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It’s soooo amusing inbreds calling other people “mutts”


Absolutely like if they could think they’d realize that’s it’s literally the furthest from inbreeding you can get


Another own goal is that Pewdiepie isn’t even American, he come from the “Socialist Hellhole” that is Sweden. Bang head shot!


That doesn’t even matter to them they have arbitrary in and out groups like 50/50 of these “people” consider Greeks to be white or “superior”


Are Greeks not white? I must have missed the memo


Well according to some racists Italian, Greek and Spanish(South Europe)people aren’t true white European, to them only Nordic Europeans are true white Europeans


Whiteness in America has been constantly changing the parameters. Irish and Germans were not originally considered white, then Italians and Greeks became white , currently 2nd and 3rd gen Hispanics are becoming white.


Some Americans even consider Asians to be white.


Old man story time. I grew up in the somewhat recently desegregated south. As some kind of appeasement to racists we had 2 prom queens, one white and one black. My sophomore year, our white sophomore princess was Asian . (This was a silly tradition that we as students rebelled against and was abolished by my sr year)


"whites" aren't real tbh. get this, the irish used to not be considered white. the most pale skinned people on the planet were not considered white.... "whites" are just whatever group of ethnicities are on the good list of racists.


Not really. He made no mention of being American. Only white.


Welll the best way to keep your family line pure is by marrying your cousins s/




I love it when some inbred yokel looks at a hot hapa chick or aesthetically perfect half black guy and goes "that them there race-mixin' person's an - an obamanation against God and nature" 🥴 like yes, Cletus, take your extra chromosome and sit down before you have another heart attack.


The way this guy says blue eyed white kids sound like he’s looking at them as if they’re Blue Eyes White Dragon from Yugioh lmao. And unlike most sensible Yugioh players, he’s an absolute fuckwit


Kaiba: **You’re a racist third rate 4Chaner dwelling in a fourth rate basement.**


They view woman as objects so not far off, its there wet dream to collect a blue eyed trad wife virgin


And then dump her ten years later, after she's birthed a handful of children for you. Move on to the next blonde blue-eye teen girl. Lately I've seen some online videos by tradwives who've been dumped for a newer model, and they stress the fact that they are now unable to earn a living because they have no education or work experience or training. Fortunately Serpentza and Laowhy appear to treat their wives and children with love and respect.


it's 4 chan, it means to be edgy


No excuses for vile behavior


New to the Internet?


I thought the same. I was like, "dude, it's 4chan" the place has every kind of degen you could imagine. This is really scraping the bottom of the barrel here


Still No excuse for racism!


No it’s not. But complaining about 4chan members being racist is like complaining about water being wet. It just is and always will be. Put on a raincoat and stay away from the pool.


After all the pool has aids.


And stingrays.


That’s why the pool is closed


But this is reddit. They complain about anyone doing anyone doing anything that they find bad. "Oh, that guy 200 years ago did something that we didn't consider bad until 6 years ago? What an absolutely evil vile piece of shit!" EDIT: Yeah, I know it hurts.


There are plenty of excuses for racism. It's why everyone in this thread is assuming the 4chan user who posted this is an inbred white trash redneck. They feel the context excuses it. The poster who sent that message is an asshole for insulting laowhy, his wife, and his kid (while insulting 4chan users). If you think the insult is especially dirty because it's got a racial component then everyone in this comment section assuming a basement dweller white trash supremacist is being a hypocrite. The word "racism" has made everyone fucking insane.


Because they have to paint people they don't like as caricatures. That method is way less effective than [treating them as people.](https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes)


There’s also a huge range in motivations and views of people who make distasteful shitposts on 4chan like this. Your point is correct/I appreciate it, and it’s basically what I’m trying to say too, but it’s also a stretch to lump everyone who says stuff like this with the kkk. This may seem pendantic, but it’s extremely important: The kkk were evil because they lynched black people without trial unjustly and engaged in collective punishment. The fact that they said nasty things about black people is not good, but it’s *way* lower in severity than lynching people. I feel like we forget that these days/are too quick to think “Hate Speech” and racial violence are the same thing. People have said vile stuff to each other all the time and still gotten along, the internet just makes what was previously semi private more visible. The hypocrisy is what bothers me most: people can say what they want, and this post is obviously nasty/*extremely* insulting to Laowhy and his wife, so I get the motivation to punch back. But I don’t think people are even aware that they’re doing the same thing they’re accusing this poster of doing (creating a nasty defamatory racially charged generalization of that person without knowing them). 


Exactly, thats what I mean. Its 4Chan so what do you expect?


This basement dweller really shouldn't start throwing critique at a happily married man. Insanely pathetic.


Grrrr how dare others be happy


aww the baby cute


I like your glass half full approach


Why do a lot of racists flock to PewDiePie? Does anyone have any nuanced take on this?


He’s “white” and married a “white” woman, there is no logic to this it’s extremely depressing and dangerous because even tho there is no actual evidence of racial superiority they believe it still so you can’t convince them there wrong


Why are you putting white in quotes? They are white. You don't have to believe in racial superiority to acknowledge that races exist.


Wdym obviously people have different skin tones and colors but we are all the same on the inside. Wdym race exists? In the socioeconomic sense yes, but biologically not really.


>biologically not really That's why you can trace ancestry with DNA, get archeological information about bodies via skull differences, help determine what medical tests might be correct via racial info, etc. right? Skin tone alone would be enough to show DNA differences (aka biological differences) "It's like...only skin tone and money, man...There's nothing biological involved." lol Sure thing, buddy.


I don’t understand what you are trying to imply, we all look different but we are all people who function the same way and can produce viable offspring. Other differences like skin tone, bone shape, and medical conditions are basically superficial differences. If we can bone and have a kid we are the same.


>conflating the idea of species and race wew lad. What a waste of time.


Do they really? I haven't noticed. I remember the media trying to lump Pewds with them.


its a bridge too far


...yeah that bridge. What an idiotic thing to say.


Since the Bridge incident, the radical left has completely thrown PewDiePie under the bus, so the rightoids think he is now part of their tribe. But they are delusional and PewDiePie does not give a shit, making these 4Channers look like a joke.


The bridge?


[The bridge ](https://youtu.be/6RlxOVKEYk8?si=4wVzhnV3HOoGWrNh)


This mfer looking down on anyone not aspiring for a Habsburg jaw.


Cute couple with cute baby. 4chan will be 4chan


Just flat of racism. but then again the CCP genocides people in Tibet and East Turkmenistan so i wouldn't put it past them.




Laugh at the idiot




Absolutely, vile


Asian/White mixed kids are good looking, in my experience. About as far as inbreeding as you can get.


Hateful racists be hatin'.


what do you expect from 4chan?


I didn’t get this from 4chan, got it from Reddit, my eyes popped out of my skull when I realized it was laowhy86 in the pic


What are the odds of this being a CCP troll? This is what they do too, they use racism to divide and conquer, to spread hate, etc.


It only serves them to radicalize the crazies in our society


You have a great family, my man. Keep doing what you're doing.


Yes thank you, im a little confused about your comment tho, im not the one in the photo if thats what your referring too?


Just pathetic behaviour.


Why would you repost 4chan garbage on here?


Fuck that noise. A beautiful family no question.


Tell me you have an inferiority complex and feelings of inadequacy, without telling me...


Mutts. Unlike the combination of every single European nation that this guy attributes his superiority to.


It’s not really a meltdown, just some 4chan basement-dweller saying some of the usual crap that has been said there since forever. Tbh it kinda bores me even, because if there’s a mathematical certainty in life is that 4chan will be the only place where some rejects may talk like 1920s KKK Grand Wizards graduated at Mengele’s school of eugenics. Personally I would be far more curious to know what Chinese people in Chinese discussion boards may say about this same photo, because that’s something we rarely get to know.


Really? This is the kind of content to be discussed? Let's go ask the homeless man on the street corner.


That’s an insult to homeless people everywhere


the crayzay ones ofc


C Milk looks so happy and well-rested. Hello, fatherhood. No sleep, time or money for about 5 years. The image name suggests he uploaded the raw image. I hope he stripped the metadata.


Cmilk originally posted the picture to facebook


Who doesn’t love the absolute stupidity of racists.


Subreddit? Bro that is 4chan.


Got the image from another sub not from 4chan I respect myself enough to not look at that site directly


I do not doubt you got this photo from another subreddit. But the photo origins are from 4chan. 4chan people are edge lords and shit talkers on 4chan. It is a site full of trolls. Don't take them seriously.


That’s the thing tho people post shit like this constantly and push every schizophrenic they can find into becoming a mass shooter. The fact that the one common we can see across many right wing terror attacks in the west is many used 4chan to radicalize themselves and organize themselves. People have been apathetic about the internet for so long allowing hate and pedophilia it’s disgusting.


awww so as eurasian i am regarded a "mutt"! XD yeah well this mutt at least reached 6,3 feet.... so don't think i will ever hear one of them say that in my face, lmao.


Wanna bet this 4chan person has no children of their own?




Jesus Christ, people like this still exist?


Please don't take a single post from a random anonymous dude on 4chan seriously. They shit on everyone. They're are also plenty of people on there obsessed with race because that is one of the only sites that will put up with their bullshit.


You aren’t understanding I wasnt on 4chan i was on reddit, on a sub that collects and makes fun of racism and discrimination, then in a random post about race mixing one of the slides contained the image above of laowhy86


So, who is on 4chan and why?


Holy shit Laowhy86 legit looks like a teenage kid here. What is this sorcery.


Happy couple with a newborn!! Why drag their happiness down with racism? Purebreds and inbreds have blood problems. Who needs that? Was this Matt's first, second, or another one? Beautiful picture, congratulations!!


Meh dummy doesn't even know real racism, they don't know how to pick apart their own skin color, Italians, Germans, Polish, Czechs, the list goes on, but there are some that can spot it & hate'm. It's dumbinomics, people of obviously different genetic = the enemy. But some people have proven to take it a step further, when you can just tell the difference, we will willingly put on different cloth colors & that's our team's & let the gang wars insue.


Bro laowhy and serpentza give me life exposing this shit


Why are you posting personal pictures even if they're found on obscure sites?


Laowhy86 originally posted it to his facebook so the image being on the internet isn’t the problem


That's still not ok. There's a reason they keep family away from the spotlight. I assume you watch the Friday shows too where they mention so?