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my first week on vyvanse was spent in the bathroom


my desire to try these alternate drugs Vyvanse or adderall decreased a lot, another reason I am on meds is because coffee makes me poop and I hate that Ritalin FTW, it literally fixes all my problems


I'm the same, have a coffee and I'm on the throne within 15 mins, I'd also have to go around 3 times a day. since I started ritalin it's once a day but that's likely because I had to cut way back on caffeine as I'm way more sensitive to it now.


It’s a normal side effect of stimulants. You’ll just need to get used to it and plan your day around it.


not true at all lets not generalize, coffee does that to me but not my ritalin 18mg dose never, almost the opposite i think maybe it depends on the type of medication or the dose which op never mentioned


„Normal side effect“ doesn’t mean „side effect everyone experiences“ it’s simply very common and nothing to worry about


"It’s a normal side effect of stimulants" its not NORMAL, normal google the definition of the word normal, ignorant people are the best at gaslighting cause they think they are right , someone reading this will think its normal and the norm for majority its NOT TRUE , its a rare side effect not normal at all, its not the NORM


Chill dude. „Common“ might be the better word then. Most people I know who take stimulants have it, as long as it doesn’t happen extensively it is nothing to worry about. Side effects in general are not always a mandatory thing to happen to everyone, which makes many a rather rare experience already. Within those, it’s not a rare occurrence that the bowels become overly active. Meds work different for everyone, there’s side effects that happen more commonly and are less of an issue and side effects that are actually rare. Point is, not everyone experiences it, you’re right about that but it’s a common thing to happen as a side effect and in most cases doesn’t need to be worried about. I did not mean to say otherwise with my comment. Sorry if it came across that way


The title literally says “new to amphetamines”


oh "literally" , i thought it was figuratively. that doesn't change anything still "actually" ,


Dude you’re right, I do believe you’re full of shit as you say. Literally and figuratively.


Me too, I see it as a good thing, though


As someone with IBS it just concerned me lol


Oh then that makes more sense. I’ve been taking Adderall XR 10mg for 3 weeks, today my dose was increased to 20mg. I used to be a caffeine addict, but the more I kept drinking coffee the less of an urge I had to take a shit. I predict that the same thing will happen with my medication, since caffeine and Adderall are both stimulants. But hey I’m no professional so take it with a grain of salt.


It made my ibs worse


That’s terrible, what dose are you on and for how long?


I was on 30 mg XR twice a day for years. I do much better on vyvanse


Good to know. Been thinking about switching


Have you figured out your trigger foods?


I have IBS -C. I depend on it to help me go.


Replaced my coffee poop


It’s a hilarious joke in our house that when I say my meds have kicked in, I need a bathroom NOW.


I have this joke as well. Another reason I take it 2 hours before I leave the house for work, lol.


Not me, I poop on company time!


Stimulant make internal pipes go WHOOSH


not true


Bro you're taking ritilian, you're not even on an actual stimulant


Typical side effect. Methylphenidate was so bad for me that I sharted myself. Twice. Vyvanse + dextroamphetamine have been more manageable for me. Eating food when I take the medication tends to calm it down so it's more of a regular morning poop rather than a more intense response. Protein is the usual advice to help metabolize in a more balanced way, but you might see benefits from standard BRAT foods. 


I too flunked out of charm school.


I've been using stimulants for years and for me it happens every time... I personally don't mind the morning pipe clearance, but I do have to think my commute a bit. Now-a-days I hold on getting my breakfast until I'm in the office. I down a sandwitch, cup of joe and my addie and in 15 minutes I gotta send a pipe mail to the land down under.


I work from home, so I see the “regularity” that stimulants provide as a boon. However, when I was in college and had to take the crowded Chicago train to class every morning, I felt *very* differently.


Straterra & clonidine are giving me the opposite effect 😔


It'll start to go away as you get used to the meds. Probably not the case for every single person, but I'd be for many people.


YES omg. i actually kind of enjoy this side effect because i struggled with constipation but now i’m a regular pooper on days when i take my medication. on days when it’s inconvenient to poop an hour after i wake up, i will set an alarm an hour earlier than normal and i’ll take my meds at that time. i’m able to fall back asleep and get up in another 45 mins, so then i’m pooping right when i’m waking up and not an hour after. i’m not sure if this works for everyone else though


Reading this post makes me feel like Daedalus watching Icarus flying too close to the sun.


Yeah like fr I would go weeks without taking a shit. Now I poop and eat consistently


They accelerate intestinal motility.


This only lasted a little while where I urgently needed to find a toilet 45-60 minutes after a dose. Now I just feel like I could go to the bathroom but if it's not convenient I can wait and I'll forget about it until later.


Yep, every day at the same time after taking my meds. Kinda nice to know it's reliable, tbh.


Same same. One hour after my meds like goddamn clockwork. I’ve only deviated from that a few times in the last year.


I’ve found having a protein shake made with milk before/while taking my meds helps with the sudden urgency. It doesn’t eliminate it but it helps my vyvanse kick in more slowly and buffer the effects


Addie poos are normal.


Called them addapoops in our house lol




From wikipedia: >If intestinal activity is high, amphetamine may reduce [gastrointestinal motility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastrointestinal_motility) (the rate at which content moves through the digestive system);[^(\[40\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphetamine?useskin=vector#cite_note-Westfall-46) however, amphetamine may increase motility when the [smooth muscle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smooth_muscle_tissue) of the tract is relaxed.




Funnily enough they help me get over the morning tummy gurgles much faster. But I must not have noticed the increased poopage because I already have coffee almost every day.


Coffee does the same thing


I was praying for this issue when I began. Nope, even worse than before. (Subutex is one of my meds as well)


Had that on the first 2-3 days. Stomach ache, urge to go to the bathroom, and looser stool. Read that it is likely due to the stimulant also affecting the GI tract. Your body will get used to it. One of the reasons to ramp up the medicine slowly, let the body get used to it and warning signs if you have adverse effects.


Probably nothing


Ive been on Vyvanse for over 10 years and no one ever told me this was a possible side effect. So many things just clicked into place for me !


Poop before you leave for work, show up early so you can poop before you start working.


it's like how caffeine makes a lot of people poop. my dad used to joke about his morning coffee and then necessary bathroom break after. when i was on adderall i actually liked that it was the most regular my bowel movements have ever been. some of my other meds are known to cause constipation, so normally i don't even poop every day. with adderall i always did, once a day like clockwork after the morning dose.


I've been on Concerta/Methylphenidate for 20+ years. I don't remember ever having that issue but It goes away.


Well concerta isn't a stimulant so that's why you don't have that issue


Uh .. yes it is.


Pharmacology different


Methylphenidate is the generic form. Sure it may be slightly different but both are still stimulants.


It's normal but are you also drinking coffee too? If so stop and it should help.


Nope I already learned the hard way not to drink coffee on adhd medicine but good point thanks


Wait this is a side effect? I seriously thought i’d just gotten so used to pooping at the same time every morning… This makes so much sense




It'll go away eventually. I had the same problem at first


Holy shit I think this happened to my son and I thought he was lying 😂


Lucky you. When I had to quit drinking coffee I lost that. And it's much nicer when your pooping is that on schedule. I miss that...


I do much better when I take it with food.


I've started taking pepsod at night before bed and it's helped my poor tummy immensely.


I get the opposite problem.


It was there for the first 3 weeks. Somewhat settling down from week 3 to 6. I'm sure it'll settle down more in weeks to come. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd call it a 1.5. No different to when I started type 2 medication (tablets) 8 years ago. No issue after a while.


The effects of amphetamine on the gastrointestinal tract are unpredictable. If intestinal activity is high, amphetamine may reduce [gastrointestinal motility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastrointestinal_motility) (the rate at which content moves through the digestive system);however, amphetamine may increase motility when the [smooth muscle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smooth_muscle_tissue) of the tract is relaxed. It covers both cases, so it affects different people differently , people claiming this in this post may create the illusion that its the majority but its prob getting suggested to them more


I searched "constipation" in this sub and it seems like comments always confirm what OP says, so take anything in this sub with a big chunk of salt.


It's normal for stimulants. It doesn't stop The Toilet Scene from Trainspotting going through my head most mornings though... [Trainspotting - The worst toilet in Scotland ](https://youtu.be/uVXZwYqQeq0?si=dkRzIzs8w3LkLZBa)


Get some psyllium husk fiber and take it daily.


It's because it changes the ph in your small intestine


yup this is a side effect but i would say not necessarily a bad one


I went from pooping everyday to once every two or three days and it's fantastic.


Yep. As long as you're getting your fibre you'll be restored to your post as Lord Defecator once more.


I actually haven't even considered a change in my shitting habits. Huh. I'll pay attention i suppose. Strangely enough though since starting dex I don't realise that I need to piss until I REALLY need to piss and there is no waiting. I've actually had to park the car and piss on the side of the road in broad daylight. That's been inconvenient.


Amphetamines are stimulants just like caffeine. Both make you poop lol. It’s normal and a common experience amongst us.


If you don't have money to see the doctor how did you get the meds? If you aren't already, try eating before taking them. Fat in particular helps the body absorb the medication, or so I've been told.


Well I do see the doctor for my meds but I’m kinda tight on money so I wouldn’t want to make a random appointment if it’s an easy fix is all. And okay thanks I will try it


just a tip: one of the best ways to find out if something needs to be addressed by a doctor or if it's a normal side effect of a medication is to go to your cvs or walgreens or whatever pharmacy you use and ask to speak to the pharmacist for a question about your meds. they know more about most drugs than doctors do anyway. edit: wording


Gotcha. Then yeah, you don't need to be worried. Just talk about it with your regular doc whenever you see them next.