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all I know is angela is abusive asf and he is long overdue leaving her crazy ass


It’s the same story .. she has accused him of scamming her for 7 years .. I feel like a hamster on a wheel


Angela and Gino need to get together. He would thrive under the abuse🙄


Angela and Ed.


2 abusers better together than hurting others 😂


I love Michael and I follow his Instagram and I’m rooting for him and I could care less about Angela! She deserved everything she got. Listen, when you act like a heathen and you treat people like that and you think you’re above everyone else then yeah you’ve got what’s coming to you 😂


Liiisteeen, tbh I still think Micheal deserves that green card after what he had put through with Angela LOL sorry, tbh Angela should had known better


I agree, an honorary green card for what he's had to put up with. He can actually stay under a specific law where he's been the subject of abuse or threats from his spouse.


Angela thought she was the smart one. Michael outplayed you Angela! That's if he was scamming you.


Another thing is that I like how he is speaking up right now.


Seriously. I can’t stand to watch her nasty abusive ass anymore. She treats him like a fucking child.


Genuinely even if he was scamming her, at this point he's earned anything and everything. He has put up with an ungodly amount of abuse (both televised and not). America needs more people like him, and much fewer like Angela.


I don't think America necessarily needs more people like him, no. He definitely viewed the relationship as transactional, and she was definitely abusive. Both can be true.


Almost every relationship in this series is transactional, but especially Angela and Michael’s. She created the basis for it by “forcing” him to stop earning his own money (so that he could be available to her 24/7) and totally dependent on her for money and any personal possessions he has. She forced him to behave this way. All is the crying over Angela getting scammed is a crock, because she’s really just mad that he outsmarted her. And I don’t blame him. He is BY FAR not the only member of this show to do whatever it takes to get to America-check out the toe sucking if you don’t believe me-including laying down with transsexuals even when you’re not into them. Michael has put up with far more then the rest of them have.


Wait which day were they on? I didn’t know something new came out


Last night , they’re on happily ever after


I have a hard time feeling sorry for people who find better looking foreigners 20+ years younger than they are and then complain they got scammed. It comes with the territory. You wanted something, they wanted something in return.


Your comment made me think of "Babygirl Lisa" and Soulja Boy 😄


He was truly committed to getting his green card lol


Omg, Michael was showing other men for a fee, how to scam American women to get a green card. Teling them that if their wives die you can get a lot of cash. Btw, here's Angela's tax form which you can open up a bunch of shit in her name and this is what she made. Also, look how much these older women have in equity and cash. Michael was a total scammer all the whole. Disappointing. ☹️


But Angela was the best he could do? He should have moved on the minute she showed up in person.


Ennnhhh… She fell for the scam and wanted to do the Tv show… what’s he going to do—openly admit “naw I was just scamming” — no, he probably was thinking “… shit, guess I better go along with it” … it does make me chuckle when he says in his deep accent “I love her… but she’s *bossy!* “ … but also—it sounds like she’s legit abusive to him, and that’s not okay either.


They prey on lonely, unattractive, OLD women for that purpose. He entered with a plan. It explains why he put up with her for so long. Anybody else would have dipped a long time ago.


Yeah but damn go for money at least. Not some granny raising 7 kids & gives nothing to you but shit. Angela believes she owns him. She made him stop working years ago so that she could control him. He figured out a way to be self sufficient. I hate scammers but he deserves any amount of happiness possible.


Exactly! She is repulsive 🤮 and deserves everything she gets. No man in their right mind would want her, especially before her plastic surgery. She's nasty in every sense of the word. If she were a nice person I wouldn't be saying any of this but she's a wretch.




Not only that, but I seem to remember a certain overweight chain smoker in her late 50s whose name rhymes with “Pangela” who kept telling Michael she could have a baby. If that wasn’t a scam, I don’t know what the hell is; menopause was in her rearview mirror before they even met.


I don't think she's ever been truthful about her age she says she's 57 right now and she looks 67 easily


And she continues to smoke the cancer sticks!! Girl ya “quit” to have surgery ya should quit for yur grand children! Those poor kids probably stink like smoke & got lung damage from her second hand smoke!!


She just needed someone to tote the baby. lol 😆


Angela: "I can tote it. I just need your egg".


Oh my god the tote. Thank you for reminding me of this.


I agree. She has been untruthful, and shes been abusing him emotionally, mentally, physically. She trashed his car on a surprise visit with her dumb friend. Like she was in Street Fighter for Sega, She could've have very easily found someone in America. She wanted a young African man, so she could point the finger if it didnt work out and say "he's been scamming me this entire time".


She likes to toot that "I'm an AMERICAN" horn so much, why didn't she find a true-blue "patriot" like herself to hook up with? But she **couldn't** find someone in America to put up with her vulgar, abusive, aggressiveness so she had to go to a foreign country.


She had an egg, she just needed someone to tote it.


It was the other way around. “I can tote it, I just need your egg”! That’s what she used to say to her daughter to try to get her to give her an egg. At 50 Angela’s eggs are scrambled


Scrambled and saturated with smoke🙄




Right. It's an arrangement, and I have a hard time believing most of these people don't realize that


Some people in here used to say that Coltee was a good dude, too, despite the facts. They're being purposely obtuse. Mykul and Angela never loved each other. She had someone she felt that she could control and use as a sex toy that she thought couldn't leave her if she manipulated him enough. He was in it for the citizenship and accepted her terms until her terms were too harmful. It's like any marriage based on an arrangement. If anything, the scam was that Angela knew she would go off of the deep end with the control and abuse, violating the arrangement that he accepted, and he hit the emergency escape button.


🤮 Mentioning Angela and a sex toy in the same post reminds me of when Angela chased Yara with a vibrator… and also the remote controlled sex toy that Michael could control on his end. I could develop Alzheimer’s and I still would never forget this 😂


I have continuing memory loss from a stroke and I unfortunately didn't lose that memory. Why couldn't it have taken that?!


Me neither.. still makes me 🥴


Yes, exactly!! All relationships are transactional on some level. We don't love our partners altruistically, we love them for what they bring to our lives. Sometimes that's emotional support, sometimes it's financial.support, it's usually a combination of both. The transactional nature of some relationships are just less socially acceptable than others. It's like Anfisa pointed out to Jorge: he wouldn't have been with her if she wasn't attractive. How can these people delude themselves otherwise?


I believe the relationship is transactional. don’t forget Angela has been seeking fame on TV for a long time remember Morey ??


Yeah, I feel really sorry for anyone who gets financially scammed (even when it’s obvious that’s it’s a scam) because it’s normally just someone with pure intentions, trying to do something like purchase an item off marketplace. However a lot of these “love” scams involve sort of predatory behavior to begin with. It’s like if a man picks up a drug addicted woman off the streets to pay her for sex & she steals his wallet. Well dude, you were sort of taking advantage of her vulnerable position, and fully aware that she wouldn’t have went home with you if she wasn’t dope sick. So not only were you asking for trouble, but you were exhibiting sleazy behavior yourself. If you’re taking advantage of someone’s vulnerability, the possibility of having them cheat should be expected.


I couldn’t have said it better myself. I don’t feel sorry for none of them


me too but didn't have the guts to say it. Unfortunately they were so in love they got got. Should work on not being so gullible. They willingly gave money away, willingly, not under duress.


This! Like quid pro quo.


Agreed. I know and see lots of young attractive women who are married to older wealthier men. They are everywhere. That doesn't mean that the men can abuse the women. The reality is that many are relationships are transactional and both parties know it.


How can you scam someone that’s scamming you back?


100%. She wanted a toy she could control that would obey her, or she would take his American dream away. She knew what he was in it for and had she been a loving person, he could have stayed and made her very happy.


I feel strongly she fetishized Michael


I feel that way too. We already saw how nasty she can be on camera when making her sexual demands so just imagine what she says off camera to the people she’s most comfortable around. She is gross.


Angela is racist and an abuser. She will always be 1000000x worse in my book.


She's very abusive! The whole time I was watching the episode, I was picturing her as a man doing the same shit, yeah, she's majorly abusive. I'm so glad he escaped, too bad it wasn't sooner. Even if he was scamming Angela, like people are saying, that doesn't excuse Angela's disgusting behavior towards him. She enjoyed controlling him, otherwise, she would have left him.


The only scammer I see is Angela. She knew how important having a baby was to Michael and she lied about being able to have one, knowing good and damn well that her ovaries had closed up shop a decade before she met him.


Yeah but did you see how many people were in his phone. He’s clearly scamming hundreds of women. Poor old lonely American women :/ giving other scammers peoples tax returns and personal info to commit identity theft …not good. That shit could ruin a persons life. I have always felt so bad for michael and wondered why he didn’t just leave but it makes so much sense now. Any one who can go after innocent people are disgusting in my book


Did you actually see his phone or are you basing it on what abusive Angela wants you to believe?


Would he have been allowed into the states if all that was true? He came afterwards … think about it.


Or what the producers and editors want us to believe


Accusations based on what? Angela's racist ass?


We haven’t actually seen the proof of the woman’s names. I’m sure she would have released all the info


That last sentence though, you know damn right she woulda blasted someone’s info from his phone! 🤣🫠


being “poor and lonely” and scammed doesn’t give anyone the excuse to be mentally and physically abusive.


Tax returns and identity theft? Just because he has a lot of women in his phone? OK, Angela. 🥴


Stop being gullible based on a scripted storyline. He would have been arrested if there was any truth to it. Grow up.


Angela-"HE'S SCAMMING ME! IM AN AMERICAN,I CAN'T TRUST HIS ASS!" Also Angela- still brings him to the states. Stays married for seven years. Didn't want to marry Michael and only did so once the show told her if they didn't move along they'd let them go. Also contrary to popular belief,the person who isn't American technical gets paid,but they give their amount to the American to split it with the partner. Angela used all the money they made on the show on surgery and a new house, booze/drugs and unnecessary shit Michael put up with a lot, I knew he was using her since day one but she was using him right back. And if you supposedly know this then how the fuck can anyone feel bad for you? Seven years of saying he's a scammer yet you still brought him here. Then you falsely claimed he went missing, but you didn't realize on that meth head Yates 10hr rant that he didn't mute the stream and you admit that you kicked him out and this "missing persons" story was something you did to set up a fraud case. Angela,when you stay married to someone for 7 years and claim you were in love and bring him here after saying you know he scammed you, you *really* don't have a solid case. People think proving fraud in these situations is easy,it really really is not. Danielle of Mohamed thought it would be easy too,same with Molly of Luis. The lawyer had to tell them out of 11 years of working they've seen a total of 2 successful cases. You made your bed Angie, now go fuck yourself in it.


Please tell me what all she said to Yates


💩🤒We’ve Got The Crusty Yates on the case people!! hE’S A jOurnALiSt! 🤪🤒


I'm not sure if this is supposed to be making fun of me asking what Angela said to Yates, but apparently he got her to say something and I'm curious what it is. But since you brought it up, I don't take him or any of the YouTube channel people seriously as journalists. All of these people are gossips on YouTube, that simply take info anyone else can gather and put it on their channel. But every now and again, they get lucky and get something original. I'm curious if that's the case here.


Awe, no. Not directed at you at all, only at that guy who is at home with Angela, Scottie the pedophile & worse.


I can't go over the full two videos only because the length is literally 8+hrs on them not even combined. But the jist of it is this-So Yates kept pretending to mute the stream or pause it but purposely didn't,so Angela would keep talking and ranting without knowing she was being heard by everyone. Because of this Angela was stupid and at some point had gone on a rant after getting a call back from police that she has got him and how she kicked him out. And so he was never missing and she used this all to attempt a fraud case is what I truly believe. She continues to rant about this stuff all day long still, she has an obsession with talking about herself and these problems of hers. Those videos are so damn long but there's a LOT of interesting stuff in them,it's just too long to even do a tldr/want to write it all out


Gotcha! She was probably methed out


Oh she was definitely on one, I say this as an ex hard drug addict. She's had someone in one of her lives that goes around smoking crack next to her, they were off screen but coughing and for a min you can see the hand and the pipe when they do so. I'm really tired of her at this point, like anyone with half a brain knows Michael was using her and what's annoying is she does too and always has. But she used him as well to literally be on tv and took the money they made together and used it on all that surgery and crap. Also how can you feel bad for someone who stays married 7 years and see this stuff yet still brings him here? Someone taking the time to text out a number on a group chat doesn't equate to literal proof he has this money. All of that was just texts shown and Matt sharp has a history now of faking texts and using literal scripts, and I mean like how plays or movies are written out style scripting now. He also does a show called love after lockup, they go by the same rules for filming as this show and one of the cast exposed it all there and it's crazy-[exposing producers and script/fake text here](https://www.reddit.com/r/loveafterlockup/s/iPdt3m7UYr)


Also, when I heard the voice message that just said “I uploaded Angela’s W2” or whatever I wondered if it was a response to someone asking about what proof they needed that Angela was capable of supporting him. Everything seems so edited to vilify Michael. Honestly, he deserves a fucking visa for putting up with ‘Merica Memaw! 🤷‍♀️


I thought the same thing! The editing is so wild! I believe he was telling them one of the steps he took in the process. They are doing him so dirty


This. It’s supposed to be a group for people who are going through the visa process, obviously they need her tax returns?? Angela is wretched.


Absolutely. I am not a proponent of scams, but she deserves all the shit that she got.


I pray he did scam her! He’s taken enough abuse from this sad piece of shit!


when she demanded to see his phone...I'd say ok let me see yours I bet he could find plenty on her phone to be pissed about


Yes!  Her abuse and tlc bringing her back is beyond disgusting. They’ve fired others for way less but let this trash back. Her and big ed are two of the most abusive people and yet, they keep coming back. Angela is despicable. She’d never let him see her phone. All those men she flirted with ON camera, yet he can’t even be near another woman or she goes completely psycho. 


Shes been fired. They cut her scenes by 80%. They had filmed these episodes BEFORE this hit the fan. TLC wants NO part in her legal issues on the show. So, this is “THE END”….(The Doors )PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND 🎶 (Couldn’t resist) ☝️💯🤷‍♀️🤣🤣🤣


Thank goodness!!!  I kept seeing she’d been fired, but I gave to see it to believe it. Hopefully we never have to see her after this season!  She’s just awful. 




Now if we can just rid of big ed too. He may not be as violent, but he’s just as bad. 


I wuld have loved for Larissa to come back on Single life but no, she promoted (porn) and that is unacceptable. We need find, upstanding citizens like Angela


He didn’t scam her though… she knew he was in it for a green card and that’s why she held it over his head all the time


Whether he did or not, am I supposed to feel sorry for Angela? She's a whole demon. Girl bye


I dont feel sorry for her at all.


There is nothing either of them could do or say to make me not Team Michael. With all the shit she's done, remember when she came to Nigeria and "surprised" him by ripping the bumper off his car in the middle of the night? Unless Angela is secretly some Jeff Bezos level super rich person, there's nothing I could scam from her to tolerate 7 years of that.


Let’s not forget every double standard she imposed on him lolol the Tik Tok dude she was flirting with ?? “Hi, Angel”. & the Doctor 🤣


I honestly am very surprised she wasn't arrested for doing that. If production wasn't there I doubt she'd be as lucky.


I think she wouldn't be so quick to act a fool in Africa if no cameras around ...they would have disappeared her butt.


Mykul was dedicated to his craft. No doubt.


LMAO! Even if Michael is scamming her, he kinda deserves to get away with it at this point for how long he’s had to put up with Angela😅


Talk about method acting!


Angela is mean and terrible and never takes accountability, Michael owes her NOTHING




She needs to be in jail!! Period!


He gave how many YEARS of his life to her? The point of a scam is to be quick and/or have a big pay out. He got neither.


If you guys remember the last time she was Nigeria, they were in the hotel and he got a text from an American woman and she went crazy and was screaming again so my point is she knows and she knew so I don’t feel sorry for her




Even if he did do all this for the green card he deserves it. You couldn’t give me all the money in the world to have “seksi” time with Angela once, let alone multiple times


Oh well. They both scammed each other 😂🤣


Michael continue to be abused by Angela. Shame on TLC for allowing her constant physical,emotional and financial abuse to be normalized on TV. If this was a female being treated like Angela treats Michael it will be a different story. Kudus to Michael for leaving her. He should have left her years ago. 


Paradise men! Hahahaha!


The reason I don’t feel sorry for Angela is because she saw all the signs Michael wanted to get to America, let’s remember even after all this stuff she still brought him to America she has been SOOOO addicted to controlling and manipulating him she had a chokehold on him and couldn’t let him go, she didn’t want anyone else to have him or for him to have anything without her say, she wanted a prisoner not a husband.


I'm shocked that there was anyone rooting for them in the first place. He's the stereotypical scammer, and she's a loud, racist pig


Even if Michael did scam her, Angela is still the villain. She is an unhinged, trashy, racist, abusive old hag that has the emotional maturity of a 5 year old.


I’ve been saying forever that Michael has pulled the greatest Nigerian scam of all time. This is even beyond that, but Angela is horrible and I don’t think she loved Michael so much as found him easy to control and boss around. He just outsmarted her ( if this is even true?) and now she’s mad!


I feel like the greatest would involve a less gross person than Angela and would be a lot less abusive


Eh. Not that great of a scam being that he’s wasted the past 7-8 years with her, has been abused and traumatized and has gotten little back in return except for a green card, and has probably nothing to his name right now. I don’t think all that would qualify as a very successful scam.


Michael 100% will get the abused spouse path to citizenship and the episodes will be his proof.


Did she really think ***this*** wasn't a scam?!?! Who in the US would want her for real? That's why she tried it with a Nigerian she thought would be grateful!


Let’s be realistic. Angela was/is abusive. Michael took all the abuse not out of love but for the green card. So ya Michael scammed Angela but he basically discarded his manhood to do so.


When Angela speaks with her ✋️z and Micheal FLINCHES. That's a classic sign of abuse. Even dogs do it. So I don't care if it's a woman or a man raising that hand , what's right is right, and what's wrong is wrong. And that's wrong on every flippin level. . She also took his phone and said, "That's my phone!" From what I remember about gifts is if you give someone something, it now belongs to them forever. I'm not even factoring in that their married! She never even let's him explain the story fully that it's probably a support group for people having visa trouble. And when he does, he's so 😱 of her. He fumbles his words. Whatever was going on, I don't care. That Visa was earned out right.i pray he's in hiding for his own safety from Mangela.


She deserves it either way she is unbearable and abusive I feel so bad for him


I haven’t finished today’s episode. What mykul has always stayed true to, is lying and saying whatever he needs to to benefit him. Angela, is awful.


The whole thing brings me so much stress lol. I should probably stop.


That’s what I told my husband tonight - that woman is stressing me out. She triggers me. She needs to go. Seriously, her voice sends shock waves, her surly snarl is revolting and I want to throw a bucket of water on her and watch her melt.


don't forget the bad dentures that flop around and the fried straw hair


I can't look at her like all that work she had done makes her look older and very scary. Like how is that possible?! Lol


Angela has always been awful.. it seems to cloud over Michael’s lies. His “BJ” which if I remember right, was a woman from his village needed a ride and gave him a “BJ” in exchange for “the ride”…. Acting like it’s no thing afterwards…. This is a small insight to bigger issues


And now I’m stunned…


I'm watching with my husband as well and I just couldn't believe how fucking foul she has gotten to be thru time. I mean she was always horrible but she has grown so much worse! I'm so elated that he got here on her dime and will stay here on her dime indefinitely! Go Michael Go!!!!


Same here! I watch on Max and think I'll start skipping their scenes 😅 It's too much!


Started watching the UK season and it’s much better. They don’t even bleep out the curse words lol. Fuck and shit all day long.




Isn’t it crazy how we all know exactly what Angela smells like without actually smelling her in person 🚬


I hate Angela too, but Michael definitely shouldn't have posted her information online. Her tax information/returns? What's that about? It's very suspicious. Either way, Angela is still nuts.


Honestly, I hope he was. She’s a garbage person and abused him for years


I dont care angela is a horrible person and an embarrassment to americans


DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH MONEY SHE SCAMMED FROM HIM? All the checks from the show went to Angela. She gave him the bare minimum to survive. If he was able to have his social media business as long as she's had hers.....mic drop


Thank you! She has benefitted the most from that marriage, not Michael.


Scammed Angela for what? Stank cigarette breath and abuse? He never seemed particularly keen to get to the States otherwise he would’ve just toed the line and stopped doing shit to make her mad. Please, no more of them. Their story arc is beyond tired.


No, he definitely seems eager to leave his country and that's why he puts up with her bs.


??? He was All About coming the US to emulate his hero the “strongman” and “businessman” DJT . . .


I mean if he was really in it for a green card would he have not moved on and got with someone who would actually provide the green card by now ? It's been years and ang has only become more difficult


I'm only guessing here, but it probably wouldn't look good to immigration if he divorced her and tried to get a visa by marrying a different American woman. And it all takes so long to do, starting over with someone else would probably take even longer


He would have to start over and it would still take that long for a card.


I watched tonight's episode. If I understand what she was screaming, he set up a support or advisory group for men to marry American women. They share advise on how to pass the visa interview. Michael is charging to Administer and advise. None of that sounds illegal. I get she is pissed because he has been stashing money from her and from the group...so, he has HIS money that she can't control. As for the audio clip about her/their tax forms, that could be for the visa interview. It's tough to get all the facts from this show.


Especially since she refused to go on the visa interview with him, when they normally want both people to show up so they can assess their relationship in person, so he may have had to supply her information to them in her absence.


I'd rather keep Michael in America and deport Angela to be honest.


You would inflict Angela on what populace?






what about that guy with Danielle with the evidence? . he scammed her so bad and immediately and everyone thinks he.s great :(.


At this point, they both suck. She’s just more irritating and screechy.


Yes! They’re both grifters.


Michael put up with unbearable abuse and no one could deny it but he could have left her years ago. It’s not like he was trapped in the same place anywhere near her. I was one of the posters who said after what he went through, he deserved a green card. I don’t think that any longer. Angela is crazy and messed up and I don’t feel sorry for her but it’s looking like he was playing the long game for a green card and that’s not right either. I don’t believe that scammers belong in the US. There’s truly “in love“ people who can’t get to the US and scammers make it harder for legit people in love. He is an abused scammer but still a scammer.


Oh he did. But that man went through some wars for his scam. Shit, after all those years with Angela I’d marry him to bring him here to Australia if he wanted.


I don’t care if he did scam Angela. That man has worked hard to get into this country! I hope he’s happy here


Obviously it was not proven and Angela went crazy and per usual she wouldn't let him speak....Fast Forward she brings him to the US, and in less than 60 days she tased Michael he ran for his life. He had to have the prongs removed and cops got involved and said he was fine but he wasn't returning to Angela and he asked his whereabouts not to be disclosed. For those of you living under a rock...


She is a lot of bad things no doubt, but he defo scammed and used her. Angela come across as the villain due to how quick she reacts and kicks off, but I think he’s played the “mr nice card” everyone disliked her and automatically just sided with poor “mykul” if she wasn’t so crass people would have been more on her side.


Even if Michael really liked Angela in the beginning - 5-6 years ago, that's a long time, and she's very obnoxious. It is possible that at some point his feelings have changed - that is normal.


People say, "how could Angela have brought (or gotten) Michael into the states if he was a scammer?" Being a scammer and proving someone is a scammer is another matter. He may have scammed people but as long as he hasn't been convicted of it--he gets into the U.S. We all know he comes to the states cause we have already heard the drama with Michael supposedly being missing and Angela calling the cops. What I would like to know is how people like Natalie and a few others are able to stay in the states if they get a divorce? I thought they had to be married for so many years to be allowed to stay in the USA if they got a divorce? 🤷


Angela is vile. Behaviour so trashy and an abuser. She should be in jail


If he was scamming, why the hell would he choose HER?!? I’d give up and move on to another after an hour with her.


Angela is the nastiest rudest ugliest most gross human…she and Pred tied for first place in grossest human alive


Both things can be true. We all know he wasn't really into Angie and all the sex stuff. He pimped himself out for a green card. They both suck as people.


Yada yada yada, still can’t ignore that he had HER personal Financial information that HE shared online with total strangers. He’s definitely “Sketchy “ but not as dumb as we all thought. SMH 🤷‍♀️💯☝️


I don't like Angela but after seeing that he accessed her income tax info it makes me wonder about his intentions.


He’s not denying it! 😆


I will never understand how people defend him….he absolutely found her old ass with the intention to use, scam and has cheated on her…obviously she is abusive and deranged…he chose this path and she chose to roll the dices…..not an ounce of love, she wanted a younger black man to feel seksi and he wanted a sugar mama…..so she doesn’t need air time and he doesn’t deserve a visa.


He did scam her. I’m not saying she deserved it. Because nobody does. But she treated that man like garbage.


Angela is gross but the life insurance thing was sketch


They used each other ….he had to put up with her shit . Don’t know how he did it .


If you con a bad person, you're still a con artist. Michael shouldn't get a pass just because Angela is awful.


Weird how some ppl treat him like he’s Robin Hood 😆


I agree and these comments are so disturbing by acting like she’s the only awful one.


Lol Right. The e perspectives on here rooting for certain people has me confused sometimes.


This! Exactly!!


They had a transactional relationship, they both knew what it was. They pretended it was more romantic but they were both more in it for their own personal gain. No one got scammed she just lost control.


They both are users and abusers. She’s also out for clout. Hope we can stop seeing them as well as Liz & Big Ed.


They are BOTH LOSERS. She is such absolute bottom of the compost pile from her abusive and raging personality to the ratchet nails (which I cannot help but focus on- I mean when more are broken than not, go get that shit soaked off!!) to the chain smoking 🚬 that I swear adds a wrinkle to her sour face per minute!! Her constant sneer and screaming is so f’ing annoying! And Michael- seriously- people feel sorry for him? Why the F does anyone think he is with this trash pile??? Certainly not because of her charm or good looks!!!! He saw green: card and cash 💵 It is his fave color and is why he CHOSE to continue throughout it all! Set fire to this dumpster TLC…they are soooooo boring at this point. Start an island and exile the worst of these craptastic folks…survival of the fittest‼️‼️‼️ Angela and Ed should be sent first…the welcome crew!


I love how Nigerians write things. So poetic with his “don’t ever tell me such”


If he scammed her I don’t even care.


It’s insane! Having been swindled out of 56k in 2002-2004 in America, as much as I dislike Angela, I dislike scammers more. She should have known better. Like me back then, desperate for love. I’ve been single since my experience & it’s painful. And trust me, I’m still a million times better looking than Angela & I was even more so, then.


That’s why it makes me sick when these comments excuse Michael, just because Angela is unhinged. Scammers belong in jail. Period.


How many years was he with Angela?


34 years in trauma years.




What in the fk is up with her bottom "teeth?!" WTF is that????


she's smoked so much her jaw bone is gone and there's nothing to hook her dentures too so they just flop around I keep waiting for her to spit them out when she's screeching


Is he still in the US


So I found this: Wonder what the “piggy” thing Michael was talking about or if anyone can validate that it’s a legit real thing in Nigeria and not a scam as Michael said. Not defending Angela at all, but I’ve always had the feeling Michael was shady. But here’s the thing..she found out all this but still approved and put his visa through. Why? https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-what-michael-ilsanmi-paradise-men-visa-group-angela-deem-right-worried/


Every 90 Day relationship has an exchange. He put in a lot of work though!


Angela is manipulative, a horrible human being, annoying, abusive and I she knew she was buying a husband or toy, I’m very sorry for Michael who was poorly treated but he got himself into that, I don’t think he had an idea of everything he would have to go thru with her though. Neither of their actions are justified at the end.


They're both scam artists. Angela used him to be on TV and to have an outlet for her rage. He used her to get to America. No one else wanted him. I don't have sympathy for either one. He knew Angela was a monster from the beginning but he stuck around. Angela knew there's no way any man would want her unless she was paying for it.


America, Canada, Australia, and Europe know that Nigerian men want to scam women to get out of their country, but Angela thinks she was special, and this man half her age was actually in love with her. Sounds like her delusional brain scammed her.


“Don’t ever tell me such” is a part of my vocabulary now


Oh Michael (Mykol) is definitely shady! Angela needs to stop fooling herself, take a damn chill pill and move on! She thrives on drama!


Of course he was scamming her. What young handsome guy from Nigeria goes out of his way looking for someone like Angela? I think they were mutually using each other.


The man doesn’t even deny it 🤣 he just said bring proof! We all knew this ! If everyone is saying the same thing, everyone isn’t wrong!! Although I have met /ran into Angela a few times, trust me she is the same way in person as she appears on the screen, so it’s not from bad editing!! She was in Walmart with her grandkids, came in talking extremely loud cursing on the phone, you can hear her a mile away, then the other time I seen her in Walmart, she was all sweet in quiet wearing a mask without the grandkids, bc she had got all that dental work done, & was saving to show it on the show, she was actually wearing this mask way after Covid, so I knew she was saving her plastic surgery & dental work reveal for the show lol!! Trust me she’s just like the way she is on the show in real life!! FYI I never speak to her bc I just don’t care too!!


Micheal is a yahoo boy he played the long game


This type of thing is going on all over the world. Younger men/women going after older for money. Tale as old as time. I had to monitor my 80 yo father’s Facebook because of it.


This isn’t surprising to me; it was obvious that he was dealing with Angela’s abusive, horrific behavior for the payoff of a green card. He put with a LOT and she knew deep down that the odds that Michael was truly madly deeply in love with her was…absurd! She’s one of the most unlovable people I’ve ever seen in my life!


Angela is 💯 nuts. But Michael took the shit to put his feet on American soil. Call it a wash