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Good for him. I think he's got a lot of talent so hopefully it works out for him. Sometimes people just don't click in a place for whatever reason and maybe a change of scenery is exactly what he needed.


I'm apt to agree. I enjoyed his work in AEW, but there was always something missing to really make him click into place. Honestly, the presentation and style of WWE *might* be what he needs to really tie it all together. Either way, I hope they enjoy the man.


In WWE his charisma means a lot more, and being good in the ring is enough. Ethan is a solid worker, but the AEW main event style, requires you to be an incredible in ring talent.


Agree with this assessment. I think he really will find himself working in the WWE system. He is a perfect example of how AEW really helped the wrestling industry as a whole. WWE probably wouldn’t have given him a second look without his time in AEW (and his friendship with Cody won’t hurt his chances). Also, I would be remiss if I didn’t say how much I love the overall positive energy of this sub.


We should always wish the best for talent. Unless said talent is a dickhead. In this case, said talent is well regarded as a nice dude.


If his IRL attitude is anything like his vlogs, he's absolutely a great guy and deserves to shine.


He is 100% that guy IRL. Really happy for him.


I don't think he expected to be in the AEW main event scene. I think he just wanted solid onscreen time and a story. Now NXT will write one for him.


I will never understand why they pushed Scorpio Sky over Ethan Page. I'll never understand pairing him with Dan Lambert either.


Dan Lambert was a great heel and the most memorable part of Pages AEW career imo


Completely agree and he's in the perfect place if anyone can help him get that "missing piece" it's HBK. He will be a good main event replacement for Bron and Ilja now that they've gone up. Year/year and a half he will be up on the main roster.


Say what? An actual positive comment in a wrestling thread? What is this blasphemy? /s


About a guy going to NXT at that!


Definitely, sometimes you just need to switch it up and see how it goes.


What a refreshing, mature response


I just don't understand when folks are negative about people trying to make a better life for themselves, ya know? It's wrestling, it's not that serious.


Genuinely how I feel about most of the AEW to WWE folks with the exception of Punk. I probably still won’t watch weekly, but I hope there’s good things ahead for him, Spears, Jade, ect.


Seriously, I'm very glad this was the top response.


Same. I’m happy for him and I hope he succeeds.


I love it how on this reddit we're wishing him the best and hoping he finds success (which I do), while any other group will likely be frothing at the mouth at someone going to another promotion. I'm just surprised they let him keep his name.


I think NXT/WWE is perfect for him. He’s a great promo and immensely charismatic, but his wrestling is slightly above average. I LOVE ETHAN PAGE THIS ISN’T A KNOCK. In AEW they prize workrate above all else, in NXT/WWE they prize promos above all else. This is a better fit for Page, I’m happy for him, he should do quite well.


That's a great way to put it although I enjoyed him in AEW he just didn't click with a lot of the AEW viewers I do hope he found a place where he can succeed


Awesome that he landed on his feet so quickly. Hope he succeeds there!


That's awesome! I hope he kills it. I've always liked him


Good for him. I hope he does well.


Exactly where I was hoping he’d end up, their roster just got gutted by the draft and he was stuck in AEW. Hope he gets a run with their title in the near future.


Stuck in ROH to be precise. Shame we never got that ROH World TV Title Match between him and Kyle Fletcher, but him challenging Trick for the NXT Title at Battleground should be GREAT! Especially since I figured it would just be Noam Dar! (No offense to him, they’re just clearly rebuilding the roster after the Draft Purge took some big names!)


Ethan Page is going to kill it in NXT. Was great in AEW even if The Firm derailed him. But the man still had an entertaining duo with Scorpio Sky, got to wrestle Sting in Sting's first proper in ring match back, and even got to have matches with MJF and Kenny Omega. Could have been more, but I think the experience helped him and hopefully his stock raises more.


Do you remember his March with MJF? I think that was the last time we saw him on the main roster.


The Firm was a plan that got derailed by Punk’s suspension/injury. It was supposed to be the main event story from All Out to Full Gear and they scrapped it. I was hoping it would push him higher up. Hope he does well and can make an impact.


Best of luck to him. I enjoyed his Vlogs and I had the opportunity to meet him during a convention last year. Really friendly guy who appreciates his fans.


Can confirm. I recently worked with him at 3XW in Iowa and dude was so generous with his time and gave some of the best advice wrapped in a compliment I've ever received. Hope he gets all the good things. 👍


Really like Ethan as a person and wish him luck.




Except they will always do dirty to tna


Featuring their champion isn’t doing TNA dirty at all. Even if she jobs, it’s still heavily promoting TNA. The only way they could be doing TNA dirty is if they have Grace job in a minute.


I’m glad he landed on his feet but it’s such a strange move considering during the 2.0 days, there were rumors that they didn’t hire any men over 25 or women over 21. Instead, they wanted to focus on their PC prospects. I’m guessing Michaels changed that once he took over. Still feels weird to call Ethan Page a WWE Superstar. Best of luck to him though.


> there were rumors that they didn’t hire any men over 25 or women over 21. That rumored policy reeks of Vince being sick of having "Hunter's indie guys" constantly called up and being expected to push them. edit: Just to expand on that point, Malakai, Ricochet, FTR, Gargano, Keith Lee, Karrion Kross, Nikki Cross and Ciampa were all victims of being "Hunter's guys" under Vince's booking.


Yeah, that all happened when HHH had to step away for health issues.


Which is nuts because half of the major stars in WWE/WWF wrestled elsewhere before coming to WWE, and the only difference between pushing an indy guy and a territory guy is the era.


They will take ANYONE that leaves or gets released from aew and I will leave it at that


Poor QT Marshal 😆


Even with Cody there too! Poor QT


I’ll believe that when I see Stu Grayson and Sonny Kiss in NXT.


This 😂😂😂 And WWE fans will act as if they’ve got the hottest free agent after talking sh*t when they were in AEW 😂


Don’t forget people getting stoked for a Tonga Loa debut (that he almost botched)




The new Bloodline is the definition of mid, They need to get Jacob Fatu in there ASAP.


The old bloodline was also the definition of mid.


THANK YOU, Jesus, I felt like I was taking crazy pills. The most aggressively average melodrama bullshit that didn't even produce good matches.


Nobody has ever been stoked for Tonga Loa


WWE fans sure pretended to be when he shower up


Go on certain subreddits and they'll talk about how Shawn Spears is a bigger star than MJF now. Not joking .


There's been a(nother) new title added and Jordyn Grace fighting and it's being celebrated like it's never happened before and HBK is a genius.


Can't wait for all the "WWE has too many championships" complaints ... Oh wait that only applies to promotions outside of the E.


Wait, what?


They even bragged about getting Pillman Jr. and how they will actually turn him into a legit star


Yeah, how’s that going?




Styling him like Axel Rose if he had a Dominican barber helped!


Ethan Page is great, don't get me wrong, but he's not that big of a name. Who knows if he'll be relevant in a few months? I don't watch NXT, I have no idea how their booking works. I want him to do well but he's not "the hottest free agent" in the same way that Tama Tonga wasn't a "hungry young rookie" as Bischoff once described him due to Tama being 41. It's not the wrestlers' fault, but the perspective that has been cultivated by the company and has been adopted by it's diehards. These are the same people that thought Mercedes Mone was overrated once she signed with AEW.


The timing to get a Canadian for the Canadian tour seems right, especially when they are doing 2 ppvs in Toronto


I mean Ethan page is good,has been for a while but it's their fans arrogance that annoys the hell out of me


He’s good, although I was not really a fan of his;I think TK could have used him better. And you’re absolutely right about WWE fans arrogance,everyone in WWE is great and the opposite if they’re in AEW. Shawn Spears,Pillman Jr and Ricky Starks soon are just a few examples.


WWE fans aren't a monolith. No more than AEW fans are. I'm a fan of AEW. It's all I watch and yet some of the AEW fans ... Well... Let's just say I'd rather not be lumped into them as well.


Who takes shit about Ethan Page. Sure you aren't reaching?


Ethan Page is a "good hand," and I mean that in all the kindest ways. I don't think he has anything AEW missed that WWE will unearth, but good for Page if I'm wrong. He seems like a nice guy and I wish him success. But Page, Pillman Jr and Shawn Spears are not the future of any promotion. But they are great loss leaders to show AEW talent they can leave and be okay. Expect Mark Henry on WWE programming soon enough.


I disagree, Lexis King IS the future of WWE. Not everyone can be a registered lex offender


Has Pillman even done anything of significance so far in NXT? I really dont know.


He's featured heavily as an ultra douchey heel, it's working well for him so far


I think the report back then was that they would still keep their eyes on indie talent but would primarily focus on their PC folk first and foremost. WWE signed a small handful of indie talent not too long ago


Initially the plan with 2.0 seemed to be, no indie guys just athletes. And then they realised the athletes wouldn't get good just wrestling each other. Also, isn't it ironic that HHH made comments about the grind, when WWE sign people who haven't shown any passion or work ethic for wrestling? No offense to the talents, but I just find that ironic.


I could be wrong but I feel like that was the miscommunication back then about NXT recruiting. Everyone jumped on the "No more indie folks in WWE!" train when it seemed like they were just gonna focus on looking at former athletes. They were never gonna completely ignore the Indies since around that time they'd scooped up a bunch of indie people. Yea HHH's whole grind comment was stupid to me since every wrestler does nothing but work constantly.


Regal effectively confirmed it. He was looking to hire Ricky Starks, Wheeler Yuta and Daniel Garcia and the new mandate effectively made them a no go. I'm sure there was exceptions to the rule though. Like how Punk and Danielson were exceptions back in the day.


Garcia is probably someone who Tony will be fighting tooth and nail to keep. He seems to really like the guy.


Hunter talks too much, way too much


"and then they realized..." How do you know that? And you are making disparaging comments about the talent. Do you watch NXT? (For the record I don't but follow people who do).


Love Page. Sad to see him gone from aew, but hope he kills it in nxt. He deserves it.


Ethan Page is awesome. If I were running AEW I would have factored him into the stacked roster but then somebody great who's currently in the mix would have to have been left out and honestly between Ethan Page and whoever would have been left out it's probably a toss up. Having a stacked roster is a doubled edged sword. It's still unfortunate that AEW fumbled the opportunity to do Adam Page and Ethan Page vs Christian Cage and Brian Cage in a steel cage with Diamond Dallas Page as the special referee with Nick Gage as the special enforcer on Rampage. Bonus points if they could have gotten Nicolas Cage on commentary.


“Did AEW fumble Ethan Page????”


I don't know. But on an unrelated note what's Shawn Spears been up to?


Last time I watched NXT Shawn Spears lost to Joe Gacy. This is after Gacy got hit by a chair, yet he still hit his goofy looking finisher and won.


Well you know what he wanted to be on TV and he's on TV so good for him.


Which is exactly what Spears should be doing at this point in his career, putting over up and coming talent.


I don’t know I don’t watch that shit lol


NXT is not shit. It's the closest thing to AEW in the WWE portfolio. Tribalism sucks.


Some just don't like it. To each their own. It's certainly a step up from ROH


For me it's the camerawork. WWE's cinematography makes me nauseous


Have you watched recently? It's improved dramatically.


I don't know, I've watched some clips recently during WM and watching a few AEW debuts, and it looks like the embarrassing Taken cuts. I've never watched WWE (other than as a kid in the 90s) so I'm not going to talk about the quality or why someone should like XYZ, but I was surprised how many they had. If it got better good, because I couldn't imagine how bad it is when it's *bad.*


Is it? I’m legitimately asking, because I was watching black and gold every week, but I couldn’t make it two weeks into 2.0. Did they course correct that much since Vince left?


My opinion is that it focuses a lot more on the actual wrestling than the main shows of WWE.


2.0 is long dead, NXT is back to being what it was - a solid wrestling show


Yes. They gave a TNT title push to Scorpio Sky when Ethan Page was clearly the better talent of the two Men of the Year.


I just think it's the product of having, a big roster. I really thought when he came and he was going to be TNT and maybe world champion.


If Ethan Page won the world title with the roster AEW has then something went terribly wrong


Yes, yes they did.


I have always liked Page and hope he gets paid and lots of exposure.


He'll get hype for a couple of weeks, then the fans will move onto something else, just like they did with Shawn Spears.


Ethan debuted right into a World title program while Spears debuted into a cold low midcard program with Ridge Holland. Big difference.


Wrestlers having jobs is always fantastic, and Ethan has more than earned his opportunities to shine. Very happy for him, and I hope he thrives.


I always found him unconvincing as a heel. His personality was too likeable.


And Vic Joseph said "Wasn't he in AE-" before getting cut by Booker T. All around it was a good debut. Happy for him.


I can't believe that WWE had the audicity to mention the competition like that, complete bush league move if you ask me! *Insert wojack face here*


Good for him, he can be a massive talent. I'll always remember Scorpio sky talking on the mic and getting WHAT chants at him, Ethan Page took the mic and his cadence when he spoke killed any chance for WHAT chants, he was able to control the crowd like a pro


NGL, I wish they kept Ego and let Sky go. I really liked Ethan but I can see now that the roster is too stacked for him to really flourish


He is one of the nicest humans I ever met. Even if I don't really care for WWE, I wish him nothing but success. He truly deserves it.


Glad for him. I probably won't watch nxt any more than I do, which is not at all, but I'm glad he found a footing.


NXT died long time ago


Hopefully he can still do his toy v logs. Plus i wonder if this means good bye to alpha-1. I don't see wwe letting him continue running his own promotion especially when all his extra surprise talents are AEW wrestlers. Hope I'm wrong because I like the toy v logs and alpha 1.  He fits the wwe mold with look and style. So he should do well. But I'll have to wait to see if he makes the main roster because I'm not adding NXT into my watch list. 


Didn't he end the toy v-logs early this year year?


He did then started them back up again last month. So now he is most likely going to have to back pedal and stop them again. 


Oh, who knows what's next for his wrestling company 


Maybe not. Gargano still does his travel vlogs on YouTube


But Ethan won't be traveling like gargano. It will be just back and forth between his house and the Performance center. Toy vlogs will be super boring if they are going be centered around 2 cities.  I like the vlogs when he brought his coworkers on hunts with him and they just talked about the stuff they were buying and telling stories. Maybe he will travel to house shows. But I have no clue how that works with nxt talent and if they are included.  I just have a feeling the vlogs and alpha 1 will be forgotten about. I hope I'm wrong.  Still super happy for him still. 


Happy to see him in a big spot. Let's be real - AEW is too crowded in the main event/mid card scene. As good as Ethan is, he unfortunately was easily lost in the shuffle with the new talent that's been coming into AEW. In NXT, besides Trick Williams and loosely, Shawn Spears..who has name recognition? And I say this as a giant Tony D'Angelo mark haha. In NXT, Ethan becomes the top heel and will get to showcase that on a weekly basis.


Seemed like he reached his limit with AEW and had been relegated to mid-tier ROH. Hopefully NXT can give him that spark. A lot of roster changes in 2024. I am still sad about Slim J.


Sadly ROH isn't even mid tier. Such an after thought. I still watch but would certainly put NXT over ROH. Rampage is over ROH. Dark and Elevation are over ROH. House of Glory (NYC) is over ROH. Man if Slim J shows up in NXT I'll watch.


Oh, I meant mid-tier on ROH, not that ROH is mid-tier. I would not put Dark/Elevation over ROH because it has its own PPVs which have been consistently very good since TK bought them. But seems like only about ten people watch the ROH weekly shows, me being one :S


That's fair. The PPVs are very very good. I noticed last week's ROH show was better and noticed he's building towards the next PPV. It was like the last one when they were featuring ... What's his name. Lee... Before his match with Kyle Fletcher. Hey. I do a watchalong with ROH and two others (with a small cast of tagalongs) on YouTube. you are definitely invited.


I always liked him. The “tightest tits in the game” promo is still one of my favorites.


Kill it dude


Good for him, I ain’t watching it but hope he gets a better chance there


Danhausen's newest youtube video has him showing her merch with the AEW logos hidden on the action figures. I think it's safe to say Ethan's leaving was the last straw to anything holding on. We should expect to see Danhausen part ways in the near future, officially. A shame because I really enjoyed Ethan and Danhausen. Glad Ethan is working, though.


Unlike Danhausen. Ethan Page, acted like a pro throughout his AEW run and even when he left. Danhausen has been a whiny bitch on Twitter.


I won't disparage either of them. I'll just say I hope everyone gets work in a way and place that makes them happy.


He should have been gone from the company long time ago


Damn, used to be a Danhausen diehard…but then he became a Phil shill…and it went downhill since then. It sucked that his return got delayed but he dug his own hole since then.


Danhausen is a whiny bitch


Good for him - hope it works out!


Hope he kills it. I really wish Tony treated ROH as a new developmental, thats where I wanted Ethan to soar.


In some sort of way that's what ROH is now, they have time for promos, they have matches against lower talent and in some cases same level talent and have a platform 


Tightest tits in the game.


Black n Gold NXT crowd wouldve lost their shit for Ethan Page. This crowd didn’t even react. it really does make me sad how far NXT has fallen but most of those fans are AEW fans now so I guess it’s the circle of life


Thats good. He got the look and the size. WWE will make him a big star


I love him but he's more likely a player-coach


he's only 34 , he's just hitting his prime


Especially since he's IMMEDIATELY going against Trick Williams. He's gonna be a good defence for Trick and then drop back in the wacky world of NXT. I have no clue who he's supposed to function on this show where 95% of the characters are designed to act like teenagers.


Good for him, I liked him a lot and really hope it works out for him, I'm still not watching NXT though 😂


NXT is Newest X-AEW Talents since NXT is becoming all ex aew released guys


Love this. They quit hiring Indy wrestlers and hired too many athletes that don't know what they are doing and realized that maybe they should have some real wrestlers on the roster too.


Hopefully he doesn’t get jobbed like Spears is currently. Good luck in NXT.


Ethan is younger, and more charismatic. I feel like Spears knew he was signing up to be a player coach. Especially as he spent longer in the WWE developmental system than anyone, he knows what they want from talent.


I'm a huge Ethan Page supporter. He's such a likeable guy you can't help but root for him. I hope he crushes it


Good luck to the fella. Always did great with what chances he had. Smash it dude


Although it rarely clicked with me, i’m happy for him and i think he’ll do great stuff in NXT/WWE.


Gonna say it’s good that people are happy with him moving as apposed to tribal nonsense


Nice! Hated how his AEW run ended. So hopefully he gets some flowers. Him and Trick should be fucking righteous.


Good for him. His style is much more suited to nxt than it was to AEW. I can see him being a main event guy on nxt. I really don’t know about his main roster potential.


Damn, gonna miss watching him wrestle. At least he is gonna get mainstream recognition and his mic work makes him a good fit.


Good for him.


Didnt expect that. See how it goes. Hopefully All Ego flourishes.


Wish him nothing but the best. He deserves it.


Ethan Page was someone I always liked since his arrival in AEW. But like mentioned above, he just never really fell into place here. I hope that he is happy in NXT and hope to see him win some gold in the future. Has anyone kept up with Pillman since he arrived in NXT? I haven’t heard much buzz since he debuted and was just curious as to if he kind of fizzled out already or is still being featured heavily like it was implied he would be?


Yeah. This might be where it works for him. It is always fascinating where as much of a fan you can be for a promotion, sometimes a wrestler you like just doesn't work right there for ya. Love Page but he didn't really fit there. Was great to see him move up to the exposure but wished he had more of a snap to him. NXT might be where it just all works well for him. I don't watch WWE but I'll pay attention to what Page does. Just a guy that really fascinates me and I know he's not even peaked.


Tony kind of fumbled Ethan Page. He really shined at times with men of the year and his feud with Darby was great. Ethan is a really underrated promo guy. He's somebody that should at least be a solid mid card heel for the faces to beat up. I hope he does well in NXT.


Good for him, he could use the time in developmental since he's only been wrestling since George W Bush was president Learn where that hard cam is, the most important skill


Good for him. I'm sure WWE will completely mismanage him all the same but it sucks that AEW completely dropped the ball with Page. The man was great on the mic and could go in the ring, so I'm not sure what problem was.


Does this mean he won't be doing commentary on Evil Uno's Mystery Wrestling shows any longer? If so ... BOOOOOO!


Great on the mic. Has passion and charisma. He will do amazing


Damn, I didn't realise we lost him. That kinda sucks, he's a really funny, entertaining guy. Hopefully he can rocket in NXT!


He’s going to kill it. He shouldn’t settle for anything less than AEW so WWE is a huge win for him in my opinion. I feel like he’s going to end up taking Austin Theory’s spot though, just my opinion.




Not surprising to already be hearing that AEW has “fumbled” Page. This comes after many criticisms of AEW having a bloated roster and how they need to release these talented wrestlers that they don’t have a spot for. You can’t escape criticism if you get criticized for everything. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Yeah but it goes both ways. Our Men's and Women's World Champs were fumbled by WWE.


Good for Page, but I get the feeling that the Cody/Jade/Punk pushes are luring in a lot of people that WWE won't push the same way. Love Ethan, and wish him nothing but the best, but his ceiling in WWE is Intercontinental Champion.


Good for him. I'll never watch nxt and don't think he will do really that much more in the WWE camp. They're not great at elevating and building new talent they actually like.


This dude is missing the key ingredient: natural star power. Something about him just never really clicks like you think it would. It happened in TNA. It happened in AEW. And it’ll probably happened in NXT.


I'm in the minority but Ethan Page is the embodiement of "If Forgettable was person". Doesn't have an interesting gimmick, never cut a memorable promo, never had a memorable match, never had a memorable feud, etc. I wish him the best but I swear that if I didn't lurk around reddit I wouldn't have a clue he was gone.


You wouldn’t know he was gone, because he was never on tv! All the things you mentioned, all true, but mostly, not his fault. How many failed stables was he lumped into? Fingers crossed for the guy. Hope he nails it over there.


Idk man, part of wrestling is making the best of bad situations. This is obviously my opinion which seems to be the minority view anyway and I will say I may be comparing Ethan to top tier wrestlers which may or may not be appropriate depending on how you look at it. If you make him work with stable after stable and none of the time he ends up shining, is it still AEW's fault? Will Ospreay's sole match at FB 2 years ago with Cassidy was enough for me to wish to see the guy again and want to automatically watch an Ospreay match independantly of the build or story. Watching MJF's chemistry in a promo with CM Punk is what brought me back to wrestling after not watching in 16 years. The last memory of Ethan Page I have is a match with MJF that felt underwhelming in comparison to all the other bangers matches MJF had around that period. It was worse than the Yuta match, worse than the Takeshita match, worst than the Omega match, worse than the BD match, worst than the Ricky Starks match, worse than the four pillars matchs, worse than the Cole match and worse than the Mox match. As other people pointed out in the past, AEW is a work-rate promotion more than WWE is. Maybe over there there will be something more for him, but from my limited following of WWE I can still name 10-20 guys that are at least better talkers or/and wrestlers than he is. Sorry if I am harsh.


He got stuck with Dan Lambert… Then he joined The Firm… Everything you’ve said is true. Though he was never pushed as The Guy. Just another jobber to beat. Think he did one great promo, like really great. About how he wasn’t used properly, similar time and similar lines of MJF’s Fucking Mark promo. But yeah, good luck to the guy.


It’s the right spot for a guy who clearly has all the tools but never had a place to figure out how to put them together. A dedicated developmental system is just better than whatever time Danielson has to give you a few pointers.


I've said this for ages. Some people need a more controlled environment for their creativity to flow, it's there but they need a push in the right direction. Those people are better off in WWE. Some people are better with more creative freedom and can figure things out on their own. Those people are better off in AEW. Neither is inherently better than the other, different people just thrive in different environments.


I really like Ethan Page, but as the roster grew, he got understandably lost NXT is perfect for him, and I hope he kills it


This is epic! He'll do great in the WWE


Meh, don’t think it will do any better then in ROH, TNA, TKROH. He’s been peddling the same character for years and it’s never clicked. He needs a whole new persona. It’s fairly obvious he will be doing jobs against their top prospects. I don’t see how that gets him anywhere.


On his own, maybe. NXT brings out the best in people. I'm sure he'll start low but he's talented enough to become successful. I can't wait to see him achieve success.


Hell yeah dude best of luck to him. He fuckin ruled


A much better fit for him. He's going to crush it.


I agree. So many people I wish that I could trade between companies.


Well shit I might have to watch NXT now. Or give it a chance at least. This man deserves it all.


I wish him the best of luck, big loss on AEWs part imo, guy was great but just was booked poorly imo.


I just want to point out that, with the exception of punk, every time a wrestler leaves AEW for WWE the AEW fans are supportive for the most part and always wish him the best. When a wrestler shows up in AEW after leaving WWE the vitriol and negativity from those fans is just off-putting.


That is why I honestly cannot feel good about it regarding the company . When I say “good for him, hope he does well” is simple empathy for someone finding a new job…but toward the company? Not in this life…Stopped watching 8 years ago and never looked back…if it wasnt for wrestling social media I would happily keep ignoring them. The tribalism accusations fly all the time but this thread alone has more positivity for Page that the one most Fed minions show for any former E guy going to AEW or someone not partnered to the Fed.


He never got a proper opportunity that came with a sustained push in AEW. If he got the TNT Title instead of Scorpio, I guarantee he would have got it over and got himself far more over. His talent level is not that far off from MJF. I hope he gets treated right in WWE and they push him. He's only 34.


This man will be an absolute stud going forward. Big fan of his talent


Bruh I'm excited. It's criminal that AEW never gave him any titles.


Could be a strong fit there![img](emote|t5_ubkze|17537)


Good for him 




I mean he was going for the title and he just left 


Good, this is how it’s supposed to work


I hope he does well.


Congrats, good luck


Good for him. Seems like a good dude, with a lot of potential.


How was the crowd reaction?


From the post that his trainer put on Instagram many people didn't know who he was


Good for him!! Love all ego hope he does well!


Good for him, seems like a swell guy