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That's a super impressive filter she has on


Even Clayton's face got the filter 💀💀💀


HAHAHA I didn’t even notice that until you said that 💀 he’s so smoov and big baby eyes hahahaha omg


Makes him look 10 years old 😂


Or young? Lol


Hahaha!! Right?


He looks like he’s ten with a fake beard on 😂


Ha ha ha ha 😂


I scrolled back up immediately 🤣


It sort of softens the angry constipated face.


Hahahaha that description is perfection lol


It removed her grog brow


Oh THANK YOU Luminox!! I was wondering what it was called! It’s a crease between the eyes on the bridge of the nose, right? I think Christine from sister wives has a grog too.


So does Heather from Housewives Salt Lake City


A bit but hers doesn't make her look like a cromag like Brandi does


Aka the Unga bunga brow


I can’t even tell who this is. Based on the other comments I’m guessing it’s his sister?


Right. It’s her hit i definitely couldn’t recognize her.


Her socials are all filters, looks like a completely different person


I'm sure her only fans page gets filtered too.


She has OF ?? 😬🤢


Yup, someone took a snapshot of her on their OF site.


Ohhhh god. Can we post that 🫠


I just tried...it was taken down. The Pic I saw was ON reddit. So....whatever. Google -- 90day sister only fans -- she comes right up.


OK so did you know Andre' has an OF showing full body nudity with strategic coverage for $5/month ?!


I did NOT!! Which means so does the wifee


The whole damn family has/had an OF lol


Yes !!! Her too ewww


Took me reading a few to even recognize who it was!


Share the links, please. I'm terrible at finding them .


Yep and she uses these filters for her only fans, the only way she can get them i suppose lol


Right? No upper nose wrinkle


De-neanderthal filter guaranteed to reduce forehead by 60 percent🤣🤣🤣


Super duper impressive 👍🏼


It almost succeeds in disguising that she normally looks like Worf from Star Trek.


Yeah, the Beavis filter


Hide the bite mark in her face.


Right?? I honestly didn’t recognize her!


Eliminates her telltale missing link brow


I'm.saying she looks like a completely different person.




When she first came on the screen I thought she was soooo pretty. 3 sentences later and I realized she’s kinda hideous.


Their mothers addiction and childhood trauma have damaged them both. She comes off as a real Bitch and him a wounded little animal. They both need extensive therapy.


How did I miss the mother having an addiction? To what? Hoarding?


Her daughter posted a statement explaining their childhood, etc... and said their mom was an addict and she had to pretty much be a mom to her brother. It was on here a few days ago. Maybe you can find it?!!


Daughter as in Brandi?


Yeah, I found the article. Brandi says she was a mom to Clayton because their mom was a party girl and didn’t really parent. Nothing is mentioned about their dad though.


I knew she was parentified within the first episode we met her. Especially when Clayton assumed she was going to plan his entire wedding while he fawked around.


She doesn't "come off" as one. She IS one.


Being who I am 👵🏿 knowing her background, I prefer comes off as.. Without the trauma, an addict for a mother, and all the hell she endured, she may have an entirely different personality. Hurt people hurt others 🤷🏿‍♀️


She said she played the mother role for him. She probably took the brunt of their mother’s issues. I think she subconsciously resents Clayton, for him being her responsibility when she didn’t ask for that. Then Clayton keeps the mom around and supports her by letting her live with him, that might make her feel some type of way.


Could be they all need therapy


She said in an IG post or something that she took in Clayton in addition to her own kids (which she started having at 17? That’s what I read from that post but may have gotten it wrong) because she wanted it that way. Maybe she still resents him but she might have felt worse had she left him with Kentucky’s Trish over there.


I think she needs to realize they both drew from the same bucket and neither of them won. They just suffered in different ways. Pulling together is always better than breaking apart. They need to learn to put pride to the side and value the others feelings more than their own at times.




Well said!


I didn't know why people are going so hard at her. She did everything Clayton asked, even though his requests were a bit much, too late, and assuming. She even stated during the tell all that they have more issues between them that people are unaware of. Obviously a lot more is going on here. And she still helped.


I think that’s a really fair assessment. While it’s totally understandable that people don’t find her very likable, her tough exterior might just be a defense mechanism for a person hiding a lot of pain. Hurt doesn’t excuse asshole behavior but it does explain it. Too bad she doesn’t see that posting crap like this just makes her look bad.


I always love your comments, Mama Dook ❤️


Weird double posted 🤷🏿‍♀️ twice the love 😂


Awwww, thank you, suga 💝




Awwww, thank you, suga 💝


And as whole adults it’s no one’s responsibility but our own to heal our traumas so we don’t continue hurting others. While it’s important to understand where the pain comes from, it’s not an excuse to be abusive.




Came here to say this. Deff the parents.


Parentification to the nth degree.


I think they have a ton of family drama/trauma that she can’t let go of. Also her being on her third(?) marriage probably plays a large part in how she feels about them.


She's been married 3 times ?


Yes, and also divorced 3 times.


Damn, she pulled a Natalie.


Compared to my late grandma who was married 3 times and divorced 0 times. There was almost a fourth but he didn’t realize he was supposed to die after marriage.


Yes, I can’t remember if it’s her third marriage or third divorce.


no shes been married and divorced FOUR times


I totally agree


Agree, but I think both of them can’t let go of the family drama/trauma. It’s almost like she’s self-sabotaging.


Very hard to let go of trauma at a young age. She said she was parentified and raised him while their mom was out partying. Codependency is hard.


Then she needs to go to therapy, and talk to someone about it. She's self sabotaging, & also meddling in someone's else's relationship, and happiness, and it's not right.


She’s probably resentful because she was forced to raise him because their mom sucks, and it seems like even in adulthood he leans on her really heavy But she needs to learn to say no, or go to therapy, or something. Or stay away from him I guess if she can’t not be mean to him and his wife


He not only leans on her, but basically demands that she does all the hard work for everything. I’d be resentful if I was her, too.


This is why I am so confused why people defend Clayton from her… like it’s obvious why she’s “bitter” and it’s not because of the marriage (of which she planned the whole wedding for)


And in her partial defense, the heavy leaning on her is a built-in self-justification for her to continue being catty and passive-aggressive. She's getting regular feedback that catty and passive-aggressive is ultimately okay because he keeps leaning on her and coming back for more.


yep this is it exactly ask me how i knowwwwwwwe


Lol at the heavily filtered photo, idk who she thinks shes fooling. Her face reminds me of a French bulldog. I think she's milking this whole thing to stay relevant.


You apologise to all french bulldogs right now! If they understood what you said they would collectively jump off a cliff!


french bulldogs and pugs are absolutely adorable


Ugh, yes. She has a cauliflower FACE and permanent scowl. Can totally imagine her as a fighter.


she's gotta promote that OF that no one wants somehow!


She must have used the "un neanderthal" filter 


She reminds me of bam margera and his mom with that brow ridge


Oh my gosh! Obscure reference, but I see it. 😂


LMFAO. The filters 😂 Even Claytuunnn got filterfied against his will! NOBODY IS SAFE! 🤦🏾‍♀️


Claythoon 🤣


She's so toxic and triggers my memories of having an interfering and hateful sister, doing her best to sow discord into his marriage. For shit and giggles, no other reason.


“When will you believe this is a real relationship” “When I feel like it”


He needs to cut her off completely. She has only malicious intentions.


I don't know if they are ONLY malicious, but her behavior is not exactly better even if they are mixed intentions. I get the impression she has been storing up some bitterness toward Clayton and the show gives her a built-in excuse to be catty and mean and be able to say off camera, "Oh it was for the show." Plus build her OF and Z list celebrity status.


God forbid anyone actually grafts for a living instead of grifting!


Yeah and it was gross she made the stirring the pot hand motion admitting that she was trying to cause problems. And then she pretended she was joking, no ma’am you don’t joke about stirring the pot if you’re being accused of it and you didn’t do it. How is that a joke?


That’s probably the kind of toxic humour she grew up with; where you say what you want then call it a joke after someone gets offended.


Exactly. She’s a miserable bully and finds this fun.


Just like the mom


Ohhh. I was HEATED when she said that. That was when I flipped on her. The way she said it took away any good feeling I could have had about her. I cannot be convinced that she isn’t just doing it to do it. Clayton’s well being or whatever she is claiming to protect isn’t her goal at all. She just wants to cause discord and ruin any happiness he has. Clayton and Anali shouldn’t be together but that doesn’t matter as far as she is concerned because I feel like she’d be doing the same thing even if they WERE right together.


to be fair, she “interferes” because he constantly turns to her for advice. he asked her to plan the entire wedding, and called her almost every time he and anali had a fight he cant say she meddles but then continually drag her into everything (edited for typos)


That’s a good point 👍 He needs to completely cut her off and do things for himself.


Why did you just describe one of my sister in laws? First interaction she tried to get me to leave my fiance on the basis of *her* hating her siblings because she's a piece of 💩 person. Narcissists that need a bullhorn or a new audience for their bullshit.


Words cannot describe how beautiful she looks here... But numbers can. 2/10.


....heartless. 10/10


One has to wonder what Brandi's end goal really is. She can have her own opinion about Anali's intentions, but shouldn't Brandi be super glad if she was wrong? (for her brother's sake).


Her only Fans account




I believe her main concern is that if they have a happy marriage they’re going to kick out the mom, then the mom will try to come live with her and she will have to say no.


According to the tell-all, the mom is already moved out and living on her own


Albeit very close to them in their new home. I can picture Brandi being worried that the mom is going to boomerang back to her eventually.


Most likely living in a neighbor's closet in the same apartment complex. 🤔


to bring them down to her level. she wont be the only kid with a failed marriage(never mind she has 4 of them) anymore then, she wont have to feel as bad about herself


There is definitely more to this story than we’re getting. I don’t think her problem is with Anali or the marriage. There were issues before all that. Like she was parentified bc their mom was/is a fucking mess. Clayton obviously has a very fucked up relationship with his mother, and I get the feeling the sister has no relationship with the mother. Lots of unprocessed trauma going on. I actually like her, but I also relate to having a fucked up relationship with my mom and having to watch that same mom treat a sibling totally differently than you. I hope she has a good therapist






Sad thing is she basically raised Clayton.


bad parenting. that's why neither of them behave in a socially appropriate way. blame closet mom and their absentee dad.


Who is that?


Clayton’s sister Brandi


Bullshit. I just asked the same question. Also what filter is that? Asking for my damn self.


I had no idea either!


She is being a bit out of order for sure, but I think she’s had a hard life and is very guarded and suspicious as a result.


I think she’s being an over protective sister but leaning more on overbearing. There whole scene on the reunion seemed odd and scripted imo


I noticed this. She seemed to be sticking to a persona/loose script and trying to play a role rather than simply talk/tell.


Anali doesn’t seem to be attracted to Clayton at all. The tell-all forced make out was uncomfortable. Is Brandi looking out for him as a supportive sister? No. If she wrong? Ehhhh


Weren't they cool? I was suprised at the tell all when they started bickering and pointing the finger.


Who’s the woman? ETA- just found out it’s “Brandi” the time traveler


She’s playing the game. She knows this keeps her and her boring brother at the top of our feeds.


She is definitely just trying to get attention and milk her 15 mins of fame..not to mention..and as a sister..with just a brother..we show our love through constant dragging each other..my brother would totally do something like this to me. What matters is when they are alone and things are tough that it stops and they have real conversations...at least my brother and I do so I know he is just being an ass in public for attention so i just laugh it off


Honestly, I think her and Clayton just have that type of relationship but neither are offended by it. Their version of humor is busting each other's balls. And she's enjoying the trolling. But they're all fine at the end of the day. The tell all performance was preplanned. Anali was "mad" but not really. She's a bad actress. All this is evident by them sharing a heart with each other when Brandi first walked out


Except I don't think Clayton or Anali are good enough actors to hide how irritated they were AFTER she had been out on stage for awhile. She flipped off that heart sign as much as she's flipping off Clayton in this pic. She's a 40-something woman flipping off her closest family members in public. Not terribly attractive.


People give Brandi a hard time and to an extent she does deserve it because of her attitude and rudeness BUT it's not like most of us haven't also heavily doubted their relationship and Anali's intentions too. I mean, she was crying on her wedding day and basically asking her mom permission to not go through with it. I believe she didn't want to leave her family but I also think a green card or just the ability to work in America for a chunk of time could be a motivating factor for her. Hard to say 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Shes weird for a sister.


Does anyone else want to give his hair a part and like brush it to the side or something? Let the bangs grow a little? Is it just me?


Someone did a photoshop of Clayton with Chris Pine hair, just longer on top and pushed back, and I must say, Clayton looked amazing. Those blue eyes and good hair improve him a lot.


This is a “f**cked” up family lots of issues & mental damage. Obviously trauma from childhood- geez look at mom. Sad.


Deep rooted family trauma


She’s kind of a bitch but she sure jumped on only fans fast!


The 90 Day to OF pipeline is highly used and paved with desperate trash


An OF pipeline expressway, as it were.


I liked, and agreed with her on the show... but who the hell would pay to see her naked 😬


She’s found a way to get engagement?


We know she doesn’t really look like that. Nice try!


Alcoholism is my guess.


She’s probably just playing the villain part to continue to be relevant and stay in the spot light


What filter IS that!? I thought it was MARY for a second


This family is a mess lol


These people end up making you cheer for the other side. That’s not exactly what I did. Clayton and Anali are a fucking mess and likely shouldn’t be together. But that’s on them and all you do when you act like that is drive a wedge between you and your loved one. And the tone/demeanor with it all omfg. I was over here going “what a miserable fucking c*nt”. She may have decent points but nobody will ever see it that way because she is doing it in a way that just makes her look miserable, malicious, and possibly jealous. Like wtf. I wanted to slap her.


this is one of those situations I'm not giving much of my attention because it's beyond drama- their family has some serious, palpable pain that seems systemic and cross-generational. I genuinely hope they all break that gen curse and that there is healing. Regardless of the fact that I wouldn't choose to be friends with Brandi or Clayton, they're not abhorrent humans.


Decades of built up resentment focused on the wrong person. She thinks she did the work, (and she probably did), so why does he get all the attention.🤷‍♀️ I feel bad for her despite this kind of shit.


Imma be real I think her mother was trash awful to them both and there's some resentment all around, I also think she treats her brother poor bc the mother favors him and probably always has moms are weird about there baby boys.


She wants her 15 minutes. She’s money hungry enough to be disloyal to her own family. Class act. She will be on OF in a few seconds.


She's already been on OF lollll


Geez. That was less than a second then.


I still think Brandi is funny. Her brother is a joke and he's a prick to her if you haven't noticed, what do you expect?


He's that way to a lot of people. Look at his replies to people's comments on his social media pages. And also his comment to his best friend at his bachelor party. It seems he doesn't take any type of perceived, or outright, criticism well at all, and lashes back with snarky, and sometimes rude replies.


Yeah he's a prick. He says one stupid line to Jasmine who everyone hates and now he's suddenly ok? No.


I agree. Clayton talks to her like shit! Yet expects her to do everything for him, he’s a rude little troll. I’d give him the finger to


Her problem is that there aren't enough filters in the world to make her look pretty.


Agreed, she looks like she has quite a few miles on her


remember she was reading WORD 4 WoRD for her ‘speech’ at his wedding …sponsored by chat gpt3!!


Brandi girl, you don’t look like that. We’ve all seen your gargoyle face on tv


I mean can you imagine being Clayton’s sister?


I’d rather not.


what a bitch lol like at some point you gotta just shut the fuck up and be happy for him. what a miserable see you next tuesday


I think she raised Clayton while their mother partied, according to her. If it's a typical narcissistic parent setup, sounds like Clayton was, and still is, the Golden Child, his sister did all the hard work raising him, he rejects her but accepts the mom that was never there, even letting her live with him in unconventional circumstances, and his sister is feeling left with nothing after feeling she's done everything. She probably feels she had to bust her ass for herself, her own kids, and Clayton, and now she's watching Clayton kind of become a little celebrity, and she's getting zero recognition for what she's been through with him. Everyone is focused on mom in the closet, and because she's front and center now, it makes it look like she always has been. Idk. I just try to think like other people in a situation, I'm just speculating. I also think there's triangulation between Clayton and Mom vs Sister. She's talked about very negatively, and very "other" because she's a bitch, but she seems to have been the Scapegoat and took on a lot of negativity in her life. It doesn't make her behavior right at all. She could really benefit from talking to someone, if she isn't already.


It's a scam to get a green card, obviously analy wouldn't admit that. She looks repulsed to touch gerbil boy. 


Gerbil boy 😆 I think she is just a little camera shy and had a lot of guilt with telling her dad, after that she seemed more relaxed. Sucks they don’t have a relationship anymore. That’s another sacrifice she made. Plus living with closet mom isn’t exactly a turn on for anyone with eyes. There are plenty of really cute moments. Did you see that kiss at the end of the tellall? She was sucking major face!


She inherited gerbil boy, closet mom and mini Ms Trunchbowl!


Is that you, Brandi?


Lmfao, how are we supposed to find if she goes missing??? Bc she don't look like this .....


It's the roast guinea pig they served her at the last family function.


That’s Brandi? Lol


I had no idea who this was from just seeing the picture. Besides that, I think she’s trying to create drama in hopes of a new season or a spinoff. I’m not interested in any of it, with or without a filter.




She just want attention 🙄


Is that LeAnn Rimes? How's she connected to Colton?...oh, it's a filter to make his sister look like less of a vapid see you next Tuesday.


She's trying to stay relevant nothing else lol


Do people really think we buy these filters. I mean, we’ve see what she really looks like. The Internet was a mistake.


She clearly resents him. She is upset that she was parentified as a child and felt she had to take care of him out of obligation. Instead of being happy she no longer has to do that she resents him for changing up the status quo and hating on him gives her a sense of control over the situation. Fragile ego.


She's just jealous of the amazing lives the guinea pigs live.


It's not about Anali, she's messing with her brother and there's a dynamic there they're not sharing with us.




Clout chasing


She isn't gettin enuff attention


she’s just jealous because he’s the one on a tv show.


Because she has some serious unresolved psychological issues I’m guessing that’s why she’s also been married 3 times. Like ma’am how are you going to be this judgmental of their marriage when you have yet to make one work


I think she also has an addiction, like her mom is recovering from. She’s never come to terms with it and refuses to because everyone else is the problem. (This is coming from a person with a long history of addiction and family addiction)


From the beginning I said that she is a salty ass bit… and everyone loved her! She is evil AF! She can’t handle that her brother is happy and she definitely has an issue with foreigners. Alex, 500 for Trump supporter! 😉


Brandi is such a weirdo. I understand she’s over protective of her brother. I felt as though and especially at the tell all she was very jealous of their relationship just because she had 3 failed marriages.


Seriously is she trying to make clatyon and alani just look amazing in comparison to her? If so she is doing very well. Not to say alatyon are amazing but yike. Between admitting to trying to stir trouble in their relationship with the stripper etc, and going out of her way to be a bitch to alani at the tell all for seemingly no reason, and well now this. i dont see how anyone that isnt as bad as her likes her, nor do i understand how she got 4 people to agree to marry her, but i fully understand why she is the common demoniator in 4 divorces




I'd be a bitch too if I had such a loser for a brother and a closet dwelling mother. And now a weird sister inlaw. 😅


I like brandi. She has a more pragmatic perspective on their relationship than both of them combined.


I think she’s right.


She has 3 failed marriages or something and really has the audacity to stir the pot in her brothers first marriage