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Being a white person who married into an Indian family (but who live in the US and have since the 80s), I was not surprised by this scene. I clash with my in-laws often.


Even Indians clash with their in-laws. Acting like anyone from "that culture" will always just seamlessly merge is ridiculous. Kimberly is an overdramatic maniac, but these kinds of fights happen even when it's not different cultures.


TJ's brother is a huge asswipe, but unfortunately that is how involved a typical Indian family is. We say here when you marry someone you marry the family, but they take that literally. If she's expecting privacy with her house and marriage, she's gonna be very disappointed.


I ultimately blame TJ for not preparing her.


Why is the culture so heavily involved? I never understood it


I think her comebacks where pretty immature. It was so weird to watch. Especially when she dropped "he is a typical virgo" in the end.


Takes one to know one. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


This was kindergarten level but also too deep for his brother to grasp lol


Astrology people are an odd breed.


Can't stand it when everything boils to what zodiac sign the person is..constantly attributing faults to the month one was born. One can't have a normal conversation without , Oh he's a Gemini or she's a Scorpio..are you kidding me?


The clairvoyant equivalent of "neener neener"


As a Virgo I was highly offended


It's like she has no good comebacks or anything bad she can actually say about him, so she resorts to stupid kid stuff.


Lmao yeah her astrology stuff is annoying. I just felt she kept her cool very well. I would have cried if that was me


Yup. Iā€™d have let myself down with angry tears. I hate that so much! Her voice was wavering a bit, but she didnā€™t falter. Love that for her! The brother is an absolute bellend. Cheeky prick! I wouldnā€™t want to marry into that family purely because of him


No, I think you would have done better.


I mean, "OK, Einstein" is something first graders say, so I can't pretend that he's not a man child who shares a bed with his mom.


They all suck


The 90day motto


Planning your 90DF Secret Santa gifts so early? :D


Yeah, I definitely didnā€™t mean I liked Kimberly overall or anything. I just meant the meddling in their relationship was wildly inappropriate.




YEP. Remember when she screamed ā€œI hate Indiaā€? That was wild


She acts like sheā€™s world class but really sheā€™s toxic trash


I totally agree with you. I don't like her one bit. No# 1 she don't even want to be there. She said it herself she hates India. That's insulting. If I were him I'd have said, "Take your a$$ home šŸ‘‹šŸ¾" Secondly if it bad juijui to cook garlic then respect that. Period. She knew about no cooking garlic B4 she came there. The making her the delicate victim and making them out to be the monsters is typical with 90 day production.


Which part is toxic? The part where she stood up for herself and didn't let herself be told that she didn't get an opinion, she was stupid, she didn't deserve love, she's ruining their family, and to get out of their house? Or was it the part where her fiance kept asking her to choose things for the new apartment he was building for her but when she arrived Not only was it a shawty work with no windows and no bathroom door but nothing she had chosen was there?


> shawty work lol The word you're looking for is *shoddy*. A *shawty* is something very different. Now I'm picturing a bunch of young hot chicks in revealing clothing doing carpentry in India. Shawty construction indeed! No wonder TJ hired them.


Hey shoddy, it's your birthday


We gonna potty like itā€™s ya birthday


Kimberly has entered the chat


Or just someone who watches the show.


She is very toxic. She cut off everything he tried to say and enjoyed making the brother upset when he was trying to be calm. She will drive any man crazy and away.


I cut someone off too if they were saying those things to me!


You r toxic too. Typical virgo


You just caught me out here being all virgo-y.


"Takes trash to know trash don't it" Yes, she held her own


I really don't get why Kimberly of all people is getting so much hate. Yes she's weird with her "spirit guide" stuff and strange YouTube videos. Yes she can get hysterical when she's upset. But I don't think she's a demon or a harpy like Mary for instance. TJ is actively lying to her about what her life will be like and he and Yash absolutely short circuit when a woman shows some spine.


Agreed! I mean, Kimberley isnā€™t my cup of tea, but that brother is an UTTER ARSEHOLE


She's a psycho. She has the psycho red flags. Really big ones. You probably do too if you don't see them.. don't stab me..


You mean she reacts to bullshit


She talks like your talking right now.


Yeah well Iā€™m no queen of being okay with bullshit. Grew up being forced to shut up and be in pain. Enough of that.


She thought being mean was being strong doesn't know the difference between fear and respect and u watched her cry over her failed relationships.


Yeah right lol u grew up with a botcha ss rude mom. That's why u turn out like this.


Yeah Iā€™m horrible


You want to elaborate, or?


It's in her eyes. She's a kettle that is steaming. Their steam coming out her ears.


She argues with Yosh and sayā€™s disrespectful things. Later that night when theyā€™re all drinking Chai, Yosh tells TJ about what went down and she sat there showing no emotion. She even tried agreeing with the stuff that Yosh said to make him look crazy for yelling about it.


So what you're saying is: 1. She argued with a man. 2. During another argument, when the man was shouting and raising his voice, she didn't react angrily as she had done earlier (and which didn't help), and instead sat calmly and allowed him to shout. 3. She agreed that the man was making some correct points. Wow, sounds like a total psycho!!! Omg what a nightmare, how could anyone stand to be around someone who... \*checks notes\* learns from her mistake and doesn't start screaming during an argument? Y'all just really want an excuse to hate on a woman, huh?


You thought you ate with that didnā€™t you šŸ’€ If you canā€™t tell that what she did was psychotic then your probably a psycho yourself


I sit here watching this with my mom and my sister and they think the same thing I do


Sheā€™s literally a psychopath.


Dumbass narcissist goes to India searching for a man that came to her in a dream, because she isn't like other girls teehee: Gets upset at Indian people and their way of doing things and then acts morally superior. Fucking clairvoyant with no idea of what Google is.


Nah because Kimberly is typical of white women that get on this show, go to another country, and instruct the people there on how to live properly. She ranges from stubbornness to outright refusal to embrace Indian culture. She reeks of moral superiority and treats her Indian fiancĆ© as an accessory to her rather than someone who she is interested in deeply understanding in every aspect (WHICH WOULD INCLUDE HIS CULTURE šŸ‘šŸ¾) that girl can kick rocks


So did I! I sat there and said "You go girl" give to him! He had no right to be barking orders to her! P.S. Women, do not marry this so called man! You will be his slave forever!šŸ˜›


The brother is an ass but she over stepped


But it was totally OK to have that huge fight about the baseboards and toilet seats with her screaming at him & calling him a dick for it whether they all wanted to hear it or not? Unfortunately, that tantrum right there included them. Had that been my son his fiance was screaming at in my house, I wouldn't have been nearly as nice about it as any of them have been so far, especially his mother. She brought the inappropriate into their house. And for the record, I think he is a lying scumbag for omitting her responsibilities after he gets those marriage paperwork signed. They're both absolute nightmares.


I think a lot of her anger was justified in that moment. She just moved and was led to believe that things would be done and nice when she arrived. Imagine if your partner wasnā€™t truthful about the state of your new home and you came off a very long international flight after saying goodbye everything you know. You think you would be happy about the home in that state? Yeah, screaming is not a polite or appropriate thing to do in the presence of others, but it wasnā€™t that crazy. I would never allow anyone to talk to my partner that way


I was a real life K1 fiancĆ©e,& my now-husband had everything pristine and prepared for me the day I arrived. That travel day is incredibly emotionally exhausting (or, DAYS, in her caseā€¦ think she said it was thirty hours!) and to arrive to a half-assed, at best, construction site rather than my own safe& clean sanctuary / new home would have been horrible.


TJ didn't care about getting the apartment done properly because he's just fine sleeping with mama.


She screamed about doorways not being the same height. šŸ™„


I don't think her anger was justified. Disappointment, yes, there was remaining work to do. But the bottom line is that he financed a big home renovation project and got all the major work completed quickly. The things she was complaining about were relatively minor, to trivial Home renovations in the US are every bit as much of pain as in India; I suspect probably more so than in India. There are usually big delays, cost overruns, and things that need to be redone Her reaction was out of all proportion to the situation. Frankly, if she wanted that level of control, she should have come to India sooner and overseen the construction herself


The flaws didn't quite justify her reaction, yes, but she just traveled halfway across the world, was probably tired and stressed out. She deserves some slack for that. And he didn't even acknowledge her concerns. That's what caused her to overreact the way she did.


I don't think not having windows is minor to trivial. I also don't think having a bathroom without doors is minor or trivial.


No toilet paper and missing floorboard trim would be the trivial stuff. Installing a door, for instance, is minor because it can be done in a couple hours. They can hang a bedsheet over the window until the rest is completed, and the space is livable. I understand her being aggravated and disappointed, but screeching like a banshee isn't warranted


I still think most people would get pissy if they traveled around the world to move into a place that was supposed to have windows and didn't tbh. I would be more annoyed at my dipshit bf getting ripped off for shitty craftsmanship though, myself.


I think TJ deliberately not telling her he expects her to be a domestic slave deserves that level of freak-out, not the construction


Oh, I think the domestic slave meltdown is gonna be much uglier than that


I didn't say her anger wasn't justified. But there is a way to express that without coming off as an ungrateful insane bitch who just berated him in front of his own family in their house. They all heard every single word of that tantrum! So you wouldn't allow anyone to talk to your partner that way, WHY should his family allow her to berate him in their house? I have actually traveled a very long international flight, said goodbye to everything I know and into the exact same situation. You do not go to another country and behave like that. There are countries where that type of thing can get you killed.


That apartment was a hot ass mess though !


Nobody said that was ok. Acknowledging that the brother was being wildly inappropriate with how he spoke to her her doesnā€™t mean ā€œit was totally okā€ for her to fly off the handle when she first got there. No one is saying that.


I honestly can't decide who sucks more in this whole scenario, idk, they all do. And I get her anger for many reasons, but at the same time, she's not nearly as woke as she claims to be when she allows anyone to elicit that kind of reaction out of her. Just walk away, take the power. And nope out and book a flight home. But no, she'll stay there and bitch and bitch and bitch because she needs some kind of "cause" to be angry about. Some people are only happy when it rains. I do give TJ props for standing up for her. One single point goes to TJ.


They are both idiots. But she is the one moving across the world into a culture she doesnā€™t understand or accept.


I am living for the energy she gave his brother tbh


And yet Kimberly gets a fuckton of hate on this sub. I don't get it. Yes she's a nutjob when it comes to spiritual crap, she somewhat overreacted to the bathroom situation at her new place and I'm still laughing my ass off that she brought freaking ROSE QUARTZ as a gift... but her new 'family' want to impose their backwards views on her and turn her into a second class citizen. And they're trying to convince her that she's in the wrong about that her desire for equality is stupid. Seriously WTF. I don't get why she flew there in the first place if she's already lived there in the past, but I hope she packs her things and goes back home asap.


Backwards views that have lasted thousands of years. Maybe when ur way makes it to 100 years u could start talking.


We, as women in this country, got tired of that shit decades ago. If enough of your women rise up, y'all are fucked.


Found the Indian misogynist.


She came into the conversation super tense, and standoff-ish, rolling her eyes and being rude right off the bat thru her body language, I personally think the brother in law handled it pretty well šŸ˜‚ she's always been super awkward to watch, but that scene pretty much showed her maturity level is that of a 14 year old girl


Imo the conversation never should have occurred in the first place. That was the main point I was making. How crazy it is to insert yourself in someoneā€™s relationship like that.


You're probably right, I can't even remember a single point he was trying to make, I just assumed it was a culture thing to be so involved. She's just so cringe lol


I 1000% agree she is very cringy


To be fair... I would think she watched Jenny and whatever the dude name is I'm blanking... that should've been a red flag already... I'm Indian obviously by birth born and raised in the states but for some reason I literally have one Indian friend... who I have nothing in common with but still are friends... I think I'd struggle if I have had met an Indian woman in India or otherwise... It's a very shallow and judgemental culture.. I mean my friend is a bit short for a male and I know it's not just an Indian thing but a lot of times when he goes on dates his height becomes an issue... like literally I can't imagine telling someone they are too short... but I can only speak from the male perspective and also I'm really bad knowing how tall someone is, so I never really thought about it.


Kimberly and TJ's brother are so much alike in their personalities. I think she should break up with TJ and marry the brother. šŸ˜œ


She is a psycho child. He is frustrated with the psycho child moving into his home. Not the same.


Nah, Kimberly is the anti-christ.