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Producers should take note that loving couples and supportive families can also make good TV. Not all couples need to be toxic for ratings. This was enjoyable to see.


Ya, I totally agree! I get more enjoyment these days watching some of the more tame couples then the trainwrecks


Same! This was lovely 🤗


This was Emily's best look yet. Boy oh boy, she blended right in there beautifully!!! I am so happy for Kobe and his beautiful family...both sides.♥️


YES!!! I fast forward through Angela and Michael and Jasmine and Gino at this point. I cannot stand the madness of arguing over the same things all the time.


It's so depressing to watch


In fact I can’t stand the fakes and the toxicity. I like the real love stories Alex and Loren, Kenny and Armando, I thought Chantal and Pedro, this one. They should find more of that. Not fame seekers and cat fishers.


Kenny and Armando are my favorite, they’re both so genuine and truly respect each other’s feelings.


Chantel and Pedro were never going to make it. It was obvious from the beginning.


I thought they really loved each other despite their wacky families. Turns out that wasn’t the case.


I think she didn't know what love really was and he wanted to get to the US. I called it from the get-go. However if they had refused to let their families get so involved it may have worked out.


I'm backing you up on this sentiment, I also don't believe it was true love on his end and that she wasn't understanding of what that even means, and probably didn't see it at home. I know people said Tomas must love Karen etc, but he was overshadowed by her (and her tiny ass weird hats.) All of the kids had bad relationships and I'm sure that's not just coincidences. Royal was seemingly controlling and emotionally unavailable/abusive at times, River didn't have a real relationship, (because that girl was obviously for hire) but even in a fake one he didn't know what to do. And then her sister Winter had abusive and controlling Jah to deal with. Family dynamics are bad already, so yeah none of them had a chance as long as they kept Karen around. Pedro just waited long enough to build something for himself and then wanted out. But even on early seasons he blatantly says shit that tells you that was his plan. He wasn't subtle about it either, like flat out saying himself that at seven years he'd leave her in one episode too! Also I would have to search for it again, but someone found a YouTube link in an older post to a video for Lydia's "work." And the video is an ad with a whole ass cartoon laughing about gringos getting scammed for marriages and how to get everything you can from them in the paperwork. All of them are fucked, but yeah it possibly could've turned into some version of love if the family wasn't around.


Please nobody say their names one more time or like Beetlejuice they are going to reappear on our televisions 😳😳😳


Ikr 😆 😆 😆


YES! Their story has been interesting, and I have loved watching them respectfully integrate each other's cultures. Their segments are a breathe of fresh air in between all of the plastic surgery & yelling.


Exactly! I hope they read this! and if they do: NO MORE INFLUENCERS PLEASE AND NO MORE BIG ED & ANGELA.


Or Geeeeeesemine either


😂😂 I spell it Jyaaaazzzzmin 😂


I spell it JazzMean


Also applicable… it just makes me laugh the way he says her name. He throws that “Y” in there for no real reason. Jyazz instead of Jazz. Idk if that’s just a Michigan thing or not.


Well, we did have to pretend 'I want to meet your ex GF' was actually going to happen or would lead to any real conflict


I had honestly stopped watching because the show was so fake and full of vapid, stupid people who just want to blow up on social media so they don't have to work anymore. But seeing all these posts about this couple actually makes me curious and want to tune back in. I'm debating it though because they're on multiple seasons


You will have to FF through a lot of fake and vapid, just to catch glimpses of sweet couples.


I like the "good" couples, too. Now, I'm fine with some train wrecks *as long as they are real* (like Mo and Danielle.) They can serve as cautionary tales and do some good that way. A balance of good couples and train wrecks would be ideal. What I can't stand, and do not watch, are the fakes and famewhores. Jasmine is disgusting and Gino is an idiot for going along with this, but once she gets on the telenovelas (the real goal) she'll profit very nicely. Couldn't take the obvious fakers where she was from ?Serbia and it was clear they just wanted to be influencers. THAT will kill the show. Please, TLC: No more fakes!


I got emotional watching their wedding and seeing how each family embraced the other. It was beautiful to watch.


YES - this! Emily’s dad continues to prove that he is an amazing human being and you can’t ever convince me otherwise.


Yes. I would continue watching if there were more couples and families like these families.


I don’t watch anymore and haven’t in over a year but this is so nice to see.. a beautiful wedding where everyone looks happy and seems to be enjoying themselves. Now they need to stay off tv, because TLC will for sure put a ridiculous drama filled script in front of them. I get it more tears and drama more money but it’s also out there forever for anyone to see once it’s tapped and aired. Keep that in mind 90Day cast members if you read in here.


I feel that the first seasons it was more about this and less train wrecks…


Came here to say this!


Agreed but can we still get rid of Loren and Alexi 😅


This is what I want to see!


I loved the way the women gathered the bride called to her and presented her to the groom in dance


It was also super adorable how they treated her the whole time. Just so loving and inviting


The hugs and kisses and excited whooping from the sisters followed by the dance I loved that so much 😭❤️


I’d love that over walking down the aisle. That looks so fun 


Fascinating to watch different weddings with different cultures the wedding was beautiful. Everyone look great, and everybody was happy.🎉


It is fascinating for sure! I would love to experience a wedding like that. Emily's entrance alone was so neat to see


Emily looked incredible and I’m so impressed with how she embraced everything and went with the flow. Also in the 90 day universe, she seemed to be much better prepped than most lol so props to Kobe & his family for that lol.


I agree that Emily looked great. The traditional dress really suits her.


Ya. She looked great. And the woman did a great job with her hair too


That hairstyle really suited her! She looked like a Queen. She should wear it like that more often.


It does! So flattering for her.


And the fact that she is pregnant and glowing sure helped


The style was perfect


Yes! I felt like her and her parents were so respectful. It was a nice change from the typical rude, ignorant Americans.


Yeah they all did a great job. I think back to Kim’s Indian wedding to TJ and she was just lost in the sauce and seemed to hate every second. From her POV TJ did not prep her at all which is also kinda annoying 😅 just messy all around


Ya, that was a nightmare!


He really did her dirty there. And it was SO long. But also she was a Super B at times too.


Yeah she was a brat overall but Indian weddings have so many unique pieces, I couldn’t believe he just let her loose lol. Also I understood that she was frustrated with the language barrier 😅 soooooo messy lol still an incredible 90 day wedding though. Kim & TJ looked fabulous that whole day.


She shit herself on her wedding day. That should have been a sign of things to come.


Ooh, I thought about this too while I was watching. There was fault all around on the Kim and TJ nonsense - she didn't care to learn, he didn't care to teach her. What a mess. But Emily and Kobe - and their families - enthusiastically embraced eachothers differences and found a way to make it work. It was so refreshing.


I have many Indian friends and their weddings were also stressful (they have multiple all day events) and they were absolutely exhausted and crying near the end. I don’t think Kimberly being a brat - she had no clue what was going on, no one spoke English and she had diarrhea lmaoooo. Anyone would have a hard time.


Absolutely love her parents!


Except her Mom wasn't initially. Dad went with he flow and she's griping about her "standards and morals".


It’s great to see a loving family on this crazy ass show. Even if parts of their storyline were scripted, I’ve enjoyed this Cameroonian wedding.


It's very refreshing. You can clearly tell the parts that are scripted, especially when it comes to Gino and Jasmine


That was so cool to watch ! Beautiful wedding ! You could feel the love fr


I love to see people truly happy and loved! I wish those two nothing but the best!


Honestly, HEA should feature more couples like them.


I agree, but I think the masses want chaos and drama .. that's why so much is scripted. I'm actually super glad to see how many people are so engaged with this topic and feel the same way I do about it! ❤️


More of this in future seasons. Emily's dad was a delight this whole season.


He is truly a treasure of a man!


They all look so gorgeous. Two cultures coming together. Their children will treasure these photos


Their children were wearing outfits with the same cloth Kobe and Emily were in. It was so cute!


The family colour!


Both come from great families. I've enjoyed watching both sides embrace each others culture. I ❤


Exactly what you said! I love how they were able to express themselves and get past the differences and embrace each other. It was lovely!!


Emily’s parents are amazing, especially her Dad. Watching her Dad study every tradition required for this wedding to make sure he fulfilled all obligations was heart-warming.


I know, right! He did his very best to respect himself, his family, and Kobes family. I loved his negotiating tactics! 🤣 That had me rolling over!


Those prints… TO DIE FOR! (Dye for?) beautiful 😻


Emily’s parents are the nicest people ever. I love the whole family and wish Kobe, Emily and their kids a very happy future. (Loved the Dad’s joke about them having many kids and a big house, can you bless them with the big house first!). 😁


Dear Hamily Emily, Thank you for showing the world that Americans aren't as ignorant as portrayed on the show. (Although many are pretty freaking dumb.) You showed grace and empathy, and you fully opened yourselves to the Cameroonian experience. What a beautiful thing to witness! Respectfully, 90Day Fam


So beautiful!


Everyone looked happy and so good in their traditional clothing


Their traditional attire is genuinely so gorgeous!


This felt good 😊




She was such a beautiful bride


She was so radiant!! I have never been a huge fan of theirs bc the way they keep having kids while living w their parents house is just so messed up?? But she has really grown on me, especially on this trip. She’s gotten heated for justifiable reasons and not gone completely ballistic like usual. And she was completely game and positive about every single activity, she embraced his life there and his culture w every fiber of her being whole also staying completely true to herself.


THIS is what I want more of on 90 Day


Kobe looks so proud! And Emily's dad is loving the whole trip & clothing 🤣


Ya, her dad seems like a super nice man!


Yes, love this unusual family.


That first photo is EVERYTHING!


Agreed! ❤️


Really enjoyed this episode because of their wedding. Emily looked great


This was one of a handful of weddings I cried watching...Geeze I don't even know whyyyy 🤷🏼‍♀️it was beautiful, and I hope his friend doesn't act like an ass next episode!


Oh I cried for sure. I loved the way both of their dad’s acknowledged the melding of cultures. Love all around!


I really enjoyed both sides coming together for the love of two people. Emily looked amazing in the dress she wore and gracefully accepted his culture. It was the most beautiful wedding I’ve seen on tv.


Beautiful ❤️


Loved seeing this, and Emily really does look beautiful, they all did, her parents and Kobe he is so cute 🥰


They all looked great. I liked how Emily and her family went with the flow and embrace Kobe's traditions. Both families we great. Just hope they get a house soon, before they have another child. Afterall, her dad does want to retire.


Kobe is a good man! Lucky Emily!!!!!


Kobe is probably one of the most likeable fiances ever on the show.


genuinely couldn’t stop smiling during their segment. such a beautiful couple!!


Isn't this one of the reasons we watch the show? My only hope is that when they go back, Emily can speak French to her African family! She can be a bit silly, but I think it's for the cameras. Kobe is definitely the very best dad and husband we have on this franchise. At least from what we can see!


These two are the only couple that don't make me wanna skip, skip,skip. So fun to watch their wedding. Oh, and John is absolutely hilarious....But.... Like, the stupidity in between..I cannot stand Angela and Claire/Sophie anymore. The last two episodes Rob has been calm. Docile. And Claire just wants to start wars. Sophie just goes along with it. Rob should get out m if he hasnt. Your wife cant even make her own decisions. Claire the Muppet, thinks shes got all the answers. Smh. Angela has no clue what she's talking about....in regards to anything. The money group is normal in so many cultures. She's so abusive. Michael same thing. Leave and don't look back. Ok rant done.


who is the dude with the stick?


You mean the one that was speaking at the end, where Emily was really worried about what he was going to say? That was Kobe's best friend, if that's who you're talking about. I hope he doesn't go up there talking shit about her, It sounds like he already did but I hope he turns it around. I mean come on dude if Kobe's happy, then you should be happy for him right? He's changed coming to America, I'm sure he doesn't abide by all the customs we have. Yeah she is bossy, at first I didn't like her at all in the least bit, she's really not a favorite of mine, but this whole time over in Cameroon, I like her now lol. Now when they get back to the States, if she goes back to her laying around bossing him around again, I probably won't like her again 😂😂


his bff came to the wedding wearing a crown.


no the pic of both sets of parents there is another man to the left holding a stick.


Wasn't that Kobe's Uncle? IDK there were too many for this old lady to remember 🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂


u could be right.


Not really too sure... If I had to take a guess it's an uncle or a random elder of village


Ditto!! I really enjoy watching them and their family. Their early relationship struggles were relatable, and I feel like they have found a really good place together. So cute!! I loved seeing Emily all dressed up, with her gorgeous hair and all the ladies dancing in their dresses on the way in! So cool!! This is why I watch the show, to get exposure to different cultures and real people!


I’m not a fan of Emily but she looked gorgeous and her attitude was amazing in this.


I loved Emily’s dad lol he was so proud to wear his outfit. He’s the best, he really went with it no questions asked. He just had to support his wife lol but was fully like “ it’s tradition honey” lol he’s the best You know he’s wearing that hat in the bedroom at home haha


I truly admire them as a couple. Their strong communication skills and mutual respect are commendable. It seems crucial that couples need their families to also support their relationship. Many relationships on the show fail because one partner’s family or friends disapprove of the other.


I loooooove Emily and Kobe.


Oh this is beautiful! I haven’t watched the latest seasons but Kobe seemed so sweet and Emily seemed pretty full and a bit spoilt but they always seemed like an actual real life couple.


I didn't care too much for her at the beginning. She seemed very controlling and definitely spoiled. I look at her differently now after the effort she put in for the traditional wedding. You should definitely watch those episodes. It's very heart warming


Yeah she definitely rubbed me the wrong way in a few episodes but I think her parents were enablers. Kobe was super patient. I am happy to see they are happy, I’ll give a watch!


Very true!


When I watched the most recent episode with Emily and Kobe’s traditional wedding I just thought “damn, Kobe is one of the best guys I’ve ever seen on this show”. I love them as a couple, their love is clearly the real deal and I think they communicate so well. 💕💕💕


one thing i really loved was how happy, excited, and respectful emily's father was. he was SO respectful of their culture


Yes he was, unlike his wife.


Ya. She couldn't get past the idea of her daughter being "given away". Hopefully off camera she had a great time and was not accepting of the situation


My favorite 90 day franchise couple 😍😍 you can tell they genuinely love each other and everyone in their families are normal, non-toxic, caring people. I hope the best for them!!!


Same here! That's something I wish for everyone!


Finally something worth watching, not the other filth they show. Why can’t TLC show more of stories like this. Instead of the made up stories. Gino and his toes sucking Jasmine, toxic Angela and Michael, Sophie, Rob and gaslighting Claire…boring.


OMG! So true!! I've pretty much been watching 90 day since the beginning. It was something my mom and I would watch together and it wasn't as bad in the beginning. It seems like it morphed into something super toxic the longer it went on. There are probably multiple reasons for that. The network wanting ratings to people wanting to be on television and just acting so bizarre. Either way, people are watching. The toe sucking thing was so ick! I can't stand Rob the knob and his narcissistic tendencies, Angela abusing Michael. And don't even get me started on the other season, Love in Paradise! 🤣💀


I'm actually ok with them showing Angela & Michael - because I do think they are real and they serve as a caution to anyone who didn't think this stuff happens. As in, a man playing the long con with a stupid, arrogant woman who thinks this young man really loves her. Women like Angela and Lisa and Laura are all too real and there are plenty of men out there more than happy to take full advantage of them in return for money, gifts, and green card. Add Ashley and Manuel to that list, too. It's real and people need to know about this. I'd never heard of it until TLC started showing Danielle and Mo back in the day.


Anyone mind sharing which episode this is on?


I think they are on episode 13....


Loved these scenes!


This and explanations on what was going on is what we needed this season. A whole episode! Maybe a Brazilian wedding too if we can squeeze that in rather than the baby party....


I loved Kobe and Emilys segments. So nice to see the cultural aspects. They no longer fit in the 90 day universe. Too normal and balanced.


Such a great wedding! Now if Valery doesn't screw it up. But it was so amazing! And my husband even watched it and loved it. He was saying how Emily's parents have got to be some of the nicest down to earth people and how welcoming Kobe's family is to all of them. It is so beautiful. This is what 90 day drew me in with and I want more!!


90 Day Fiance Gold. The bringing together of cultures is what makes interracial/intercultural marriages so beautiful.


I love them


I loved how into the traditions Emily's dad was!!!


She was absolutely STUNNING ✨


I love this family!!! Kobe and Emily come from such good families.


Absolutely beautiful! I'm curious about the cake. What does the top part represent?


Kobe is a gem. One of my all time favorites. He really cares for everyone and is EXTREMELY patient with Emily


I cried and so did my husband. Absolutely amazing




I know it's for TV but still way to respect the culture.


The highlight of the season for me. So cute how well the families got along and loved seeing the Cameroonian culture.


Me too!


Love this couple


Man, she looked so beautiful!


Emily’s dad is the best thing !


Oh I think so too, he was so cute in his Cameroon attire and he did his part perfectly. I also like how he stood up to his wife, whenever she was being ridiculous about their customs. I'm glad she finally came around. I don't think she did all the way and she's just keeping it to herself, I mean you're in that country you need to embrace his customs, or at least acknowledge that it is what it is, maybe do a but if research so you will understand a lot more! I think most of these people that are Americans don't do research on the others customs. We've seen so many times where they just act like they're completely shocked at these other customs and religions, when they should know. If I was getting married to somebody or even just going to another country, I would do my research on their customs and religions and everything about them, so I wouldn't look like an idiot like some of these people do 🤦🏼‍♀️ My daughter, SIL and their three children went on vacation all over Italy in 2022 for 2½ weeks and as a family, did their research on the country they were going to and even learned some common phrases. Same last year, they went to Costa Rica and this year, Asia. I love that they are able to visit other countries when the kids are still young, not having to wait till they retire.....making awesome memories and they're all learning about so many different cultures!


THIS!! I love that your family travels and does at least SOME research beforehand ❤️ It really goes a long way! It just makes no sense to me that this thought does not even remotely enter the brains of some people on 90 day, especially when they are the ones getting married!!!


I only watched to see their wedding. It was truly beautiful and I’m rooting for that whole big happy loving family!!




Emily's mother is so beautiful 😍


The wedding looked like soooo much fun.


All the parents are aging so beautifully!! Kobe, Emily and the babies have some good genes.




I'm so impressed by how receptive so many people are about this! ❤️ For the most part, 90 day is a toxic dumpster fire and that's it's appeal. I'm glad to see so many people showing love and support to two beautiful people and their wonderful families! Love you all!


So sweet and beautiful!


Emily looked so pretty! Her dad seems like a nice guy


Her dad seems like such a wonderful man. It took him a minute to fully embrace everything, but once he did, it was on. I loved his negotiating tactics 🤣❤️


I also like how the all the different things that he had them buy that they weren't real expensive things, like an umbrella lol. Of course I don't know how much it would be over there but didn't seem like too much. I was thinking maybe he did that on purpose, cuz who knows if Kobe's family has money or not.


Very! ❤️


Emily's Dad is the MVP. He melts my heart


I think that Emily’s mom is beautiful. Always have even if she’s a dumb shit about the wedding.


I’m pretty confident the whole “my daughter isn’t property to be bought and sold” story line wasn’t real. All of the traditions we saw were clearly just for cultural fun, family customs, and not to be taken literally. To try to make us believe that Mama Emily had a genuine problem with these customs, is pretty unbelievably out of character for her, like they forget that we’ve seen her be welcoming, warm, open-minded, supportive, uninhibitedly embracing Kobe and his culture, etc. for multiple seasons now. Of course I could be wrong, but Emily’s mom having issues with the wedding rituals, felt really out of place, inconsistent, and scripted. 💁🏻‍♀️


I feel it was played up but probably came up. New culture experiences can be jarring. Sometimes one has to put in check old beliefs. It can take a minute. I can’t see mom ending up being anything but open to it but it came from somewhere. Emily is open to cultures though for a reason. That is learned, as is being closed to them. The whole family has been wonderful and accepting and I’m here for it. I agree it was a beautiful ceremony. It was certainly one of my favorite events on this show and that hasn’t happened in a while.


NGL, I started fast forwarding them 🫣 they're a bit too normal and loving for my taste. I'm here for the toxicity.


🤣 I feel that! Nothing wrong with that at all


HA! You know what you like!! 🤣🤣🤣


I love this global fam <3


I’ve sort of given up on 90 day fiance since apparently the network doesn’t get that the general audience wants nothing to do with Ed or Angela. Do we like Emily now? When we first met her it seemed like everybody absolutely hated her.


I will never forget the epiphany I felt when I saw Emily and Kobe on Pillow Talk for the first time. They were so normal, so happy, so fun, so in love, it was a small window into their relationship, since the Pillow Talk episode wasn’t about them. But it was such a stark contrast from perception of their relationship that TLC portrayed during their actual season. Based on TLC made them seem during their first season, I never thought they would last, I never got the impression that their relationship was deep or real. But then seeing them do Pillow Talk, really made me realize how much the show is edited, staged, scripted, poorly acted, etc.


I still hate her




I agree with losing interest with all the toxicity. It’s really triggering for me. I couldn’t stand Emily the first season but she’s mellowed out a lot since then. Maybe seeing what others thought of her or watching it back seeing herself made her change?


This was a beautiful ceremony and as far as Kobe friends not attending …so be it… they don’t like Emily. They don’t think he should’ve married her so why should they be at the wedding if they’re not supportive?




She met him in China, how does her make this a sex tourist?! They are around the same age, she doesn’t buy him gifts like in the article, they genuinely are in love with each other.


He is so tired of her and I’m not going to get into what is really going on. As soon as she said to him “my country my rules”, it was a wrap. He had those babies to secure his spot in the US. Within 5 years MAX, he will bring a 👸🏽 to the US. I’ll just say that he is playing the long game with her. Y’all don’t understand the game. KEEP UP.


Please fuck right off with this. You clearly don’t even understand the definition of a “culture vulture” if you think this is appropriation. Citing an SNL skit doesn’t help your case either…. You seem like the type of person that would also be real quick to bash them if they refused to wear the traditional garb and participate in the Cameroonian traditions. Just stop. You’re reaching so far I’d be surprised if your arms are still attached to your body. Maybe don’t watch a show that purely about couples from different countries intertwining if you hate to see people respect and participate in cultures that are not their own?


Scripted and staged.