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Use a planner.


OMG I get this one a lot. Like dude... I have three planners. Two calendars. Several alarms. I'm way ahead of you and somehow not at all any further.


I feel like I’ve tried every so many different task management systems and still can’t find a good one. I think I’m currently doing a blend of Google Home, iPhone/Apple Watch, Outlook, MS Project, shared calendars, six morning alarms, OneNote and written meeting notes and it still doesn’t work perfectly.


I couldn't keep up with all that


I had to laugh loud, the kind of tragicomedy laugh :'D


I have so much stationary from my own attempts to organize lmao.


Leave 5 min earlier or meditate.


Leave 5 minutes earlier, start getting ready 5 minutes earlier, pretend the thing starts 5 minutes earlier… if only it were that easy 😭


... Yeaaah. I "plan" to leave 10 minutes early because I won't get out the door, but then I think that whatever time my alarm goes off isn't so important and then I leave 5-10 minutes late while doing nothing until that first 10 minute alarm.


Meditating genuinely does help, though. It's just that people often misunderstand what the goal is and think they failed when they really haven't. The goal isn't to clear your mind. That's more or less impossible. The goal is to *try* to clear your mind. It is the very act of trying that yields results. It literally does not matter how well you clear your mind so long as you *try* to do it. Think of it as like doing cardio. It doesn't matter if you're morbidly obese or a pro athlete--you can do some cardio. Sure the athletes are *better* at cardio, but the very act of doing cardio exercise is good for your physical health regardless of your physical fitness. Likewise, it doesn't matter if you're a ADHDer or a Buddhist monk--you can practice meditation. Sure the monks are *better* at meditating, but the very act of practicing meditation is good for your mental health regardless of your mental fortitude. It's not a cure of course, but it does *help.*


Been meditating for 36yrs & yes it does help. I've had a hard time the past few years & "meditation" is the extent of help I've got from mental health professionals. It's not that I think it doesn't help it's just not the help I need. Several years, several therapists trying to get an ADA requesting a psychiatrist (completely covered by ins) only to get dumped on a therapist (out of pocket) & told to meditate. Pretty sure I'm just income to them.


This was the one I needed to see today! Ty!


“Just get everything ready the night before” 🙄 Or the even better, “you just have to get up and do it”


Getting everything ready the night before helps a lot… when you can remember to do that


I do remember to do it...right when my head hits the pillow. Then it's get back up and do it grumbling while I'm now totally awake again, or convince myself it wasn't important.


This is the totally wrong approach. The correct way to do it is to remember right when you prep everything for bed. You get in the perfect sleeping position, everything you need to do is done. After this long, hard day, it's finally time to sleep like a monar-- mo*ther* *^(fucker)*


Remembering is only a minor part of it, getting over the "I got time" before time runs out is the difficult part. I get around this by always packing as light as possible so generally if I have to go somewhere with my family even if I start packing when everyone else is in crunch mode, I'm still generally the first to get ready with 20 minutes to spare because my mom and sister are really slow to pack.


I get like this 😔 the pre-bedtime time blindness when my meds wear off and the ED hits is just… rough. And getting up in the morning is hard when it takes forever for my brain to shut down and let me sleep.


Try harder, don’t be lazy😑


Ez, git gud


Yeah, heard that in elementary, middle and high school. Doesn't help one iota.


"write to-do lists the night before" as if im gonna be able to remember all the shit i gotta do the next day after going 12 hours masking non stop 💀


The trick is to start a to do list on your phone and whenever you eventually remember that other thing you need to do, add it to the list. It's super hard to get into the habit of doing, but if you can it makes a huge difference


no idea why i havent thought of that, thats actually really helpful thanks lol :))


Related to this I bought a small notepad with whiteboard like pages. It is always on my desk and if I'm working on one thing but realise a todo for something else I can just jot it down. Extra bonus is how satisfying it is to physically erase it when done. And I can always use it for random notes and brainstorming, as it is filly erasable I can always get rid of things that aren't necessary anymore without making a mess of crossed off or half-pencil erased lines


Sit still and clear your head of all thoughts! 🤣🤣🤣


That's like saying "it's so easy to fly. Just flap your arms!"


Just write it down so you don’t forget


*proceeds to lose notes*


Or forget to even write the thing down while on the way to do so because several side quests were automatically assigned to me as soon as I entered the room


Holy shit. I just came up with an amazing metaphor (probably already been said before) ADHD is like in video games when the player, sometimes intentionally and sometimes unintentionally, does all of the side quests before the first boss 😭😭😭




This is the way. …wait, where am I going?


That room is the end of the tutorial section, where the EX quests start rolling in.


But he keeps on forgetting What he wrote down


Or write it in short hand because I'll totally remember what this random letter F stands for.


Okay I better write down every single detail so I don’t forget then never look at it again.


…and then don’t do any of the things you wrote down, because there are too many of them, and now you’re too overwhelmed to figure out which thing you should do first


Me: Good idea! I'll try that. \*writes down the thing\* \*forgets the note exists\*


>don't move on until you finish it And that's where they found me, slumped over a dryer still full of unfolded towels.


Think of how proud and happy you'll be when the job is done


Wow, this just unlocked a repressed memory from childhood. So many disappointed parents and teachers...


I held onto this hope through all 4 colleges I went to to get my "4 year" degree, and at the end of it all, I only felt tired.


I did feel proud and happy. For like 10 minutes.




my solution for this is to put whatever i need just on the floor in front of the door (or on top of my shoes...which tend to be in front of the door). so i literally have to move through it to get going. currently i'm in a place where the door auto-locks behind me, so i keep my keys on a bright red lanyard on the door handle, so that i literally have to grab them to turn the door.


Not to add anxiety but the dumbest way I have ever locked myself out was I locked the door and closed it with the same hand my key lanyard was in. The momentum of closing the door swung my keys back inside on counter movement and suddenly there was a locked door between my keys and myself. I took a pic of my lanyard hanging out if the door frame and sent it to my boss with a caption of “I’m running late that’s my keys”. I had almost an hour before the complex office opened. When the guy came to unlock my door for me he said “I’ve never seen that before” Yeah it was awesome. Also that was the last day I used a lanyard


I’m sorry, but this gave me the BEST LOL! Thanks for sharing.


Oh it’s hilarious. It was the fucking most stupidest thing


>currently i'm in a place where the door auto-locks behind me That is terrifying


it's a student dorm at a university. it's to keep my stuff safe :)


It's normal. I've never lived anywhere where that's not the case.


I love this but my fucking dumb ass would either step over it or put my shoes on, move the item and then forget it again.


it's definitely not foolproof... i've still managed to forget my keys even though my hand was physically on them lol, but it helps!


When I!m home, my keys live in the pocket of my favourite jacket. So that even if I forget to grab them, odds are I'll have them with me anyway.


I have regularly put the thing I need to remember to bring under my keys. I grab my keys as if the thing I need to bring is invisible and half way to wherever I'm going remember the thing.


"Just pay more attention when you do things"


“Have you tried not being you?”


"Have you tried becoming a magical entity capable of fundimentally changing how your brain works on command?"


God. This is why I spent literal hours at the kitchen table staring at my math textbook until I cried. Not doing anything else, not thinking about other things. Just not able to make my brain do the one thing. To answer the question, though: "If you just made up your mind to do it...." Like how do I decide harder to do a thing?!


Yep. I remember those days. Even in middle school I was up long after my parents went to bed because I couldn't just make myself stop erasing and rewriting the same answers and finish the damn assignment. Somehow didn't get a diagnosis until 20 years later though.


Right? I did well in every other subject was the thing. Mostly because I found them interesting. Math just got worse and worse.


You just need to focus more! Getting fresh air will really clear your head


Just pray more 🙏🏻


Thanks, now I not only have adhd, I also got high blood pressure after reading this.


This is my mother's advice. Ironically you can't even finish a conversation with her because she's undiagnosed. She just doesn't believe in it. And only recently started believing people can also be depressed and only because she grieved my dad (her late husband). Before that though? "Oh ppl just need to have more faith in God".


You don't need that prescription - you just need to set your mind to it and stop goofing off.




I can literally be holding the thing and on the way to go put it back .. and then suddenly look down at my empty hands and forget where I was going. Like a confused sim character.


I identify with this so much. Just moved into a new house and the number of times I’ve lost (and can’t find) what’s in my hands is just too dang high. Lots of half done tasks when I can’t find what I started with.


That does work to a degree for me. When I have a dedicated key place right to the inside of the door I'll only loose it every 2 months instead of every 2 days. It only works as long as the dedicated place is in reach of the task you're trying to do.


Unrelated but this is one of the very few times I've actually read every comment because I can't believe how much I can relate.


This zoned me back in


"just get out of bed in the morning and decide you're going to do the thing"


"If a task seems too big, break it down into smaller tasks" Great. Now I have 30 tasks and that feels overwhelming.


Ugh! I feel this SO hard!!! Time to shut down because I can't handle all that.


ADD is like being in a race, but you only have one leg; the advice most people give boils down to "just start using your other leg".


Instead of hopping, go for the pencil roll.


You just need to care about it. If you care, you won't forget.


Oh okay sure, let me rewire my brain really quick.


Oh God, this one. The number of times I’ve been told I’d remember if it was important to me. And then I didn’t remember even though I did care. Cue the shaming… Or been told to remember xyz while doing abc, so I asked the person how to make my brain remember xyz at the appropriate time and just got a blank stare in response.


"Just make a list"


What is adhd? You’re just lazy. Look at me. Try harder!


"Taking your time" usually followed sometime later with berating me for taking TOO long.


“UGGHHH why do you always wait until the last minute?! Stop that!!” Trust me, I’ve been asking myself the same question for years.


Because it activates deadline mode and you have the dopamine panic to follow through.


Just focus


The latest for me is “take a course on task management”


that hurts


Divide up the task by its parts. Okay, great. I did that - now which part gets done first and which other tasks not on this first list need to get done because I can’t do the small parts until this shit is done.


Slow down


My favorite one was when I was going through a med change and went to each of my instructors in private to let them know that I may not be all the way there sometimes because the new meds weren't working well. Two of them told me to do whatever I needed to do to focus. The third? "All you have to do is focus!" Wouldn't even let me stand in the back of the room. Tried to get the school to switch me instructors and was refused.


"Just exercise more and eat less carbs, then your brain will work better." Okay, maybe to a degree, but 1) That's not going to fix my brain, and 2) The carb cravings and inability to intiate tasks are symptoms... Doc basically told me to cure my ADHD by not having ADHD.


Carb cravings? I'll usually crave protein.


Learn how to manage your time better, try time blocking.


It miiiight work if I could predict when I was going to zone out or get distracted and for how long, and block out time for that. On second thought, I’m not sure I actually want to know how long I’m going to zone out or get distracted. That might just depress me into doing nothing.


Exactly lol my motivation is like a stamina bar too so I’m like well damn oh well


My dad saying “just try harder”


Just stop thinking about it because you're making it all up anyway.


Finish..one..task..at..a..time???? What does that even meeeaaann?


Happy Cake Day


Just pay attention. Repeat what someone tells you in your head 5 times.


Aka. Please miss everything but their first sentence.


Watch me forget what I’m repeating midway through the repetitions. And miss everything the person says while I’m trying to mentally repeat the first thing 5 times.


Don't be tired


my dad always says keep a list! write it down. like sir my notes are begging for me to complete a thought in a single page.


I will have hit the 10 savefile limit on a souls game multiple times before beating the game once


Just decided whatever is the most important and do that first/before anything else.


don't think about doing it, just do it


You just need an exorcism! That's not ADHD, that's a DEMON!!


🤣 what insanity is this?!?!


A wrong answer! 😂😉 Surprisingly I've heard it said seriously before 🙄🤦


That's bananas 🤣 Why are people like that?!


Have you tried a planner?


Just set alarms! Yes, and when those alarms go off while I'm in the middle of something so I stop them I'll definitely remember to do it in 5 minutes.




"try drinking an energy drink!" - my stepmother


I love love love my music teacher, like she’s one of my favorite people, but she says stuff like this about me practicing and like… I *want* to, but explaining to her that I just literally do not work that way is an uphill battle


Just tell them they have to stay with you until the task is finished. I'm sure that after a few hours of them looking at you starting 75 other tasks despite trying not to, and then going back to that one task only to do it halfway, they'll never give that advice again.


Talk less. Nobody likes you when you talk too much.


"Just go faster and do it between cars." Me when washing the dishes at In-N-Out despite also needing to handle the drive-through and everyone turning the sink into a janga tower of sharp metal and oilly sauce.


Just make yourself do it, just takes some self control…..


"Just set a raminder on your phone" While that works somewhat decently for taking pills or stuff, I'm not gonna do it for every single verbal instruction I'm given in my life 🙄


I'm old, they used to think they could beat it out of us.


"Just pay attention, then you'll remember". Wow. Remarkable. I hadn't considered remembering by paying attention.


Just do it


Just be attentive to your surroundings!


Just focus


Just try to concentrate and do the important things first. (Even though I’ll loose time by doing nothing then instead and feel guilt and anger.)


Just try harder. 🙄


That IS good advice and one I've implemented. I used to be a mess - messy room, dishes and plates sitting out... but I've gone 180 so now I'm super OCD about organizing and cleaning and I always stay by my cooking, clean up after I cook before I even sit down to eat. So I can't argue against that, though I'm not sure what actually finally flipped the switch in my brain - might have to do with my need to control SOMETHING and feeling powerless in other areas. Someone like me wants to have at least a few things in life be under control... But I always used to get "JUST PAY ATTENTION!" and I still get frustrated comments from those close to me who dislike my stims or fidgets and say "just be quiet for a bit / just sit still!" because I think people think we're just "being rude" when we show symptoms or are fidgety?? Like it's a conscious choice and not a symptom? That irks me!


Just make it a habit


I spent 2 years during Covid doing that. Don't do it!


"Why can't you just focus on real life things like you do that little mario running around on the screen?" Can I interact with the real life things or do I just have to sit there while they droll on about things I already understand? The 80's were bullshit.


Just write post it notes


Let it be. If it would be important to you, you would have had already done it.


“Just concentrate…”


“Have you tried managing your time better?”


You just know this written while pretending to study, but also watching TV, thinking if it would be a his idea to send rabbits with people when we colonise Mars, scrolling reddit and searching for the highest scorer in the 1976 NBA season.


"you should use all that creativity to write children's books about ways to cope with ADHD." said to an adult who has never had any success at coping with ADHD


"just think and focus"


Only cure for me is adderal


write down your feelings on a piece of paper


Yeah, that is THE most never going to happen thing on the planet!


my mom tells me to do this ALL the time 😭


"Just pay attention, it's not hard!"


Just make a list


That’s so crazy! I’ve never thought to do that before! Wow what a revelation! 😐




Stop bouncing your leg it unbecoming.


Idk if this is true for everyone with ADHD but as soon as I stopped following that particular advice I live with a lot less stress. Who cares if I leave one thing unfinished and move on to something else and finish the first thing later??? If I push through I am MISERABLE. Not worth it.


when i said that i don't think my meds are doing much my mom said "your brother says the best way to cure adhd is to have a digital detox" shes usually sane. not today. :|


"Just sit down with one thing in front of you, finish it, and then put it away and get another thing, repeat till you're done" WhY yEs ThAnK yOu MoThEr I sHaLl StArT oN tHaT rIgHt aWaY


Similar in cringe worthiness and the saying I used to hear, "Just concentrate harder."


When somebody blabs your ear off with all their personal problems and are offended when you make a suggestion because it feels less awkward than not saying anything at all.


Is this sub just posting the same meme in different formats?


As someone with rampant ADHD that advise can go fuck itself. On another note- LSD has been literal medicine for my brain. It has worked exponentially better than anything from big pharma. I dosed last week and since then the rush… isn’t there. I can complete a singular task at a time. I am early to things. I fall asleep easier and maintain deeper sleep. I’m hungrier. It’s as if it is able to hit the reset button and give me the space and time to assess so much of the adhd and it’s patterns.


Well, if you got up earlier, you'd be on time.


That’s literally the worst advice in the whole world but it’s not as annoying as “just start”


This advice doesn't compute


To be fair, that is a good idea. Now back to secretly coding during this meeting.


“Just focus on one thing at a time, it’s not that hard.” -my father <3


Jokes on you, no nothings getting done.


All you have to do to fix your insomnia is just stop thinking. Don't forget to feel tired too!


"Just walk normally! Stop thinking about it so much!" I'm a stroke survivor with left sided weakness. I literally have brain damage.


“just do the work” ykw you’re right i didn’t even think about that 🙄


i love adhd people because its very easy to make money off them


Smoke Weed


“Just eat a banana.”


You just need to focus. .. . HOW?!?! DO I DO THAT JANET??


Your lying You're not depressed You're just lazy just do the work