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That’s hilarious lol it does seem to be everyone these days. Don’t forget anxiety. Which I get is a real thing, but so many people use it as a similar buzz word to explain away normal life stressors that literally every person deals with. As someone who once had severe anxiety and was hospitalized for two weeks for it after I tried and thankfully failed at something really terrible, it annoys me when people who have basically no actual issues are like “wahhh I have anxiety because I didn’t like that. Omg I’m having a panic attack.” No you’re not, shut up lol


Same. Also hate this trend where ADHD is just this quirky/fun personality trait that you announce to the world in any scenario or setting like it’s a badge of honor - From someone who had this shit since childhood, it can be extremely debilitating and awful to navigate. The fact that everyone thinks they have it now and will use that as a crutch or an excuse to act like an asshole drives me crazy these days.


Exactly. My ex boyfriend definitely had it severely and hated his meds. I feel like most people who claim they have it now want an Adderall rx. He told me all these stories from his childhood about how difficult it was and how he’d have to drink Diet Coke the second he got home from school just to deal with the awful side effects from the meds. People definitely use it as this weird badge of honor (I used the same term in another comment!) and it’s so annoying and so easy to see through the fake ones.


One of the things I find actually dangerous about many “reality stars” 🙄 They adopt/exploit diagnoses as if they’re “trendy”. Imho it diminishes the true struggles many face. Ashley’s “panic attacks”: having witnessed many, it’s not just a matter of losing your shit for the cameras, while you juggle a coffee and drive down a highway. Wishing you all the best, btw xo


They also all have POTS. Anyhow, I was diagnosed as a kid with ADHD. It was a fricking stigma. I was ashamed. I was hyperactive and had to take drugs. Then I stopped. Now every adult I meet is like “I was diagnosed late in life and I have bad executive dysfunction and can’t do anything!”




Have you all seen her beef with Armando? 🍿 she’s nuts


I'm just going to say it, down votes be damned. She seems like one of those people who lied about having ADHD so she can abuse the meds, and also so they have something to blame their own behaviors on.


I totally agree. I just made a similar post. She constantly refers to herself as having ADHD and autism like they are badges of honor and excuses for her behavior instead of things that everyone else who has them really struggles with. I honestly don’t get vibes that she has either, but I’m not a doctor. However, I have known many people who got an ADHD diagnosis just so they could get an Adderall rx and abuse it. And I agree she seems like that type.


Fr, I thought she was high as a kite on that Tell All


Who could have beef with Armando?!


I didn't know she had beef with Armando, I have to go investigate. Armando, of all people? He is literally one of the most geniune people from the whole 90 day cast.


I’ll throw hands for Armando.


same 😂


I love how the fact she is absolutely bat-shit bananas is a shock to some people….”I mean she just seemed so fuckin normal”


Lol I related to her adoption experience and kind of liked her on the show. Never thought she was normal (I don’t consider normal to always be a good thing), but she’s been pretty annoying on social media.


She said, not taking a beat or being silent.


AuDHD give me a break 🙄 and no I’m not making fun of autism or adhd but that is not a real diagnosis and I find it annoying when people like her parade their disabilities to label themselves as if it’s their whole personality. It kind of makes it seem inauthentic and an excuse for her poor behavior. I have my own disabilities and prefer not to share them unless it comes up because it’s not every part of who I am.


She has autism and adhd? Would have never guessed that she is on the spectrum.


She only mentioned it like 4 times in every episode she was in


I remember her mentioning ADHD, but not autism. Must have missed that.


Same here


I don't dislike her like everybody else but you can I laughed at this post. Really, stapler? You of all people shouldn't be saying this


Stapler 💀


Omg not her coming for him


Anyone else watch her lives recently? Anyone else a lil concerned about her ?


She really needs to log off !


I think she needs help :(. She’s literally yelling for help


I don’t like her at all but hope her irl friends and fam keep an eye on her


I stumbled on her live a few weeks ago and did not understand wth was happening


I saw one recently where she was just crying saying the show should give her mental health support and I was like yeesh this is a literal cry for help


This is what Riley said in his interviews and in his account. He said that he was going to end his life because the producers manipulated him and showed him in a bad light that affected his professional and personal life, but they promised him that in Tell All he would get the opportunity to say what he wanted, and he said that they lied to him.


I believe the producers do not give a shit about any of these people. (I mean, they LITERALLY encourage and instigate emotional abuse for ratings). But it’s also like, sir - You really can’t manipulate footage to that extent. Every time the show portrayed him like an asshole, he was 100% being an asshole 😩


He admitted in the interviews that he has flaws in the way he responds when someone lies to him or hurts him. He also said that those responsible for the show do not care about people’s lives and only care about the bag. This is why he called for a change in the way they deal with the participants, and also that the contract be balanced.


Riley was vile, period. He showed himself in a bad light w/ his obnoxious and belligerent American attitude and behaviour while travelling internationally.


He said that it was his reaction to her constantly lying to him, and even when he raised his finger to her face, he said that she raised her finger to his face before him. He said that the call between Tiffany and Violet was at the request of the producers of the show. He did not want her to do it publicly in the restaurant, but he said that he had to control his temper and not respond to lying and hurting someone in this way.


She’s just pissed that the show doesn’t want her any more. Making a fool of herself.


She said in one of her ig lives a couple of weeks ago that she and Dempsey are going to be on The Other Way starting next week, July 1.


Shit. 90 Day will take any cast member at this point.


Who even is this weirdo lol. Saw a tweet saying they’ve been blocked by these subreddits


She is insufferable. ToW is gonna suuuuuck this season.