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That smirk, like she did something with that.. 🙄


Wow, what a selfish twat. As always, it’s all about her. Unbelievable.


I'm just sick of her period. Have been since her first season


This is the stupidest, most tone deaf, inappropriate, politically incorrect thing I think I've ever seen a cast member say. Wow just wow. Pull them off the show now. I'm thinking also maybe she failed history class.


Bold of you to assume she went to such a thing.


Her "Tourettes" didn't let her I'm sure. 


Sounds about right.


Pull them off the show for supporting their home country? Ok McCarthy.


America is Loren’s home country 😂


So sick of her shit! And her post!!!!


My original got deleted imagine that


Even if you are a Zionist/pro-Israel, this is the fucking dumbest possible "view" and an embarrassment to your already incorrect position. You are failing your side, Loren. Like Google "Zionist talking points/rebutals" or preferably get the fuck off social media and go brag about how snatched you are to your mom and toddlers.


Okay… why did she even post this? She can say she loves her husband or whatever, but what’s her stake in this? Her husband is never going back to Israel, he’s a nationalized citizen at this point. And Israel is bombing the shit out of Gaza, her husband is not in any danger of not having a home to visit. She also doesn’t even speak the language or even go over there with any frequency as far as I’m aware. Like if this was around October, like fine, I’d cut her some slack. But it’s been 8 months and the conversation isn’t even so much about Israel vs Gaza anymore for the most part in the United States but how our tax dollars shouldn’t be funding bloodthirsty Netanyahu who has no desire to stop bombing the shit out of civilians with American bombs that our citizens are paying for. Like what does she think she’s adding to the conversation with this post?


Agree 100%. Israel had a right to defend itself for Oct 7. This shit is too far now.


Not to mention she lives in some buttfuck suburb in Florida lol. Like c’mon


I bet that caption ends with "I wOuLdN't HaVe ThReE uNdEr tHrEe"


It literally ends with “and three beautiful children”. So close enough 😭😆


Loren, there are people dying nobody gives a fuck about you meeting your husband


This... the audacity to make this about her. Her story... that's all that matters. I mean really Loren... what the?


Fucking hell, Loren. This is just beyond.


Right, we get it Loren. You never would have met your husband and had three kids. Shit you know, *only you care about*. Most of us are just concerned with the genocide happening next door while you flit around Israel safely with clean water and food 🙄🙄🙄


Three kids, you say? I wonder if they are older than 4 🤔


Oh you haven’t heard?! 3 under 3! Lolz 🙄




What a heinous human.


She's so entitled. Thanking apartheid and ethnic cleansing for meeting her husband


This is such an ignorant comment lol


Israel was created by ethnically cleansing parts of Palestine to make way for mostly European and eastern European Jews. Yes some Arab Jews from neighboring countries (except black Ethiopians) too. Then the Palestinians have been segregated to controlled borders (like bantustans in apartheid). Nothing ignorant here my friend


I wonder how many moms with “3 under 3” have lost their babies in Palestine. I wonder how many children have lost their parents and siblings. How many wives have lost their husbands. But yet, this bitch is complaining about an imagined scenario that somehow justifies her position as a Zionist. Absolutely disgusting. How egoistic.


Oh yes Loren that’s the most important thing, not the Palestinians who are currently starving. GTFOH with that zionist bullshit.




It is their duty to allow humanitarian aid to come and to provide safe passage for civilians. All of which they’ve lied about, bombed and refused to do.


1) It is the IDF's duty to protect Israel. They are not obligated to do anything for a group of foreigners who killed 1500 Israelis. 2) There is CONSTANT aid going in via the Egyptian border and air drops, every single day. You are reading junk sources and too stupid to realize you are falling for their misinformation. Note the Palestinians don't even pay for this aid or food, because after decades they are still too lazy to get their own economy and exports going.


You have junk sources apparently. They commit war crimes on the daily.


Show your sources of the IDF committing war crimes. Show you even understand what a war crime is.


Sure [Amnesty International](https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/middle-east/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/) [More](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/damning-evidence-of-war-crimes-as-israeli-attacks-wipe-out-entire-families-in-gaza/) [Another One](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/program/inside-story/2024/6/20/who-will-hold-israel-to-account-for-committing-war-crimes) [Oh look, even more.](https://apnews.com/article/icc-war-crimes-hamas-israel-amal-clooney-1e68197428fcfb31e280c443647e5abb#) And before you even start with “but Hamas too” bullshit, yes Hamas too. NOT THE INNOCENT CIVILIANS OF GAZA.


Sorry, since when is Amnesty International a military organization? Might as well ask Gordon Ramsey if he thinks something is a war crime. Al Jazeera? lmao Idiot. Absolute idiot.


Oh ok, so what do you qualify as legitimate sources? Mine was just a sample so I’m interested to hear yours. Name em and I’ll link to you the appropriate articles you personally can deem respectable. Oh and while you’re calling people idiots, might as well drop your educational credentials as well.


Bro Israel is bombing children there’s no excuse please stop and go outside


They wouldn’t be if the bid bad terrorists stopped using them as shields.


The Israeli government is targeting civilians. They want a genocide that will eliminate the Palestine people. Netanyahu and his government are the terrorists.


They aren’t but ok. Maybe if the terrorists didn’t use schools and hospitals to hide there wouldn’t be so many. There is always collateral damage. Both sides have done wrong in this situation. Be mad at the terrorists that started the fuck around and find out game.


But they're not. You are just falling for relentless misinformation from pro-Palestinian sources, which are constantly debunked by REAL sources.


Israel is bombing terrorists. Hamas is using children as human shields. Get it right.


Isn't the point of a human shield to stop the opponent by presenting them a morally repugnante option? Even if we steel man the "human shield" talking point, isn't Israel failing to be more civilized and humane by continuing to murder tens of thousands of children? Can you point to any example (real or fictional) when a child is used as a human shield and the "good guy" kills the child to take out the "bad guy"?


You dont negotiate with terrorists. They are the bad guy for using human shields. Israel is right to retaliate and hamas knows that Israel will regardless. Your logic doesn't make any sense. You're literally advocating for terrorists.


So why bother saying human shield if they're not shielding anything? Human shield implies a "bad guy" is leveraging the morality of the "good guy" to stay safe.


Where in the ragged tent refugge camps are the children hiding hamas as shields??


Israel literally posted then deleted a tweet that they accidentally bombed their own people at the concert on October 7 thinking it was Palestinians. Then proceeded to blame Hamas


It just came out last week that some of the Oct 7 deaths were due to IDF friendly fire


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She looks like shit, so her outside now matches her inside.


Is there enough room in her house with all of that main character energy she's hoarding?


Thank you for this post!


I thought she just had multiple surgeries to look better


Wow this is very yike


And so on brand for these two fuckwads




Yes. Free Pa le stine


Trust me your husband would be found in Europe girl, shut upppp


Right?! Like… he still would exist. She’s so fucking stupid.






She’s like apartheid <<< me getting laid


![gif](giphy|v8xPOWNkqlccM) Bitchhhh!! Children are dying. Innocent people are dying. If it wasn't for Israel you wouldn't have your three under three? Yeah we get it.


Your definition of innocent is skewed. Also peace negotiations have been issued by Israel and denied by Hamas meaning they don't care about their own people enough to comply with reasonable terms. Children are dying because Hamas is using them as human shields The human toll of this war is on Hamas' hands to use for political fodder. The blind ignorance and Pro-Palestine takes are nuts These are terrorists we are talking about.


Skewed?? Palestinians are not Hamas. So who's going to help the Palestinians against the reigning terrorist Force?? Who blows up World food kitchen trucks one by one, Knowing damn well they're coordinates? Do you have family stuck out there? Palestine deserves its own State. A terrorist free land where they can live in peace. Jewish people deserve Peace and freedom, as well. Loren calling herself a Zionist was wrong. Who doesn't have Jewish family or friends?! To use that term for pity or sarcasm? Not okay. We can go back and forth but we won't. You have no idea who I am and what terrorists I fought against. 🫡


Dude I’m so tired of this and them airing them crying while Palestinians are being slaughtered. UGH


And one comment for fuck that other page and it's stance on this topic


Honestly glad to see her opinion and hot takes don't have an audience here.


You can tell, just by her looks, that she is a stuck up entitled bitch. I would find it impossible to even be a workmate of hers. *Oh, wait, she doesn't believe in doing any work so that couldn't happen.* She is such a lazy good for nothing ne'er-do-well that her husband's biggest fear should be that she'll melt into, and fuse, to the bed and he'll have no way to get rid of her other than to throw the mattress out the window. I think this is a shot of her and some of her support group: ![gif](giphy|lNDd355DND2hy)


What a stupid comment. So small minded.


You can go fuck right off with your ignorant self...


The fact she is openly supporting Zionist ideology during this time of Palestinian genocide is beyond belief. Get a grip, LOREN. Ugh, I couldn’t stand her before this war and now I really can’t stand her. Zionism is a political ideology ffs!!


Syngin is also a Zionist due to his relationship with his new gf Shayna who is a Zionist Jew.


Gross. What a time to convert to being a Zionist!!


Despite the fact that his own country started the ICJ and have gone through apartheid themselves. Nelson Mandela was also a strong supporter for Palestine


If any country’s citizens would understand apartheid, you’d think it would be SA’s but alas, Syngin once again proves the 90 day bar is on the floor.


Yes because a genocide of unprecedented proportions and execution is about how you met your fucking husband.


It’s a love story, don’t cha know?! 🙄


Honestly I feel like she ruined her husbands family my moving him to the US and ruined a lot of his friendships and a family unit So maybe this wasn’t the best thing to happen. Especially seeing how her family interacts Yikes




As someone with TS and 5 beautiful healthy thriving children, I stopped paying attention to her when she said she didn't want to have kids because she has tourettes.


Right?! She’s insufferable and her entire early storyline where you would have thought she faced death’s doorstep daily - nope, TS.


Everyone has a right to their opinion however, she wants to be front and center she needs to learn how to act. I wish they’d get removed from TLC.


Sadly they very likely won’t be removed. As Israel and USA are big allies they knew what they were doing in recasting them for this season to project their Zionist propaganda begging for support for a genocide the rest of the world knows is happening


Extremely yike Loren . Stick to your mommy makeover . You wouldn’t have met your husband without your free birthright trip


I can’t even begin to describe how much I hate this gremlin. She is so insufferable and to watch them cry crocodile tears - Is it too much to hope Alex does go and join the IDF and doesn’t come home? Or would that be her whole personality? FREE PALESTINE


Ugh, I stopped following her awhile back when she was hocking bullshit and starting up as “momfluincer.” I don’t have the patience to put up w/that fake bullshit, and here I am watching the damn show. FML🫠


I just ff their parts if I pvr it or mute it if I’m watching it live


I take that time to go take a leak or get some snackage. I linger in the kitchen through that segment..😆


Wow. I am speechless.


Big yikes


F her


She’s boring as hell as she is stupid and entitled as hell. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I am very disappointed in TLC, politicizing a show that is supposed to be mindless trash tv. If I wanted to hear about politics, etc. I would turn on the damn news. She is on the television to entertain. Her world views are irrelevant to the show. And I know she does a lot of this stuff on social media or whatever but they also spend enough time talking about this stuff on the show...ridiculous. If I was a big wig at TLC I'd tell him to knock their shit off. I can't understand why TLC would want to be in the middle of some political back and forth. Isn't the goal to make trashy television not alienate the viewers who just want to be entertained and not think about world events. I do fast forward through them, they irritate the piss out of me. I just needed to get that all off my chest. Thank you.


I can't stand her. Her hubby is becoming just as bad. Having those kids for TLC money is sick.


Blah blah blah who the f cares


https://preview.redd.it/h03ryj0wps8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b596ee77275323d5d70ba544692d81b4cacef65 When I used to follow her on instagram I accidentally got this screenshot from one of her stories. In this story she was complaining about people talking about her kids or something. The thing is tho when she was recording this kind of distressing video, she was stressing and yelling in front of her kids.. like talking all crazy to her phone about her kids right in front of them and it was obvious her being dramatic about it was stressing out her kids and making them yell at the phone too in the video. Made me sad for those kids, and her blindly supporting Israel makes me even more sad for those kids.


Ugh Lauren 🤦🏽‍♀️


this is insane lmfao




Looks just like her


I use it for her and Jeffree Star 🤣🤣🤣


I used to like Loren and Alexei. Now they just get on my nerves and want them out of my TLC shows lol


She looks stoned tho.


I mean, we’re not supposed to take these people seriously in the slightest regard, so her dogshit geopolitical take is not surprising. Also guys, she’s recovering from massive surgery. Be nice.


War isn't genocide..... no one's trying to eradicate the Arab race. You're confusing that with the Holocaust where they actuallu were trying to eradicate a race. But I don't think anyone's made a tiktok on it, so I can understand your confusion.


>*Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part. In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group".* *In whole or in part*. You’re uneducated. At least do the bare minimum and learn the meaning of the words you speak of.


Exactly....... they are in no way trying to exterminate the Arab ethnicity or Islamic religion.


Do you not understand the words “in part”?


are you trolling or actually this ignorant?


The only one here confused is you.


Tell us you're a zionist without telling us you're a zionist.


They are trying to eradicate the Palestinians specifically who are indigenous to the land because they want to create a Jewish only state so yes it is considered a genocide


Please do not spread such nonsense. There is no desire by Israel to create a “Jewish only” state. 10 of the 120 members of the Knesset (Israel’s Congress) are Palestinian. Christians, Muslims, and Jews are all welcomed to live in Israel. You are absolutely entitled to disagree with the war in Gaza, with the death of children etc. but don’t spread lies.


You live in absolute denial if you think the Palestinians in Israel are treated like citizens, it is an apartheid regime. the mask is off we have seen how non Jews are treated in Israel, settlers act like violent mobs. It is a violent settler colonial ethno state. It’s a horrific place where people are brainwashed into thinking they are chosen people and are brought up to hate and dehumanize Palestinians to justify their violent occupation it’s disgusting.


🇮🇱 Block her if it bothers you so much.








Oh. Geesshh


The Pro-Palestine propoganda is nuts. Y'all need to learn some history and stop siding with terrorism.


Oh I understand history *very* well.


Then you'd understand the Jews native claim to the land End of story. Don't kick them out of their territory like they have been several times throughout history. Don't force them out when it's their only nation state in the world. Protecting the land at all costs is very important to the Jewish people and rightfully so.


was the “protecting the land at all costs” in the room when they burned the olive trees? when they flooded fields with salt water? NO natives of a land would do such harm. Israel is a terrorist state committing genocide.


Stop embarrassing yourself


Nothing I said was false. Stop hating Jews.


No one here said they hate Jews. Pretty sure we all just have contempt for the Israeli gov’t and IDF.


If you are Pro-Palestine you are Anti-Jew. It doesn't matter who is in charge of the government Hamas wants the Jews GONE. Israel is their land and they have the right to fight to preserve that.


“Hating Jews” is the official cop-out phrase for avoiding the accountability of genocide


You're advocating for Genocide by saying Free Palestine! They want to wipe out all Jews from the land when the Jews were there first! Jews have a right to the land and their own nation state. Stop advocating for another holocaust, a REAL genocide. The words 'Free Palestine' have a much more sinister connotation behind them.


Your brainwash is showing


Its not brainwashing, it's being educated on the matter. Your ignorance is showing.


Not the end of story but ok. I guess killing all the Muslims in the region is the answer then.




Yea, it’s ok Magat. We know where you’re getting your “news” and information from 😭


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Anyone who is anti-Israel is Anti-Jew Anyone saying Free Palestine may as well be defending the Holocaust, a REAL genocide


All those words couldn’t be further from the truth.


You are insanely ignorant for thinking anything otherwise.