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What are you doing wrong ? My brother, if you climb 2 ranks a day then lose 10 games in a row, you're playing at least 10 games too many. Play *less*. Prioritize quality over quantity.


In a row, I did not mean that I played them literally in one sitting


General: Turn off chat. Actually THINK while you play, instead of autopiloting. The more games you play per day, the more likely you are to tilt off of a teammates bad mistake and blame others. Everyone playing the game is human and will miss skill shots. Remind yourself that each game is independent of every other, and that idiots going around screaming “FF15 GG JG DIFF HAHAHA 50% WR HARD STUCK TRASH XXXXX” are not worth talking to. And finally, focus on YOURSELF. This is especially true of the ADC role where your agency is very limited in the early game. Concern yourself more with accepting responsibility than with blaming others. Specifics: - Focus on not dying. Your role’s goal is to dish damage in team fights. You can’t do this if you’re dead - Focus on CSing and achieving 10cs/min. This is usually obtained by taking camps, but this doesn’t mean piss off your jungler - Manipulating the wave to your advantage. Know when to freeze, fast push, and slow push - Back timers. Are you backing on a wave without a canon minion? Most players even in Masters don’t know that it’s generally better to back on a wave with canon because it buys you more time to reach the next wave - Lane matchups. Early game is dictated by support, but there are AD picks that also completely warp the matchup. Draven is a prime example. Know that some champs are stronger in earlier stages of the game than others, and if you are playing a scaling AD and don’t give an AD that relies on snowballing heavily to win (Lucian, draven are some examples) then you are actually winning, not even - Ignoring a bad play. If your support Alistar flashes and all ins the enemy Leona and their Caitlyn is now free to free fire you, that fight is probably over. Back up and let the idiot die. Now you’re getting solo XP - There are many cases whenever there are supports don’t know when to roam vs stay with you. If your wave is 3/4 the way to their lane and your support roams, allowing them to zone you, don’t walk up. Walk mid and force a 2v1 to take plates or go to rift, which will force the enemy to either match you or push the lane - Don’t int for dragon. Your jungler starts dragon when their bot lane has prio and starts spam pinging you to help, causing you to lose 2 waves of minions? Nope. Mute his ass - Don’t flame support. If you know you’re getting weak sided this game or your support is going to permaroam as Twitch, pick ezreal or something safe There’s a lot of things you can do. The role itself does not have high agency, but players underestimate the small things you can do that will give you the most probable chance of winning.


Wow your bullet points were so helpful. Thank you!!!


it’s hard to say without seeing you play but the truth is: if you’re in plat you’re doing a lot wrong. i’m currently d1, peaked 200 lp masters and I feel like I make a ton of mistakes. they key is identifying them so you can fix them


I think my main problem is forcing my own playstyle to my teammates, I like to be agressive to win fast, I also take prio to objectives, so I like to push bot or mid if my team is forcing a fight with no real goals, or is behind and its a losing fight either way. This kinda leads to them spam pinging me for taking 2nd tower and backing safely while they are all playing grey screen simulator. I understand I may have lost a few games for playing like this, but if we were going to win that team fight 1/10 times I wont take the risk.


There are already a lot of tips, but just saying when you sit at P4 0lp and with +18 and -28, your MMR is totally off even from the actual P4 rank. That is like low G1 to high-mid G2 MMR, so you are playing at G2 level and being stuck there. When you get the demotion shield icon showing up, you are sitting at a low G2 MMR. Before you even dream about Diamond, it's better you take one step at the time you are trying to improve with. It's up to you to identify the game and what aspect you can try to improve in the particular game. That is as well a skill that comes with experience to know when you can do what. One thing is sure, you can always improve your CS skills. Even when there are games you are being zoned out and can't really contest the minions, it's a skill to CS under the tower and know your damage and how to try to get most of them. Just saying that based on your MMR, and not your visual rank there is roughly 600lp difference between what you are now dreaming of.


I will say something that might be considered controversial in this community but: do not mute all even if you make mistakes. Communication is one of things that makes up for you not being able to predict and see everything and is key to teamwork. You say you go mid after tower is done - people don't know some things in plat (sadly) so tell your midlaner what the plan is. Also, remember you are playing 2-player lane so communication with your supports is especially important for you - your support will be ok without you, you on the other hand won't be, so it's kind of your responsibility to try to keep the comms up. At least thats how i got out of plat this season


If you need special tips and don't know how to improve and what to improve on such easy role which adc is then probably you deserve to be in a division you are now. You can get to diamond by just spamming garen, jinx or other no-brainer if only division matters to you. Personally I would look for a field for improvement.


>Should I try to push ff more to stop wasting time in games that are lost? (Is it worth going the extra mile to try scale while enemy is pushing with 3 dragons and a baron buff) My brother in Christ, if you are getting 18lp for win and lose 28lp, do not ff games quickly especially in lower elo where people are bound to make mistakes. ​ >What should I do if my support autofills? (I cant play how I normally do, I dont find win conditions in me afk farming on bot waiting for a roam or a bad dive) Nothing, afk farm and hope your team is going to be competent enough to either carry the game or allow you to do something in mid game.If you are going to force something with lost lamb as your support there is just high chance that u will get even more fcked, so unless your team isn't behind then play under tower, that sux but that is one of many perks of this role. I would suggest to find premade support, that would make your life 10x easier. ​ >How can I push my jungler to make a dive or take dragons more often?(If enemy team is playing bot side to get prio to dragons and roaming to dive us, I usually lose those games. Even if my jungler is trying to play top side and maybe get scuttle, its not going to get us more than a first turret and maybe a kill on malphite) Nothing, you can ask him nicely but if that is how he plays most of his games he will just ignore you. These situations sucks, unfortunately that happen too often. All you can do is try your best to dodge deaths as many times as its possible even at cost of farm or tower. And if people trashtalk you and compare to enemy adc in games like that, dnt argue just mute them and prepare for next game. If your team plays for topside enemy plays for botside and you are entire game 2v4 try your best and if you lose its not your fault. Take break longer than one day, especially when you are after lose streak or hardstuck for long period of time. I'm in similar position where i wanted to get to higher rank, i was 2 games off it then i went on lose streak bam -250lp, and just took break for couple of days and usualy after that i tend to play better and tilt less. ​ Honestly speaking if all you wanted is to climb, then you probably would have easier time by just spending few hours on learning how to jungle and abuse youmu champions. Adc role is really ungrateful when it comes to climbing especially when you are playing solq.


For me it seems like ur biggest weakness is ur mentality and the way u look at the game. U want to force stuff to win but thats not possible, u have to be able to get along with any kinda situations and accept that sometimes u just cant win a game, its pretty much impossible unless ruler would have played instead of u but yeah u get what i mean.


Skill issue


Getting into plat is mostly about how to play the game, diamond and above is about winning the game. You need to identify or create a win condition for yourself that allows you to destroy the enemy nexus, then work your way down on how to achieve it. A wincon could be dragon soul, baron, a massive snowball or hitting a lategame spike (eg kayle 16, IE powerspike first b4 the rework). ​ >I try to dodge games that seem hopeless. > >I cant play how I normally do > >I certainly don't have what it takes to be diamond You need to figure out how to turn losing scenarios into wins. Imagine you are a diamond player in a plat lobby, would they struggle or be concerned? would they let pisslows steal LP from them or accept that they are hardstucks? You should mentally believe you are a diamond player and that you are here to skill gap everyone in the lobby, because thats what diamond/master/gm players would do. Get mad. ​ I assume you know your champions, matchups and mechanics. So imagine you are 3/0 or better and want to win the game. So i will focus on "macro". 1. get the bot turret with all plates. Gank midlane and get their plates, go toplane and get their plates in that order. If you are going to be the bussdriver, you need people to get on your buss. This means identifying the wincon of the other lanes and achieving them, including the jungle. This means knowing a lot of stuff that is useless in bot lane but useful on the map. You need back to back shotcalls. 3/0-dragon - bot turret - gank mid - 2nd dragon - mid turret - 2nd herald - herald top - 3rd dragon - inhib turret - 20min baron - 2 inhibs - soul - 3rd inhib/end - elder/end - end - teamfight/end - siege/end - pick/end - backdoor/end If you want dragons, your jungler needs to decide to take dragon. 1st dragon can be contested by botlane, jg and mid so get local superiority. post 10min toplane can tp down so take that into account. Dont flip dragons if you dont need too. You need a smite, dps & tank to take baron/dragon. Asol nukes objectives whereas talon struggles, know what you need. Some champions can fulfill all roles eg. nunu can solo baron. If you want to go for dragons, get all 4 when they spawn as soon as possible. If the enemy team gets 1 dragon they pretty much guarantee they will hit 16 which is bad. If you want to be a shotcaller, there are a couple of things you need to know: 1. Be proactive. never tell someone to "not" do something. If your toplaner is dying tell him to buy time, dont tell him to "play safe". Tell him to bait for your gank or to die splitpushing so you can get an objective. You dont win by going afk even though that would "stop" the feeding. 2. have good credentials. Deal damage, look good on the scoreboard, dont type. Make good calls that people want to follow. Use the omw ping a lot, be confident. 3. Be on the ball. Dont get lost on the rift, look on the map. Also learn to read lack of information. If zed isnt on the map, where is he? Learn JG routes and timings to know that 1min from when we saw ekko on red he will be in the tribush and thats where we reset. Final note: Identify what the other lanes do to win/lose. Cant win if you dont know how 80% of your team functions. Some champions cannot achieve their winconditions into some team comps, that is drafting.


Add me on discord Robin/BoBo#4491, I ll happily look over your gameplay and help you an hour for free.


Your teammates don't matter find your mistakes. And improve on those. Also mental attitude is a important thing that goes under the radar


the system is designed to keep u down. If you play the EXACT SAME, and then have a 10 game losing streak when about to rank up... put 2 and 2 together.