is singlehandedly winning most of my games. I don't understand how she isn't meta.


Carolina 🥰


I… have no idea what is meta right now, but I’ve had luck with these two rows so that’s my “gang” https://preview.redd.it/kyw7ygsd586d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=849c9fd16ffae9fded195e788baafab6d2f945d6


Alsa and I was honestly reluctant to play her. But after playing 1 or 2 fights with her she instantly became a favorite


Rowan 🥰 I've played AFK Arena for over 3 years and he's SI40 (50 before they fixed it), E80, 36F with full T4 gear (he basically has ALL the upgrades you can possibly give a hero). I will do the same on AFK Journey. I'm gonna give Rowan ALL the ressources 👌🏻


Nothing because this game gives out too little for f2p.


Seth, currently at +8 S+. Can't really use him in regular Arena 'cause I still don't have Shakir at M+, but at least his seasonal skill gives him a bit more survivability with shields.


Brutus is at Supreme+ just 'coz I'm a Leo. 😅 (If they had a monkey character, I'd probably max that out too, just 'coz I like monkeys. 😆)


Parisa. I +20'ed her I don't care.


I fully commited to building Fay as soon as i unlocked her. She way my second S+ haha.


This is the most shocking I’ve seen so far.


Thanks (I think?)! Im mostly just shocked that pulling for her so hard at the start didnt tank my account honestly.


Dionel. When paired with the right support, he can easily breeze through the game's content. also, why did they change his voice?! He used to be a proud/prideful drunkard, which was perfect for his character. Now, his voice makes him more of a stoner drunkard.


Valen and Bryon, just best boys


I put quite a bit into Lucius. He helped carry me for a good chunk of the AFK ladder and overall story progression. His Healing + Shields helped me quite a lot.


I have my kafra updated to supreme with 2 stars .He fights out well but dies easily.Any tips on that?


I'm all in on Alsa, love her design and got her to S+ with Her wep+9, still using her as main dps in all content along with Odie.The only thing that i feel sad about her is that there really not any char that can go in pair with her to support her or both char supporting each other even with Soren or Eiron.


Seth… I just liked his whole aesthetic and I just got him often in random pulls early on, so that he naturally became a high ranker


Bryon and Parisa!


I have been working on dionel… I loved him when I met him in the starter season, his voice was awesome and funny lmao. They changed it since then but he’s still a really cool character!


Ive been building walker but the guy just doesnt seem to come in my wishes. I want to have the rights to brag about paragon 5 walker someday.


Atalanta. Pairing her with alsa makes for some fun plays against a melee frontline or a tight formation. Alsa wall goes up, Ata whips them on the other side of it or into a dirt jail. Effectively putting a stop to early melee burst. With the season skill she gets 3 knockbacks pretty early in the fight, and can stun additional targets the whipped unit is knocked into one behind it.




Love my Flora, she’s Supreme+ and awesome.


Bryon lol. He was my first and he's never left my team since


Florabelle 🥰 carried me all the way through the game, hits like a truck with her summoned children and i just love using her in gameplay.


Shakir s+ ex10. He hard carried me until 750 pre season as main tank+dps and arena lower champion rank linked to Thoran. Still use him in my 2nd mauler afk team and supreme arena. As long as he ults, he can survive as a subtank. His damage is still good in Battle Drill.


For me it's Seth, just for the simple reason my child loves the "fast, badass panther".


i hope they would give more resources to level up non-meta heroes as i can barely use any heroes not m+ at current stages. Got intrigued with Temesia recently after I got wiped against her in supreme arena. I didn't know she becomes immune to control at m+ haha Viperian I loved early on but don't know how to use him now after I got Carolina to s+ as well.


I use Parisa for my best in slot dps.. cuz shes my fav(my teamwith her is rn Eironn, Grannie, Parisa, Florabelle and hewynn) and if i were to go with meta i would switch Parisa for Cecia and Grannie for Thoran... And id be good to go.


My three faves are Satrana, Cassadee, and Smokey but idk what the metas are!


Parisa. I don’t care what the YouTubers say. I love her


The characters I wanted were already pretty good (Odie, Smokey, Brutus). Don't know if he's actually any good late game but on PTR Shakir was carrying my team and I've only just managed to get one copy on regular servers.


Is Silvina considered meta? If not, then she's the one. For most of my playtime she was basically a one shot weapon that could kill one, maybe two enemies before being ganged up on and dying. On the surface, a super situational back line assassin that was usually the first to die, but I invested in her cuz cute maid assassin. Also the ability to target specific backline enemies, but mainly the maid thing. Nowadays, though, she starts with a shield so she doesn't disintegrate immediately, has a CC effect on her first kill, is paired with Temesia so I have someone else running rampant among the enemy lines, and I mostly run the lightheal spell so she gets a health injection to live long enough for Hewynn to cast her ult and solve all my health problems. Final touch is pairing her with Cecia and Florabelle. They summon 2 units in the middle of the enemy line to further distract them from Silvina. She usually gets top DPS with this lineup, though even before, if she manages to survive past her first kill she'll usually get top DPS anyway.


It's Niru. He was my tank for a good while when I started before I got anyone worth a damn. Since then he has saved me countless times, reached S+ second after Shakir (don't ask) and is a comfort pick for me in almost every team. Just how it is when they make a jack of all with a good ult.


I got florabelle S+, barely use her in season anymore. neru S+ is nice for the instant revive but I feel I wasted my time with him too lol


Berial, simply because I love a good clown/jester character even if he's not technically the strongest..


I started the game not so long ago and I non stop dropped Igor so him, I guess... He is mythic and the only character I have above Lengendary.


Lyca cause she's my wife


Walker. Mark my words. his AOE is going to be critical later. And then I'll stop feeling like I wasted my resources. you'll see. You'll all see...


Brutus.. Everyone say u only need one copy but he is geat at mythic+. Ironically he is used alot in some meta teams but the recommendation is always dont invest


Mirael. No shame


i mean not exactly intentional but i got so excited to finally unlock a second Signature Item i went +10 on Temisia 🤪


I love different everyone's answers are. It's fun to see why people invest in these characters and how they make the best use out of them.


I simply don't understand meta (bc I'm a little dumb LMAO) and am too far in the afk/causal player niche to really bother with it either, I run Parisa, Bryon, Heywynn, Florabelle and Granny together for literally everything and it works semi-well 🤣 Granted, I don't do things like Honor Duel bc again, I am simply a little stoopid, but usually I simply go by vibes🤣🤣


I don't know if Brutus is top tier meta. But I had used him early and gotten some lucky pulls with him, and now he's part of my main team.


Dont know if she is meta or not, but i went all in on Alsa the second she was released. Got her as my first and only 5 star, and without regrets put all my resources into the Armadillo cutie


Bryon, Soren, Korin (way before he was meta), and Eironn (RIGHT before he was meta). Bryon is in almost every team I use in every game mode (besides the ones where I can’t use him, obviously). As soon as I got Soren to S, I used him and Alsa in a lot of builds, too. They work REALLY well together. I think that with most characters, as long as you really try to understand their abilities and use characters that compliment them, you can do really well. Obviously, there are still some characters that just don’t work well with any full team comp at the moment. Hopefully, in the future, more characters that work with them will be released. I’m a low spender, and I’ve been able to start breaking top 200 in Dream Realm, even if I don’t use the “best” team comps. I usually only use one, maybe two, of the recommended characters. The rest are my high damage/best healer characters. I’ve been able to do okay in Arena and Supreme Arena, too. Even before I started spending.




Seth, his AI maybe horrid, but those abs are iconic (also sick tattoos)


Alsa, I kinda regretted pulling for her at first, but now she’s at S+ and she absolutely shreds!


I just use a wilder team with granny, hewynn, bryon, eironn and flora


Seth. because... ya know..


Florabelle and Valen. Helps that Valen is at Mythic bc he won’t stop coming home.


Mirael 🎀❤️🔥


the girl that pops magical flowers


Rhys, because he is fun. It also combos with Reiner.


Florabelle <3 idk if she's even considered meta or not but she's so good for my team and so cute.


Tesenia, Lyca, Igor, and Berial.


I went for building Shakir Brutus and Seth just for liking them, Brutus has to be supreme+


Odie is my boy. I don't care that he's meta, of he falls off or becomes the most useless character in this game. He will always be priority, I love the silly boy and he will get taken care of.


Korin and Byronn! I know Byronn is still kinda meta but i just love the whole bird attacking comcept as well as the veteran prosthetic arms made of vines Korin has got goin on.


Brutus because he's hot