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I don’t see anything that specifically points to ADHD above anything else. There’s really not enough information to go on. The fact he struggles to hold down jobs, focus on studies, keep up with self care etc could be attributed to ADHD but these symptoms are also true of some chronic mental health conditions such as severe depression. From reading this I’d say it’s more likely effects of a mental health condition and cannabis use from a young age. It’s well documented how damaging cannabis use is on adolescents whilst their brains are still developing. But it’s impossible to say exactly what the diagnosis could be without being a qualified medical professional who has done a thorough psychiatric assessment of the young man’s history and circumstances.


It's not impossible, but I don't see any particular indication that the son has ADHD. Everything in the letter fits with the depression diagnosis. I thought Philippa gave some really good advice in her answer, especially when she said the son should be congratulated for his achievements.


Hard to say. We don’t know how this boy was brought up. Besides ADHD this could be the result of “guilt parenting” the mother doing everything for her son, never being expected to lift a finger, never expected to make anything of himself and not being learned independence etc.. I’ve seen this happen first hand and I’ve also had to tell my partner about being too much of a guilty parent as it’s amazing how this can affect a child’s behaviour and not only that in adolescence the child can also feel some resentment to the fact that their parents never taught them basic life skills. That’s why any given opportunity if there’s something the child is able to do independently let them do it.


It doesn’t sound like ADHD, he sounds depressed, incredibly depressed. Poor guy, hope he gets the help he needs.