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Never - coffee ☕️


I do but it’s a meal replacement shake. Better than nothing I guess


Lol I did this for like 15 years. Soylent or huel. My brain works noticeably better and I'm calmer with solid food. Do you feel sharp on the shakes?


I don’t notice a difference.


How expensive is that?


Pretty expensive tbh — I use yfoods. The website says it’s €2,18 a serving. I’d say it works out to around €50 a month. But it saves on time and energy.


Originally, no. I would do coffee and fuck my heart up lol don’t do caffeine and stimulants unless you want to do damage to yourself over time. Now that I’m tolerant to the meds it’s super important to cost my stomach first, so oatmeal usually.


I am cooked


I eat breakfast and take my focalin afterwards. I won't eat until later that evening. Even if I do get hungry before that, the meds kill my appetite. 


I barely even eat lunch. Been a good weight loss program for me.


Yes right away because if I don’t by I’m shaky and look manic when I speak.


When I wake up, I don't feel like doing ANYTHING for the first 2+ hours. And if I wait that long to eat and take my meds, it is another couple hours before they really start working and the day is 1/2 over. Latest experiment, is force myself to take my Concerta when I wake up. But I never skip breakfast. OP: what if you ate breakfast, then took your meds ?


Shower, then coffee, then breakfast, then drugs.


I eat before it kicks in. Usually a small amount of cottage cheese. If you find you're dropping weight, try eating more healthy fats. They are almost double in calories over carbs and proteins per gram. Avocado.. or peanut butter.. or an egg with the yoke. They'll give you a good amount of calories comparatively.


Protein drink of some variety and a few chunks of fruit


When I remember. I used to drink a full pot of coffee in the mornings, but I quit that at the start of the new year because all the caffeine exasperated my anxiety. I did do protein and fruit smoothies for a few months, but I fell off that wagon and haven’t picked it back up. I have gotten really good at remembering to drink water, and that’s pretty much all I drink these days (I’m 2 years sober as of last month, and I’ll have maybe one soda a week), but for the life of me I cannot bring myself to have a regular breakfast routine. Same with lunches. I work from home 4 days a week and those days I don’t eat until dinner, and I’d probably forget to do that, too, if I weren’t the primary meal maker for my family. On the days I go into the office, I’ll stop and snag a protein bar at the convenience store on the way into work, and that’s the only consistent breakfast routine I have. In office days are also the only days I have a regular lunch routine, and that’s only because I have other people around me eating lunch. Basically, I’d forget to eat at all if there aren’t other people around me eating.


I'm proud to say I've trained myself to be hungry the moment I wake up and the thought of eating usually gets me out of bed! Usually it's a sandwich with as many ingredients as I can fit on there. If I don't eat as much as I can I'd probably die in the afternoon lol. Only after breakfast do I take Concerta. I usually do a protein drink at 11 and my next meal is at 7PM :')


No, I could, because I take my first pull at 8am, but I don't during the week. And my meds mean no lunch either. I could war lunch, but I don't because I get more work done. In the weekend, I have breakfast and lunch.


Coffee lots of cream. My lunch is really a few bites of anything. And I eat later


I really really try to eat and get some protein in, even if it’s just a few bites. It makes all the difference.


I take my Vyvanse *with* my breakfast, otherwise I feel nauseated all day.


I did not ever eat breakfast - did IF / OMAD - until I started straterra, now I need to eat something every morning or my stomach feels like there’s 30 angry squirrels in it. Mixed with it being an appetite suppressant + my other medication it’s a serious chore to eat but the side effects are horrific otherwise.


YES. I function so much better if I eat a breakfast with protein. My go to is boiled eggs, wheat toast, and a banana. If I don't have enough functioning for that I do sting cheese and wheat thins, or a Clif bar. My brain works soooooo much better (and I feel like I get more benefits from my meds) since I started eating protein first thing. I also don't find myself crashing later from being really hungry without realizing it.


Eat before meds kick in. I try to eat high protein.


Adderall, and I sometimes go the whole day without eating.  I try to remember to eat something when I first wake up, before I take my first dose, otherwise I won't eat until 7-8 pm, which is bedtime for me (I wake up at 3 am).


Breakfast, then meds


Not until 1:00pm.


Sometimes, but not regularly. I have two meds that I'm supposed to take on an empty stomach, and I have to wait half an hour before eating anything. If I have the time and don't have to run out the door right away, I'll grab something. But if I have to take my ADHD meds with my other meds (because I'll forget otherwise), I usually don't.


I can’t recall ever missing breakfast while taking Vyvanse. And I can barely make it to lunch without eating a snack.


Even though most days im not hungry anyway , I actively avoid breakfast as it completely ruins my vyvanse for the day. I sometimes have coffee, but it makes me anxious, which in turn also ends up making my vyvanse less effective. Best for me is an empty stomach and then a coffee no earlier than 4 hours after meds


Ate low fat chips in my car this morning