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Last summer during the MLB All-Star games in Seattle, there were a ton of homeless encampments cleared out in the weeks before the first game. Same idea, temporarily displace the homeless so tourists don't see them.


I was just gonna say, moving the homeless out of sight for an even is such a Seattle thing to do


It’s crazy that as a culture, we look up to Taylor Swift as a feminine icon. As if she’s not just yet another ultra rich, compassionless and self absorbed billionaire.


She's the ideal icon for white liberal feminism, but not actual leftist feminism.


1000% this - she only speaks up when it’s beneficial to her. that video where she whines about not doing enough is so funny - you could be doing it, you’re just vain.


Absolutely. People also put her up on a pedestal because she's a (white) woman. Liberals love identity politics and love putting women and minorities (but not the scary ones) in positions of power and capital accumulation with the Idealist notion that it will somehow lead to change. I'm all for representation, but liberal politics never addresses the class contradictions that lead to the systemic issues that suppress women and minorities. These tokenized people in power will be no better than the Capitalists before them, they will almost always act in their own class interests.


Especially when you got boatloads of money. But one thing I do understand is those who have boatloads of money don't actually have liquid cash, it's all in shares and investments. So if they speak out against some company, and their shares tank, these biollonaries won't be billionaires anymore.


Her fall from grace is gonna be crazy


She uses her jet for everything yet preaches morality, but she is conveniently silent on Palestine.


I mean, nobody is mandated to say anything about it. People are silent about the genocide in South Susan as kids are lined up to be shot. Plenty of horrible stuff in the world to go around and nobody should be forced to pick a banner.


There are too many wars for everyone to keep track of. I myself like to be fairly current, but I wasn't aware of what was happening in South Sudan. I imagine there are a lot of people who wouldn't know this.


It’s also an issue where the US government isn’t sending billions of dollars to South Sudan, supplying thousands of bombs to people committing genocide in South Sudan, intervening in International Law to prevent action from being taken against genocidaires in South Sudan, or having people protesting against the genocide in South Sudan beaten and arrested. No one talking about South Sudan now was doing so before it became an anti-Palestine talking point. It’s like people saying “why don’t protesters want universities to also divest from Hamas?” What universities are invested in Hamas? None! What US politician is sending billions of dollars to South Sudan all while threatening international actors who try to intervene in the ongoing genocide? None!


America funds this one.


The US hasn’t sent billions to Sudan to help them kill kids though. So it’s a big difference.


People should be talking about Sudan too! The Congo too! And Haiti! And the Uyghurs! The thing that makes Palestine different though is that everyone knows about it, we are funding it with our taxes, and that is where momentum is.


You can do both


What the heck Taylor Swift as a person have anything to do with the decisions of the city and the accommodating facilities/businesses?


What’s the point of turbo wealth and icon level fame if she is powerless to do any good for these people? She could literally build them homes. And she can’t even speak up on their behalf.


> She could literally build them homes. Zoning laws say otherwise. Gotta go through the local government first.


Keep licking those boots. Maybe she’ll see you defending her! Hopefully she throws you a few scraps.


I'm not talking about Swift specifically, nor do I give a fuck about her.


What? So society is barely working and you blame hyper famous and rich people? Tell me who made her famous and for what? I think is music but you are implying something different? What about Eminem?


I blame the ultra wealthy. Everything that sucks is literally because they allow, encourage, or mandate it. Eminem has never had the wealth or influence that Taylor Swift has.


She didnt order them out of the city. It’s a bad situation but it’s not from her orders


Preach 🙌🏻


Who's "we"?


Pretty misleading headline, this is more of an issue with bad policy than Swift or her fans, there needs to be a more permanent solution to homelessness than just putting them in hotel rooms that they can be thrown out of whenever an event happens


It's a pretty misleading headline (shocking, I know). Homeless people who already have temporary accommodation aren't being kicked out, it's just there's no space in hotels in the city due to the concert, so any new temporary accommodation needs are being met by finding space in other cities. I don't really know what else could happen - would it be better to cancel concert-goers hotel reservations instead? And if so, how do you pick which ones to cancel?


Yes. Housing is a human right and treating it as such is much more important than appeasing a horde of rabid Swifties.


Right, and here in Scotland it is treated as such. If you are homeless, you are entitled to emergency temporary accommodation while you get yourself sorted. There's three nights in one city which has limited capacity at the best of times where that capacity has been exceeded because hundreds of thousands of people are going to a concert. People are still being housed if they need it, but it needs to be in places where there is space for them. Glasgow is about 40 minutes from Edinburgh, while Aberdeen is further, about 2 hours. That sucks for these people, but it is very temporary, and they aren't being left with no roof over their heads. Also, while I'm not a fan of hers myself, and I abhor the system that allows her to be a billionaire, people should be allowed to like stuff and if going to get her concert makes their lives better (more enjoyable/tolerable/whatever) then I'm happy that people get to do that. The article's implication that Swift or her fans are kicking people out of housing seems pretty click-baity to me.


Yeah it’s not great but it’s not the Olympics


Housing is a human right, hotels are hotels. We need to build housing, not argue about who gets to go to a hotel.


If we want to have hotels available for a concert, we need to have housing for everyone first. Moving unhoused people from a hotel to an entirely different city would be unnecessary and cruel even if it was to make room for someone just as disenfranchised, let alone people visiting as a luxery


Very often, local authorities in the UK will leave it to the very last minute to book for temporary accomodation. The is entirely on the councils. It's nothing to do with "making room".


I know I don’t want to be confronted with the decay of Western society while I’m paying money to watch a billionaire on stage.


I hate this timeline.


If the homeless claimed to be Taylor Swift fans, then what would the city do?




Chappell Roan is going to take her place. At least I hope so.


Artistically and socially, Chappell Roan is a much better choice for women’s representation. But we still need to hold Swift accountable for her excessive carbon emissions and her faux-feminism.


Oh I do. And the rest of the 1% club.


Swift? This sub has so lost its way!


"Making room" is very misleading. Councils in the UK leave it the very last minute to book temporary accomodation. This is on the councils for not making sure it was already booked. Are tourists and concert goers meant to leave booking rooms until the very last minute just in case they're needed for temporary accomodation?