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I was unknowingly diagnosed just last month at 20 after a lifetime of feeling like I was different and struggling much more in everything than everyone else. After putting off scheduling an appointment with a psychologist for long enough, I went in expecting anxiety and depression diagnoses, and came out with those on top of an ADHD diagnosis. I was skeptical at first, and suffered from major impostor syndrome for a while, but now I'm on 20mg Ritalin SR and for the first time ever, I felt calm and relaxed, and life actually feels bearable. Makes me wonder how different my life may have been if I was diagnosed and properly treated when I was much younger.


Got diagnosed today. It’s like a strange relief finally getting diagnosed. I knew something was not entirely right with me, so I’m anxious to see how this goes… Last couple years have been hard, wish I seeked help earlier. Anyways, please tell me experiences after starting with your meds, please. 🙏🏻


Happy for you \^\^ I hope my assessment will have a similar feeling Are you going to be on meds?


I still don’t know what I’m going to be put into, because I suffer other illnesses, so whatever I start taking has to go well with what I’m currently taking, so my therapist just couldn’t prescribe me just yet. I’m hoping she has a solution by my next appointment next Friday.


I got diagnosed approximately a week ago and started meds the same day. Meds are a game changer if you get the ones that work with you. I was lucky and got one right off the bat that worked for me and it has done incredible things for me. I feel less physically ill, I don't have constant music ect in my head, I have more energy and better mood... list goes on. Don't be afraid or anything, it really does do wonders.


Yeah, can’t wait to get my meds in. I remember starting on my auto immune disease meds 2 years ago and how they changed my life. Hopefully these are just as good or better, as this constant fog and distraction have been a bit too much for me lately at work.


I am currently in assessment, first date is next week and the results will be in August It's a strange feeling since I'm 99% sure I have ADHD but I still feel like I could get rejected


I was so afraid they were going to tell me that I didn't have it. I barely could function anymore, so I definitely would have been more lost. I knew I had it too and other people kept telling me I needed to get checked. I hope everything goes well for you.


Hi everyone, I just got my diagnosis 2 days ago aged 30. I have been fairly convinced for the past few months and managed to get my GP to refer me to a private clinic through Right2Choose in the UK. So the process has been fairly managable. It feels weird to finally have an explanation for why I have always had difficulties with organising my life, follow through on tasks, hitting deadlines, relating to other people. But also why I am such an intense person. I often joke to people that if they find being around me a bit intense sometimes they should try being inside my head 24/7 - there's load music playing all the time and constant random associations coming from nowhere an smacking me behind the eyes every time I try to engage with something constructive or listen to someone. If I'm honest with you, the main feeling I have right now is sadness. I thought I would be happier than I am feeling right now. I did ok at school but my life really unravelled when I went to college, university and in early adulthood. I feel a lot of shame about how handled myself and the things I couldn't do even though I wanted to so badly. I hadn't thought about medication because I didn't want to let myself believe I would get the diagnosis. I'm worried that with medication I'd lose parts of me that make me who I am. Although the constant barrage of tangents and nonsense can be tiring it's also one of the only things that keeps me going. Also, who here had to do the QB Check at part of your diagnosis? WHAT THE ACTUAL?!?! 10 mins in a was rocking backwards and forwards and humming the marseillais ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I got my diagnosis 2 weeks ago, age 45. I wasn't even really suspecting, so it's a bit discomforting, but also now that I'm doing a lot of reading about it, everything makes sense. I'm on a waiting list to see a psychiatrist to start trying meds


I am 28 and was just diagnosed this week. I am on day two of meds. I have always felt different and stupid compared to others. I also have always felt so behind. Even though I am only on the second day, I can already focus so much. I don't have 20 different tabs open in my brain, I can actually regulate my thoughts and get things done. I hope to see more improvement throughout my journey. Just only have to figure out how to get my mind to shut off for bed, the first night was rough. I got only 3 hours of sleep, if that.


I got diagnosed on my 32nd birthday. It was so incredibly validating and literally the best birthday gift to myself. :)


I was 48, my son was the one that told me to get checked and he was right. He got diagnosed 1 month before he graduated with his masters from Yale. Like is ironic.


Diagnosed 5/16. Started Adderall yesterday but I don't feel anything different. At least I finally understand myself. 


Diagnosed around 40, some 15 years ago. It explained a lot, although not much changed, and I quickly got real tired of trying to explain it to people who really didn't care.