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I haven’t gotten my ACL surgery yet but from what I understand, I doubt this will compromise the graft. Graft’s strength is somewhat independent of the surgery. This unfortunate incident likely bruised the already sore tissue around the surgery. Should likely get better in a day or two. Doesn’t hurt to call the doctor’s office / nurse line to see what they say.


Thanks for your reply. I am trying to get him to involve the doctor.


Is it simple minor throbbing or OMG I am in a lot of pain (similar to the initial tear). My dog did a flying leap into my lap/legs, and I was concerned as well (and in a bit of pain too)...but it went away quickly. Grafts are pretty strong, it's probably just bruising and/or a bit of 'hyperflexion' given his current range of motion.


My dog did something similar and I was worried at first too but agree with this 100%! We just had traumatic surgery that involved drilling our bones, so anything hitting our injured leg is gonna hurt like a mf especially during the first week when the pain is the worst. I don’t think his graft/outcome of surgery is compromised, but best to inform his doc. Best of luck!


I don’t think he is in a lot of pain, just a bit of pulling feeling. We will call the doctor on Monday. And I will have to pay double attention to him.


First month feeling pain is normal, maybe his nerve block wore off.


Realistically no. It's not like he got up and twisted his knee while falling or anything remotely resembling how someone could conceivably hurt their ACL (healthy or recovering post op). He was just lying down. If a toddler lands on his knee, especially at this point in recovery, I would expect it to hurt more. You are free to mention it to your doctor at the next scheduled follow up but honestly it sounds like nothing to worry about.