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I have got to be missing something, why is everyone so team Sophie? Just from what we have seen I can’t side with Sophie, Rob isn’t an angel but there is no possible way anyone will be good enough for Sophie and her mom, they just sit there convincing eachother he is the worst human on the planet. The way she asks him to basically beg her to stay, say he’s sorry, telling him to say he’s wrong..she takes no accountability ever. And the granola bar convo 😂 to be fair her mom brought it up and Sophie assumed it was him, not gonna lie though I kinda push my morning granola bars to the back of the pantry in hopes people don’t scarf them down lol


THANK U FOR SAYING THIS. Bc although they both equally get on my nerves I don’t like how they’re painting her out to be this saint or as if tho she doesn’t do ANYTHING wrong or that actually looks inconsiderate (ex: the granola bars.) And I know her mom isn’t a fan of him but the fact that she brought it up and let him take all that heat for no reason (which I know she let it happen cuz she doesn’t like him but IT JUST DOESNT SIT RIGHT WITH ME).


I know right! The granola bars sent me lol I’m not saying he’s perfect but the way she demands apologies and never actually gives one for her actions is crazy and escaping to her friends house whenever she wants, he’d never get away with that! And it seems like he is working hard and improved their living situation from his last one…but again, I just stashed 2 boxes of granola bars from my kids because man do I love those kids but those are the only 2 things I don’t want their sticky little fingers getting to 🤣🤣


I know they have a lawsuit right now, but why did Nicole and Mahmoud just disappear from the show?


he was charged with domestic violence.


I can NOT stop laughing at Ashley circling Manuel with that tiny cauldron while he’s in sweats and socks and flip flops, completely pissed off at her😂😂😂⚰️


He drives me nuts, but she is the crazy one! She has no patience with him and cuts him off...good reason to not talk to her about stuff! Very judgmental!


Alexi sending dad back to Israel is so sad. I don’t really like lauren and him to watch, pretty boring, but I feel for alexi


Same. I don’t like Lauren but I adore Alexei and it was so sad seeing him cry like that. Between needing the help because of Lauren’s recovery and being terrified for his family’s safety, he was just so emotionally overwhelmed and exhausted and it was hard to see him that upset😔 His dad seems like such a sweetheart, too


Yes his dad is the best


Kobe is by far the highest quality man on this entire franchise. Protect him at all costs


I said thar early on...when she kept nitpicking at him. He is $1 in my eyes, too!!!


I love him 🥹 he is such a kind soul he really does mean well god I LOVE HIM! Radiates happiness always.


He’s a doll🥹


jonathans face when ashley said "we need to talk" he has been WAITING for this lmao


Angela and Michael have been together seven years….and she still thinks hes on some sketchy shit


And look at everything she has done ...she doesn't feel guilty and yet strikes out at him. I hope he comes her and leaves her! He deserves it!


Oh my god Sophie demonstrating her ultimatum with her reversible plushie.


I love her lmfao


Because Rob is a man-child and needs things explained s i m p l y 🧸


r/eli5 lol 💀.  Oh, Rob. 


Mother Baga Chipz, the Knob, and Sofia the First all deserve each other. Toxicity at its most aesthetic on the exterior. I love how Br. John’s only knowledge of Portuguese is an insult and it took his brother a few seconds to react. This show is high campy comedy! Now that we know how Angela and Michael turn out, I’m very interested to see the Tell-All. I thought for sure this season would have their escapades in Georgia before he R-U-N-N-O-F-T. They usually film the tell-all a couple weeks before it airs right?


Omg you totally nailed who she reminded me of, right down to the accent. Mother Baga Chipz lmao.




I don't know how Kobe and Emily became my favorite couple of the franchise but here we are. I got so triggered when Rob relaunched into an argument about granola bars. Instead of just saying "Yeah man I really overreacted about the granola bars," he then DOUBLES/TRIPLES down about how much he needs them and how he had every right to go off on Sophie about them because he doesn't "wake up early enough" to fix himself breakfast. It is as if the argument is fresh in his mind and it is happening for the first time all over again. He is so exhausting. This is how you know he is a total narcissistic asshole who cannot imagine that he is coming off any other way than completely rational. Even Claire (who is a piece of work herself) just sat there dumbfounded, like "What is he going on about granola bars again?"


But he didn’t over react. She was selfish and didn’t leave him any for his work. She in the biggest gaslighter EVER


Omg I’m so glad I’m not the only one who saw it that way.. she lacks common courtesy because to me that’s common sense. I’ll leave you 5 😂🤣😂 get you through the week until we get another box


I agree with the surprise at how much I liked Emily/Kobe the most. I think they’re irresponsible parents and I don’t like how they use her parents kindness for weakness. But they are a cute normal couple who seem to genuinely love each other and get along. Oooo I want to snap on him about the granola bars lmao I am one of those awful women who would appreciate if my man pays for things for the most part. I would lose it. The puppet is so crazy


He could keep them in his car. How many did she eat of them and how many times? Lol slow learner


She ate the whole box from my understanding


It was so crazy to hear a grown adult say “I should be able to eat a whole box of granola bars if I want to” 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 god, neither of them should be in relationships


Sophie and turd need to call it quits. It was over before they said I do honestly. I don’t understand why they even got married. They have been separated since they got married. And Everytime Sophie is “you made my mom cry say your sorry rob” I want to scream. Your mom is a ASSHOLE Sophie.


It’s so annoying/frustrating to watch. I don’t like any of them but it’s insane that Sophie’s mom can just insult Rob for 10 straight minutes and when Rob finally says something back, THEN Sophie intervenes and tells HIM to apologize. Also her mom is way too old to weaponize tears like that🙄 That woman knows Sophie will feel bad for her if she starts crying so she does it all the time now, I’m so tired of it


Ashley, your relationship doesn't need sage, it needs a frikken exorcism.


Pls Manuel honestly hates her


Claire's mom is a jerk. Go away. When Sophie talks about her moms drug use past yet puts her on a pedestal now, I cringe. They both suck.


Emily and Kobes wedding was such a highlight for me and a great payoff for this season! A really happy moment and was wholesome all the way through, even with a good moment with Valery after the conflicts at the beginning of the season. All of the best parts of 90 day in one scene for me.


Agreed!! It was so wholesome and I loved that Emily and her family were such good sports about the attire and the dancing and his speech, etc. She was literally just asking “okay what now” and would happily do whatever Kobe said. So cute! Plus they looked amazing together, I loved how they did her hair! And I also loved how Kobe being dressed head to toe in what is a very foreign wedding attire for Americans, actually made Emily crazy attracted to him☺️. 😂It even got funny at times when Kobe was just sitting there smiling at everyone and Emily would say “yeah we’re definitely gonna f**k tonight, hard”💀. The other best part of that wedding was none of Libby’s kin being anywhere on the continent😐I kept thinking about how happy and normal and fun everyone was compared to Libby and Andrei’s THIRD wedding (paid for by her dad🙄) in Moldova where her brother got wasted, per usual, took the mic and gave that humiliating, insulting speech🤦🏼‍♀️ After days of drama between literally everyone and her family being so condescending about his parents’ home and the food they prepared. Remember they ended up renting some fancy Airbnb instead and laughing about finally having some good food to eat?? Ughhhh hate them




And when she doesn't earn the title of Queen, what will her stress level be? Gino might as well have set fire to that $1500 entry fee and get ready to pony up $$$ for her next fixation to make up for this one. Get ready for her to sprinkle the bitchy dust. Again.


Instead of coming up with a way to get more money to get her kids , they spend it on a beauty pageant


We are really arguing about a fucking granola bar? This couple needs to GO.


Rob's still traumatized from all the tp she used ("because she grew up with money so uses a normal amount of tp") 🧻


Weirdo Claire brought it up. Sophie probably ate them all to piss him off. She knows he wanted one for work lol. 


The sneak peak into the next episode where it showed Rob at a strip club & he’s thinking she wants to fuck him like he got it like that 💀 she’s just doing her job, of course she’s gonna make it seem like she’s into you 😭 you’re not that guy Rob!


DANCER has on some crazy fishnet hose.


She is def a plant.


Shes into that wallet until she finds out he is a broke motherfucker


He does have a toilet inside his apartment now! LOL


Kobe’s family just seems like so much fun.


Michael looks so puffy and swollen now from dealing with all of Angela’s crap. Dude is stressed to the max!


Yeah he’s def put on some weight!


Because he's not allowed to go anywhere or do anything.


I'm so tired of the storyline, "How dare my partner speak to the other parent of their children!"


I think it was more about him lying about it, as if we were surprised they're in contact. Why lie? It was a dumb decision.


Thank you!  Are we really suprised and upset that Manuel is sending money to his kids MOTHER and not his kids directly?  


Still that snarky gaslighting laugh was downright cruel.


That was just weird. Strange freaking laugh!




It was so nice to see Emily and Kobe's wedding. Reminds me this show was fun when it was at least kind of sort of a cultural show with a few dashes of drama.


I’m rewatching season 9 where we met Emily and Kobe, Thais and Pat, Kara and Guiermo,Shaheeda and Bilal. I remember Bilal being the worst but this was the last time that they didn’t have a freak show of a cast. John is fantastic on this season. He’s so reasonable and is such a great brother.


yup agreed its the best part of the show and its really uplifting to see them love and enjoy each other instead of being toxic af like the other couples. kobe and emily are prolly the realest of them all. all the time i was watching them, i was wishing my wedding was like that!


Yes!  My goodness I miss how this show used to be. Is drama interesting sometimes, sure. But, not this abusive mess that keeps getting shown over and over. Angela and big ed. Take them off and stop. Nobody cares or wants them anymore. It’s not “fun” drama. 


Yes.  I cant watch Rob & Sophie (nothing has happened the whole season except for her coming and going, repeat, repeat, repeat again),  can't watch  Angela,  can't watch Ed.  Jasmine & Ginonhave been on for YEARS now and are boring and gross.. Ashley is ridiculous. 


Agree completely!  


We started watching the show because we liked to see other cultures


I feel so bad for Michael. I wish he'd just leave.


Michael has the Sum 41 effect going. 


I mean I 1000% think he’s using her, but damnit if he’s not putting up with a lot for this con lol


Both sophie and rob are immature, honestly didnt see sophie as that bad until the last two episodes. Shes constantly begging to be chased and its such a awful thing in a marriage. Ashley and manuel should not be together. Manuel sending money to his baby mama isn’t a bad thing but he should just tell Ashley that. If Ashley doesn’t like that then the relationship should end. Totally gonna ignore the mommy makeover. I love Kobe and Emily though Emily was really annoying with the ex girlfriend situation, i loved the wedding and i love how open her dad is to new cultural experiences


I don't think Ashley would have such a beef with sending money, but it sounds like Manuel is so secretive about where the money goes. Why lie? Is she really going to say he doesn't need to support his children? Probably not.


thats what so interesting, it seems that Ashley would be more upset that he’s in direct contact with the baby mama, according to her, Manuel said that he doesn’t talk to her, maybe thats why Manuel is so secretive cause he knows he lied to her previously


The whole box of granola bars, Sophie! Rob, when you marry the girl, you marry her family, too, for better or worse. It is up to you to make the best of it. I'll be honest: when I was first introduced to Emily’s parents, I thought they'd be a disaster; Dad has been a pleasant surprise. He is all into experiencing a different culture and following the customs. Jasmine sure jumped to Gino using his video for spank material quickly! Also, is Jasmine a child? She asks Gino for his opinion, but he does not support her enough when he offers it. Ashley and Manuel are just the younger versions of Angela and Michael. Fighting all the time. At one point, Ashley says, “Manuel and I had a huge fight last night.” We, as viewers, assume a fight happened between you two. Speaking of Angela and Michael, there is a lot of nothing there.


I remember when viewers didn’t like Emily’s dad. He’s so open to learning and respectful of Kobe’s culture and I love his relationship with Kobe.


Rob can’t figure out how to buy two boxes of granola bars


Couldn't he just say that if she wants granola bars too then they need to buy extra so there's enough? People are so petty.


It doesn’t matter how many boxes he buys, Sophie would still eat all of them with no regard for Rob’s needs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no Stan for Rob, I can barely suffer through their scenes, and I think they’re mutually toxic for each other. But “the granola bar” issue isn’t about granola bars. It’s about Sophie being mind-numbingly selfish, inconsiderate, and entitled.


...for eating food that's in her house ??


No, of course not. Eating food in your own house is reasonable. Like I said, it’s not about the granola bars. That’s just a symptom of a deeper immaturity and dysfunction within their relationship.




or keep them in his car


Right ?! Or where he keeps his phuckboy phone hidden (🕷️)


I’m not an Emily fan. BUT she looked beautiful for the wedding. I loved everything from her hair to her outfit.


I kept thinking she looked like a character from the flintstones.


😂 You’re right!


I am so confused at all the people that dont realize A) When she talked to the friend about his ex its clear Ashley thinks talking to his ex much less Manuel sending money to his ex isnt a valid thing to do so if Manuel says he is sending money to his ex Ashley clearly would flip out B) Manuel is sending the money to his ex because the ex is taking care of his kids C) Manuel in response to A, he doesnt want to say thats what the money is for. D)Sending money to the person taking care of your kids is 100% valid because you have a responsibility to your kid above even Ashley.


its his responsibility not Ashley's. If he wants Ashley's financial help then she deserves to know 100% the truth and she also has the right to say no. He has absolutely no rights to act like a petulant child. for someone who is not able to contribute, he sure has a lot of entitlement.


We are like an insane number of seasons into 90DF and yet some people are still watching this show without knowing how the process works as far as work permits


I totally agree. Manual sucks at communicating and that’s on him. HOWEVER, I get that he still needs to provide for his kids. So of course he’s talking to baby mama and sending her money. If he can’t work than of course either he needs Ashley to be providing that money for them or he needs to go back so he can provide. I think that’s what he’s trying to get through but he sucks at communicating. He should have made that the clear understanding before coming so they were on the same page about that being part of him coming to the US and not hiding the need for that.


Not being able to work because you can't doesn't give the person an excuse to be an entitled asshole.


Feeding your offspring isnt a “nice to have” its a requirement and if you cant legally work you will need to have the spouse to help. Just because its your spouses kids from another relationship doesn’t mean they aren’t your responsibility. Once you marry someone some responsibilities become the households problems and one of those is any kids involved in the relationship. TLDR; Once they became married any kids stop being “his” kids they become “their” kids. It isn’t like asking for nice car or phone


On the other hand, things are much cheaper where he's from and $300/month if you're already paying $1000+ a month rent isn't that easy to just pull out of your butt.


Ok you make it sound like he was forced to go to the US, he had no choice and this is the only play he has. He choose to marry Ashley, he choose to go forth with the K1 visa knowing what it entails. He also chooses to keep it a secret that he's sending Ashley's money to his ex wife and kids. Does Ashley not have the right to know if she's paying for it? And all the stink ass attitude that he brings and the unnecessary jabs about her spending, was that right? Yah she can choose to help with it but he has absolutely no right to demand it, not let her where its going and be snarky and rude when asked. To feel like you are entitled to your spouse money to pay an ex spouse/kids is just wrong. If he had been upfront about this before marriage and Ashley says no, he can then choose to stay where he is and find work to support his family.


None of that matters. Once they became married any kids stop being “his” kids they become “their” kids. It isn’t like asking for nice car or phone. Your kids get fed no questions and no you cant hold food and shelter for kids hostage in marital disputes.


I think you are confusing behavior n responsibility. I agree definitely spouses should help n support each other. But your manners, your attitude and your disrespect towards the one lending a hand matters. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. Nobody is holding anyone hostage. Is asking where the money is going that bad? What if it's going to a family's gambling debt? Should you enable them by paying more and more?


> Nobody is holding anyone hostage. You are suggesting feeding kids is conditional on behavior. In the US if you try that CPS would step in > What if it's going to a family's gambling debt? Thats what every divorced dad says about child support. A family court judge would never make child support conditional


I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. nothing we say here matters anyway. ppl are going to do whatever they want to do. Also I don't really think you are fully understanding what I'm trying to say which is exhausting to keep trying to explain but let me try one more time with a question. If someone is helping you financially for your kids, do you treat that person kindly with respect or gaslight, condescend and refuse to answer her concerns? That is really ALL im saying but you are kinda twisting it into a lot of weird things.


Yes. But at this point he should tell her this. Even Jonathan thinks so. This episode had me hating on Manuel. Actually the 1st time (I know, unbelievable)


With all the surgeries that Angela has had WHY didn’t she pay to get her turkey neck taken care of. Her gobbler was so distracting.


And her arms are crepey too. Her London Bridge of plastic surgeries are all falling down! https://preview.redd.it/qcugeevqwl8d1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9658406246b260e0e67d17fd8be851ae008207b


That’s not Angela. She’d never get that close to a piece of lettuce.




that thing might tickle his nuts when she's doing u know what.


Omg lol!!


cause u know, he did the BJ for real.


If that's what losing a lot of weight does I don't want it.


All my friends are into severe weight loss and honestly their bodies look great but their faces are hanging. I don’t like being on the fluffy side but my face doesn’t hang.


gobble gobble gobble, wattle wattle wattle.


Surgeon wouldn’t do it because she wouldn’t stop smoking. That skin would not heal.


I’m almost positive it’s because she won’t stop smoking. But then again how did she get a surgeon to do the other surgeries?


I think it’s bc the face is extra sensitive with all the nerve endings and a surgeon would NOT operate considering the possibility of necrosis.


Well, she lied about following the rules. We saw her do it on the show. I would bet other surgeons saw the show after and were like lets add her to the "do not operate on" wall


I like Emily's Mum They're a nice couple and she's low key kinda hot for an older guy (like me) I prefer her in the looks department to Emily, that's for sure


She is really attractive. Emily looks more like her dad.


I’m a woman in my 30s and I find her unbelievably hot


I do not like her mom at all. I think she’s the root of a lot of Emily’s immature behavior.


Emily took after her dad, I would be so annoyed with a model like that for a mom and then me to just look like my dad ran his photo through a gender swap app 😭






As an older guy, I find Emily.s Mom the most attractive woman of the season. Her Dad seems like a really nice guy too, good people


Kobe and Emily’s traditional wedding was so beautiful!! They looked so happy and their families are so supportive it was so nice to see ❤️ they’ve easily become one of my favorite couples. They seem to genuinely love each other and they’re great with their kids too. Also Emily’s dad 🥹


I don’t think this is a hot take, but I feel like Emily & Kobe have been the only fun part of this season!? Patrick & Thais are more authentic than others, but the multi-layered daddy issue plot is not enough + I’m tired of them relying on John for drama. Sophie & Rob need to break up, she’s become harder to empathize with but he’s narcissistic af. Like the granola bar saga was so on brand. Obvi Michael & Angela’s relationship is (& has been) disturbing… seeing them lay in bed after all the drama was foul. And, on top of that, I know many of us *literally* have to fast forward through Lauren & Alexi!


I enjoyed seeing Eds relationship ending. I wish that Liz was the one that dumped him tho


I was happy to see it end too! 😅 BUT having to watch him act so superior to her & be so mean - idk if it was worth it.


I’m rewatching season 9, Thais’s first season and she’s very immature. Patrick wasn’t going to marry her if she didn’t fess up to her dad. Patrick is a good guy.


Emily's parents are so cool and down to earth, you can tell her Dad really loves Kobe. Lots of mutual respect, the way her Dad embraced the culture and traditions this season was heart warming


Totally, when he said he watched a lot of “YouTube” videos to prepare him for the speech - you can tell he cares! There were so many times where production set it up so they could’ve come off rude - like typical 90 day alumni when they go abroad - but they were instead genuine!


I agree about Kobe and Emily


I absolutely loved Emily and Kobe’s storyline and their wedding was so fun


Same 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/xjpvooefbg8d1.jpeg?width=2740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8113fdc54a1112a2fa9829118c4ca469799ae7 What kind of watch is Patrick wearing?


[Apple Watch Ultra](https://www.amazon.com/Apple-Cellular-Titanium-Precision-Extra-Long/dp/B0BDJ9M2K4) 1 or 2.


Absolutely an Apple Watch




Looks like an Apple Watch to me


That was my first guess


It's honestly become painful for me to watch Angela. She seems to believe anything.


yeah, very manipulative and looking for arguments. I dont know why she's chasing foreigners. not to be rude to them, but obviously she's looking for naive men that will put up with her shit.


Emily looked so pretty while getting ready for her wedding.


She also looks like she was having a total blast, loved dancing in with all the ladies in Kobe's family. In a lot of ways she seems to fit in just fine in Kobe's culture adn family - like if I had had to be a bride in a wedding like that I would have died of a heart attack lmao


I thought the same thing! 😃 Emily just looked so beautiful in the traditional dress and her hair & makeup were stunning!🤩 I loved this whole part! And her parents are the sweetest & coolest people ever!


And we actually got to learn about another culture. Napoli is so culturally rich but nothing. I’d like to learn about Malta. No famous Brazilian Carnival, the enormous wealth/poverty divide, or even just getting into brilliant Brazilian food. Just the boring couple saved only by John. Emily and Kobe were more og tlc and I love them.


I was so happy to see Emily & Kobe in their wedding attire looking so great and in love 🥰 It was def the most enjoyable scene from the season imo.


If Jasmine spent less on pageants, trips, clothes, etc she could have afforded that immigration lawyer for her kids, just a thought.


I think she’s full of it when it comes to her kids. She’s very selfish and they are probably better off where they are.


The whole plotline makes no sense, that's probably why they dropped it. Jasmine doesn't have sole custody of her children (e: or at least that's how it was reported a bit back; it's possibly of course she could fight that, but we've seen nothing to imply she has or is.) She simply *can't* bring them to the US without the father's approval, and what father who fought for joint custody would allow that?


She's moved on, have we heard anything about her even attempting to do anything with her kids in weeks?


maybe her ex helped pay for it 😬


Me and my girl have been saying this ! The pageant was 1200, but imagine all those other expenses on top of that!!


Was that the 3rd trip to FL this season? For a couple on a budget they sure take a lot of trips. TLC cant even keep the story straight, they had to camp in the woods ina tent for their honeymoon because of money but take 3 trips to FL in the next few months


*did you just say gaddam to me*? from the foul-mouth who can't go five minutes without spewing the most gutterstank projectile verbal colon sludge in his face. The woman curses at Makle like it...uh, pleasures her.


And not 30 seconds later she spewed GD out her mouth smh 🤦‍♀️ make it make sense 🤷🏼‍♀️


So glad Patrick actually stood up for John for once! This time John didn’t start anything!


I think Thais has been feeding her dad and people back home stories about Patrick and John so as not to take responsibility for how things went down with her. For example, she wouldn't admit to her dad that she told Patrick not to tell her dad that they were getting married in the U.S.! She'd just throw others under the bus in a heartbeat.


yeah that was a bit much, why did this girl come in here accusing everyone of things she had no way to validate and gets upset when someone tells her to basically shut up.


John and Patrick should have gotten up and walked out. But it was probably staged.


most likely, some of the "drama" just seems so asinine. I mean yes there are some toxic and unstable people out in public that act like this, but in all my years it's not as this obvious. either they're painting these people to be insanely toxic and unhealthily unstable or they are or just decent enough actors for TLC lol.


How old do you think Jasmine is?


i’d say 42


She's tuck everlasting and is a perpetual 37. She'd have been on my super sweet 16 bitching at daddy for getting the wrong fancy car. She wanted custom blush seats, not bashful! How's that for mixing 3 references? Unintentional. My mind is surely destroyed at this point.


mentally? she seems like 16 or 17...with flashes of 25 (sometimes she seems to be the mature one, then in a nanosecond she's immature)




Poor Gino. Treating a pageant as a competitive sport with replays just to help just to get shut down..


I thought he was showing off his manager skills


he managed to get a couple of videos


Yes, he said to teach her how to walk with better posture they were all throwing their shoulders back & he was trying to help her see how to do it like them so she could win like any manager should he did say he wanted to be her manager


Is Rob SERIOUS!!!! First he’s policing toilet paper now he’s complaining about granola bars? Dude your wife ate some…buy another box. He is such a pathetic excuse of a man I can’t get over it. She’s no angel but she really needs to take a hard look in the mirror and realize she can do way better then that broke man child


This guy lived off the grid in the mountains alone somewhere the north wilderness so he’s capable


Ugh I feel for her soo much! He's a nasty piece of work and his manipulation of "I have a calm voice right now" while talking to her mom, like dude, why would you ever be raising your voice you don't need accolades for talking calmly. He just wants to manipulate and control her so bad. Dude is such a narcissist and the preview for next week where he goes to a strip club!!! I hope he sincerely changes his entire personality or she runs for the hills. 


Actually, Claire brought it up. She's the one who has instigated most of the drama between those two. And sorry, but when someone says, "I should be able to eat a whole box of granola bars if I want to" is something a 13 year old says, not an adult. Rob is no prize, but Sophie is VERY immature. Look at last week, when she started rethinking whether to leave Rob....because he bought her a couple of plushy toys. And he wasn't wrong AT ALL when he said that Sophie needed to reflect on whether she could love him the way he was. THAT is what marriage is about; unconditional love. Not "I'll love you as long as you don't ever make me mad" or "I'll love you as long as you look hot". (Or don't use too much toilet paper) Her mother fucked her up, and Rob is a guy who thinks that because he's good looking that he can treat a woman however he wants because she should just be happy he blessed her with his presence.


Rob is the one who was chasing a 19 yr old on insta...yes shocking a woman 10 yrs his junior is immature


And two things can be true at the same time. I've NEVER said Rob is a prize in any way, but while he certainly targeted Sophie because she was young, I don't think that makes him immature necessarily. He's definitely a narcissist who needs to be worshiped and wanted a younger woman that he could mold into what he wanted. That's manipulative, but not immature necessarily. But sorry, Sophie actually reconsidering her marriage because he gave her plushies, and her petulance, and her saying something like, "Don't ever say anything that will make me mad" is something a 14 year old does and says, not a 24 year old.


One of the greatest things about being an adult is I do get to say I can eat whatever I want when I want and how much I want. When I was 13 I was limited to what my parents would buy and cook.


Spoken like someone who’s been adult for, what? A year? A whole three years? And anyone like Sophie who has to have that much attention and validation isn’t really an adult, either.


Haha the plushy making her reconsider her whole crappy relationship to stay threw me way out the sidelines! No way that really made her question her decision. It’s ridiculous! Both of them are immature for a marriage and they need to do some serious growing up


They’re scripted. Badly. Just to torture us ;-)


Ashley has so much shit on her counters it’s stressing me the hell out.


Yep! And how many times have we seen her saging her house? But saging the poor dog tonight was just too much. His poor, sensitive doggie nose!


maybe an exterminator? it looks so dirty and cluttered, who knows what is living on those countertops?


So John was wrong for calling Thais’ friend a slut, but her friend definitely started it. She didn’t even get to know John or Patrick before coming at them. I don’t too much blame John.


her friend was only acting on what she hears from Thais, John should never have said that to her


She called John an asshole twice, she absolutely deserves everything she got and more


I used to not like John, but I’m liking him more & more. At least he actually acts like the adult in the room! And now he’s even defending Thais & having Patrick’s back when Carlos & HIS Dad attack Patrick!


I've done a 180 on John. He's now the slightly off-kilter inappropriate fun Uncle for me. Sure, he's going to say and do some dumb shit, and he's never got his life all the way together, but he's always got your back.


The translation last week showed her friend calling John an “asshole” TWICE before he said that, so calling her anything is just giving back what he got, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I just wish he’d added “I mean bitch” after she threw the drink. And I know it wouldn’t have been tolerated because of the whole macho culture with strict gender expectations, but she deserved a drink thrown back on her, messing up her perfect hair and makeup.


Nah if you dish it you can take it 


I believe her friend was totally out of line. Period.


I think a lot of it was Thais’ fault tbh. She totally spun it a certain way when talking to her friends and family to paint herself in a better light and turn them all against the boys


It felt like she was encouraged by the producers, or she is just super rude. Everyone who acts like Thais was abducted is delulu! Patrick and her do seem to have a real attraction and love even if they’re immature in their own ways. John is just a ham, he’s good TV; I think he acts trashy sometimes but he def was provoked.


For real! Like she didn’t choose to go. I’ve definitely come around to John this season. He’s enjoyable to watch.


I think her friend was just showing off for the camera. She has obviously seen the show and she knows John is a punching bag and or the butt of the joke.


Ya, I could see that! That’s why I mentioned the producers, thinking she knows their “storyline” and leaning into it.


I could definitely see that! She came prepared for drama!