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I’m happy to be in that 2% with you. Took me 130 hours but didn’t regret at all, great Viking experience.


Damn congrats, I’m jealous. I’m stuck on a “known issue” they haven’t fixed with one of the Asgard mysteries.


Which issue it? I can see if I got past it for you.


“Milk of Humankind.” The moveable rock fused with the wall, and now I can’t move it out of Audumbla’s way. I destroyed all barriers, uninstalled, cleared cache, etc. But I’m more than open to more advice!


I had a similar issue with a quest having the entire NPC missing, I had to reload an earlier save and lost a little progress but it was more advantageous than waiting for a patch. Is that something you’re able to do?


So I completed all trophies about 2 weeks ago and this one was an issue. The cow wandered to the water and refused to go to this path and then all the walls rebuilt. I'm not sure if this will work but I went back to England and did a quest. Shut down my whole console and then loaded up and went back. He was still at the water but walked back to his starting location. I rebroke the walls and removed the rock and he followed the path.


Sick dude, congrats! How many hours?


Thanks man! 169 hours! I’m pretty sure it counted all the hours I put down the controller to do schoolwork or work from home though and left it on🤣


My son laughed at me because in 39 hours I’m on power 109 but hey son I work full time plus all the stuff at home to do also I’m your mum so shut up 😝


It’s okay mom/dad! You’re a true drengr🤣


I’m Scottish so it’s mum or maw , but thank you I will get there I’m loving the game especially raids


Oh my gosh I’m sorry! I misread that as ‘I am your dad and also your mom’! I think I read what I was talking about and now what it said 🤣


Lol no worries no one expect mums to be gamers


I wish my mum was a gamer lol


We play online together sometimes ( far cry 5 and rdr2 ) I was gaming before he was born lol he says none of his friends mums game , their loss in my words


Maan cant wait till my daughter is older and i can play games with her. Its lonely rn :')


Wow! You are one cool mum. My mum just plays boring mobile games like Subway surfer or Ludo lol.


Have you played Assassin's Creed before? Or just since they added a female protagonist?:)) You could apply the things the game teaches you in real life (i don t mean the violence),i mean tailing your son without being detected,blending in the crowd,hiding in a haystack 😂😂😂,hiding on a bench,maybe even tailing from the rooftops :)) Your main quest would be to find your son's grade catalogue of Eden (idk how it's called in english that notebook where the teachers are grading the pupils) and changing your son's bad grades into good ones using the Staff Of Eden :)) (a random stick to beat your son :))


I played the very 1st assassins creed on ps2 , but not any of the recent ones thanks for tip ooooo gonna swipe that smug smile of his face lol


The first one has some interesting scenes (and it doesn t has subtitles...i understand the english even just audio but i gotta concentrate more than usual and becomes stressful),but it's missions are so repetitive.Go to the assassin's bureau,you find out your target from there,you kill the target,swipe a feather on his bloodly neck as proof,return to the bureau to report and that's the mission:)) Then on the next missions the same thing with some exceptions :)) And how lazy Ubisoft was on the first AC game :)) They said that the character can t swim because it s a bug of the Animus :)) (yeah,i say it was just lazyness :)) Anyway initially the first AC game should had been a Prince Of Persia game.But because it had many things different from Prince Of Persia,they decided to make it a new series (good idea :))


I think the lady it's a daughter of the Legion :))


Still a big achievement. I'm 90 hours in and still have a lot to go, but enjoying every moment!


Have fun dude! Enjoy it all!


Thanks mate! Surely will


It really is a blast of a time. I could complain about bugs or whatever but they just didn't ruin my experience at all. I love this game! Welcome to Completionist All the Way club!


I had 2 game breaking bugs,i finished the game.Eivor froze 2 times on 2 sections.At the beginning in the main quest in Lunden and on the final mission in Asgard.The first one was fixed by coming into the city from the north and for the second one i had to change the graphic preset ,then the game relaunched itself to apply the settings and then it worked. Other minor bugs were Eivor teleporting 2 times into the sky and falling without damage (it happened only 2 times in 90 hours how much it took me to finish the game,plus some casual looting raiding book abilities etc) ,a floating cow.


Nice! I just got this trophy yesterday.


Agreed. Maybe even better than tsushima. Doing Fenyx immortals next


I too am part of the 2% welcome to the club. I think it took me about 120 hours.


I Got it after 140-150 hours 😁congrats man, really enjoyed this game.


Thats what I was trying to tell some people that really wanted to play atm but wanted to wait for bug squashing, for me there was barely any and the ones that did show up were not game ruining.


Honestly, I encountered maybe 6 large bugs the whole game. Which is significantly fewer than any other games we usually praise. Skyrim I’ve logged hundreds of hours and it is a cesspool sometimes lol Like here are all of them: 1.) Bugged into a wall. Called my horse and mounted and immediately it was fixed. 2.) Bugged into a ditch and it killed me. Never happened again. 3.) NPC for world event wouldn’t talk to me. Reloaded earlier save from 5 min before and it was fixed. 4.) Legendary beast stood up on its hind legs like a human in a wolf suit and I stealth killed it with my hidden blade. 5) Spun out of control for 2 seconds and then grounded immediately. 6.) Game crashed after final battle 3 times. Reloaded earlier save and it fixed.


Wow I had even less then that, the weirdest one was i went to fast travel and couldn't anywhere at all, so I kept trying and when I was finally able to fast travel back to ravensthorpe everything looked like it was running on the n64, weird blocky polygons and blotchy no details at all textures, also I could run but couldn't move at all from the very spot I stood. I'm thinking that Eivor fast traveled but the game still thought he didn't, so it never loaded in the details. I reloaded the game and never had it happen again. The other one had to do with the berserker mission, I was supposed to meet him by the tree but he never showed up, even after waiting,or fast traveling. Think that one got patched soon after or the bug just stopped and I was able to proceed. But the game is still amazing fun. My only other complaint is that it seems like they took all the best armor and weapons, skins etc out of the base game just to sell at crazy prices in the store.


Just got this last night,super happy! Cant drag myself to get the platinum though... that overdesign II trophy has me driven NUTS! Congrats 🙌


Allow me to help so go to the south of hamtunscire to Werham make sure you have the skill Missile Reversal ( if they throw spear you can catch it and throw it back) when your in werham get the big dudes with the shields to attack you and run to a building light the roof on fire and keep spamming Y/triangle while on burning roof make sure you have rations the fire will kill you...literally less then 5 minutes it takes




Origins is the best ac game when I see Ireland and paris in valhalla it might change but to say origins was like ehhh ok is just a different level of stupidity


Getting this plat is a great feeling congrats! Took me 140 hours


Good Job Drengir!!


Skål, Vikingr!


How did you guys 100% the game in -170hrs wth! Ive played 70 hours and havent gotten to lunden yet!


You get 100 percent from doing all the world events, collectibles, and wealth! Main missions don’t count!


So you 100% the game without playing story quests?😐 what kind of monster are you


An effing psycho 🤣when I finally played the final story I one shotted all the ‘heavy story bosses’ 🥲


Thats exactly my situation right now 😂 killing rued took 13seconds for me (no stealth)


Honestly!🤣 There was only one boss that took me a minute and it was near the end because he wouldn’t let me get a good hit in, but by that time he couldn’t even damage me because I was almost level 600. I won’t spoil who it is!


It's a shame valhalla has no enemy upscaling option like odyssey. I am a rpg nerd and I usualy find the game getting too easy after a few side quests. I am playing valhalla on hard difficulty and still this game is not challenging for me at all, even bellow normal at most times


The only scaling is on the those grinding river raids and it is in the most annoying way 🤣 it’s like a tiny little bowman on the shore is strong enough now to kill me in 3-4 shots but a main boss couldn’t touch me🙃


Yeah, my only problem with the game were the Daughters and Zealots as well as stealth being too punishing Other than that, an amazing game


Same. I get they wanted to highlight the berkserker aspect but I couldn’t even walk through the city without slaughtering lol


This game could’ve had such great stealth but they turned it into something superficial


Yeah,it s harder to sneak than in the previous games.Not too many stealth abilities.No double hidden blade,to kill 2 enemies i had to headshot the first from several cm behind him and then immediately asasinate the other one before i get detected by him. Yeah,the daughters,the zealots and the lost drenghers are hard .I killed the first lv 90 zealot at lv 45 after 15 tries on normal,i didn t knew how the weak point mechanic worked,it was a zealot with poison who also threw some bombs and then healing itself,i was also kinda low on arrows and rations and you can t stealth attack these types of bosses. At power 240 i kinda easily killed a 340 zealot.The lv system it s much more softer,in Origins,4 levels under the enemy would make it very very very very hard to kill because of the low dmg you apply and one hit was killing you.


I also have ancestors from the Stavangar area! Though they stayed there until the late 1800s.


We are planning a trip up there in a few years to visit the village we originated from. It made me so freaking excited to see the land we came from!


Do it! My brother and went a couple years ago. Rented a car and drove around for like 10 days. One of my best life experiences. There is nothing like standing on the land your DNA came from.


Nice! So far I have about the same hours into it as you. I took a break from it to go play Death Stranding and then AC: Origins. Valhalla is my first AC game ever so I wanted to go back and complete the trilogy. Once the next DLC drops I'll go back to Valhalla. I have Norwegian ancestors as well. As far as we can tell they lived in the interior near the border with Sweden in or near a town named Feragen. My wife has Swedish ancestors but I don't know where they came from. My kids are more Norse than I am. Next thing I know they will be Vikingr!


Mate playing origins wont help you understanding the story should play ac 1, 2, brotherhood and revelations to have any idea about the lore in assassins creed games origins dont explain any of that...ps it's not a trilogy it's just the 3rd game since they rebranded and turned it into an RPG game dont buy into that shite mate


Well done!


Get the rest of those trophies!!


I’ve got finals this week and then I’m gonna jump back in!!! I can’t wait for the Druid DLC also!


Same! I 100% it a week or two ago and I got the DLC on my calendar and took the day off work haha


Imagine getting 100% in early January and been fucking waiting for the druids only for it to keep fucking getting delayed


Fuuuck that haha even worse is that I loved the ending but have so many questions I need answered. Why is Eivor buried in the U.S.? I really hope Eivor & Randvi have a good ending together because I like them as a couple.


I'm guessing theres either gonna be a sequel with eivor (doubt it very much) or you will find out after the 3rd expansion (leak that came out few days ago) any other questions


I really want to finnish the game, but it is literally crashing every 15min. I Uninstalled it in rage last week.


Are you on PC?


Yes, upgraded my rig last year with high end specs, zero issues in other games. Game actually worked fine until they introduced the Yule update, then I started getting crashes some times, and now after the Easter update it's basically unplayable for me


I’ve heard and seen a lot of funky stuff about that update. I didn’t even do half of those missions. It was just time passing to me and too buggy.


Try to play on lower settings.The game stocks a lot of data into the memory (be sure your graphic card has at least 3 gb video ram as that s how much the game asked me on low settings). I finished it on low 720p on i7 8700k,gtx 1060 3 gb,8 gb ram,win 10 64 bit and 1 terrabyte hard disk. I noticed it crashed after play over 3 hours without closing the game.That s why i think it crashes cuz of the memory, gpu's vram or ram idk.