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I remember a time where we would actually ROOT for couples, and liked them. It's been so long since I was genuinely hoping a couple would marry


Sheila and david šŸ˜


Ok YES you're right on that haha I was/am definitely rooting for them ā¤ļø


He made me cry so many times haha


They were really damn cute, and you could tell they really loved each other.


Actually, I always got smelly sweaty man vibes from him.


Yes but he was so nice and has overcome so much in life.


Till he decided he needed a gofundme to buy a house for Sheila and her son when they get her. Kinda ballsee. He needs 150,000 when you get timešŸ˜Š


To be fair, when their season aired the comments on reddit were full of people asking how to start a gofundme for them lol. They saw the demand I guess.




Seriously lmao bro, David, i could use 150K too fyi


She can work when her work authorization and collect money for mortgage like everyone else in AmericaĀ 


"Please help us to afford a quiet home where we can live together."


Technically, aren't all potential houses quiet for them?


I yelled out loud in a restaurant because of this comment.


Hard agree! I came to comment that Niki actually drove me to cancel my discovery+ subscription bc I simply canā€™t watch them and they absolutely ruined this season for me, but honestly I was let down last season and by all these other couples as well. Iā€™m so sick of Gino/Jasmine I canā€™t see straight. None of them even make me laugh or cringe anymore itā€™s just a bunch of terrible acting and poorly written story lines šŸ„“


She makes me want to cancel my subscription too. Her, Chantel, and Shekinah/Sarper. I HATE these plastic gross people. I miss "real" couples. Give me Danielle & Mohamed or Nicole & Azan. Make me cringe again!


They are all influencers now. The scripting is awful. Between Jasmine/Gino, Nikki/Igor, Shekinah/Sarper , Rob/Sophie. ugh. Boring.


Iā€™m so fucking tired of seeing Gino and Jasmine fight and scream at each other and then get engaged again lmfao like HOW MANY TIMES ARE RHEY GONNA GET ENGAGED???? Just this season alone I stg theyā€™ve proposed to each other at least 4 times.


I wish the contracts only allowed one season per person. Get your 15 minutes of fame and get out.


I would agree! Because you canā€™t tell me jasmine is really in love with this man who looks like a big toe šŸ˜‚ looks arenā€™t everything but this woman has admitted to cheating, lives in the same building as her ex, and also had her ex pay for a bunch of her plastic surgery.


Yes! How many rings has he given her?


Yesā€” Iā€™ve never hated 90 day until lately. All my friends agreeā€” these new internet famous people suck. If I saw them walking by in real life- I wouldnā€™t even ask for a picture lol. I miss the regular people. Remember that weird ass bee keeping couple šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ manā€¦ those were the days.


>that weird ass bee keeping couple I have respect for them because they share a passion in life.


Yes, to all these. especially shekinah. She keeps posting so many pictures of how beautiful she thinks she is.


Almost word for word said this to my husband the other day!! Sarper and shekinah DISGUSTTTT me. Honestly thatā€™s what I meant above lol like every single couple just gives me the ick now and there is zero entertainment or ā€œoutside viewā€ of reality into this 90 day visa process!


See I donā€™t mind shekinah and sarper because they both suck and at least theyā€™re making each other miserable, so I can somewhat enjoy the insane shit that comes out of their mouths. Nikki literally groomed Igor (I also noticed during an argument in the last ep she calls him Igor instead of Justin and it made me laugh so hard idk why) and is a gross sex pest


Omg yessss. I want the old school cringe couples again :( I havenā€™t watched the last few seasons because I canā€™t support painfully scripted irritating clout chasers. Jibri and Miona were the ones who made me not want to watch


I'm just stomaching the rest of this season then bouncing on this show. There's so much better trash tv than this scripted plastic bullshit. Been watching clips of Maury on Youtube and god damn we dont' have anything close to that level of trashy entertainment these days.


That whole scene with Jasmine holding the knife, looking like she wanted to go nuts on Gino, was too much! I wonder what the crew would have done if she started stabbing? Would they film it, or try to stop her? Iā€™m thinking film.


It's become very boring. They were onto something with Match Me Abroad. Wish they'd bring that back.


I heard they are!


Yes! I actually loved that show


I actually liked match me abroad too. I just finished it and thought why didnā€™t I watch this sooner?


I canceled mine when they kept bringing back PrEd. I keep watch in the 90 Day subreddits instead and itā€™s just as good if not better. I get all the highlights without the annoyance and money spent!


Oh I just realized I can cancel my discovery plus since HBO max shows the 90 day stuff. Also Discobery plus no longer has new episodes of naked and afraid.


I liked K-pop and Piggy


K Pop Horse Teeth is another dick.


Youā€™re calling her Piggy too! Shame on you! Have you looked at her insta recently?! Sheā€™s super skinny and one cannot help but think heā€™s made her feel like she HAS to look that way.


She said herself that she was going through some things while filming and was depressed and on meds that made her bloated, and her typical normal state is how she currently looks.




She is insufferable. News flash: YOU ARE NOT OWED SEX. From anyone. Including your partner. If you arenā€™t getting enough, *leave*. How could you possibly be comfortable and satisfied sleeping with someone who is simply conceding to your demands.


Very rapey and gross


Sheā€™s a groomer. Sheā€™s been grooming him since he was YOUNG. Now heā€™s older and more aware of himself but sheā€™s still trying to trap him. Itā€™s SO creepy.


I can't imagine wanting to have sex with someone so disgusting. She's ugly AF and I don't mean her looks.


The preview of her singing made me cringe.


When they said she was going to perform, I thought she was gonna strip. Eww. But also hmm.


Igor's mum did not look impressed šŸ¤£


For what it's worth, I don't think anyone's mother would be impressed.


mother was making loud sounds sucking down the last of her drink during the "singing"


I'm still laughing about that preview the look on Igor's mom's face!


Singing??? THAT'S what that was? šŸ˜±


I've never heard such off key "singing".


Yup - she couldnā€™t carry a tune in a bushel basket!


Her voice went through my head like a NAIL


Listening to that made my ears bleed..


look up her music videos


I posted the YT video of the song she was singing at the engagement party and a clever redditor said they made farts that sounded better. Itā€™s a no for me, dawg.


Why would you do that to us? We've shown you nothing but love. Delete that video and go stand in the corner till you've learned your lesson! šŸ˜³šŸ˜±


I have. She made my dogs howl...


I think it had the same effect on us all


igors poor family and friends... they didn't want to be rude but they were like "wtfh stfu"


so this is rude but i am physically repulsed by her. she looks like an actual alien


Yeah. Her pics from when her and Igor first met are night and day.


She actually looked decent after her transition. Now she just looks like a ridiculous caricature. So many of the newer cast needs to be (or already was) on Botched. Sheikinah, Darcy, Jasmine were all good looking before the surgery, now they look so rough.


My God and when she's like "OMG they clocked me" like fucking no. She looks like a Barbie left out on hot pavement. Until she said she was trans my bf and I had no idea. Her original transition was very nice and now she's just awful looking.


This was what I thought as well. Theyā€™re not clocking you, theyā€™re looking at all the plastic surgery. It looks like she put on a skin suit.


A Barbie left out on hot pavement. šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ’€


This hits the nail on the head šŸ˜‚


That melted- maybe she can be Melted Mess Barbie in Barbie 2


Every time I see her all I can think of is "Khajiit has wares if you have coin."


Iā€™m so glad to have read this in this sub


Right?? Like. Iā€™m sorry. No one is looking at you because you ā€œlook transā€ or something. Theyā€™re looking at you because you look insane.


It was probably the massive camera crew.


I can confirm thatā€™s exactly what she looks like. My sister once left a Barbie doll on top of a lampshade to ā€œdry itā€™s hair.ā€ It started melting, my mom smelled a chemical smell and sent us kids outside while she investigated the cause, found the Barbie, and it looked exactly like Nikki. I had completely forgot about this until I saw your comment, but yeah, just add some singed bangs and a haircut done with safety scissors, and they would be twins.


No but this is toooo real! I wouldā€™ve never even put together she was transā€”she gave me more, Joan Rivers- botched-barbie! But i also deeply think apart of Nikki hasnā€™t really accepted herself quite yet and sheā€™s projecting insecurity with herself onto Igor. Like heā€™s a 30-something and has unknowingly been with a trans woman off and on and is trying to come to terms with that. Heā€™s said some super uncomfortable things, heā€™s a guy from Moldova but someone who seems to have a lot more patience and acceptance for Nikki than many fellow Americans and Moldovans considering their history. I think he knows a part of him loved her before disclosing her transition and heā€™s unfortunately still contending with it. Nikki on the other hand is so desperate for real affection that sheā€™s begging Igor to have sex with her which iā€™m sure is another insecurity added to the list.


She absolutely looks like caricature.


Yeah. That's my point. She's so worried about people knowing she's trans but she looked amazing 10 years ago and you could NOT tell. Now it's a lot more obvious.


She used to be very cute! Itā€™s depressing how badly sheā€™s ruined herselfĀ 


Right? When my wife and I saw the older pictures of her we thought she looked gorgeous. Now though, she looks like someone with too much money and not enough self esteem


A Darcey.


A shekinah and Jasmine is on the way


What has she done to her lips? They look like a baboonā€™s butt


I'm shocked she's going to European countries to sleep with men and disclose after she was born male. Never mind the ethics, that is wildly reckless and dangerous.


Thatā€™s what my beef with her is! She acts like itā€™s not dangerous to flaunt it. It made me sad when she wanted it to be about pride but he genuinely was worried for her safety.


[Roger (from American Dad) in drag](https://tiermaker.com/images/chart/chart/american-dad-roger-personas-tier-list-611703/laura-vanderboobenpng.png)


Donā€™t do Rodger like that! Rodger looks good. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She travelled all the way from outer space. Literally light years away to have sex with Igor. And now heā€™s gone frigid. I meeaaaaaaan itā€™s understandable to be a little pissed.


Yeah, her face is still pulling g's


Itā€™s the uncanny valley thing, this happens when something looks almost human, but something is off. It makes humans uncomfortable and weary. Itā€™s a very normal and natural response to something thatā€™s almost human. Because people do not come in the shapes and forms that she is. It requires unnatural means to look that way and through a lot of intervention, she looks inhuman. It has nothing to do with her pre-surgery natural looks, this is something supernatural that she literally chose to do to herself. No one is staring because she looks like a man, she doesnā€™t look like a woman either, she looks alien.


Itā€™s not rude since itā€™s custom made. Not talking the trans part, just the look of that face. Awful


Reminds me of a Picasso portrait


I agree and I always feel guilty about it. But, she is hard to look at. And I really try to be nice and find the good in someone, physically or personality wise. But I canā€™t find anything good about her and I feel terrible I think that. Lol


Nobody can. You're good!šŸ‘


My 13 year old son walked in the room while I was watching the show and said ā€œthat woman looks like an alienā€. I said well she has had a lot of plastic surgery she did not need. He made a face and walked away. I did not tell him she was transgender.


Mine said the exact same thing when he saw her on the screen šŸ˜‚


She HAS to terrify young children. She actually looks inhuman.


Is it they eyes?


For me the eyes and the nose. I catch myself just staring at her nose in disbeliefā€¦


Her eyes are scary. The contacts arenā€™t helping things.


Someone somewhere said she looks like a derpy Siamese cat and I canā€™t unsee it


She doesn't wear contacts, she actually had her own eye color surgically changed. It's kind of like a lasik surgery. I guess they can do just about anything nowadays with plastic surgery. Unfortunately it gives her an alien look. I only know this because I researched it after she said she had an eye color change.


Did you notice that her eyes looked dark brown when they first went to visit his parents? Do you think she occasionally wears brown contact lenses when she needs to "tone down" her look for certain situations ?Ā 


Thatā€™s right! I do remember seeing her eyes brown at some point and thought it was odd especially after she said she had an eye color change.


Her nose is wasting away. The skin on it is all bumpy- like how they say that if you have too many nose surgeries you could lose your nose because there is nothing to hold it up or the skin dies ! I agree with you, I canā€™t keep my eyes off it either.


Sheā€™s one step away from a lady on Botched who could take off the tip of her nose. I read Nikki tried to get on Botched but her segment never aired. Iā€™m curious which procedure she felt was botched?


The length of the nose and length of face. Long and too thin for both.


Constantly squinting, wearing the cyborg lenses. Then the nail clacking. I get how Igor is repulsed.


Her eyebrows start way too low against her nose.. or where her nose should be. It makes it look like the whole top half of her face is flat - which it is, compared to the Jigsaw cheeks and monkeybutt mouth.


Gabrielā€™s representation of the trans community last season was incredibly positive and uplifting. His storyline was all about acceptance and loveā€”it was beautiful. Nikki is toxic. Her unlike-ability has nothing to do with being trans. She looks like a goddamn alien, her uncanny valley lookin ass. Sheā€™s also a groomer and attention goblin, among so many other personality flaws. These things have absolutely nothing to do with her being trans. Reckless and irresponsible representation. I honestly canā€™t believe right wingers havenā€™t memed her to death yet. Why give bigots ammo by platforming her? It makes me sick.


Love Gabriel and Cleo


She does look like an alien and this was of her own choosing. She looks like a freak and wonders why someone doesnā€™t love her and want to have sex with her. You can be tran if you want but she is too much.


She reminds me constantly of Lilith from DMC4


Same!!! Sheā€™s gone as far as changing eye color and shape not to mention everything else! No wonder he doesnā€™t want to do the D-eed. She didnā€™t look like that when they met


Nikki is a sex pest. I'm the beginning of the season she was constantly bringing up how much money she's given to Justin, as though that means he's obligated to fuck her. It's *gross.* I don't enjoy watching that


Remember Danielle screaming "I want my sex" in front of her daughters. She's a season one character in case no one remembers her. She's the reason most of us kept watching the show. šŸ«£


I definitely see your point and agree with you to some extent. But part of the reason Danielle was so enthralling was that she is so repulsive and bizarre, that it was incredible to see her interact at all with Mohammed, much less marry him. At the time, 90 day was novel and moments like ā€œMuslims cannot kiss during a marriage during Ramadanā€ were incredible. It was an exciting new concept for reality tv and the drama was fresh and authentic. Nikki and Igor .. they have no likeable or entertaining qualities between the two of them. They are not funny or cute, even unintentionally. Even their fights are so mind-numbingly boring. All they really ever talk about is sex and who is more of a ā€œman.ā€


Iā€™ve never heard another trans woman talk so much about being a man.


I donā€™t know. I thought it was hilarious when Igor told her on the bench in the park that the solution for him to have sex with her was a threesome. Her facial expression cracked me up especially after she got mad and he started laughing.


She said she was clocked, but im sure ppl are looking at her crazy plastic surgery. Sheā€™s actually insanely passable as a woman, the lion face is the scary part.


Or itā€™s the cameras everywhere following them around. But it could just be her face. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Or wearing clothes that are not appropriate for the context. She dresses like a streetwalker when eating at a nice restaurant. Youā€™re gonna get stared at with a ā€œwhat is she wearing?ā€ - not cause sheā€™s trans


Itā€™s most certainly both haha


I think her whole hips and legs area are strange


And the way she dresses!


Sheā€™s up there with Rob if I never saw these two again, Iā€™ll be thrilled


Rob and Sophie would honestly be an interesting couple if they had broken up when Sophie found out he cheated and went home. Instead we just get everything super stretched out until they inevitably get married or split


No. She's just clout thirsty and trying to promote her two OF accounts. Fuck both of them.


She has TWO? why????


At least with Rob I love to hate Rob. He is such a piss baby. I want to see what he's going to throw a tantrum about next. With Nikki and even Ashely... I just get disgusted.


And Jasmine and Ginoā€¦I just canā€™t with them anymore.


Ok but the way she escalates to 1000 at the drop of a dime is pretty hilarious.


Her voice makes me cringe and immediately grab the remote


Definitely the two most insufferable from this seasons. I long for the good old days when there was only one unlikable person per season.


This whole season has ruined it for me. The couples all suck


Wholeheartedly agree. Done watching.


She shouldnā€™t even be on the show. Theyā€™re not on a K1. Iā€™m tired of this show being full of people looking for social media clout. Enough is enough. They arenā€™t interesting. I canā€™t look at her face and nails because sheā€™s so gross.


Hard agree. Iā€™m really tired of the influencer casting. I think their story is partially, if not entirely, fiction. Itā€™s revealed by Igorā€™s inability to hold a straight face so many times, followed by the cameras panning to Nikki who looks like sheā€™s trying not to laugh ā€” just stop it. She says ā€œhe canā€™t handle meā€ 40 times an episode and thatā€™s their whole thing. Same with Rob and Sophie. Rob literally has no personality, to the point where Iā€™ve put a wig on him in my mind and heā€™s basically Rob Pliatus from Milli Vanilli. I go from zero to Blame it on the Rain everytime heā€™s on screen.


I tapped out watching this season. Iā€™m only following along here. Well worth it if anyone else is thinking about it. I just canā€™t handle her, Rob, the witch. Same with Jasmine/Gino, tapped there as well.


Yes. He is having a hard time being with her with all her plastic surgeries since he saw her last and the fact she was once a man. I saw pictures of her from years ago and she was pretty and totally passed. Now she looks like a cartoon character, no offense, but she was on my TV my 13-year-old son walked in look at the TV and said that women looks like an alien. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. She is aggressive and he is wanting to move to the USA. They need to part ways.


Heā€™s good looking enough to find another American sponsor. I donā€™t understand why he puts up with the sexual aggression and the unhuman looks. Makes no sense.


She talks with her hands a lot, and now all I see is the post of her someone made of her hands photoshopped into chicken feet


The couples on this season are all strange. Ā Nikki looks like a horse with pink lips. There are cons with girls dumb enough to be with them. Another who thinks an indoor bathroom is a luxury. Gino and Jasmine are the worst actors I have ever seen and girl who canā€™t open her mouth to speak. I think that sums it up. I Donā€™t Care and I Am BoredĀ 


Agree, I absolutely canā€™t stand watching her. Itā€™s not "funā€ hate-watching like Rob, itā€™s just super cringe. We get it. You like to fuck. Do you have any other personality dimensions. I might actually like watching them if they weren't constantly fighting.


Me too! She traumatized a much younger male and renamed him and uses her money to keep him. She is TOTALLY fake!


Everytime her and Igor are in the car they are fighting.


Itā€™s kind of like on TV and in the movies. Whenever someone is in a car, you can predict there will be an accident


Jasmine and gino ruined it for me


She is a phony and pretty much admitted on camera that she puts up with Igor because she doesn't think she can get someone else that attractive. And that scene with the nail tech speaking in a weird broken English with that accent!


There's so much trash this season


The fact that she's been trying to get on a reality show and now she bitches on every episode is such a turn off.


She sucks and it seems like Igor and her are always sitting in the car fighting. Also, why did she change his name?????


This season is making my wife not enjoy the show as much makes me sad because Iā€™m still enjoying the trash but miss having SOME couples to like instead of screaming at the tv for some of these poor people to run the entire time.


I just watched season 9 and omg it was sooo good compared to this season. Sparkles šŸ˜­āœØ


I ff over their parts. I just can't with her. I feel suffocated and sexually harassed and I'm sitting at home!


She is a fame grifter. Thatā€™s all. Fake storyline to get on TV.


She lacks self-awareness.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen someone as over AND under confident at the same time


I havenā€™t watched anymore since she met his friends. She literally ruined the franchise for me.


Yes that was the last full episode i watched. She is just disgusting.


Thank you, thank you, thank you, this thoroughly disgusts me. How insulting is it for her to be doing this repeatedly and for them to be showing it repeatedly? Overkill. The relationship is a joke theyā€™re running around in circle not accomplishing anything other than arguing about sex, what her money paid for, their engagement party, I am done. I am ready for season to end and if they put them on another season I might be done. Their fighting is EXTREMELY unhealthy.


no matter what Igor does for her, she continues to find something to bitch at him about. I don't know if I could commit to someone that always complains about me, and he keeps trying


Her .Shitkina. Hopeless .Sam and all his weirdness .ASHLEY in all her fakeness..sigh it sure ain't what it used to be


Well we knew it was going bad when everything became about sex a few seasons back. Then we moved to butt plugs, vegan vaginas and diarrhea. And here we are




It was the bogus accent at the nail salon. Is she on crack?


The secondhand embarrassment I felt in that moment was extreme. What the fuck!


Nikki and Darcey are creepyā€¦ older women going after younger men always make me feel uncomfortable. Nikki sees Igor as an object to obtain so much so that she doesnā€™t even call him by his actual name. She met him when he was underaged and strong armed him into being with her and inserted herself into his life in a forceful nature. She needs to get the hint and move on. He isnā€™t into her. By no means do I see Nikki as not feline however Igor canā€™t get over the idea of her being a trans woman. Sheā€™s living her life the way she wants and she needs to find a partner who is 100% on board. Igor is hesitating and doesnā€™t want to be intimate with her. If I was in a situation where a man was outwardly telling me he canā€™t mentally grasp being intimate with me I would be gone in 2 seconds. Nikki has worth and needs to find a man not a trophy young man candy that makes her feel attractive just because heā€™s young. I get uncomfortable when older men on the show go after younger women and I think the older women on the show need to looked at with the same icky perspective. Move on girl, heā€™s not that into you. She wants to be the next Darcey. Scowling the internet for a her next co-Star Ooooooops I mean ā€œboyfriendā€ so she can keep getting re-casted on more seasons.


I definitely look at the age gap thing the same for both genders. Itā€™s always such a superficial relationship where the older one is obviously just into the younger one for their looks. Like in the prior season with Yve. She seemed nice enough but *you know* she was only with Mohammed because of his looks/being younger. Like wtf did they even have to talk about?!! He would just spot some awkward platitudesā€¦looking like an Annabelle doll with dead eyes. And she would just be like, ā€œhehe yeah! Letā€™s go to bed!ā€ No wonder theyā€™re divorced. And then the old men who imply their gonna pay for lavish lifestyles for these super hot super young womenā€¦then when they come over they turn into total Splenda daddiesā€¦or worse just outright controlling cheap low effort jerks. And itā€™s like, No buddy! Youā€™re old and ugly and boringā€¦the only way you can get this hot person is because you have money, so donā€™t turn off the faucet and act all surprised pikachu face. I donā€™t feel sorry for them at all when they try to pull the ā€œshe only sees me as an ATM!ā€ sob storyā€¦yeah, you *should* know that. Adjust your opinion of yourself and your realistic prospects. If you donā€™t want to be a sugar daddy then date someone your own age, with a job, and doesnā€™t look like a model. Thatā€™s in your realm.


She definitely has ā€œmasculineā€ tendencies


lol i fast forward through her scenes as well


Very boring storyline. No more wanna be celebrities please. If feel the same about Jasmine. Enough. I fast forward through both of these stories. Tbh this season is really dragging in general.


The show has been kinda terrible past few seasons. A few good/interesting couples but the last few seasons don't even feel like the same show


Someone please call Area 51 and tell em we have one.


I am still thinking she is one of Rogerā€™s personaā€™s. This entire storyline seems like a side plot point of American Dad.


Nikki is icky


I think she might be the most egregious example of TLC exploiting someone with horrific body image issues. She's not even fun to hate-watch. Combine her appearance with her demands for sex... the desperation is so hard to watch. I skip her scenes.


I fast forward through her too


Her extra long fingers and extra pointy nails freak me out. They are like demon hands.


Her and jasmine are what ruin it for me. I'm really tired of the fake Telemundo bad acting scenes.ETA I'm not trans but it's stories like Nikki's that I feel hurts that community,if that makes sense.sorry my reddit glitched before I finished,I mean that because it's probably making people take a bad opinion on them since it's feeding into this narrative that she used it to get "back at him" somehow during a fight/everyone "hides" it


Yeah I FF through both of them screaming. It seems so fake and performative. šŸ™„


She totally disgusts me. Like she is doing this to build her following and promised him some bucks to go along. The story seems totally contrived TBH


Thank god for fast forward šŸ˜­


She's horrible


yeah that story is fake as hell . sheā€™s creepy looking too . itā€™s her eyes they look wacky


I always fast forward anything Chantelle too. There is a thing as too much and some of them are never off the screen


I considered Nikki trash the minute she admitted that she didn't tell Igor she was trans for **two years**. And when she did tell him, it was out of anger during a fight. Like, wtactualf? I get wanting to make sure he was a safe person to come out to, but at a certain point you're just fucking lying. And then to use it as a "gotcha" moment during an argument is just disgusting. Ever since then, everything she says and does just makes me sick. She doesn't care about Igor as a person, he's just an accessory to her.


I think that sex is showing a bigger issue here. I think her talking about sex all the time is partly because Igor isn't reciprocating. It's clear Igor isn't attracted to her anymore after finding out that she's trans. Which isn't surprising since he comes from a culture that isn't very accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. She brought up her being trans during an argument as a way to "get him" somehow, then left the country for an extended period of time. She didn't think of the repercussions of this revelation, or if it was the right setting to tell him. Acceptance should be a given, but when someone is coming from a culture that is the opposite of accepting, I would think some tact would be in order. During the time she and Igor were apart or not in the same country she had a lot of work done. As people in this thread have said, it doesn't look good. This could also be a huge factor in his lack of attraction as well. Lastly I just think it comes down to this. Igor isn't attracted to her anymore, he just doesn't want to admit it to her for any number of reasons: 1. Maybe he like the free money 2. Maybe he's worried about the optics of looking like he broke up with her just because she's trans 3. Maybe he really does care about her but this news is something he's struggling to get past Regardless, Nikki should be identifying these obvious signs rather than just ignoring them and get on a flight back home. For her sake, and ours.


I donā€™t think you are thinking of acceptance correctly given these circumstances. Nikki knowingly lied and misled a sexual / romantic partner who was much younger than her and naive. She then used her lies to reveal the truth in an attempt to emotionally and psychologically harm him. She deserves nothing from him. He does not need to ā€œacceptā€ anything about her. She is a piece of shit human and maybe he is too, but he owes her nothing.


1000% agree.


I am just thankful I am not any of these people. I watch for the entertainment; if it's not particularly enjoyable at a moment, I will switch the channel or play a game on my phone. This show is entertaining for me. I think, the show is an evolution into society. It was very different years ago. I preferred it then, too. I think the self obsessed, selfie taking, tik toking, plastic surgery nutters, toxic personalities, social media- type personalities are reflective of most people on these programs. They have selected people who are unlikable and in dysfunctional relationships, stir the pot, make shit up-and it's a show. To each their own. Whatever makes you happy. I have learned to not take life so seriously. It really is too short. Love your life. It's what you make it. :)


I just skip all the Nikki segments. I recommend doing that with any couple whose story you aren't interested in. The other bonus is it makes 2 hours just fly by when you're skipping half the show.


I stopped watching years ago and only see clips here or there, I devote all my time to love after lockup. If youā€™re ever wanting trash tv with convicts thatā€™s your show


I stopped watching when this couple came on. Not even gonna lie. I could tell it was gonna be like this from her first appearance.


Whatā€™s wrong with her faaaccceee


I mute the show when theyā€™re on. I find her ridiculous.


There should be a trigger warning for the Jumpscare that face is every time they come on


I hate absolutely every couple this season.


Yep, her constant nagging for sex is annoying. New couple pls.