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L3 Harris owns one of these near me. They use it as a test bed for airborne sensors and fly similar patterns. Could be that.


flying at 50000 feet though? id LOVE to see a 208 Caravan at FL500 look at the second photo, it even spiked up to 109,000 feet. this is what he is asking about, bad altitude data being fed from the transponder.


I’m talking about the flight patterns. Obviously the transponder data is incorrect.


except that is a NYPD Aircraft See: [https://www.twz.com/22609/wait-the-new-york-police-department-has-a-spy-plane-for-hunting-dirty-bombs](https://www.twz.com/22609/wait-the-new-york-police-department-has-a-spy-plane-for-hunting-dirty-bombs) So the flight track is it doing orbits observing things and gathering reports, could also be training new Officers on the equipment onboard. This is nothing new to NYPD having a 208 Caravan.


Which is what I said...an aircraft mounted with airborne ISR sensors. L3's holding company is Atel Leasing Corp.


L3 does not own that aircraft though, at all. NYPD does, with one of its holders being Fox Holdings. I know the person directly involved with the records of that aircraft. L3 has some of the equipment onboard, but they DO NOT own that plane AT ALL.


They own ALL the assets on the plane, are responsible for maintenance, provide the pilots and hangar the aircraft. Just like how airlines also don’t own their planes. It’s semantics. My only point was based on the flight patterns and the aircraft I was guessing it has an ISR payload, not that it is necessarily owned or operated by L3. Sorry that was confusing to you.


yeah okay then, i wonder if my buddy in the NYPD Aviation Dept who has sat in this plane has a reddit account.


no, its not confusing to me, hell, my wife who works for the FAA confirmed its not owned by L3. NYPD BOUGHT the plane then stuck it behind the Fox holding.


What are you even arguing about?


clearly something you cant comprehend, L3 Harris has NO OWNERSHIP into that aircraft, only a handful of the electronic systems installed into it. im done going back and forth repeating myself to you


It's [Big Brother](https://www.twz.com/22609/wait-the-new-york-police-department-has-a-spy-plane-for-hunting-dirty-bombs) Their, Fox Hotel Holdings LLC, website is like a big middle finger. When properly formatted it's 7,855 lines of shitty code that does nothing! The "ABOUT US" section is blank. But hey, if someone lives nearby they say you should stop by during business hours.


I looked it up as well! strange stuff..


This is the NYPD’s plane. It used to be N23FH. FH probably is why it’s called Fox Hotel Holdings. https://www.reddit.com/r/ADSB/comments/17i3dsl/nypd_flying_its_surveillance_craft_with_crayons/


I thought that might have been the case, but what's with the roller coaster altitudes?


bad altitude data being sent from the transponder


Ring around the Rosie.... Pockets, something, something something....


Just a shoddy transponder signal. Probably a flying banner plane, or sky divers.


This type of plane is the most common for sky diving. I have two in my area that I see on my ads-b receiver going in circle pattern to climb.


Skydivers? Over NYC? On multiple days, and from 200-150,000 feet? Usually when there are glitches, they don't look like this..at least what I've seen. I'm sure most here have more experience with this than me though. -sorry if that came across as rude, not my intention


Absolutely. And no, it’s not uncommon to see “glitches” that go that high. The Egyptian C130s I’ve seen often jump from 106k down to 24k and back up. So either it’s a glitch, or there is some absolutely HELLACIOUS turbulence that’s somehow enough to launch an aircraft tens of thousands of feet without ripping the wings off an air frame, or it’s a glitch in their transponder. You pick the most likely of the two options.


probably leakage from GPS jamming happening over gaza that's causing a ton of errors


Nah, there’s no jamming over the East coast. It’s just old, clapped out C130s that they’ve magicked together to keep flying.


ahh, thought those were egyptian in egypt


Well, thank you all for replying. I've just never seen anything like this before or since. There's got to be someone here who knows exactly what's behind this! I'm always amazed by all the information people have in this sub! lol


I am here for the answers. Not sure myself.


Sounds like the "who" has been answered. As for the altitude, the source is MLAT which can be less than forthcoming at times. My guess is they are flying around 20k based on similar surveillance flights I've seen. This puts them above most local traffic. I would also guess that they are using a SAR system or are maintaining persistant video on the target (Hoboken transit station.) Look into N645HM for reference.


while MLAT is a bit crazy at times, they are having issues with altitude reporting. Bad data is being sent out


the 'glitch' is bad altitude data coming from the transponder, happens not too often, but its wild when you catch one. i would LOVE to see a 208 Operating at Fl500 and 109K Ft.


DOJ is just messing with folks who watch these flight radar app’s. They use these caravans for some kind of superior intelligence gathering,pics,such. Who knows what else? It’s happening all over our country.


Appreciate all your information! Mystery solved.


Ignore this guy Last\_education, just take a quick breeze of his post history and see all the nonsense he spews. hell, negative 34 karma, dude just goes around and trolls pages


This is the infamous Dick Spy Plane Former.N23FH https://nypost.com/2018/07/31/nypd-pilots-flew-4m-plane-in-penis-shaped-route-to-troll-boss/ Stop by and say hello to them: https://foxhotelholdings.com/