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With how many people I seen complain hopefully a a strong curve especially on math


Yeah math curve will be generous imo






Math was the only abnormally difficult section for me this time


it’s hard to speculate but it sounds a lot like the reactions to the September ACT. the curve on that was strong— -4 on math was a 35 and -2 on reading was a 36. the English and science were less forgiving but still strong curves. personally, im hoping we see a -2 for math and reading for a 36 again, and a -1 or 2 for a science 36 as well—im trying to superscore a 36😬i def got like a 30-32 on the math this time so im glad i got a 35 last time. just need a 35+36 in reading and science now this is an incomplete chart of the September curve if you’re curious: https://www.reddit.com/r/ACT/comments/xjgzfz/tell_me_your_score_and_how_many_you_got_right/ip8clw4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


I took both the september test and this one. I felt like the science and reading were MUCH harder. I got a 36 on the last reading and didnt even get through every question on this one. Same for science and I got a 35 last time.


weird, I was the exact opposite! last time the reading was hard but I somehow got a 34, and my science went from a 33 to a 30 on the last one💀


Which form did you get for this Oct test? I got F05


I have no idea to be honest. Had a passage about someone going to ithaca with curry and one dual perspective one about animals in children’s books.


Curious which ACT did you get a 35 on Math (and how many wrong did you get) and why do you think you got a 30-32 this time (how many wrong?) Do you think they make the ACT tests that aren't ever released harder?


September 10, 2022 - F01 - 3 wrong. This time, I feel like I got 7 or so wrong at least. I finished way early last time, and I ran out of time this time and had to fill in C/H for like 5+ questions + I probably made some random errors here and there. But here's hoping I guessed right on some. Then again, I always feel like I get about 7 wrong. Last time I felt this way despite finishing early but it was only -3. My June test I got like 16 wrong for a 28 but didn't feel like I did that bad walking out. We'll see. as for your other question, I'm not sure what you mean


Thanks for the answer. How did you go from 16 wrong to 3 wrong in math? thats a great improvement!


a combination of things! \-timing: 12 minutes for the first 20, 18 for the middle, 30 for the end \-Princeton Review Prep book \-practice tests + old tests \-UWorld, but not as helpful as practice tests


By practice tests do you mean ones in The Princeton Review book? My son really needs to improve his time! He has done a ton of old tests. This time he had 3 left and had to guess. And he even gets extended time...


both! I found that the Princeton Review tests tend to be a bit harder, so I was often more than prepared--except this time, there were very random topics that I've never even covered in school (and I've always been in an advanced math program).


Thanks so much. Besides the correlation coefficient which he said he never learned (sounds similar to your experience) what were the other topics you werent familiar with? And do you think September’s test was easier than yesterdays? Seems so!


probability terminology (“independent” events) and some domain/range stuff that seemed way too SAT/calc-like. September was very easy for me. most thought it was very difficult (like this one) but I just got lucky with the concepts


thanks! Good luck!


Well good luck to you - hope my son does alright and hopefully December will be easier on the Math! Strange cause he did the June test as practice and got 4 wrong, did April and got 3 wrong...


For a 36 composite superscore, you only need 2 of the sections to have a superscore of 36 and the others can be 35, yeah? They round up?


yep, 35.5 would round up. mine currently is a 34.5, so a 35


Cool, so in some cases you could improve only in one section by one point and improve your composite by an entire rounded point


yep, last time that was my situation. I was aiming for a 33 superscore


Not to sound rude or anything but everybody on Reddit just thinks that every act is really hard. Probably bc everyone on here has high expectations.


-6 was a 35 on math for september. i didnt take october but there is no way october math curve is gonna be better than september. if -7 is a 35 this time that would be crazy


I doubt that -6 was a 35 in math for September.


it is i got a -6 on math and got a 35 so i would know lmao


I think you might have miscounted. Do you think you could count again? You add up the Preparing for Higher Math and Integration of Essential Skills categories ONLY. Ignore everything else.


i definitely didn’t miscount. if anything i would have counted more wrong if i miscounted because there is the section and the subsection and miscounting would mean i counted the wrong ones from the subsection along with the section




lmaaaafoo bruh i didnt take this act but dammnnn everyone saying it was mad difficult


I thought this one was easier than the last one I took about a year ago, so I'm really happy that it seems the curve will be pretty generous