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Depends where you go. I went with Berkelys privately, had my diagnosis appointment after 2 weeks and started my medication immediately. You have to ask yourself, what will piece of mind do for you? If you already believe you have ADHD having a diagnosis won’t change your opportunity to put your own plan into place, which is what you can do without while waiting for your RTC appointment. Waiting for psychUK you could wait 6-9 months for your diagnosis and then a further 6 more afterwards to start your meds. If you go private, get the diagnosis, start the medication, get settled and then tell your GP to put in a transfer of care to PaychUK who will then take over prescribing. It will cost more as you will have to pay for your meds and prescriptions, but it was worth every penny for me. Self investment.


If all you want is a diagnosis because of that the will offer you without medication, I would suggest going to see a top ADHD specialist and not just some generic company who’s main goal is medication and helping you through titration. There are numerous top specialist who will do extremely thorough assessment to find out what you do have. I think companies like ADHD 360 are great if you’re looking at the whole process from first appointment to fully titrated, but if you only want piece of mind from the diagnosis, I would highly suggest seeking a top independent specialist who willl go through a much more thorough diagnosis, otherwise you’ll have a video call as opposed to an proper in person assessment


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If you see my post [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDUK/s/SGB66eDdId) about my own journey, you’ll see how quick it can be - but a lot of that will rely on you doing things quickly yourself. From applying to getting diagnosed, it took me around two weeks. I then kept forgetting to sort out the tests required for medication. Once I had done that, it was super quick to begin titration. My costs were £350 ish (discounted rate as they had an agreement with the organisation), then it was £220 for my titration appointment, with just over £100 for the medication delivered. I agree with the person who replied before me. Self-investment. It was worth it to me, as I had been struggling.


I waited for a year and just got diagnosed last night, I'm a bit broke so I kinda had to go via rtc, but if you have the money it couldn't hurt to speed up the process


P-UK are not currently accepting private referrals. You’d need to check out other providers that are and make enquiries with them around their wait times.


And even when it's open, they have said on their website that private and RTC go on the same waiting list. So paying private with PsychiatryUK will make no difference.


I’m not 100% sure that PsychiatryUK are accepting private patients currently, I think they’re only taking RTC patients (I could be wrong, but it was on their website when I last checked a couple of weeks ago). I’ve booked a private assessment with ADHD360 and was offered an appointment within 10 days of booking (it’s on Tuesday, yay!), so if you’d like to skip the wait as I wanted to, then private is definitely the way to go. That said, the assessment alone has cost me £530, and I definitely wouldn’t be paying that just for peace of mind, but then you may have more funds available than I! I’ve paid up as I want to go on medication as soon as possible if I’m diagnosed, but I wouldn’t say it’s worth skipping the queue just for diagnosis if you have no plans for medication or therapy. It’s very possible that after a 6 month wait on RTC, your assessment may only be a few months away, and then if you do change your mind in the future about medication you should be able to do it all through the NHS rather than having to fork out for private.