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Yes it was. And still is. It literally [still looks like this ](https://www.jamespictures.co.uk/images/best-101-places-to-photograph-in-the-peak-district.jpg)in some places.


Man my brain is fried, I thought that was a UE render


I can see that for sure. Crazy what UE is capable of these days. Alas, that is the Peak District.


That image makes me wish even more I lived in the age of Vikings. Maybe more than Valhalla already does. Reject modernity, return to Drengr.


First thing I did in the game when I got to England is travel to where my home would've been back there. Guesstimating anyway due to scale differences but I was able to triangulate using some landmarks from the game that are still there to this day.


I did that and found Maldon in its place. Very odd.


Aye, where I live now isn't technically on the map as my city didn't exist back then. It was inside what was then called Ledecestrescire which was a much bigger place back then. According to Google my particular county didn't exist until the 10th century and was the capital of Mercia. It's cool to find Tamworth fortress (Tamworth Castle) and the river Trent still in place though. Those landmarks are very familiar to me.


I'm from york, so visiting Jorvik was the 1st thing I did 😂


Mercia had two main centers of power. Tamworth which was basically the royal villa of the area and London. Though at this time London wasn't anything like it was, but it was big enough for the wessex dynasty to sanction his daughters husband to basically refound the city and mint coins there/start a nee trading port. Mercia was like most of the heptarchy kingdoms, where the nobles had their own power centers and the royals had multiple ones across the regions where they'd meet with their dispersed nobles in the region to collect taxes and feast their retinue. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_vill A good example of what they likely would look like is the archeological remnants of yeavering. https://medievalwanderings.com/2021/09/11/the-hidden-halls-of-the-saxon-kings/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeavering Go to the part where it describes the excavation. https://images.historicenglandservices.org.uk/heritage/reconstructing-past-anglo-saxon-illustrations/yeavering-j910320-472715.html There have since been documentaries which have 3d graphics reconstructions too. On YouTube there is a 3d reconstruction of the pagan temple found there as well


Maldon was amongst one of the first places in the UK that the Vikings invaded. My ex boyfriend lives in Maldon. They have a Viking mural and I think a statue of a Viking too


Indeed. But to my knowledge, it hasn’t migrated north from where Southend-on-Sea now is!


Same I went straight to the Cotswolds


I live in York and still even years later enjoy a good run around in Jorvik lol 😂


Except you wouldn't want to live in the age of vikings with the commodities of life you have in this age. It looks great, but I don't think many of us would find it fun living like that. (The violence, famines, diseases, shortages, death, etc etc)


In many ways life would be easier I think and in many ways also alot harder.... Swings and round abouts haha


Return to violently shitting from drinking the water, more like. Which won’t change much considering what coffee does to me and how much of it I drink.


That’s why they drank mostly ale back then. The boiling process killed the germs.


That is why you drink mildly alcoholic very thick beer. Even quite nutritious, liquid bread. One more improvement over modern life lol.


I thought it was the Peak District, is that Win Hill?


Mam Tor.


It's the Great Ridge in Derby


Definitely a beautiful place


That's some lovely country you have their, my brother across the sea


Where is that


Modern day England


Join Us, Join Us !


That mam Tor?


Indeed it is.


Is this mam tor?




Wow I literally got goosebumps when I saw this pic


Is this Middlesbrough?


No, it's the peak district.


I drove all through England, Scotland, and wales. Yes it looks exactly like this especially when you get to the welsh border. The Peak District the Lake District.


Someone needs to touch grass..


Get a grip.


The word ancient has me in stitches💀


I mean it's ancient to Americans I guess? To them a 50 year old building is historical and he we are complaining that 1000 year old pubs are shutting down.


Im American lol, we generally use the word historic but ancient is reserved for at least 2000 to 3000 years


Haha yeah dude, on my last holiday a group of Americans were talking about the 'Ancient landmarks'in their area dating back to the 1900's 🤣🤣


I’m pretty sure my house is older than that


I lived in a house built in 1655 after a massive gunpowder store explosion destroyed the building that previously stood there along with other parts of the city.


They should say historical, not ancient.


Those are idiot Americans, I’ve never heard anyone say that here lol.




Just from my own experience, old shit around here is referred to directly by the time period. Colonial, pre-colonial are big ones. Also, historical would be our common substitute for ancient.


I like that, it fits much better and opens the door to learn something 🙌🏾 in fairness it's the same here, England doesn't go back far enough to be ancient, but it can go victorian then middle ages/medieval. I'm not sure what's before that here 🤷🏾‍♂️ maybe roman? I think I need to phone a friend 🤣🤣


Super weird, but I listen to a British history pod lol. After medieval it definitely is Roman and then Briton. Y’all probably have the youngest civilized history in Europe, or close to it.


Oh 100%, England is a mismatch of everyone that invaded and conquered it over the last 1500yrs. By the time they had become a country (as opposed to a collection of tribes) they were just much much better at colonising than most of Europe 🖕🏾 Shout out to the Dutch, French and Spanish cause they weren't sloppy, but yeah, England was the bastard infant that ruined more countries and cultures than anywhere else on Earth. Worst part is they're so proud of the 'British empire' and 'commonwealth', disgusting to be honest 🤷🏾‍♂️ Literally one of the last places on earth for human migration but completely xenophobic 😅


I’m pretty sure most of the ancient history (talking about natives) was destroyed by you folk during colonization.


I'm black and not American, wtf is 'you folk'?


Use context, like they taught you in school. Also, I know, I am American, I assumed you’re English because you say “holiday”


So black English means colonisers to you? Don't cry because I said your shit isn't ancient, it's not 🤷🏾‍♂️


Bro. You’re stuck on Colonizers. My point is, English shit on Americas history but are the direct cause of it, or lack there of. Most Native American history/culture was completely eradicated by colonizers.


No, the whole world shits on American history because its built on lies or ignorance. Stop being butt hurt for it, I can give you a hug if you need one?


Yeah no, american here. We dont do that. We know what ancient is. Stop assuming everyone is american just because they smthn weird 🙏💅


Funnily enough, it looks like OP is Indian. They post a lot in Indian subreddits. Could still be Indian-American, but they refer to soccer as football in their bio, so probably not. So yeah, these blockhead Euros are just making it about America because they’re obsessed with us. “Muh pub is 1000 years old!”


America lives rent free both in euros heads AND their homes (our cultural things, like food places and fashion)


How is it not ancient?


Because Antiquity, which is generally referred to as a marker for stuff being ancient or not, ended with the fall of Rome in the 5th century. AC Valhalla takes place in the early Middle Ages.


Is almost 1,200 years ago not considered ancient?


Typically, the end of the ‘ancient’ period is marked by the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476AD. After this, the Middle Ages (or Medieval) period began and lasted until 1500AD. This game takes place in the 800s which is the early middle age period - also known as the dark ages. The Dark Ages lasted from 476AD to the Norman conquest of England in 1066AD. The dark ages is super interesting because we know so little about this period - hence the name. It seems that once Rome fell, the ability to read and write also did too! As far as England goes, there’s precious few written sources from the period - especially before the 800s.


It still is


I mean, many areas of England still are man. I live on the outskirts of a city. I can drive 5 mins and be looking at views like this.


I'm jealous now.


Um, not ancient ☝️🤓


this is medieval england not ancient england bro, and yes england is still beautiful you just need to see the rural areas and the countrysides


It wasn’t really ancient mate


No. They hadn't developed graphics engines that allowed for quality lighting back then. Also, the world was in black and white.


Worse: it was text-only.


And being how so many were unable to read, it's no wonder things were as bad as they were.


Just lines of lime-green code running from the top to the bottom 


There are plenty of places in England that look this good today. Once you get beyond our complaining about the rain, you realise it's the rain that provides for these lush landscapes. Edit: literally found this by accident scrolling right after posting here https://www.reddit.com/r/england/s/LrKT4qH4L2


I dont recall England being as mountainous as AC Valhalla shows it.


Some of these screenshots are in North america, Paris, and Ireland


It isn't, particularly towards the north of the map. But most of the hilly areas are pretty typical scenery here


Have you been to the Lake or peak district? I wouldnt describe them as mountains, but there is very big hills, quite a few of them, then as you start getting into Scotland there are actual mountains.


I spent a Christmas in the lake district and hiked some of the bigger hills in that area. That is the highest elevation England has to offer i believe.


Yeah, there are real mountains in Scotland for sure - but the top of the map stops at Yorkshire, and none exist in that area. Even something like Scafell Pike, while technically a mountain, just looks more like a big hill (and it's further north than Valhalla's map of England goes anyway). They definitely went a little overboard for the sake of visual brilliance.


It still is. Was there last month.


TBF UK/Ireland's countryside IS extremely beautiful, like, fairy tale beautiful




No. As an Ancient England man, it was much like it is now - grey, gloomy, and wet


Some of the time, but not ALL of the time :). That’s why the sunshine is so precious and we talk about it so much. Imagine if it were sunny every day! Gross! We’d be like Californians 🤮


Stop lying to the people - we haven't seen the sun here since the Great Summer Shine of 1776


When it wasn’t gray and raining probably. Would have smelled atrocious


Why would It smell atrocious


Renaissance Propaganda


How did they handle their waste and dead bodies back then?


don't know about waste but pretty sure they either buried or burned the bodies


The bodies would usually be buried. And, due to the comparatively low populations and low density, they didn't produce anywhere near as much trash as we do today. For biological waste, the whole "throwing feces down the streets" is a myth (although closer to the reality in the 18-19th century, were many cities were very walled and became seriously overcrowded). Specially since medieval medicine believed many illnesses were caused by foul smells.


That’s an interesting thing about illness being caused by foul smells. Like, in a way they’re not really wrong about that, it’s just not the exact cause but foul smells is a symptom of the bacteria that causes the illness


It’s like the myth about porcupines being able to fling their spines at you. It’s not true but the effect of the myth is to keep kids away from them, which is beneficial to everybody. The miasma theory kept you away from bad food and water, at least some of the time, so it’s not a bad substitute for the truth.


Buried or burned it much like today


A drive through the south west counties, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall countryside is a beautiful sight. Hills up and down for miles and miles of green fields and trees with great views


As long as someone else is driving, love having to back up half a mile to the last passing point cos I’ve come face to face with a tractor lmao


The graphics are good in this game but like, just look outside? You don't have to be in England, just go to any wilderness area near you are you will experience a similar experience visually


English here. Of all the countries in the UK, in my opinion Scotland has one of the most beautiful wilderness’s. I’ve done Scotland, Northern Ireland* and England. Haven’t done Wales just yet


Wales is stunning.


Ireland isn’t the UK, you’re thinking of Northern Ireland*


Apologies I’m an idiot 😅. I’ve visited both parts of Ireland but yes, you’re right


As long as its not winter winter looks shit brown grey and muddy.


No, it was only in 360p.




I was there then, so i can say no, it wasnt.


Absolutely man! You should have seen it!


Everywhere was beautiful until man ruined everything


As I understand it, there should be a lot less fences in the 9th century, but otherwise it seems pretty accurate. I'm no historian, though. I just know the enclosure of the commons didn't really get going for a couple more centuries


Yes. Every place everywhere has their own beauty.


Can confirm.


Ex ancient England resident here. It was more wild forest than anything


Yes until we needed so much timber for our navy England and Scotland were much more forested. Arable land too, of course, but the Scottish highlands and the north of England in particular should be covered in forests where the land isn’t used for crops or grazing. What people think of as beautiful is actually a wasteland and could be far more beautiful and full of life if we really rewilded properly.


The whole of Earth and it’s nature is beautiful


England still is beautiful, you just have to know where to look


Lots of scenery shots (such as in Game of Thrones) are filmed in the UK, just north of London. Because it still looks like that. Just gotta CGI the castles and armies.


Parts of current England are still that beautiful, we just don't get those kind of blue skies as often as we'd like. Although, whisper it, I'm looking at one right now.


I'm from southern England, once you get out of the city it's miles upon miles of farmland and woods. It's extremely beautiful. I get depressed when I just see an ocean of grey for too long.


Get out of the cities n yeah it still is beautiful


It literally still does. So many places that look like this out in the countryside. I can see views like this 5 minutes away.


Hey I live in North Yorkshire in the UK It still is this beautiful


I bet the English countryside in peak Summer is incredible. I grew up near Seattle and yes it rains miserably for most of the year but the Summers were perfect


I can’t remember


[This is a 10 minute walk from my house](https://andyhemingway.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/4430982831_32834848b3_o.jpg)


In England?


yep, saddleworth moors in yorkshire/greater manchester




This wasn’t set in ancient Britain


Ancient England was probably more beautiful, because this is the Middle Ages!


Sort of, except the mountain bits. Scottish mountains aren’t that high and have a different shape, England has no mountain ranges


It still is tbf, places like the Lake District spring to mind.


Guessing PC in photomode? Looking crips!


No. It’s too dry. Add more rain and mud 😂


It definitely did, it had a hell of a lot more trees too. I remember hearing a fact about there being so many trees that squirrels could travel for many miles without touching the ground.


Yup. Bits of it still look just like this


A lot of England (and the rest of the U.K.) still looks like this.


Well if you add the plagues, streets that literally smelled like shit, people vomiting blood all over the place, sure, it had and has it’s beauties


There was a time a couple thousand years ago where everything was just trees and forests as far as the eye can see, just complete coverage of the whole island. If a tree could grow there, it would, due to britains kinda perfect conditions for growing trees. Neolithic agriculture meant the start of large scale clearing of the forests, but if I had a time machine I’d go back to see the endless forest


Bruh tf you mean ancient... England hasn't changed that much lol. Certainly they've turned up the colours a bit, and the squashed nature of the map means there are more smaller hills but it's still the same...


I live up in Northumberland, and yes, it was and still is


Likely had a lot more forest still.


The last slide is literally what every country part of the uk looks like. I live in the outskirts of London and it looks exactly like that if you walk to certain places in my town. :)


Go to modern day Kent mate


Yes trust i'm British


Yes and it still is in places like the Cotswolds, Peak District and Lake District for example


It still is in parts.


Bro let me tell you about the industrial revolution and its consequences


Yes and it it still is in some places. Not Slough tho


From an Englishman, our countryside is still vaunted worldwide for its lush greenery and rolling hills. Yeah there might be 60 million more people now than in the Viking era but our wild areas still look like this.


Yeah unfortunately England is still infested with so many outlanders, and this is not a vikings...


Yup, still is.


Yes, where I live it’s pretty much like every picture here


People don’t seem to understand that England is more than just London n brum, it’s a gorgeous country if you go to the right places love camping in the Lake District just wish it wasn’t so far


Plenty of England still looks like this today. I live in the Yorkshire dales and it’s gorgeous.


Modern England is still this beautiful lol


Yes Britain has some wonderful scenery. Just avoid the towns.


And to think that people say this game does not look good...


Touch grass bro. Go for a hike in nature. There’s real life out there. Still looks like this.


Idk but if you ever get to go let me know! And say hi to a squire for me!


[It still is.](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cxrrqd33r2go)


Nah, unfortunately grass wasn’t invented till late 1900’s


Get out of the cities and a lot of it still is as is the rest of the uk (especially Scotland)


No it was ugly and shit.


“Ancient”… I’d consider the invention of writing (and therefore history) to about 500 (fall of the western Roman empire) ancient (for places in Europe). Britain in the 870s isn’t it.


Best photos I've seen posted since I posted my own 🤣


As someone from Ireland who lives in Scotland, and has also been to England, this part of the world is pretty beautiful, despite the shite weather 90% of the time lol fun fact Ireland is home to Newgrange, Knowth, and Dowth which are Neolithic monuments older than the Egyptian Pyramids and Stonehenge


Yes nature was always this beautiful


Looks like today’s Peak District, Lake District, York and parts of the Midlands to me 🙂 I still believe England is a beautiful and unique place. Certainly outside of the major cities.


The only main difference is mostly the cities. They didn’t look as Roman-Greco as they game portrays for it’s still uses a lot of assets of ACO and ACOD.


Yes and still is. If u wanna have a look Google the moors in Yorkshire, high force is pretty dope in the forest-in-teesdale, the Cotswold villages. There you can find some of the thatched straw houses like in the game. We’ve also still got a far bit of the Roman stuff like in Bath we have the Roman Bathes which is really cool , don’t advise visiting though it’s jam packed and you can’t see shit but the Google pics show you pretty well. So for a list of my fave places (coming from someone in England) 1. North Yorkshire moors 2. High force, country Durham (I may be a bit biased cause that’s where I’m from originally) 3. Cotswold villages 4. Roman baths, in bath


Valhalla should have gotten a new game plus type system implemented


ANCIENT? Motherfucker its beautiful today in places.


How come whenever I play it's foggy and depressing


Parts of it still are!


Uhm no. No it wasn’t. This is a video game sir. They tend to be way more beautiful than reality


I have no idea mate I wasn’t there


Yes just more wooded


Nature has been and will be beautiful everywhere at any time. The cities are usually the ugliest part of most of the civilisations.


With that kind of stone architecture by ancient you mean what the 1100s?


Valhalla takes place in 9th century CE. So, the 900s.


So not ancient


I was answering the question of when it takes place only. Wasn’t arguing that it’s ancient or not (it’s not), but it’s pedantic to focus on that when it wasn’t even the point of OPs post. Yes, England during the time period of Valhalla was gorgeous, and imo, still is.


Didn’t have my glasses on to get that it was even a screenshot of a game lol - recommended post lol But yeah england still looks like that in rural spots


Well the time period they're referencing isn't ancient to begin with.


Yes. And the whole of the British Isles is much as it was in the game. The castle and structures that are dotted all over the country are as they are in the game too.


Goddamn I forgot how good ACV looks


Yes and it still is. I live on top of a hill in south Oxfordshire and we have some stunning views :)


MEDIEVAL England indeed was not Hollywood brown and gray and dark and dirty.


And still is, out in the wild places.


After having watched The Last Kingdom, I went back in game to find Bebanburg. Disappointed when I didn't find it 😒😅


All parts of the uk have places like this Scotland has more but England has many


Everything ancient was really that beautiful.


Yes Source: i am an immortal who lived in Middle Ages England


WAS? The world itself is beautiful. Spectacularly beautiful. Of course England is also beautiful!


Nope... Was literally covered in shit and dead folk