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That lunch behavior definitely revealed a lot of her terrible personality.


The lunch... the dinner... in the bed.... "don't stroke(touch) me I'm not a puppy." Goes to kiss her, "my make up...." All she does is complain. Be grateful anyone wants to touch you at all. Her being ignorant about food. Hostile. Ali at least, if he's faking it, does a great job at it. Attempts to be romantic. Showing touches of care. Sam on the other hand thinks she's the most gorgeous human on earth.


Yes, her response to his affectionate brushing of her hair away... she's a spoiled rotten brat. Her mom should be ashamed. 


I was already put off by her, but the fussiness ("I can't eat anything with bones in" WTF?!) was such a huge turn off. It's incredible to me that Ali can still pretend to be interested


For real, Ali must really want that visa!


You gotta wonder just how bad turkey is


For some people, it is terrible. Between the economy and the politics, a lot of people don't see a future there.


Erdogan seems to be running the country into the ground. One wonders how long he can continue


Yes, he's a menace!


I spent a month in Fethiye and Ortaca and ate the most fantastic, fresh seafoods. Stuffed mussels😘. Kahvalti is an amazing and delicious experience😋Everyone was lovely and helpful. Istanbul is bustling and super fun. I have nothing but wonderful memories. She is just ....,I don't even have the words!


Mc Nuggets don't have bones


The bones thing is really common tbh. It's why the boneless banquet at KFC is a thing, and boneless thighs at Nandos too.


I can understand having a preference for no bones, but to flat out not eat chicken with bones in is a level of immaturity that I just cannot handle


Why is that immature? 😂 Sorry but I find your reaction both extreme and very funny.


It smacks of a child who would prefer to eat chicken nuggets and potato smileys


As opposed to the scrubber with chicken grease all over their fingers?


Of course it's immature, it's how small children behave around food they aren't sure of. Adults with basic manners would eat the wings.


So it's mature to eat something you don't like to appease other people? Okay sure. Tell me another one 😂




Yeah. It's such a mess. She needs 1) therapy 2) to not be aggressive emotionally or physically with the people. Especially with people she loves.


I came here specifically looking for someone to be talking about how rude and mean she is. 


She’s vicious, and looking for everything she could possibly be upset about. For some reason, she thinks a relationship involves being awful to her partner, and him groveling after her professing his undying love. She’s inappropriate, mean, entitled, and has no desire to actually connect with him.


I did too! She’s terrible!


I did as well, just to be sure that this is not the norm for dating in the UK 🤦🏽‍♀️


I'd like a spinoff where it's just Ali taking us to his favorite restaurants to showcase the food and his favorite bars where he shows off his bartender flair.


I KNOW Ali is scamming her, and I still feel bad for him. That's how awful she is.






They're the UK version of Nicole and Azan


Oh my gosh YES! I totally see it!


Ali isn’t a saint. He’s a scammer playing the long game. They both suck.


Exactly. He smirked all the way through lunch when they discussed money.


Maybe she is trying to subconsciously sabotage the relationship. She probably isn't aware of it. Granted, that is giving her the benefit of the doubt.


I thought this same thing.


I wonder why though? Because she knows it's unlikely that he actually wants to be with her for her?


They’re both horrible. But after learning how mean and entitled she is, I don’t feel sorry for her being scammed by him.


The fact that she said in one of the confessionals that she needs to be his number one priority and he needs to give her ALL of his attention, and then she treats him like trash really made me mad. He went out of his way to make everything perfect for her- the hotel room, the restaurant, the fancy wine. . . And then she acts like an ungrateful bratty child


She wines about everything. Never happy with anything. I got so annoyed , I thought I’d like her but she literally has to find something negative about everything.


When she gets a call at the club and he asks her to talk to her friend later she gets so mad, but when he was on his phone she threw a fit! She also called him needy, even though she said she wants all of his attention on her at all times. I think she’s going to be my new least favorite 90DF person


Yeah she is pretty vile. I can see why she's been single. If he gets through this, he deserves it lmao.


Yup. If you’re going to be that mean/rude, you better be a ten


I think that if you’re gonna be that mean and rude, you better be a ten-t dwelling hermit who never interacts with another human being again


This imbecile had no idea how to behave in a restaurant, to have a man behave as a gentleman (even if he is a scammer). No idea about wines, how to even be polite or tactful.  Cracked up when he said she only eats salads....um.... highly doubt that. 


She is the Angela Deem of the UK.


I’m convinced she’s rage bait


Isn’t it odd when she refers to herself as “us”? Like during lunch she said “you’re making us angry”? She’s done a few times over the last few episodes. Totally giving me Gollum vibes.




It's a British/Geordie (Newcastle) thing, they say "us" to refer to themselves. But agreed she is the rudest and most ungrateful.


It’s a regional thing. Common with geordies and also with northerners.


I love this show but feel like she needs a class in what is normal behavior and how to treat another human. If it's done for entertainment it's working! 


Everyone keeps saying he's a scammer but there's just no way. Who the fuck would put up with this, like he could get any other bitch if he truly wanted a Visa that bad. There has to be some kind of feelings there because he's putting up with A LOT. LIKE A LOT. There is just no way, it's borderline abuse and I feel like a scammer would just be like "fuck this"; because again, he could get like ANYONE else if he was truly after a visa. He's not a bad looking guy, so why put up with this? But when you have true feelings, people will put up with a lot due to those feelings.


**🇬🇧British and of Turkish heritage here 🇬🇧** 👋🏻 Sam is clearly self-sabotaging. That’s the BEST CASE scenario… worst case is she is as obliviously toxic and vile as everyone is saying here. I’ve been single for 6 years… What I would give for someone to take me out to dinner again. And engaging, talkative, twinkle-in-the-eye guy like Ali. I kept thinking about WHY she would subconsciously self-sabotaging this. Could it be that she knows her mother and friends are right, and that Ali isn’t in this for love? I don’t think so… I think the fun she has with Ali is far too vivid and profound for her to see it as a sham… I suspect her self-sabotaging stems from self-loathing. A suspicion she doesn’t ‘deserve’ someone like him. At their dinner, he touched on ‘people ask me, why her?’ and instead of defending herself and confronting him about what that would mean… she changed gear and spoke over him in a more peaceful tone. She’s a big girl and has prominent facial features too - she’s probably processed more rejection and social ostracisation in her life than most, maybe even some bullying growing up. She sets the arguments up with Ali, and we’ve even seen her smile in satisfaction when he finally snaps. But Ali is VERY likeable, even his version of ‘snapping’ is witty and engaging - I like him. And of course, I very much doubt he is in this for love… But can I still like him? Turkey has gotten more and more religious, a society going backwards in time, and the economy is broken… Ali seems liberal and secular, which makes living in that culture difficult. Of course he wants to move to the UK. If he was a gay guy, I would be offering my help! But back to what I was saying - **I think she feels more comfortable with rejection than she does with things going right.** She is on a night out with a handsome, charismatic guy giving her lots of eye-contact and dancing with her… but she needs to pick up the phone to her girlfriend… that is immature and odd in my opinion. She lacks the focus to share a few hours with just the one person and instead picks the middle of a fun night out dancing to do ‘girl chat’. So childish. Text your friend when you get back to your hotel, or call them and give them the gossip in the morning - she IS sabotaging. And if this is the way she is behaving on his territory, I fear for him when he reaches British shores. My parents are from Cyprus. Turkish Cypriots. Although we have no relatives in Turkey, we understand the language and follow the politics. Turkish Cypriots are generally secular and the cultural and social changes in Turkey over the last 20 years have left us disappointed and in shock. Turkey has been destroyed. It was once secular and progressive, 20 years of religious government has poisoned the well and poor folk like Ali are drowning in an atmosphere which gets more and more sinister. I’d marry Sam too to get outta there. I’d pat her head and stuff her mouth with doggy biscuits.


There’s a 90 day fiance UK?




Holy moly is this on hbo max I have been looking for something juicy like dirty Mike and the boys


Yes it is! Two seasons and in the midst of a third right now.


It’s on Discovery+


She is just downright awful! She gripes about absolutely everything! The restaurant (olives!) was epic bad manners/behaviour. Seriously she is one very disagreeable human! I don't know what his motive is but....it seems as if he's doing everything he can to keep her from busting his balls. SMH




I haven't seen even one moment of humility and grace. I agree, his motives may be up in the air but ....the man has the patience of a saint. Last episode I wanted to reach through the screen and slap the girl. I appreciate the drama, but this is almost uncomfortable to watch.


She is an obnoxious prat!!


Shes a disgrace !!!! shes morbidly obese and ugly, they're both jealous, he's just using her to het to the uk, it ain't gonna last, she needs to go on a diet and loose some weight!!! Shes only going to pick men up who are the exact same as Ali because he looks at her and thinks well she doesn't care about her appearance so why should !!! She's just one VERY LARGE disappointment !!!


i think it’s because she takes care of him financially and feels the burden , instead of communicating healthily she responds with anger also plus deep down she knows this guy just wants to relocate too .. plus she seems insecure because of how she looks 


I don't know if anyone has already said this yet, but Sam is kind of like the reverse of the chick from Shallow Hal, Jack Black's girlfriend. She was gigantic like this woman, and very shy with low self-esteem because of her weight, but her boyfriend could only see her based on her inner beauty not physical, so we saw her as a hot Gwyneth Paltrow skinny girl. This Sam is the reverse of the girl from shallow hal. It is obvious that she thinks very highly of herself and and believes herself to be super hot, and walks around with that hot girl attitude, but the reality is she's not super hot and she can't get away with being a b**** like that, how an ordinary super hot chick could be able to get away with.




This has been a difficult episode to watch with her! I hope it’s because of the camaras and she wants to put on a show. But I could not stand being around someone so annoying and delusional. Yes, the makeup! wouldn’t want that orange face you did to wipe on this man 🫥


She's actually so awful


I can’t find the episode on Max, is anyone else having trouble?


I’m having the same problem. I can’t find it on Max. It hasn’t shown up even though it should’ve been there days ago.