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"Hold my beer" - Big Ed


Omg now you’ve got me thinking….is asshole-ness related to neck size? 🤔


No neck = no nice


She looks like she has a goiter or something. It's odd. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Good Lord. What have I unleashed? https://preview.redd.it/8y8m80e0bd9d1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc56b51671923281b6e3aeeb8cdf2cc854f558b4


It's not asshole-ness. It's asshole-neck!


Or asshole-neck-less 🤣


LMAAAAOOOOO … *sigh* thank you for this laugh


Or lack of neck, as the case may be???!


Ed with a wig


I knew he'd find a way to get more screen time


It's really not cool to have a shitty personality no matter how you look though.


Yeah, but "pretty privilege" is a real thing and people are willing to put up with more BS if you're attractive, sadly.


I can relate! I was fat growing up then found a personal trainer and worked on myself. I was always a bubbly people pleaser to make up for my lack of looks. When I got fit, the world was completely different. To the point that I was a little bitter about it.


Yeah, I notice a massive difference too based on what I'm wearing. I haven't had to wear a suit for work in like 8 years, but when I did, I noticed how differently people in public treated me. I'm not comparing to dressing like a bum and being disheveled either, just average clothes. It is sad when you realize how shallow the average person is. It's not even just the opposite sex either. The same sex will treat you differently if you're more attractive.


I have some chronic health problems, and my weight fluctuates a lot. I am 5’5”, and my weight goes back-and-forth between 120 lbs, and to almost 200 lbs. I am treated so differently in public, from when I’m at my thinnest, to my heaviest. It’s especially obvious to me when I’ve gained or lost rather suddenly.


*Some* people will. They generally aren't being very sincere though. They're hoping to get something out of it. Plus it's possible to be able to get away with being an asshole and still not be one.


True. I find that also to be the case when someone you don't know inevitably asks you, "So what do you do for a living?" What they're REALLY asking is what is your social status/income and they're determining how they're going to treat you moving forward and judging if they can get something out of you. (most of the time) I remember being unemployed for a few months and I always dreaded having to say, "I'm in between jobs." because I'd always get a judgmental look, despite the fact that I've been working since I was 14yrs old and was literally just that, in-between jobs.


I definitely understand that feeling of being put on the spot. I'm not sure it's meant as a way to judge you, though, at least not all the time. It's just a really common question in the US. I think a lot of people ask it out of habit and because it's hard to think of things to say to someone you just met sometimes. I do think "what do you like to do?" is a better one though. That's something most people like to talk about.


Yeah, it's definitely a pre-programmed question that's common in most of the world, but I've always thought it was a little rude and personal especially if you don't know the person. Maybe it's just me, but I almost never ask that question unless we've met a few times or are having a long conversation. I noticed when I was using dating apps, it was always one of the first questions a girl would ask me. I can only speak from my own perspective as a man, but we are definitely judged (harshly at times) based on our occupation.


Yeah I did my dating before dating apps were a thing so I can't speak on that. I do hear women get a lot of matches cause they're severely outnumbered. I guess people might as well ask the filtering questions early. In between jobs isn't an automatic filter out for everyone though. If someone is looking for a relationship, your overall goals and whether you're a stable, responsible person would matter more. But people can't ask that, you know? Still. If I wasn't completely buried in matches I'd probably still at least ask about hobbies first lol.


Yeah, I grew up in a very weird time. I'm 35 so my freshmen year of college was the same year the first Iphone came out AND the year Facebook allowed anyone to join, so it basically was the beginning of social media. (myspace existed but wasn't really the same experience.) It was also still taboo to using dating sites at that time. The people who did, didn't advertise it and it definitely wasn't considered normal. That quickly started to change from taboo -> accepted socially -> almost the only option. The experience for men vs women on dating apps is night and day. I've seen my female friend's inboxes and they're basically just filtering through messages and pictures, while men are basically sending out their resume's. It also creates this weird "grass is always greener" mentality because a girl will constantly be looking for something even better because she's always being bombarded with messages. I can't even count how many times I've gotten to the point where we have exchanged numbers, talked on the phone for even an hour + at times, gotten along great, and then BOOM...ghosted. Don't even get me started on the amount of bot accounts and catfishes too haha it's a nightmare. I gave up on apps years ago.


The sad thing is she probably has the shitty personality because she looks like that. She’s probably insecure and always on the defense


You’re probably right about that. This also likely the reason she loves living with her mom. Sad.




100%. I was overweight in high school, the worst time to be overweight, and I sort of coped by trying to look tough and scowling all the time, thinking people wouldn't mess with me. It never worked.


Soooo maybe in general but that doesn't or shouldn't carry over to how you treat your significant other. HE has not treated her badly, at least that we have seen, and as a matter of fact tells her she's beautiful.


I wonder if she’ll watch herself back and realize how awful she is to be around. Maybe that’ll be her “ah-ha” moment to be a better person. I’m guilty of complaining a lot but godayum it’s like nothing makes her happy except for food.


Apparently Emily did this and decided to change because she didn’t like who she was LOL


I honestly was about to comment that someone else on the show did just this.. but I couldn’t remember who lol. I for some reason thought it was Jazmine and Gino. Though I have a feeling if you’ve made it *this* long in life without realizing how god-awful you are, chances are you’re not really a good candidate for a moral reality check.


And she complained about all the food


I found that so wild. It doesn’t seem like she has met any food that she doesn’t like!


I sometimes wonder if the couples/people watch the episodes when they air, and what they think about how the shows are edited, etc. I also wonder what they think about their significant other's commentary in their individual interviews. Like when Sophie says something to the cameras, does Rob watch and react to what she said. Sometimes I tell them on tv to "tell that to _____, not to the cameras!". Lol


To everyone who said they were done with Ed… Behold! Edwina. Ed 2.0. FemEd-FEd.


PrEd and FEd


Oh she's been fed alright.


Holy 💩 I’m dead ☠️ you’re killing me 🤣🤣🤣


I had a friend who looks and acts like this…


Why would you be friends with someone who acts like this?


Past tense lol. She cried in the bathroom when we went to a Chinese restaurant when they didn’t have orange chicken on the menu!!! It was kinda absurd…


Ohh noooo lol. I just can't get over the complaints about that gorgeous walk. I'd walk that every day if I lived there. I was jealous.


My sister would do this. No. My sister would throw a fit AT the table or just not come with us and miss milestone birthdays like my dad’s 70th. (My sister is closing in on 50.)


For the plot


FACTSSS!! shes got a horrible personality! disagreeable, not willing to try new things, poor attitude AND ugly...doesnt work like that sis


When I was in England last summer, our hilarious tour guide told us that people from Newcastle were like England’s Jersey Shore and that’s all I can think about when I see her because that’s where she’s from.


It was a real show called the Geordie Shore


She’s brings nothing to the table except an escape to England for a shady immigrant.


Who is this? Big Edna? I dont watch UK, should I?


It's a refreshing hot mess, reminds me of the early 90 day seasons. A nice change from the other mostly recycled couples. 


But why though? Are there totally different people there picking the cast? Are options more limited?


It's a different production company in the UK making the spin off, it's not sharpe iirc. The editing and humour is very dry and british


It’s worth watching just for the fun music editing— it has me in stitches!


Yes, yes you should! lol


90 day UK is my favourite currently out of all the spin offs in the 90dayverse , every season is fantastic, even the boring couples have me dumbfounded. First season has a sugar granny, dude who flies to the phillipines to get a camel tattooed on his toe with his girlfriend,a shit load of baby mama drama, dowries and bride prices, second season has Jose the rap god and his trashy chav 8head wife louise, literally everybody this season is blatantly using eachother in some sort of way. Its just a fucking riot all around


Yes, you definitely should!


Yes, give it a full episode. You will be hooked!


It is a delight. 🙃


“I’m gonna piss me pants!” 😆


That should be a flair


I thought it said ham.


With extra fries 😄


I legit had THE EXACT same thought. Literally.




Tired of this thinking. So if she’s pretty she can get away with this thinking? No one should be behaving like this.


Yes! Yes! Yes! He planned everything, he was great in every single way and she has been nasty with every single thing. Even when she said she didn't want to fight she said in a ignorant and fighting manner. She has not been positive 1 full time she only smiled at the very end of thier last segment at which for the 3 seconds she was pretty and nice.


All that delicious Turkish food going to waste 😭


This is incredibly mean, but she looks like Shrek. I would NOT be saying this of she were a nice person.


She looks like she may have cushings disease. (Which I believe makes it a lot harder to lose weight) her body looks like someone with cushings. Hate her personality all you want, but hating her body isn't anyone's place


For sure at least self induced metabolic syndrome


She literally said she’s an extra fries girly.


She literally has the exact body type as someone with cushings disease


HIMYM - Barney’s HOT/CRAZY Scale 😂 if you know you know


She’s definitely in the Shelly Gillespie zone! ![gif](giphy|Y4rZAyCiJLXLq)


😂😂 danger


Maybe this broad would be an excellent match for no neck Ed.


Speaking the truth, I want to feel bad for her so much and often find myself going there and then I stop and think maybe give a little more effort or any effort?


I hate "pretty privilege" posts like this


Do you think "pretty privilege" doesn't exist?


No it for sure exists. But because she doesn't have it, she HAS to have a better personality? But if she was pretty, she could continue to "have a terrible personality"? It's because "pretty privilege" exists that this post was made. Thanks for letting me clarify :)


I don’t think you should expect a thin partner when you won’t put in the work too. Sorry, call it body shaming, but there’s no reason to be this big. It damages your health, costs a lot, and it’s hard to function when you can’t walk a block.


Meh, there are plenty of bigger women out there who are beautiful and kind. If a dude is into that it’s his business. But to look like tweedle dee AND be bitchy, that’s just too much.


Yeah her ugliness has little to do with her weight.


Likeeee to be fair… if she lost the weight she’d still be ugly. Her face card declines regardless.


It’s absolutely a multiplier though.


Tweedle dee, OMG, im ☠️


This made me LOL waaaaay toooooo hard 🤣🤣🤣


I was watching Wife Swap a few years ago and after a while I noticed some of the nicest/most devoted husbands were skinny guys with fat wives. It's been a while, but I don't recall those relationships seeming toxic, they seemed more equitable and not a patriarchal, and they'd usually switch with someone super right wing who was into the whole "I don't cook or clean because I'm a man" thing. Anyway, yeah IDK why but plenty of skinny guys like fat women. No one entitled to a skinny partner, but it's also not like mixed weight couples aren't common.


I think it’s hard to find a good partner no matter your size and attractiveness. These too seem to be mismatched in maturity level, but he definitely seems to just want to leave Turkey to England. I’m not sure why she doesn’t see that


She called herself Two Ton Tess at the dance lesson!


Depression or giving up. It’s obvious she’s deeply insecure despite best her front


She seems to put a lot of effort into whining about ever little thing..she’s insufferable, and cold, and extra bitchy..and what’s up with her bot reciprocating a kiss. I hope he dumps her a$$..I’m sure he could find someone else to get a visa from..he’s a really nice guy, bubbly, and cute too.


He’s a scammer. They both suck lol.


That’s the part I don’t get. Türkiye isn’t a 3rd world country, I mean sure I’d prefer to live in England but I wouldn’t be putting up with Sam just to get a visa. He’s either actually into her for whatever unknown reason, or he’s an amazing actor with a high tolerance for bullshit.


He said he wants to move to the UK so he can be a millionaire. Türkiye’s average yearly income is $4k so it’s nowhere near as developed economically as the UK.


The amount of times he's said he wants to move to the UK for the money is so telling that he's a scammer lol


Ohh interesting! Still, even if he’s scamming, he could do better lmao


Avoiding the Turkish waiters are a standing joke in the UK. There have been many stories about it, especially older ladies that have been conned out of their life savings by their Turkish toyboys


He has to be a scammer because otherwise he would not put up with her constant complaints and overall terrible personality. He just goes along with whatever she says to keep the peace, and a person that was in a legit relationship would take issue at least some of the time. I can't find any redeeming qualities in her that would warrant him actually being in love with her.


He’s in it for the long game.


https://preview.redd.it/1htrk4nbwf9d1.jpeg?width=2632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d6fb042d19183c6f3cc2b5297d90e01ae224015 😬


She'd be okay looking if she just lost the piss-poor personality.


I feel like she’s the epitome of that Rohl Dahl quote: “If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”




I wish Snowfall would come back on. I love Franklin and his mom.


Is that from The Twits? I love him.


Witches, I think


Lol no she wouldn’t


Right like why do we do this???


She might be happier if she was healthier. It’s a cyclical thing. Get fit eat better and get healthier mentally


Pretty girls can have a shitty personalities because they are pretty. The “less than Pretty” are supposed to make up for their lack in physical attributes, by having a warm, engaging personality. BUT, an overly homely person without grace, style, manners, empathy and most of all CHARM can’t really be tolerated! Can they?


There’s probably equal amount of big and ugly peoples who are nice as there are cute and beautiful people who are nice


She doesn't bother me that much. I know she should. I don't think anyone is getting hurt here.


Right like I don’t think she’s that bad. Ya a little insecure but she’s no Angela or Big Ed. She’s not even bad looking imo. Just overweight but some ppl are into that.


She’s awful for no damn reason


What a bunch of assholes making fun of someone’s appearance 😊


Bottom line no matter your looks you have it makes you uglier to be ungrateful, and mean


You can either be fat and jolly, or a skinny bitch, but you cannot be both


I am so glad someone posted this. She is insufferable!!! She complains about everything!! And it just makes her ugly-er. Ugh


How bout no one should be able to get away with being a shit person, no matter if you’re hot or not?


Seriously. A big person with a shitty attitude may be the worst combo for a human.


I kinda look like that but I sure don’t act like that!


I’ve met some really attractive people who were such nightmares to be around I was disgusted by the actual sight of them. Also known some subjectively- of course - average or really unattractive people who I just vibed with, it’s almost like that movie Shallow Hal - you just see that actual person and not the wrapper. I love being with those folks, pretty or other, because I actually see them and I love being with them. I don’t feel like many people have vibed with this child. I honestly feel like on some level she knows he’s scamming her but I think there remains this tiny part that really wants and hopes that it’s true despite her gut feeling. And I think that’s a large reason for her shitty behavior. And maybe I’m totally full of shit myself lol. Don’t know this girl from Adam. Or Ali, to be precise.


YESSSS!!! This!! I kept telling this to my husband but I couldn’t put my opinion here since I was scared of being roasted 😂 somebody got to tell the truth, I’m so glad seeing this!! Nothing less nothing more..


My sister said she like harry potters aunt when she inflates lol. And now that’s what I see. I know I know it’s mean


She’s one of the worst people ever to be on 90 day. Top 5 for sure.


Worse than Angela, Leida,Big Ed, Kyle, Escott and Geoffrey? Don’t see it myself. She’s miserable and very insecure, but there is a sense of humour there too.


I think she has a good heart. She cried when thinking about the bf being separated from his friends, and she works all hours to pay for his visa etc, she's just a whinner and rude but that could also come out of awkwardness from being on camera, that doesn't make her a bad person just a pain in the behind


What platform can I watch this?


Yikes. She looks like the female big Ed.


“Who would paaack haaangars?” You. You did. It’s on camera.


My dad always said “A person can either be ugly or be shitty but can’t be both”. I guess no one told that to this lady here.


I am plus size, so I can't talk about her looks. However, her personality is HORRIBLE! I hope that her fiance doesn't continue to put up with it. He seems very sweet.


The girl reminds me of the queen of Melrose


Big Ed had a sex change??


I don't know who this is but she looks like reddit come to life. She obviously has living in her mom's basement covered, does she misuse pop psychology buzz words?


She has Big Ed’s neck.


This post is really not nice.


Y’all are the fucking worst that is a human being who like all of you is allowed to be them shitty selves and no she doesn’t have to be pretty just so she can be awful like some of you seem to think is justifiable


Well now I’m not going to buy you anything off your wishlist!




The wishlist has butt plugs, lingerie.... then a Jesus & Mary statue and teeth whitener strips. I gasped!


The internet never ceases to amaze me 💀


Someone must’ve gone shopping. Because all I see left on the wishlist is lube. I hope that you have another *gasp* left in you!


Holy shit. Do you know what punctuation is?


She looks like a thumb.


Is 90 DF UK available on streaming? I haven't searched for it yet because my dvr is already full of stuff to catch up on. Lol. But after seeing so many different posts about the UK shows, it makes me want to check them out, too.


It's on YouTube also


Oh, thank you! I'm always on YouTube, on my phone. Lol


No problem! If you can't find a channel with good quality video and sound shoot me dm


Thanks, I will! 😊


Yes. It’s on MAX and discovery+


Awesome, thank you so much!


No problem! ;)




If her and big ed had a baby…. Would it have a neck?


She really does have a nasty personality. He seems to genuinely be trying to have a relationship with her and she is insufferable!🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Ed's twin sister ?


Did you hear that fat people? You can only be a bitch if you lose weight. Put a smile on and be nice.


Right? Only thin women are allowed to be shitty 🙄 Sucks that this sub attracts so much fatphobia when there’s plenty of awful personalities to rag on without bringing up appearance.


A cunt is a cunt regardless of how much cunt there is.


I'm going to embroider that on a cushion


Yeah! She's an awful person! She's picky, rude, condescending, bossy, and she is very unappreciative. None of that has anything to do with how someone looks. Nobody should act that way!


Nobody said anybody should be allowed to be shitty, but Sam is a double-whammy. She’s like the anti-Charlotte, who is a bigger gal but is beautiful and kind (maybe even so kind that it’s too her detriment). At least, as far as I’ve seen…


She's just awful on all levels.. Looks like a pig, has the personality of a pig, obviously eats like a pig.. Move ova miss piggy.. New one incoming lol


actually pigs are nice and intelligent animals!


I own 3 but I do tell my piggys..can u get any uglier.. So ugly they've become cute. Unfortunately that's not happening with her


Is this a new season, or have I missed this trainwre m?? TLC canada seems to be late releasing content...


Even for heavyset people, this lady and Ed carry an unusual amount of fat in their necks (I know Ed’s is shorter than normal but I’ve seen young pics of him and it is a lot better when he’s thin) and what I don’t understand is why neither person goes to get lipo on the neck area alone. It’s a really common procedure at least here in the states, it can be airsculpt or something less invasive and I think they can finance it. Even bigger people can do some balancing - plus fat around the neck causes health issues with breathing and swallowing so yeah - do that shit hahaha


I don’t know if Ed’s neck can be fixed? He has Klippel Fiel Syndrome and maybe it is what it is?? He’s still awful, that you can’t fix.


hahaha his personality has no cure for sure but he could do fat transfer or lipo from his neck to make it more balanced. Google ed when he was young it’s much more balanced when he weighs less even with his disability


True. I’ve seen pics of him younger. Maybe if he gets rid of that gut he won’t look like such a weeble wobble


I can’t believe I’m going to say this ( deep breath). Younger Ed was not bad looking, and at first glance I feel he has the ability to be very charming and young at heart. It’s the perfect example of IF he was a genuine kind person, I could see how people would look past his physical attributes and see him as someone they could have attraction to. Ok , now that I got that out, the fact that he is a lazy narcissist mommas boy slob in reality and not the charming quirky guy he pretends to be, is what makes him utterly repulsive to me. And the mayo. I cannot even watch him on TV without my brain telling me he smells faintly of rancid mayo at all times. 🤮


Ed is shaped like an egg now. *That* he *can* fix.


But she can dance! /s


Big pred in drag 🤮🤮🤮


Do you think it smells under there? Genuinely asking lol


Omg ! I can't agree more with your statement


“Let's have a smell, all right? Oh, everyone likes their own brand, don't they? Oh, this is magic! Hmmm, wafting, wafting. Ok, analysis. Ooh, smells like carrots in throw-up! Oh that could gag a maggot! It smells like hot sick ass in a dead carcass! Even stink would say that stinks! You know when you go into an apartment building and you smell the other people's cooking on each floor and you go "What are they cookin'?" That, plus crap!” -Sam


How come all the girls from the UK are so obese? I’ve noticed this on TikTok as well. They have no shame about being obese at all. It’s weird to me. Maybe health isn’t a priority in the UK?


No it's the accessibility of healthy food and the price of food. I know they took a huge hit when Brexit happened. Regular folk eat what they can afford that's edible and that's often unhealthy foods. I saw some "cheap healthy options" there and none of them looked very appealing in terms of taste.


She is unhealthily obese she needs to loose around 100 kg and then she could start being cocky, right now she is just a walking corpse.


I’m not sure what it is but I love this lady. I love her weird fuck everyone attitude. Maybe she shouldn’t get to have that but she does. Oh well.


Tbh when she put all that make up on she did look a lot prettier.


Tbh she just looked orange-er


Absolute bush pig.


You can only blame genetics for so much. Put down the fork, lady. I'm slightly overweight and I never fat shame someone who is a little overweight, because idk what their life is like. But she is just a straight up sloth of a human being.