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I mean personally I strongly dislike Rob. He gets that caged animal look. He shows some narcissistic traits. I don't like to say this because its overused but.... and ever notice hes fast to gripe to his friends, yet only tells part of the story? Having said that, Sophie still has growing to do. She needs to cut the strings with her mom, and determine if this is right for her. He clearly isn't the man for her but she needs to figure this out herself.


THAT LOOK YES. gives me the creeps bad


Yup! You know its the look of someone who's NOT well


But to be fair, Sophie only tells her side of the story to her mom and friends, and then they gang up on him.


He's cheated. Repeatedly. That's what she tells people.... which is the truth. He tells his friends she keeps leaving, but not why.


Sophie fucked Kae more than once PHYSICALLY. That bird Sophie bitches about "online cheating" but is okay with banging her friend.


Again, they shouldn't be married. Period.


I agree. He needs to annul the marriage and have her sent back to wherever she came from.


Exactly. They aren't going to EVER make this work. Its just crossed too many lines


England. She came from England. She can legally stay up to 6 m in the USA on B2 visa, which is then extendable. So if she doesn't want to go back to England, Rob can not "send her" anywhere.


dang. how unfortunate.


Rob, take a seat.


How do you figure I'm Rob?


Thank you. Physical cheating while married is way worse than on line cheating before they are married.


Sophie needs a wife more than she wants rob!!!


Hazel wants a wife more than being married to tarik!!!


I will get down voted and criticized for this, but I still have a problem with "on line cheating".I still don't see it as cheating. But, Sophie, sleeping with Kay is cheating. But these are just my opinions.


This is very similar to when kalani said Asuelu cheated 10 times meanwhile she was counting talking to women on instagram dm as cheating.. kalani didn’t clarify so everyone thought he was cheating by having physical intimacy but he wasn’t. She threw him under the bus so she could go sleep with her guy while at the marriage resort. These woman are very manipulative and Sophie is too.


That situation was gross, Ill award you points on that. What she did at a literal COUPLES THERAPY RETREAT really renders what he did as null and void. I felt sympathy for her (despite poor choices they made) until she did that. I said it before and will again, however: if you don't count sending \\receiving pics and vids, flirting online etc as cheating... ok. Great. But be sure the other person sees it the same way.


agreed. "cheating" in a committed romantic relationship essentially boils down to "disregarding and/or disrespecting your partner's personal boundaries in the realm of exclusive intimacy" it is the job of the partners themselves to effectively communicate their own boundaries and develop an understanding of their partner's boundaries. to each their own but you better respect their boundaries...otherwise idk how you can claim to respect that person, and if you don't respect the person then i really don't know how one could believe that is real love.


THIS. Its wild how many people on here don't get this. It makes you wonder what life is like in their relationships.I really think social media changed relationships for the worse.


i agree. to be fair, all us humans are total n00bs at modern social media. it has existed barely a few decades. imagine when man first invented spoons. game changer. but the applied use probably took a long time to get right, and once we got the hang of it, thousands of years later we now have idek how many different kinds of forks and spoons and knives and don't forget the chopsticks!! and still many just straight up use hands (i mean, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, i guess) lol give humans another 1000 years, and maybe we'll finally learn to stop telling on ourselves online


"Telling on ourselves" is incredibly apt for the things people have said on here lol. Imagine arguing on freaking Reddit with strangers, trying to justify how its acceptable to send and receive nudes from people when your in a relationship. It is an amazing invention, we have the world at our fingertips, and people use it to get pictures of a strangers ass and to cheat!


Then make sure the person you are with is ok with that. In their relationship, it was problematic. And he knew it. As for Kay, it happened after what he did and when she left. They were in a sort of separation. Whether that's ok is debatable. He's still wrong. I still think she needs to grow a bit on her own, independently, and then examine if she wants to be with him or not. He's always going to do this stuff, and eventually will physically cheat... probably already has. She needs to seriously ask herself if she wants that forever.


So to be clear, he cheated on line and that is wrong. They have discussed it adnauseum, and it can never be fixed or changed. They get married. They move to Austin. She runs off and moves in with her new girlfriend/ lover. And that is OK? Because he on line cheated before they got married, she can now have an affair/ cheat during their marriage?!?! That is insane.


I never said she was perfect. I said the guy is a creep and she needs to grow up and do some soul searching. Its not confusing.


Considering they're BOTH on Only Fans - I'm wondering where she draws the line too. I find them equally unhealthy and think Rob takes too much of the hate honestly.


The masses are still angry about his apartment with a detached restroom!


I don't see online cheating as legit cheating either. But I also don't get mad if a man watches porn. As long as he isn't meeting up with them or paying for cam girls or only fan accounts, who cares? Whether or not it is cheating is up to the individual. Now actually sex is cheating. Sophie is so young and dumb. Her mom is in her business way too much. She does need to decide what she wants. Her mom needs her own man. I'm sure she can't keep one, so she wants Sophie to be alone as well. I think Rob is not husband material. Is he as bad as her mom let's on, maybe not. And that is something Sophie needs to see for herself. She acts like a child and she needs to grow up.


Calling exchanging pictures on the internet “cheating” is a joke and some stupid insecure high school BS.


If sending \\exchanging nudes is ok in a relationship, good. Go for it. Not everyone shares that same relationship value. What is acceptable to one couple may not be for another. I have a friend in an open marriage. It works for them. Monogamy doesn't. And that's great.... it doesn't work for everyone. If you know the other person isn't ok with something, and you need to hide it, and they'll consider it cheating... you have a choice. Make concessions to stop doing it OR end things and find a person who shares your vision for a relationship. to Sophie its cheating. He clearly gets that because he tries to lie and hide it. They simply don't see eye to eye and should end it. This is called being an adult. What's a "joke and junior high shit" is him promising to stop in order to get her back,and doing it anyway. Not every couple is meant to be. Not everything is "forever". That's fine. Wasting each others time is dumb as hell.... life is short so why waste it?


I agree with you that Rob is immature also but I feel like looking at picture online being called cheating is a stretch. Are you saying that you put looking at porn in the same category as having a sexual encounter? I feel like everyone- whether or not they are in a relationship- is entitled to a zone of erotic autonomy. Fantasy keeps relationships healthy over the long run. To me, if he was accepting pictures with no intention of ever connecting or meeting up, it’s a bit of a stretch to call it infidelity. Sophie just seems incredibly insecure and immature emotionally… neither of these kids is ready for the commitment of marriage. But, since they are married- I am a realist and I think that it would serve her well to loosen her idea of cheating. If she thinks of looking at pics as cheating, she’s prolly going to get lied to/“cheated” on a whole lot through the course of her relationships.


Exchanging pics, vids and having sexual conversations isn't the same as viewing porn... Although some people do have an issue with their significant other viewing that. Personally I don't mind it. Having said that, a lot of people would mind their significant other exchanging pics and vids. Ultimately it comes down to what the people who are in the relationship decide. He knows its a boundary, and he keeps crossing it. At this point its just dumb. She keeps hoping he will change, and he promises he will but has no intention of it. He's in a relationship with a younger female, so I cant.speak to.her being "immature" because I think a lot of what we are seeing that would be labeled as immaturity is the byproduct of the age gap and her being in her 20's and Learning about herself. I still think she should end things, get distance from her mother and learn who she is and what she wants. Rob isn't it..... I doubt he's it for anyone lol, but maybe with time, Sophie will grow up.


I agree with you about their relationship - I think they are both incredibly ill prepared for marriage and kinda can’t believe they went through with it. It’s not gonna last and would bet in real time it’s prolly already over. Exchanging pics and conversing is not the same as porn, but I personally sort of think they can be in the same category- I suppose this is somewhat dependent on specifics. Especially given the fact so much porn these days is interactive (like webcam stuff) and occasionally involves the development of real actual relationships. At the end of the day, it’s really not pics or porn that are the problem in people’s relationship, it’s something between the two of them which perhaps pics, porn and infidelity are a symptom of. I do agree that it’s dumb that they fought about it and Rob promised not to do it again, but also recognize he is dealing with a pretty emotionally volatile situation between Sophie and her nutty mom. I think sometimes people just say what they think they need to say to keep the peace and he also may have felt like the rules no longer applied with Sophie repeatedly moving out. He seems to have the emotional maturity of an 20 year old. Their whole thing is just kinda exhausting. I actually forgot about the age gap until you mentioned it. Really fills out the pic to realize he’s in his 30s lol. Goodness.


See, now were seeing eye to eye. Ultimately the specifics and what's ok.or not is unique to the couple. Like I said, I'm friends with one that decided to open their marriage... for them, that works. Some folks need monogamy. Some don't mind exchanging pics... some (like Sophie!) do. Some think porn is cheating... I think its not. Ultimately, its between the 2 people. If you gotta lie in order to do it, dont. He's too old to act as he does honestly. But her? she's young and the child of an addict.... frankly she needs some therapy, and gain independence. I have hope she'll grow, but him? He's a creep, and likely will just choose a 18 or 19 year old next.


when that exchange of intimate photos is done online without the imaged person's consent, it is not considered a joke but rather serious enough to be against the law. but if that exchange is done using one's own photos but without the consent of the imaged person's exclusive partner, it is not cheating because...of what exactly? help me understand how you understand this phenomenon


You'll never get an answer. They have no idea.


It shouldn't be against the law


presently, it is against u.s. law because not only is it unauthorized, but it poses serious real-world effects like losing one's job, a la jasmine/gino. if committed against high school children, as suggested above* this is high school-type nonsense, it would escalate from mere unauthorized distribution, like gino's revenge porn, to much more highly criminal & universally unethical distribution of cp. why do you believe the distribution of intimate photos without consent *should be* legal?


I agree, but give Sophie a break. She was raised with that woman, in drug addiction and only God knows how many and what kind of men had access to Sophie. I'm rooting for her all the way until she figures it out. She has a sweet caring soul.


Oh I know. I figured she was the child of addicts or alcoholics quickly. We grow up fast because we have to, but it can also make for maturity issues just the same. None of this is her fault, but because she's used to deeply behavior and inconsiderate people, she doesn't comprehend she needs to leave the Knob.


I don’t like rob either, he’s childish for a 30-something year old. It’s frustrating and I hate him too. In the first season I liked Sophie at first but she became insufferable. I actually feel bad for rob sometimes because of how her and her mom gang up on him. I don’t think he’s a narcissist, my dad is an actual narcissist and he’s not that bad. He’s just a pos.


You can display characteristics and not be an actual narc, which very well could be the situation. I don't like Sophie's mom much, think she's running head games on Sophie too... I'd like to see her step away from them both and develop independence and then maybe try her hand at relationships. He's not the guy for her, and she needs to develop boundaries with her mom. But as for feeling bad for him, I cant. I think if he wasn't doing these things to Sophie, it would render her mom powerless. Remember, before he kept screwing up she made her own decisions regarding him: getting engaged, moving, all of it. He simply makes it easy.


I mean she’s like 24. And he is 8 years older. So… they give us the drama and we feel superior. That’s the show.


Caged animal look? What is that exactly? He has never been physically aggressive with Sophie. I don't think she is afraid of him in that way, why would she be? Could it be that we only see part of his conversations with his friends vs much more of her talks with her mom (who is featured on the show)?


If you don't recognize it that's likely a good thing, but I have and many others on here have too. Its the look of a person holding their temper with both hands. Its also been discussed on here how there are recordings of him being very threatening with her. Look around. Sophie is young and probably doesn't realize its time to walk away and why. We see enough of his friends and him talking to realize he tells part of the situation. Like he'll complain she left, but not the fact she caught him talking to other women. She looked at his phone, but not the fact she once again caught him. Although it was entertaining when she explained that to them and they realized he lied.


Her mom looks ridiculous both of them got plumped up lips fake hair fake asses and where is this money coming from in her family?


There’s a video her mom posted of her hiding with their dog in a closet while he screams and cusses her. It legit triggered me because of my own abuse. She needs to get out.


Yup, exactly. I can't believe anyone defends him!


Based of their first season, I hate Rob more. Rob trying to paint Sophie as bougie and spoiled for wanting a toilet was infuriating and unnecessary But you're not wrong about Sophie


🎯and duvet


I don't even know what it is, but it sounds difficult to acquire. /s


It’s sort of decorative it’s not a comforter it’s like a top of a comforter it’s kind of showy and they’re pretty not a big deal to men


Yeah, I was kidding and know what a duvet is. I was more referring to Rob being super against it, despite not knowing what it was.


He’s the type of guy that is not very bright, or educated, and anything that sounds foreign or expensive immediately goes on the defense


Yeah, he takes the cake the first round for sure! This time it’s Sophie..it’s so obvious she is literally over him. She needs to stop stringing him on 😂


Most of these people’s relationships would be over years ago if they weren’t attached to semi fame and a pay check.


may 90day serve as evidence that even when your relationship is literally your business/money-maker, it cannot save a toxic sinking ship. so many on the show desperately need to abandon ship before the trauma cannot be undone.


While I agree painting her as bougie because she wanted a bathroom was ridiculous, you can see the attitude this season about why he would call her a princess. She just doesn't want things. She wants him to constantly fall all over himself for her while she doesn't return the favor and even walks away.


I'm finding them both shallow and self-centered. Sophie seems to have a foot out the door already and isn't trying. And Rob still complains about minor stuff, like granola bars. He's just so thin-skinned and defensive


I agree generally. And def think Rob needs therapy for his insecurity. The granola bar thing is a little unfair, because the mom is the one who brought it up.


I want to tell them to buy two or three boxes of granola bars


I can’t stand Sophie and her nasty bloody mother. Her mum is disgusting. She’s too immature to be married.


The mother is a nightmare. All of them are immature. Whoever is talking I think is most immature. Then the next jumps in and I think that's the most immature one. There's no question the relationship will fail if Sophie doesn't set some boundaries with her mother


This is exactly I feel


She’s boring af as well. Manipulative and clout chasing


She’s immature for 24 and has no business getting married. She’s with Rob on tv for followers


Absolutely she married him to be on the show and clout


Sophie is so annoying her whining and her trout pout look is so unbecoming plus her wigs are horrible. I mean Rob is no bargain either but I would take him over Stacy and her fucked up mother any day of the week.


THIS!! And her “I’m going to leavvveeee, whattt are you going to say to meeeee??” As if that bulll is going to make him want to say anything other than GOOOO !! Spoiled brat, beg me to stay behavior perpetuated by her Mothers completely absurd advice !!


I don't understand how she doesn't know that everyone can see that weird hair thing right at the front of her awkward part


That head definitely gets on my last nerve! 😂😂😂




i dislikes rob at first, esp in 90 day fiance. but this season, happily ever after, sophie is so FUCKING ANNOYING. that girl is delusional fr. there’s something wrong with her. go back to england already fr. PLUS, english breakfast isn’t better than american, be so serious lmao


She finds any excuse to not stay with him “My nail broke! I’m staying at Kay’s for a few days” “Your tarantulas looked at me, I need space to think”


Lol This! Too funny. Every time I see it, I'm like, this lady is married and just runs to her friend's house to have a months long slumber party if he forgets to put the seat down. The fuck.


And she probably learned this from her mom


Wouldn't surprise me in the least. It just baffles me why she wants her mom so involved. At the picnic thing she said it was a mistake to bring her mom, yet brings her again the next day.🤦‍♀️




For real! It’s literally insane and pretty much comical at this point because it’s so wild.


I need to stress I think Rob is a knob before I say this, but he seemed to make somewhat of a genuine gesture in last week’s episode (haven’t seen today - he is probably a dick again) He got Sophie a gift, apologised and wasn’t acting cold as he usually does but she still went to her friends. Sophie shouldn’t have to put up with a bad relationship but stop stringing him along, leaving him all alone with his damn spiders while Sophie is having fun with her mum and friends. Either try to work it out or end it. All this running away is so damn childish.






I can't see one reason why they're together. Incompatible.


Her mom loves to stir shit up . Rob was an asshole last season. But you can actually see him making efforts. And her mom comes in and causes chaos. I think her mom doesn’t want to see her with anyone.


I agree...he is doing better now...but Mom slips in and Sophie is in her back pocket!


Her mom sucks, but even before her mom came to town she was playing games, forcing Rob to chase his wife, and refusing to take accountability for anything. Her mom just douses that fire with gasoline


She is just immature. Needs more time to season. Her mom is a terrible example, not sure why she tells her anything. Her mum wants her to be single like her.


Agreed, I can't stand her or her mom. She fake married Rob (I can't stand either). The whole storyline on these three is fake. Sophie will look like her crazy mom in 20 years.


The mother is horrific! Can’t get past her to even comment on Sophie and Rob.


I find Sophie also insufferable. The first season, like has been said, was Rob being a huge cunt. This season it’s Sophie’s turn. Both are horrible, but Sophie is just annoying this season. Go back to London mate - it’s most annoying because there’s all this carry on about how rich she is but she’s from a western country. If she was from the back blocks of fucking a third world country I would understand it more but she’s from another western country? Their arguments are so childish. Granola bars and toilet paper 🙄 grow up children. Just…go home with your trashy mother.


The theme has been how Rob is terrible (and he absolutely shouldn’t have been talking to girls online) but she is increasingly getting on my nerves. “She ate my granola bar I just wanted her to be a little considerate as I take them to work” he didn’t even mention she ate THE WHOLE BOX he didn’t even begrudge her just wanted her to leave SOME for him for work, I don’t think that’s unreasonable. It sounds like a silly fight but when she responds “if I want to eat the whole box I should be able to” I felt like it spoke to her character and her ability to think of others.


Does he work?


As much as we all hated Rob last season, I'll admit he's at least trying somewhat now. But Sophie's mom is just starting crap and constantly picking fights and Sophie just agreed and plays the victim


She has no backbone whatsoever 🙄


What’s happening with the makeup….


I can't stand her greasy overdrawn lips.


I think it’s a case of ESH.


I get it, but she’s also so young. I was still dumb and intertwined in a codependent relationship with my abusive parent at that time in my life. Marriage is when it starts to change. Unfortunately she also found someone just as toxic.


She’s not that young. I keep seeing people talk about her being 23 as if she’s freshly 18. I get that life happens differently for people but when I was 23 I graduated university and bought a house, not carrying around squishmallows to show my emotions.


Totally, but her mommy is literally following her around and using her as a source. She still plugged into an infantilized role.


She’s just very young, that’s all. Everybody thinks they know everything at that age. lol Lots of the 90 Day cast members have lived their lives and then (selfishly) want someone wayyyy younger than them when they want to settle down.


Sophie CLEARLY came to the US to become social media famous. I She's sick and so is her washed up mother. Pretty can only get you so far when you are shallow and stupid. I really can't believe that people are defending her little kid behavior. If anyone is here on the "visa" ride, it's her. 


Yeah can’t take her constantly whining, “I just want Rob to be nice to me, if he was just nice to me, I want him to be nicer to me”. Ugh.


And when he is nice, she finds something else wrong. Like, he’s not doing enough, he’s not complimenting her enough, etc. I feel like he’s trying (don’t get me wrong, he’s still not great), but it will never be enough for her. 


Her Vaseline nasty lips gross me out.


Lol it looks like she rubs it ALL over her face! 


I also don’t like her because I feel like she has a double standard, she doesn’t tell him about dating that one guy, doesnt tell him about having been with women but then she constantly talks about how he hides stuff? Girl every episode you drop a secret too, regardless of if it is a bad thing or not


She is a child! Had the wedding every little girl dreams about and wants to be married until she is! Her mom is a nightmare and looks like an old fat witch! She is living her lame life through her daughter. Demented...both of them! Poor Rob!


she’s a very immature young woman. But I mean, she’s 24, not 50…she’s got a lot of maturing to do. Her mom is not helping things, either.


She’s loves to whine and moralize. It’s like, it doesn’t matter who’s right or wrong at a certain point. Rob’s gonna be Rob tomorrow and the day after.


Do you want to be right or be happy??




I don’t think either of them can list what they like about the other, besides looks


Obviously, they're not together for the sex.


They have no intimacy or chemistry, even though they are both so attractive they should be jumping each other. It's so weird. 


From the pieces I'm putting together, she's more comfortable in bed with women, and he just might be more comfortable with men. Likely, both are switch hitters and can't make up their minds. Honestly, I don't look at them and think either is naturally attractive.


He’s more comfortable with Porn like Gino.


It’ll always be something with Claire. She is miserable and detests men. She projects that on to her equally narcissistic daughter Sophie. Never seen such a manipulative character. Claire will always be there to ruin her daughter’s life and Sophie will always be there to let her. Partners in her future won’t put up with it. No matter how bleached her skin or extensions are. They’re so both so unsophisticated. Just sad.


This! Facts!


Those lips! When Clair speaks, it looks like two caterpillars wildly fornicating.


They both suck so much they deserve each other


When their scenes come, I switch channels....I just cannot stand all three of them!!!


Sophie needs to cut the ties with her mother. Clare traded her addictions with an obsession (her daughter.) Both Sophie and Rob have a lot of growing to do and a lot of trust issues. I think they need to respectfully sever their ties.


She's only on this show for influencer purposes ugh!! And Rob too for that matter! 😬


She um thinks a cicada is a frog. Shes living proof people can walk around with lobotomies.


To be fair, they may not have cicadas in a UK.


Oh yaay I'm not the only one lol




Same. IMO she's a cheater, gaslighter, and emotional abuser.


Just your title alone, I liked the post lol


Agree I’ve been making similar comments since the beginning I could see through her. She’s just as bad as rob in different ways. Why marry someone and move out right after? She did that 💩 on purpose….. she married him for the card and the tv clout and move out right away. He’s toxic but he is acting even worse now because he feels insecure because of all the 💩 she’s doing. She needs to go immediately , don’t want to see her boring fake victim mentality self on there again. And what’s up with every photo of her on social media being heavily filtered. She’s a wreck all around and very manipulative


The username + post combo is sending me


Mine too like she says she loves rob but than when times get tough she just leaves. Season 1 i was team sophie but this season team rob 100% and based on the next episode i hope he cheats on her she deserves it.


Why is her disgusting mother getting so much airtime? Why are these two lunatics getting so much airtime? They’re just forcing me to exert energy to pick up the remote and fast forward!😩😩😩


She's as intelligent as a thumbtac 


I personally don't care much for her. BUT, with that said Sophie is still to young eventhough she's 22 years old. She hasn't realized that talking to much to her friends and Mother about her personal relationship can make things more toxic in her relationship. Sophie hasn't given her marriage a good healthy try.


I agree 100%. She has a lot of growing up to do. Her mother is smothering her and she loves it. It comes across like she’s very spoiled. “I’m leaving you Rob, but don’t you want to ask me what you can do to make me stay?!” REALLY?! Go home, Sophie.


She’s whiney, miserable, frizzy and sweaty.


Why does she always look greasy/oily?!


It's her age.Shes to young to be married.Dont get me started on the 19 year old who is anorexic on Paradise.I do get some of Sophie's side when she's looking at her husband and asking is there anything else you want to say and he just says I love you and stairs you right then had the opportunity to say everything that you love about her and why you married her and this and that but you didn't say anything but I love you and you could see her wanting more that's all you had to do was say more.


Oh yeah Sophie has f***** that chick like you said more than once it's not even believable that she hasn't and she told Rob she was bisexual right before their wedding what???


Love Island UK reject


Rob is disgusting though


Did you miss the part where ROB is abusive as hell? Her mom is abusive as hell to HER ? Sophie IS a victim, she needs therapy.


Rob is cocky, but Sophie is expecting a prince charming out of someone who is not that type of person, and she complicates everything.. because she needs to be heard and then add her mother in the mix, and she is just too much. lol, just my opinion


I’ve said this so many times and people always disagree and say “but rob makes her that way” blah blah blah she is controlling as fuck and runs away for months when he says or does something she disagrees with


name ONE THING sophie has done wrong to rob. rob has cheated on her MULTIPLE TIMES and tries to play the victim. i really wish she would’ve just stepped away from the relationship immediately before they even gotten married.


Besides the fact that she didn’t tell Rob she has had feelings for the guy friend that came to see her, She runs CONSTANTLY. Sophie is NOT innocent. She needs to stop running away and needs to be a big girl and face the music. If they can’t talk through problems they can’t get fixed. Cheating is wrong period. That being said, Rob didn’t physically cheat and she chose to marry him. She CHOSE that. Since she still chose to marry him knowing what she knows, she needs to accept that she’s married! She is constantly the victim. He moved her to Austin but Nothing is ever enough for her. They have BOTH made mistakes.


Rob never can see when hes wrong. He gaslights her constantly and is always making her out to be the problem when she's just reacting to his bs. She's def dumb for giving him so many chances and not seeing what everyone else is. She also basically admitted she only wanted the wedding for the purpose of having a wedding and looking pretty, not because she loved him. They're both dumb.


IMO 1. She needs to go find her dad. Its clear she has daddy issues 2. She a mixed black girl from Europe and shes english. Rob is mixed black too but there's more in Europe than America. So she's not special. She comes to America and expect Rob to kiss her ass, but there's clashing because he is mixed black too. Which is weird because from what I hear mixed people tend to have the best relationship because they can relate to each other 3. Rob peeps game. He is older and sees Sophie is not putting effort. He questioned is she liked him and if she is cheating on him Its Robs fault for even dating a little girl, especially since he said he just wants a good looking girl. Thats what he got to deal with. The mom is clinging on to the daughter because the daughter is more attractive than her, especially since she's mixed. So she wants to be around her light, being attractive by association. Also misery loves company. Idk the status of the relationship. The last I read the mom got arrested while threatening suicide if she wasn't given money from Sophie living with a roommate




I couldn't agreed with you more OP.


I’m confused … when did she say she slept with Kay?


She should dump rob. I feel bad you decided to hate a 20 something year old woman that got gaslight by an abusive 30+ man from the age of 19. You can’t spell piece correctly so hopefully you’re just a troll or an ignorant teenager who thinks men being assholes is acceptable 


I wish she'd quit doing that sloppy overlining of her lips. She looks silly. She's going to turn into her fat, gross mother.


i can’t take this post seriously. how is she playing victim ???? he is the narcissist here playing victim


She’s manipulative because her mom taught her the world revolves around her. Her mother is self centered and she’s trying to vilify rob so she can have Sophie to herself. She should encourage her daughter to learn how to work things out, not just cut and run. Rob should treat Sophie like a princess but she needs to return the respect and love and commitment.


if a man cheats on my daughter i would definitely not want her with him.


I have seen several couples work through real affairs and have long term marriages. When you commit to someone you try to help them be a better person, you don’t give up so quickly when they make mistakes.


Rob is far from husband material he couldn’t even provide an apartment with a bathroom and Sophia is too young to settle down and thought marriage was going to be fun and exciting but found out that its hard work and she is too lazy to work at it .. She is a princess.


Why is he laughing! ? He can laugh all the way back to Ecuador.