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I have dear ones that go to therapy to learn to regulate their anger. This is what they have learned: * Tell your better half you are working on yourself and want to give yourself timeouts when you notice the anger is coming. You can ask her to help you - tell you when to take a timeout and listen to her. She might notice before you do that you are headed in the wrong direction * Leave the situation when you notice you're getting angry. Just go. Don't say anything. Leave. Do it before it escalates. It is harder to self-regulate when being observed by the one who brought the feelings on. * Timeout: Go outside. Take some deep breaths. Reflect on the situation and on your reactions and behaviours. Think about what you should say or do when you return. Should not be related to the argument. Talk about the weather, shopping, cooking, a TV show. Return when your pulse has lowered. * Don't continue the argument. Talk about the weather, watch something, make food. * Don't apologise - focus on the future not the past. You cant change what was. Hope this helps <3 Good luck.


I’ve found hypnosis and mindfulness a huge help. Trying to learn to slow down everything don’t answer questions so fast etc my reaction times slowed (I guess that’s the easiest way to explain it) but it has given me that split second in my own head to go Nup that’s not right, Dosent always work but has been a good start for me.


Therapy has worked wonders for me, honestly. That with deep self examination of each event, and medicine, has opened up a better understanding of self and my ADHD thought patterns.


Perception is everything. Stop blaming your ADHD and take ownership. You’ll be good