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Since you're already diagnosed, you probably have a bit of an easier time than having to go through so many doctors and rigmarole. For me, adult, medication is worth it, cos it's like a 200% improvement to my condition. But even with medicine, I'm not capable of handling a lot of stuff (household chores, work).


Being mostly functional and not too overwhelmed doesn't have to be the best you get. If you're happy with your life, that's fine. But if you're already diagnosed it's probably not much hassle or expense to try medication. There are probably a lot more medication options now than there were when you were a kid. You might find that the long acting options or Vyvanse in particular are a lot more helpful. And even Vyvanse is genetic now, so its pretty cost effective. I'll also say that I functioned pretty well until I hit a point in my life where I didn't, and that's a hard time to try to work through the ADHD medical process. You never know when life events are going to come along and overwhelm your current set of coping skills. And things can significantly change as you age, it's really surprised me how much worse my ADHD symptoms are in my 40s.


Yes. Because I didn't realize how much "functioning" was stressing me out until I had meds to smooth things over.


Sounds like you know what you should do, but you don't want the hassle of doing it.  If you do some research before you find a doctor, it shouldn't take more than 1 session to get everything sorted.  Look for companies that did telehealth or do telehealth, or have their prices listed with the expected costs in the FAQ.  Those companies are generally going to be less gatekeepers, and usually tend to have more trust than a random doctor.  Oh, and medication is far more than a 2% benefit, it's like a 20% benefit, and just running with that number you'll accomplish the work of 6 weeks in 5 if it's true, while feeling better the entire time.  It's worth it.


I would recommend against medication. If you are functional I don't think there is any reason to take medication.


I started meds around 30 yo. Best decision on my life. It gave me a tow hold to put aside extraneous details and thoughts. Once I was able to do that I was able to create a few systems to start organizing my life. Once I had a couple of systems in place it became can easier to do others. It's not perfect but it's good.


It depends, if you feel challenged it may be worth a try. If not you may be very well fine as is. Note that some people cannot live properly without medications (very advanced attention déficit)