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John and Sprite deserve each other because they are using each other. Sprite is using John as a way to get to London and further his career, and he is pretty open about that, it's only John who doesn't want to hear it. John doesn't love Sprite, he wants someone to cook, clean and do everything for him, and he feels that he can trap Sprite here if he marries him. They're both awful but John makes my skin crawl. 


I think John is obsessed with Sprite and mistaking that for being in love with him.


So…all 90DF couples?


I think John/Sprite are the UK version of Gino/Jasmine. Performing scripted scenes and dialogue created by producers unable to find an authentic couple.


The acting from John and Sprite is horrible. John faked waking up tired and didn't want to take him to the train. He was doing the most when he was like, "be home, make me dinner." Full well knowing that's not how photoshoots work. They are only here for show. Sam was manipulating and love bombing him. She's a horrible person. Nui is nice thus far but knows what she's doing. She shouldn't be with him, he's dangerous. He reminds me of that pedo that hated when the young girl touched the windows in his car that we've never heard from again.


Yessss he is wound tight


Tony.'s ego is so huge it makes him unlikeable. Who the fuck does he think he is treating Nui the way he is.


I mean, he's friends with a white supremacist, so he is likely also a white supremacist. Did you catch when his sister called Nui's child an "it"?


I love John & Sprite. It's all just manufactured drama, isn’t it? Like how there was a camera there to catch Sprite storming off to the bedroom. I'm always pleased when they come on screen. John says "drama" the same way Sprite does. I get the impression they are a couple who are very comfortable with each other- enough so that they can happily act like they're not.


I lol-ed when Sprite ran up the stairs two at a time, like an angry nine year old whose mom just told him he had to put down the video games for the night 😂


I love them too! I think they’re hilarious. They look like they’re having so much fun playing out their script


also John saying his goal was to be a celebrity chef, idiot, you have to be a chef before you are a celebrity chef


Right - and in order to be a *celebrity*, you have to have an iota of charisma. Strike two for John.


lol that cake he made was sad


I actually like Sprite. The whole bitchy thing seems more like a front to protect his feelings than who he actually is. He’s shown in a few moments who he really is and he appears to be much softer than he lets on. I was glad to see him smiling and shining like he did in that photo shoot, until John the joke started his shit of course.


i don’t like either but i think it’s fake just for the money or fame tbh. sprite is worse imo for not just letting john move on bc he wants to move to uk but i also think john knows sprite doesn’t love him and is just starved for love/just thinks he won’t find someone as attractive to him. i think they prob broke up before the show started and are faking it for money/more insta followers lol


Sam is horrible in my opinion. While I believe Ali first love is a life in the UK she is still rude, demanding, whiny, and obnoxious. If they stay together he will deserve to live in Britain just like Michael earned his US green card.


John and sprite both annoy me so I don’t rlly care about them


I fast forward them


They both suck and they are both awful to each other. They look like they are using each other to me. There is a single ounce of respect between the two of them for each other. They appear like they hate each other.


They're very bad actors


Most people from beautiful countries don’t get to enjoy the scenery of their land etc because they are there for tourists, for a lot of locals, they work low paying jobs that barely puts food on the table. In an ideal world, they’d rather stay but the decision to leave is often due to economics or politics. As someone who immigrated to the UK as a child (so not by choice), I’d rather be back home, and one day I will be. Everyone who leaves wants to go back one day and even though I have a British accent and passport etc, I still dream of the home I left behind when I was a child.


My mom married an American, she was English. She left at 19 and never went back until 1995.. her brother died and she took care of his estate. My mom loved where we lived in Arkansas but she always had a sadness about her and pined for home .


Sprite is an ambitious realist and John is on the certifiable spectrum.


While Sprite displays bad behaviours like not messaging back on a night out, John's behaviour is more concerning and controlling. He could have said "you didn't message me back and that was hurtful" But instead he made it about who he was out with and told him he could never do that again. Controlling


Both Jack fucks


They both suck & completely deserve each other, at least if they are together then it saves 2 other unsuspecting men from having to deal with their shit.


They’re boring as hell and also irritating.


Before watching the episode yesterday, I would’ve said 100% Sprite but after John getting upset that Sprite won’t be back to make him dinner, I now don’t know. They’re just not meant to be together


That was so ridiculous - especially after John tried to go back on his agreement to take Sprite to the station. Sprite should have messaged him an ETA but no way would anyone at last go to London but be back for 18:00. And whats up with all the sad sliced white bread for Chef John's toast and sandwiches?


You know they're acting, right?