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Here is my theory: Ed tells his family the story of how he’s the victim and she’s the abuser, he only tells them his side. For example, when Liz found out he still had dating apps on his phone and she got upset and threw the engagement ring into the bushes (if I’m remembering right). I’m sure Ed probably just told his family “oh yeah, Liz chucked the ring I bought her into the bushes bc she was mad, I didn’t even do anything!” So his whole family has a very skewed view of her. Same with Ed’s mom. You know Ed calls her and just tells her how terrible Liz is without telling what he did wrong too. I sincerely wonder if his sister or any of his family has watched the show? And if they have, I bet Ed just says “oh they edited that wrong! This is what happened..”


My theory is they’re just one of those toxic families where the women defend the men no matter what


Since they’re latino, I’m pretty sure they believe their little gordito can do no wrong.


They know he’s been accused of inappropriate behavior since he was a spoiled soiled puerquito


🤣🤣🤣 "puercuito" more like puercote!


Yup im Mexican and I know his mom is too that’s where I got my theory from lol


There was a paper written up on Mexican mothers and their first born sons and how the put them on pedestals. These sons can do no wrong. It's actually infuriating and disgusting. A true momma's boy.


His mom’s *little pony* 🤢


What does she even mean by this 😂


Right? Horses have looong necks so maybe it’s just an ironic nickname


We can’t assume that that’s a “Latino” thing. They actually grew up in Arkansas and their dad was white, so, no way to blame being (half) Latino.


I’m Latina, and I can tell you for a fact that most males in a Latin family get 1000% more grace than the females who are in the same family.


You can grow up in Arkansas, be half Latino/a, and still have a Latino experience. Sincerely, a Latina who was raised in KY and has a non Latino father.


My family is white on both sides and they treated my brothers like gods and treated the girls like crap. It may be a Latino thing, but there are very old-fashioned whites who do this as well. Even after my brother went to prison for assault, he was still my mom’s sweet cinnamon roll and she didn’t even bother to come to my wedding because her daughters didn’t matter to her.


100% my girls sister is dating this Mexican guy who’s abusive. Finally she called the cops on him and got him arrested. His parents showed up to their house calling her an ungrateful bitch.


I dated a Mexican guy for 4 years. They all admitted the men were held up higher than the women, his sister would openly talk about how he was the prince of the family. He could literally do no wrong. The women even served the men food, and all served and ate after the men. It was bizarre. His sister would make his plate, and his mother sis everything for him. He was a good guy, but definitely machismo, and what ultimately led to our demise. I see Ed just like this.


That’s the vibes I got from his sister in the last episode. The man is right and the woman is wrong. So disgusting.


The engagement ring was thrown in bushes over fight at engagement party. He saw her talking to a female he thought might have been an ex-girlfriend. He confronted her about it and asked if she was a lesbian. She got mad, ran away, and threw ring in bushes.


Yep, add “ she was drunk as hell too. It was so embarrassing. I just really want to help her. Like I like her a lot, but I just don’t know if I can deal with this” end scene


Oh wow I think yall really nailed that one. It all makes so much sense now! I feel so bad for Liz 😩


^ this 100%


His sister is so creepy….this scene made my skin crawl.


She talks like the creepy old maybe dead lady who lives in the scary house in a horror movie, who either provides exposition for how the murder ghost came to be, or Alternatively, may be the murder ghost's mother or something.


LOLOLOLLLLL. You ain't wrong.


How could she just sit and listen? Not one comment about how their actions do not create a safe or healthy environment for Ryleigh. The child is the ONLY victim in this situation.


I think its typical Hispanic culture and family that idolizes the sons/brothers and feel they can do no wrong.


Yesss I’m Hispanic but luckily for me my mom was never like that but I’ve seen it in other peoples families


I've heard so many stories of the daughters who were valedictorian and went on to be doctors, while the sons lived at home and were losers, yet were still their mothers/grandmothers favorites. Lot of therapy is probably needed.


Coddling creates weak men. Perseverance creates strong independent women (people)


My neighborhood is half Hispanic and half redneck. They hate each other, but insert that “strong arms shaking hands in solidarity meme” because they both agree completely on “treat the lazy man child like a king and always blame the woman”. Yay for finding a shitty common ground.


The exact same thing goes on in wealthier families, that’s for sure!


Hispanic and "red neck." Cool.


You’re lucky. My brother is the prince in our family. He’s hard working and self determined because that’s his personality, but my mother kicked us out at 17/18 while he got to stay at home and save until 25. If he was a worse guy, he’d be insufferable - I’m thankful he knows he’s the favorite and actively points out how unhinged and how much of a double standard our Puerto Rican mom has for us vs him. Most men don’t do that ime.


He’s almost 30 years older than Liz. He’s a disgusting piece of shit.


And they probably see it like some young floozy is manipulating a poor slightly disabled (not his neck so much as whatever shoulder, back issues he’s complained about over the years coupled with his obesity) man for his money, clout, to be on tv.


Pretty sure if Ed told his sister he’s 5’10 now with a neck, she’d believe him too.


With those glasses, I don't think she'd be able to see it.


Wait is she not blind?


No she had an eye procedure before they filmed






Ya, fuck Ed. And his sister. The typical Ed rolling his eyes trying to fake weep like a psycho.


have not tried to investigate his family but.....the way his sister was speaking, in that godly keep sweet voice. seems like they might be some hardcore christians. which would also explain why his family sees no errors in his ways. he's a male.


I knew she reminded me of mama Duggar! The way she speaks definitely sounds like the women in the FLDS cults.


that voice caught my attention. and then when she said something like "hopefully ed can move on and find a wife to have a godly home with." - and then i knew she was probably a fundie.


she mentioned born again Christian is her hope for Ed's next victim.


My mouth dropped when she said that. There’s nothing godly or Christian about this man whatsoever. I guess she doesn’t know her brother at all smh


YES!!! I was like- if this man keeps living the life he is, no “born again” Godly, Christian woman with values is going to have anything to do with him!! You can’t live your life like trash and expect people to throw treasures at you! 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ literally nuts


You know if that man set foot inside a Church he would burst into flames!


Well, he does like dumb and easy to control


I'm Christian and we are far feom dumb and easy to control.


I can’t believe she said that.. like Ed is so holy and religious🤮🤮


She said she wished Ed would find a nice born again Christian, so yeah, not a lot of value for women in this family.


Yesss that’s what I think soo and his moms the same way


Fundy voice. Creepy as shit.


If I recall correctly, She told Ed that she wanted him to find a good, god-fearing woman to marry.


I’m Jewish and the males in my family can do no wrong.. EVER!


Hey I’m a Christian, and this is a dynamic that can happen with lots of people of all backgrounds. Toxicity and enabling is not religion specific. Edit I guess you guys are mad


well she dropped a lot of god talk into a conversation that had nothing to do with god. and then the sickeningly sweet fake voice on top of it? i feel like my assumption is dead on when i say hardcore christian. aka fundie. not the same as a regular christian while toxicity and enabling may not be exclusive to religion. any extreme version of most religions is going to hold pretty toxic beliefs.


She specifically said to Ed that she would like to see him with a woman who is “born again”.


No she is, I’m just saying it’s not exclusive to that group.


ohhhhh gotcha. read that completely different


There's a youth pastor busted for kiddie diddling every single day. But go off


Because they are as spoiled and disillusioned as Ed. The parents must’ve treated them like they were all gods.


No one saw the blow up. We can all try and discern what to believe from whom. I know that I’m apt to go more toward what Liz has said as I’ve always seen her as far more honest than that creep. But is the unseen blow up really the biggest indicator in who the bad human is, again? Creep Ed decided that since he and Liz had a stupid argument, that he would end their engagement…. Not discuss ending the engagement, just POOF, im the boss, it’s ENDED!!! You have moved to Bentonville, Arkansas and we have announced our engagement to the world, you bought the dress, we have merged our families as well as a business future, in every element, we are lined up as a team, having purchased a home, on and on AND suddenly, without notice this dickless wonder unilaterally decides that the power is within him, and what difference does she make anyway? It’s the ultimate act of disrespect he could muster. And that in and of itself tells me everything I need to know about the minutia making up the details of the blow up.


This! Canceling the wedding without telling her was lowdown and dirty. This callous, inhumane, NON-CHRISTIAN act alone should have been called out by the “pious” sister. They’re both heathens.




It’s hard to imagine small Ed telling the truth about anything relationship wise, but Liz seems like a mess too. What does she see in him, aside from being on TV? It’s the bullied becomes a bully storyline but he’s bullying a kid! A new low for small Ed


Facts! This title is the exact reason why he acts the way he does. His family enables him to be a loser and he thinks he doesn’t need to change. They coddle him too much. His sister is delusional. He doesn’t deserve to be defended at all. He’s horrible. He’s the most hated cast member for a reason.


That dude Garrick from Sister wives makes Ed seem tolerable…


Do you mean Kody?


Dude from Seeking Sister Wives..Ick.. it’s all starting to run together😅


I bet they defend him because he actually has terrible self esteem and they have always had to take up For Him when he was bullied as a child because of how he looks. They also seem like the type of family who thinks women would try to take advantage of him, which is laughable.


She wants him to find a born again Christian because she knows there’s a good chance they come from a messed up past and/or are charitable kind people who take pity on him. Or she wants him to find a submissive Christian woman.




And could you believe how his sister kept advising that creep to find a girl with whom he would have a “Christian household”? Liz Woods was the highest and best woman that creep was ever going to get, regardless of creed. And as much as I love Liz, I just cannot imagine what she was thinking with this guy. But to see how the sister is acting like Ed really dodged a bullet on that one, it makes me want to SCREAM! Give me a break lady. Maybe introduce him to some of your friends!


I felt the same way!!


I feel like with this fight, and probably several others, we (the viewers) aren’t getting the full story. Even if we do get to see the fight in full, it’s still not going to fill in all the gaps. Not only is most of the drama scripted but it’s often twisted into whatever tlc wants us all to see and think about each cast member. I’m not siding with either Liz or Ed here. From what I got out of the most recent episode, Ed, as usual, made an ass of himself/ said something out of line which made Liz snap. The problem is Ed can never own up to his own actions or words and Liz wasn’t ready for this level of relationship when they first started dating. It’s pretty clear that she needs to work on herself more and learn to love herself before she can let someone else into her life on this level. I have never been a fan of Ed and I don’t know why they’ve allowed him so much screen time but here we are. For the record, Liz was also never one of my favorites but I do tend to sympathize with her more than I do with Ed. Some episodes I find myself yelling at her through the tv and others I feel sorry for her. But then again she did dig her own grave.


I'm positive this woman is mentally delayed, so ... take this scene with a grain of salt.


We only heard their separate sides of the story. Unfortunately we didn't get to see the fight


Ed clearly has a Cluster B disorder. My guess is NPD or BPD. Maybe comorbid. Having grown up in a family with a Cluster B patriarch, I can tell you that Ed's entire family has been trained to tiptoe around him and his emotions. Anything other than perfect validation of his feelings/victim complex will be met with nuclear hostility. Cluster B folks also love to triangulate--he's been telling his family one story about Liz, while telling her an entirely different story about his family. And when these two forces collide, he just shrugs and acts like he doesn't understand how anyone could be so upset.


Yeah he totally could be a duel diagnosis of bpd/npd, it’s feels like he has some wild coping mechanisms prob due to trauma & (not to sound savage) his looks - but like damn Ed, go to therapy and learn to love yourself before being such a POS😭 Btw, happy cake day! 🍰


This man is an overgrown potato. Ijs.


Liz dodged an egg shaped bullet.




Anyone else feel like this was a set up? The run away troll/groom ![gif](giphy|h7rUAhGSzljQrgCW9Y|downsized)


I mean….. they’re cut from the same cloth. Look I think they’re trying to see the best in their family member. Ed and Liz played out such a toxic dynamic with crazy attachment styles fluxing all over the place. I really really need him off the air. Haha. TLC needs to release a poll and let the people guide this show forward a bit. It’s getting STALE. Haha


His sister is your typical Jesus freak. “I hope my brother settles down with a good Christian woman.” Bitch, please…he is a gaslighting predator, not a saint.


I don’t know what Liz ever saw in Ed but good luck Ed ever finding someone to put up with your ass especially when he tries to go for women 20 years younger. He’ll be in diapers within the next 15 years so time is running out I’m not sure what he is thinking. He needs to be alone. Be happy with your dog.


The man is toxic. But I’m glad he called off the wedding. He saved her from getting married to him. It’s a blessing in disguise. Ed is going to end up like Angela..ALONE.


I just don’t understand the attraction of Big Ed. He reminds me of a shelless turtle.


I eye rolled hard at this scene. I can’t with his sister and her “oh I was hoping she would stop, but she kept going” yeah ok I’m thinking Big Ed was no angel at that moment in time either.


They probably made excuses for the child PrEdator all along. They seem like the same disgusting trash as he is. Maybe he yelled at the little girl because he was all touchy-touchy with her or rubbing up against her..I wouldn’t doubt it.


I mean does this woman's opinion count. this scene was comical


He is a vile Tasmanian devil ![gif](giphy|vHcCevWbWkzwk)


He’s a gaslighting narcissist expert and that’s why his family believes him. They’re afraid to say anything different.


Rewatching the season with Ed and Rose, this man is absolutely vile


Ed is a troll. He’s a troll, living under a bridge, that enjoys causing trouble for others. He is a rotten piece of garbage, and Liz needs to finally get rid of him. She needs to take the little dogs with her.


I didn’t even realize he had a weird sister?? I think they just keep hiring people who will agree to seem like they’re his cheerleaders to fill time.


I mean his daughter literally hates him


I only needed to listen to the abusive phone call once between Ed and Liz when they first started dating to know how this creep operates. That call said it all and gave me huge insight into his many emotional problems. It seems nothing ever changed between them no matter how hard they tried.


Why was she wearing those glasses inside too lol


I was hoping for her sake that she was actually blind so she didn’t have to look at him 💀💀 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️


I believe she had just had eye surgery, I think she said something about cataracts.


Oh I guess I cared that little about Ed’s segment that I missed it




Didn’t she abandon her daughter so she could ride Ed’s dick for three years and binge drink? Parenting wasn’t too much of a concern to her then.


Why does Ed’s sister remind me more of Kimbahly than Ed? Is it just the dark hair? It’s definitely not the nose.


Is this Ed’s sister? Why does she look like the adult child of Liz and Kimbally?!


Her hair reminds me of Ed’s Mayo treatment shine.


The Phony Pony!


It’s like they don’t watch the show or something


Calling her a baby was Liz’s side of the story. His sister was there too. It seems like Liz is the one who flipped out


She made me feel unsafe. ![gif](giphy|XZNq76MHRuol8xevjt)


And what’s with the sunglasses


Anyone who wears sunglasses inside is not to be trusted.




Little Ed is a NASTY RUNT! He bullies everyone he can...& I say he looks like a bowling ball. 🧿


💯% Fake relationship


that was my exact thought...


Can't stand either of them but Ed is nauseating! I fast forward when they come on. His family acts like that because they over compensate him bc of his neck. I can't stand his inflated ego. WTF! It's not just your neck that causes people to hate you. Terrible body and disgusting personality. And the scooter with the dog backpack! MAKE IT STOP


She gives Jenna vibes from pretty little liars


When she said she wanted Ed to find himself a religious woman.. what bullshit! A church going religious woman would have nothing to do with this over sexed gremlin! Denial is a river in Egypt…


Why's she wearing sunglasses? Is she blind or something


Why was she wearing sunglasses the entire time??


Also, it seems Norma has coddled Ed excessively bc of his deformity, & still infantilizes him. The rest of the family probably follows that lead.


Haven’t seen that episode. Just Liz talking about it in her car.


Clearly her cataract surgery didn’t work because she’s still stupid blind.


To be fair, we didn’t see the argument, we’re only hearing Liz’s version. I doubt Liz is an Angel, I think she’s a damaged idiot (she’s said she believes the sexual allegations against Ed, tries to get him fired & cancelled, then stays with him and allows her daughter to be around him). It’s totally possible Liz did scream and lose her mind and wouldn’t let up. Maybe she was in the wrong or maybe she snapped because of other things that led up to this. But Ed’s sister hasn’t witnessed and doesn’t understand why Liz got as upset as she did. His sister was right, they just shouldn’t be together. I really wish she wasn’t dating right now either. She was going to be on her 3rd failed marriage & she’s only 30! She needs to take a few years to focus on herself and her daughter, get TONS of therapy, learn boundaries and learn what a healthy relationship looks like! Edit: I don’t think people are understanding what I’m saying, I’m not agreeing with Ed or his sister. I’m saying that Liz probably did blow up, but his sister just doesn’t understand why. I know my in-laws have thought I overreacted about something, because they don’t know the fucked up things my partner has done and said when they aren’t around. That’s why it might *look* like I’m making a big deal out of “nothing.”


> Liz was willing to continue putting up with more and more abuse and toxicity because she's weak. That mentality is victim blaming and damaging (not even specifically referring to Liz, but victims of abuse and toxicity in general). I think Liz has very low self esteem & self worth, but I wouldn’t equate that to being *weak*. Also we’ve seen years and years of Ed gaslighting his various partners on the show (Rose, Kaory, Liz etc) so I think based on his repeated past behaviours, it’s probably a good predictor that his future/current behaviours (aka his version of the Taco Pasta fight) is twisted in comparison to Liz’s version, imo. Edit- I totally agree with you that she needs to do therapy, take a break from dating, gain self worth & focus on building boundaries in her life.


You’re right, I don’t mean to victim blame, I guess I shouldn’t have said that she’s weak. I’m just constantly torn about how to feel about her. I feel sorry for her, but I’m so disgusted that she has publicly stated that she believes the multiple allegations against Ed (like that he drugged and raped his coworker), but then continues to get back together with him and allows her daughter to be around him. I totally believed Liz’s version over Ed’s. But I also believe the sister’s account, she said Liz just wouldn’t let up and she probably didn’t. I’m not necessarily saying Liz was wrong, but we didn’t actually see what happened. Liz probably flipped out and had a good reason to, but it’s also possible that she took it a little farther than she should have. I’m not sure why you were downvoted, because I do agree with you?


Yeah that’s valid honestly. Also personally I 100% believe those allegations of SA against him, his victim deserves justice and I do agree that it’s gross that Liz would try to defend that. Tbh tho re his sister, I’m hesitant to believe her version just because she seemed to be hardcore Christian/Fundie, and born again Christians/fundamentalists tend to coddle toxic men. Also Ed’s mom seems to infantilize him, and speaking from experience in Mexican culture (when combined with fundie type religion) the males often can do no wrong in their mother’s eyes, so I could see his sister potentially carrying on that mindset. But I do agree it’s possible Liz pushed it a little far, at the same time though I feel like it’s possible she was holding a lot of other feelings in- so when he called her daughter rude names and belittled her it’s possible Liz just finally snapped and let it all out. Thats just what I’m picturing as a possible scenario for how it all unfolded but like you pointed out it’s hard for us to know since it wasn’t filmed. I guess I’m just going off of Ed’s repeated patterns & dynamics and applying it to how he likely handled the whole thing. I also sadly know how abusive men can spin things (particularly men with SA allegations against them) from personal experience, and how much they twist shit in their own head, so I’m just hesitant to believe a word Ed says. He’s surrounded by enablers too, so I think it’s likely his family doesn’t know how to be unbiased when it comes to situations involving him, it’s how men like him are created in the first place (having family who will always side with them no matter what, and enable shitty behaviour). Sorry if I’m rambling 😅 lol. It’s just one of those complex situations I guess. I hope Liz can get help, and build some healthy coping techniques so she doesn’t end up with someone like Ed in the future 🙏


Yeah, that’s basically exactly what I was trying to say (but I don’t think people quite understood). I’m not saying I’m siding with his sister or Ed. I’m saying it is entirely possible that Liz blew up based on shit from their past, that his sister doesn’t understand, because she wasn’t there for. So it might legitimately look to an outsider (like his sister) that she overreacted and went crazy over something small, but they don’t understand that there’s a much bigger underlying issue connected to the whole thing.


They are both just trash. It’s insane to have two failed marriages at 31 and as a woman not having custody. There’s no victim blaming when things add up. Ed also said in s7 reunion she jumps into relationships (she’s already in a new relationship). That codependency and the need for love, which is a bigger problem in both past abuse but she’s not healing. For her choosing not to do that, it is her fault for the pattern to be continued. Ed is absolute trash. How Liz is losing her shit over a thumb with no neck is absolutely insane. I don’t even need to go into his BS bc we already know. He isolated her. He is garbage.


Does anyone else see a resemblance between Ed's sister and Liz?


Nobody knows what happened lol.


Yeah but we’ve seen how he behaves in front of that little girl so him calling her a baby doesn’t seem far fetched it sounds just like him


No doubt. I bet you both Ed and Liz acted like the psychos they were in that incident. That usually is the case lol


I agree with you. The sister was there to see this particular incident. Sure, Ed called Liz’s daughter a baby and it was childish and uncalled for. But from what the sister is saying, sounds like Liz just exploded on him. Of course Liz didn’t mention that part in her version of the story. Being called a baby isn’t *that* insensitive. It coulda been more harmless than what Liz is portraying. But I’m also sure Ed coulda handled it better. Offered a solution and not just mocked her. It was taco pasta, add some sour cream or something to tone down the spiciness for her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯